Why Only Now?






Where the hell are you G-dragon?!!!!!!!!


Dara sprinted out of the cab as soon as they reached the place. She didn’t even care about the rain soaking her all over.


She ran at the entrance of the theme park. It was already closed. She called out helplessly for G-dragon.


“ G-DRAGOOOOOONN!!!!! YOU BRAT!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU????!!!! “ She looked around but found no one. She was thinking if that guy already went home.


She remembered him saying Everland 4pm. I’ll wait for you there. She shook her head.


“ That guy! Argh! I’ll call him .. Oh crap my phone’s soaking wet! .. “ She was already getting annoyed and kicked the pebble right on her foot. She heard a faint sound coming from her far left. It seems that she hit something.


“ What is --- ???? “ She rushed to where the sound came from.


“ This is the theme park’s statu ------  … OMO! G-DRAGOOOOOOOONN???!!! “ She saw G-dragon sitted and snuggled at the statue’s back. He was already wet from the rain.


“ YAAAAAAAHHH!!!! GET UP! COME HERE! “ She nudged him but he only glanced at her with half-closed eyes.


“ G-dragon! It’s me Dara! Get up! “


“ Da …. Da … Da .. Dara? … Yo … You .. You’re h … here?  I’ve … been .. waiting …. For … you ..”

He still managed to smile a little for her. She helped him get up. Both of them were already soaking wet from the rain. He must have stayed under the pouring rain from hours.


“ Yah! Why didn’t you just go home? Why did you have to wait for me? You could get sick from what you’re doing! “

She managed to pull G-dragon, as he was very weak to stand and walk on his own


“ I … I …. told … you … that .. I’ll .. be waiting right? “ He smirked at her as if acting cool over the matter.


“ You’ve stayed under the rain for so many hours? Weren’t you thinking? Look at you already freezing cold .. “ She noticed G-dragon shivering. She looked worried now. G-dragon seemed pale too.


“ We have to wait for the cab .. Why didn’t I bring and umbrella today? Psh. “ 


G-dragon had his eyes closed already and he sat there shivering.


“ G-dragon … Are you alright? “ She was already feeling cold. Why hasn’t the cab arrive yet? How long are they gonna stay like that?


“ I … I .. I … I’m cold …. “ She looked at G-dragon, he can’t stop shivering and it’s already worrying her much. She can’t do anything for her clothes were also wet. What can she do?


“ Da … Da … Da .. Darraaaa .. “  She can’t think of anything. She suddenly grabbed G-dragon and pulled him into a hug.







“ I’m really sorry about today .. Let’s wait a little more till the cab comes .. Arasso? “



They arrived home safely. Dara ushered G-dragon to his room. She immediately took a towel to dry him off. 


“ G-dragon, we’re already home .. Can you change clothes by yourself? “ G-dragon really looked pale and answered only with a nod. She assisted him to the bathroom and got some clean clothes for him.


“ Just call me when you’re finished okay? I’ll just have to dry myself too .. “ She went into the other room and got herself some towel. Good thing she left some of her clothes so she can change. Just as she was going to the kitchen, she heard some noise coming from G-dragon’s room.




She ran over to see what happened. She was shocked to see G-dragon unconscious on the floor.


“ G-DRAGON! WHAT HAPPENED? ARE YOU ---- OMO! “ He was burning hot from a high fever.




She laid him one the bed. She was dead worried about him now.





She just can’t leave him.


She needs him now and this was all her fault.




G-dragon woke up feelin a light headache and his body still weak. He looked around and recognized that he was in his room.


“ What .. ? “ He looked around and found Dara lying uncomfortably on the couch, sleeping. He remembered she came last night at the theme park. He waited and stayed there even when the rain poured down heavily. He must have gotten sick from that.


“ Oh you’re awake already? “ Dara woke up, her eye bags clearly showing.


“ Ah yeah .. How come you were … “


“ Oh that .. I went to the theme park last night and I found you there .. “


“ Speaking of that … Why didn’t you come? I waited for you ..”


“ Who told you to wait for me? Pabo .. “


“ Yah! I called you the night before right? I said we’ll meet there! Don’t act as if you don’t know about it! “


“ YAH! I didn’t even said yes that night and I can’t hear you clearly that’s why I’ve forgotten about it! Why are you blaming me? Brat .. “


I shouldn't said sorry to this spoiled brat! 


“ Aish. This woman .. It’s written in the rules!!!!! Don’t you forget about that!!!!! “


“ Okay, I’ll take responsibility for it because you got sick ..”


“ Oh yes .. You really have to .. and you have to make up for it “


“ Make up for it? What do you mean? “


Dara saw the familiar smirk from G-dragon. He’s planning not something good again.





“ A slave coupon … “




“ Wae? Got problem with that? I got sick because I waited for you like hours and you’ve forgotten about it when it’s included in the rules!!! And --- “


“ OKAY! Stop nagging about it. “  G-dragon flashed his winning smile. He won in this argument.


“ Let’s talk about that slave coupon … “















“ I’m sure you gonna like it .. “ She does not like the way that sounds. This guy’s planning something again! Argh! 













I slept around 3 am last night. I should have finished this earlier but I was watching GTO. LOL. I got carried away. Anyways the previous chapter was inspired by that scene from BOF. True. I really like that scene so I made one too but I tried to make it unique for this story. Hope you guys like it. :)

This smirk. LOL



P.S Where you at my KwonNarsha girl? I'm returning what I've borrowed from you! LOL :)




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Chapter 42: Kyaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!
greiyz_14 #2
Chapter 60: Please update this beautiful story authornim
heiress #3
Chapter 60: Stay strong DaraGon!!
cottonmouth95 #4
Chapter 32: Seungri is my bias actually.. ♥
cottonmouth95 #5
Chapter 29: The movie lasted for 6hrs?? They went in at 4 and left at 10?? I'm kwonfused..
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Chapter 60: Please update soon
Chapter 60: Ta-da! Cliffhanger :(
kryung13 #8
Chapter 60: Now bominator on coz misuderstanding, i feel sad for dara. authornim, can you let jiyong know dara condition and let he see her?
Chapter 60: Can Jiyong talk to Dara first so there will be no misunderstandings? T.T

I feel bad for Jiyong because he has to lie, and for Dara 'coz eventually she will know about Jiyong's lie.
wenkie0414 #10
Chapter 60: next please