Being with you..

That Words...

"Mom..I'm home." Yongbae voice out. Mrs Dong, who is being in the kitchen rushing to the living room to meet his son. Jiyong followed Yongbae from behind, feeling nervous to meet Yongbae's parent. "Mom, this is my friend, Kwon Jiyong. I slept over at his place last night and I bring him home today to continue our discussion on our group project. Jiyong, this is my mother" Yongbae introduced them toward each other. "Good evening, Mrs Dong. I'm Kwon Jiyong. Nice to meet you." Greet Jiyong politely. "Omo...what a beautiful friend you have here. I thought you are the pretiest among them all, Yongbae ah...Please keep yourself comfortable Jiyong ah. No need to be formal. You can just call me aunty. I'm glad that you came. I am preparing for dinner. Let's eat together after this." Mrs Dong welcoming Jiyong with warm heart. "We will be in the room" said Yongbae and guiding Jiyong upstairs to his room.

"Welcome to my palace. Here are the place that prince like me is staying." Yongbae smile when they step inside the room. Jiyong look around. The room is away too small compare to his but it has been organized neatly. Even though it only using simple furniture but it's look comfortable in Jiyong's eyes. "It's look fine for me, I prefer room like this rather than the dungeon that I have." Said Jiyong smiling brightly. They both busy talking about the thing in that room for the first hour since they get into that room. Jiyong really interested in the word art that hanging on the wall which Yongbae claim as his hobby. There are some beautiful poetry that makes Jiyong ended reading it with an awe. But, what makes Jiyong cramp with silence when he notice most of the words are relates with loneliness and heartbroken. A concern linger in his heart to know more about Yongbae, the reason why he step away from the world around him.

"Yongbae, bring Jiyong downstairs. Your father has return, so let's have dinner together." Yongbae's mother calling from downstairs which makes the two friends stop whatever they are doing. "Ok mom.." Yongbae answered while looking directly to Jiyong. "Sorry, dinner won't be served in this room like you always have. My mom always believed eating together is a key to ensure the family get close. So, shall we?" Jiyong nod with a smile. Deep inside his heart he really envy Yongbae for having a great parents. That answered how Yongbae have such a kind and nice personality that he admired the most.
"Hi dad, let me introduce my friend here Kwon Jiyong. Jiyong let's meet my dad." Said Yongbae after reaching a living room where his father is sitting."Good evening Mr Dong. Nice to meet you." Jiyong giving 90degrees bowing towards Yongbae's father. Mr Dong stand up and walking closer to Jiyong. "Hi Jiyong, nice to meet you too. Just call me uncle. I'm glad that I have an opportunity to get to know the person who is being a friend to my son. This is the first time he bring someone." Yongbae's father caressing Jiyong's shoulder with comfort makes Jiyong feels like he been welcomed. "Let's have dinner together." Invite Mr Dong while hooking his arm around Jiyong shoulder and heading to dining room which had been served with homemade dinner.
They having dinner in peaceful and friendly atmosphere makes Jiyong feels at ease. Yongbae's parents treat him like their own son. For Jiyong, having a family dinner together is something that old enough for him to remember. They got a big dining table, which had been customized from high quality imported granite. But his busy parents never had a chance to sit together like this although how luxury is the dining table they have. By looking at this moment, Jiyong understand why Yongbae's mother strict on the rule for family to eat together.  The food also taste so good while sharing it together like this. "Yongbae is very fortunate." Thought his mind.

They returned back to the room after having dinner and some talks with Yongbae's parents. Jiyong less awkward compare from earlier. He easily get used with the house. They had freshen up and wearing something that is more comfortable for that night, 
 "So, can we continue our assignment?" Asked Yongbae while reaching the reference books they had gather from the library.
"Yes, I think we can complete it by today since there are only some information that we need to elaborate." Answered Jiyong.
"I'm glad doing this assignment with you. It makes more easier for me to discuss compare the other group assignment which I had done before." Said Yongbae while gazing Jiyong who already landed himself on the floor with big pillow supporting his chess and leg crossed toward each other.
"How did you do your group discussion before?" Asked Jiyong eager to know.
"Hmm.. Actually we don't do the discussion. Everyone had been devided to each subtopic and we had to do it by ourselves. We only meet once to combine those informations before submitting.That is why it is hard to score for higher marks." Explained Yongbae.
"It surely hard" agreed Jiyong. "But, Yongbae ah..can I asked you something?" Jiyong turn to facing directly on Yongbae.
"What is it?" Yongbae looking at Jiyong anticipatedly.
"Why are you alone? I'm still remember that you once said, you are lonely even though you are being popular as far that I'm concerned" Asked Jiyong being straight forward.
Yongbae had taken back when hear sudden question from Jiyong. He never explain to anyone why he is closed to his surrounding. All started because of that incident.. The memory that he kept years back then. Even though have been old enough but that memory really pricked his heart deeply. He doesn't want to remember but lately, it's all coming back to him. Nonetheless, he will not reveal it to anyone including Jiyong, because it supposely to be forget...he wish.
"Maybe because of my personality..." He said covering the pain that linger his heart.
"But you are doing fine with me." Said Jiyong while gazing Yongbae's reaction who had been frowned with silence.
"Because your personality is bright enough to light me up." Yongbae forcing his smile. Their eyes meet like relaying some understanding to get over with those question.
"But I just like you being the way you are, so that you will just being with me.." Said Jiyong unpretentiously while turn back to focus on his book. He knows that Yongbae holding his secret but he doesn't want to spoil Yongbae's mood.


It's quarter past eleven. They managed to finish their assignment at last. Yongbae checking for couples of time to ensure it has been completed successfully.
"Yeay...we did it." Yongbae cheered up. He looking at Jiyong who is yawning. That is for the 10th times as Yongbae count. "You look so sleepy. It's already done. Go to the bed and have some sleep." Asked Yongbae to Jiyong.
"'s ok, I can just sleep here. The bed is too far." He murmured between his pouty lips.
"Far? You can reach by your hand Jiyong ah. Come on..your body will be aching if you sleep here. I don't want to be blame if you wake up in pain tomorrow morning." Yongbae still trying to persuade but Jiyong already close his eyes without bothering what Yongbae is saying. Within a minutes Yongbae could here Jiyong snoring a bit. Yongbae smile while looking at his friend. "He surely been tired lately." Yongbae hold Jiyong carefully to bring him on the bed. His skinny and slander body makes Yongbae manage to carry him easily. "How come I let you sleep on the floor when you treat me with a comfort bed. You silly" Yongbae land himself beside Jiyong after switch off the light. The room has been showered by the moonlight. Yongbae turn to look at Jiyong. "I really hope you will be different from the person that I know because I don't want to lose something that I cherish the most....again." He close his eyes, resting his mind and swipe away unpleasant thought about his past for the sake of his future.


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Adri456 #1
Chapter 33: Wow, love this fic! I know it's been a long time you haven't update but i still hoping that you will do it coz this story is so good !
aikoXI #2
Chapter 33: Yeah, friendship last longer. Gdyb forever?
vododoll #3
Chapter 33: Thank u for thiiiiis - I hope teayang will love jiyong for real like a lover >< I feel sad for jii Oppaaa
jasmine751 #4
Chapter 33: Well, at least they're somewhat together. Is this fic ending soon?
Chapter 32: Oh these 2, They keep hurting each other. I hope Bae figures out his head soon and confesses to Ji. He's so stubborn
jasmine751 #6
Chapter 32: They're feeling so much pain :(
Chapter 32: Aghh why they so cute i hope they get together soon>< thanks for the updqte author-nim^^
vododoll #8
Chapter 31: Please update im dying here T_____T
Chapter 31: Oh, these babies.... Bae... just figure it out already... AISH!
aikoXI #10
Chapter 31: Please Youngbae, u're so blind.