Eighteenth Page

Wishes and Dreams


"Do you like him that much, Lee Suji?"

Minseo and I were still at the rooftop. The building we were in has seven floors, so when we looked down, the busy bodies below seemed like ants to us. It was twilight, and the sky above bled red. The mighty sun was fading, the fluffy clouds were slowly blocking it.


"I thought we were friends. Why did you pull that stunt out of the blue? Why did you confess to Myungsoo?" His voice was loud, obviously mad.

"You knew?" My emotion contrasted his panicked tone. I was calmed.


"He was practically shoving the paper containing your great confession in our butts."


I diverted my eyes away from his fiery gaze. I thought Myungsoo has kept my admission a secret, judging from how the Boys looked oblivious. It seemed as though I have forgotten that Myungsoo has friends he'll probably tell his secrets to.

"I thought we were friends!"

"We are!"

"But why didn't you tell me about your mischievous plan of confessing to Myungsoo? Why didn't you let me know? You were so firm about not confessing with Jungkook, yet you did it easily with Myungsoo? Do you like Myungsoo more than Jungkook?"

His questions came fast, one after the other. Minseo barely gave out emotions, since he needed to stick to his image of being mysterious, yet I was sure that his eyes portrayed the definition of disappointment. I wanted to answer all his questions to avoid turning him down, but in the course of me finding the answers, I lost interest to do so.

So I just shrugged my shoulders instead.

"Do you know what could happen now that you've confessed? You're lucky Jungkook doesn't know it yet that his not the apple of your eye anymore. You could have at least told me. I am so disappointed on you. Why did you do such a thi-"

Before he can utter another question that starts with a why, I raised my left hand to silence him.

"I did not know I'll be confessing to him that time. Everything was done in a rush. Even I, myself, was taken aback."

"So what's your plan now?"

"I don't know."

And in that exact moment, the Boys emerged from the canteen below. Taehyung was leading the pact, the other walking behind him. You and Myungsoo were at the rear. Your arm was around him, presumably headlocking him. The two of you were laughing about a joke I can't hear. I stared at your back, all because it was all I can see due to the distance. The back I knew too well.

Minseo followed my gaze, quickly looking at his friends. Him wanting to be with me that day instead of being with his friends was a great mystery to me.

"So, you don't like Jungkook anymore?" Minseo said, returning to our conversation.

I shrugged again.

"Don't tell me that you like both of them? That will be ridiculous."

Another shrug of shoulders.

"Do you regularly think about both of them?"


"Do both of them make your heart skip?"


"Who weighs more in your heart- Jungkook or Myungsoo?"


"Suji, you are not helping me."

I was about to shrug for the nth time but stopped midway.

"I don't know!" I confessed. "It was Jungkook, it was always him. But one day I woke up and then my mind started to get polluted with thoughts regarding Myungsoo. Everything was a pandemonium in my mind. Myungsoo was unintended. I did not thought that I'll fall for his antics."

"But you did." He said with full remorse, I almost thought he was bitter about me liking my seatmate.

"You're a smart person, Minseo. So I thought you'll notice my weird gestures, and then you'll probably figure out I like someone else."

"Well, I need to remind you. You're not the only one I needed to look at," he snapped.

"I know you're disappointed because you were the last person who knew about it, and you've heard it not from me, but from someone else. I know that you support me and Jungkook together. I know you were always there, encouraging me to never give up. Yet, now we need to face the truth." I in a deep breath, preparing myself for what I'm about to say. Preparing myself to accept what I'm about to say. "Jungkook and I will never be together. The chances of us getting together is so slim. He can't even look at me. We don't talk. So we won't work. Most likely."


He looked unimpressed by my explanation so I continued talking.


"You don't need to worry too much. Myungsoo treats my confession as nothing. He doesn't care. During these past few days, nothing changed." Then I remembered the words Myungsoo threw at me an hour ago. "Except for what happened today. You found me here because I was annoyed at Myungsoo. Out of the blue, he told me to stay far away from him and to stop whatever I'm feeling for him. He sounded different. I don't also know why."

Minseo looked taken aback from what he heard. He asked me why. I recounted the unfortunate event that happened. He was listening intently as if his whole life depends on every syllable coming out of my mouth.

"The questions you've asked me. Maybe I wasn't able to give you a plausible answer because I am still in the process of weighing down as to which side I will favor. I am confused.My heart yields two answer. Two names. Two persons." I said, my eyes unable to look at Minseo's. "What I'm thinking is: since I cannot decide myself, I'm gonna let destiny do the work. I'm gonna let fate bring me to where I am supposed to be."

"That's your plan?!" He was mad again. His loud voice making me cringe.

"I know it's foolish... and unfair. But right now, my plan is whoever shows any possible chance with me, will be the one I'll choose."

"You mean, if Myungsoo shows some signs that he likes you, you're going to choose him?"

I nodded my head at his question. Minseo's eyes grew wide. His jaw dropped out of shock. He began massaging his temple. He looked like he would drop on his knees. A loud silence accompanied the two of us. Minseo then looked at me again, this time his expression matched that of a doctor telling his patient he has only three months to live.

"What are we gonna do with Jungkook?" It was a whisper, yet I was still able to hear his words. Your name was- although highly objected- still a sensitive sound to my ears.

"What do you mean?"

He scratched his head, like a helpless kid unable to answer a math problem his teacher gave him. "I said, what are we gonna do with Jungkook?"


He finally explained to me the reason why he was so desperate on finding me. He told me that you plan to do something on Valentine's Day. Of course, as your friends, the Boys can't help but become bewildered with your weird intention.

"All he said was that he's going to confess to the girl he has loved all his life in February 14. He also added, that he'll give us clues about the identity of this mystery girl before the big day will come."

It perked up my attention. You, Jungkook, having someone as the love of your life was a big reveal. You were always paired with girls, yet you never bat an eye when it comes to them. I seemed to have forgotten that you're a young man, too.

"And.... what's my role in his plan?"

He turned around. Minseo's profile was surrounded by the painful beam of the sun, he looked ethereal.

"I think I already know who this mystery girl is."

"Who?" I asked again, sounding like a parrot for echoing his words.



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Chap 18 is posted! I'm sorry not having daily updates, I lost my usb. But now I found it! Tune in for tomorrow's update, THE ADVENTURE IS ABOUT TO BEGIN!


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Mandarinhibiscus #1
Chapter 21: Awwww don't force yourself to update if you're not feeling well. I hope you get better, great chapter btw
Chapter 21: Awww I hope you are feeling better! Your health is more important! Take your time updating, I don't mind waiting. Update when you can! Thank you for this cha
Chapter 21: The you here is jungkook right??
Update soon! I really miss your updates T-T
Mandarinhibiscus #5
Chapter 20: So cute. Even tho I ship myungsooxsuji
Chapter 20: YAYYY jungkook x suji moment!! finally!!!
Chapter 19: WHAT THE....
i have to re-read everything from the beginning later so that i can get everything is this story right...
how did jungkook like suji? O.o
Chapter 18: who's minseo?