
That Words...


“Hello…Yongbae ah”

“Jiyong ah…Hai, what’s up?”

“What are you doing? Did I disturbed you?” asked Jiyong in worry.

“No..It’s ok. I just finish my dinner and right now I’m in my room try to search some information for our group assignment. Have you eaten?” Yongbae try to get into conversation.

“Not yet. Doesn’t feels like want to. I try to study for that also, that is why I keep thinking about you. Maybe it is better if we do it together.” said Jiyong.

“I’m agree with that. This thing need a discussion. How about we stay back at the library tomorrow?” suggest Yongbae calmly.

“Tomorrow? I thought we can meet tonight…err..but it’s ok if you don’t want to. So, see you tomorrow then.” said Jiyong with a disappointment.



“Are you ok? Is there something wrong?”

“’s ok. See you tomorrow Yongbae. Bye.” Jiyong end the call.


Yongbae still looking at his phone once the call has been disconnected. His curiosity rises after Jiyong end it that way. He can feel that Jiyong hiding something. “What’s wrong with him? why his voice seems so tense?” . He try to focus on his book but his mind can’t stop thinking about Jiyong. He take a glance to the clock in front of him. 8.40pm.Yongbae quickly change his cloth, reach his backpack and rushing his steps along the stairs to leave his home.

“Mom, dad…I go to my friend’s house to discuss our assignment.” he shout from the front door.

“At this hour? What time you will be back?” asked his mother but received no answer and noticed that Yongbae is already gone. “Why is he leaving so sudden?” asked his mother and looking towards her husband. Mr. Dong just shrug his shoulder. “Just let him be, that is how teenager supposed to be. Hang out with friends and do some stuff.” he just smile to his lovely wife . Even though he never meet with the person that had been friend with his son but he really grateful to see how Yongbae has changed lately.



Yongbae stand infront of the gate before it automatically open when he rang the bell. He slowly step in and heading to the high quality of entry door. The same women that greeted him from his first visit to that house has standing there once again to greet him with a warm smile.

“Err…good evening, sorry for coming at this hour. Can I see Jiyong?” Yongbae asked politely.

“Good evening.  Jiyong is in his room. Please come in and help yourself, Yongbae.”

“Thank you.” Yongbae bow slightly and directly heading to Jiyong’s room. He knocking the solid wood door and waiting for the person inside to open the door. “What?!!” the voice answered from afar behind the close door, but it sound so annoyed and arrogant. Yongbae just stay silence, try to be calm. He is not sure either this is the good decision to make or not. After waiting for a while, there is still no sign that the door will be open. He pull a courage to knock again, and this time more louder. His heart beats faster as the sound footsteps coming nearer and he skip his breath when the door has been unlock from inside, ready to face with the owner. The door slowly open and Yongbae just stand there focusing on the high grade laminating floor.

“Wha…YONGBAE?!!!” Yongbae head up to face with the shocking boy in front of him. The annoyance has been replace with an excited grinned and Yongbae smile.

“Hi..Hope you don’t mind to receive a guest at this hour.” Yongbae wave his hand. Jiyong almost jump towards Yongbae when he saw that guy. He quickly grab that hand and pull him inside the room and close back the door. Yongbae surprised for the sudden attack and look at Jiyong with confusion, hoping to get some explanation but that guy just looking at him without a word. Their eyes focusing toward each other, like time has been stopped for a moment, drown the two of them in their own world.

“Errr…Ji…” Yongbae called once again, feeling uncomfortable with Jiyong’s gaze that beaming towards him, which makes him flutter for no reason and at that time he noticed those eyes are a bit puffy and redden.

Jiyong shooks his head and quickly let go of Yongbae’s hand. He try to cover his embarrassment when he realized that he acted out of control. Yongbae’s sudden existence in front of him is something that he never expected after having short conversation over the phone just now. His unconscious mind almost make him lean against that person and hold for a tight embrace. That is how he really wish that guy to be with him at this moment.

“Sorry…I’m just too excited seeing you here.” said Jiyong and pull back his step and turn himself and walk urgently to his study table and close the folder in his laptop which had been open while he was alone in that room.

“I didn’t expect you will come” said Jiyong heading to the couch where Yongbae already sit comfortably.

“Me too..” Yongbae grinned, and Jiyong just smile hearing those answer.

“But my mind keep asking me to come here, so here I am.” he added and looking at Jiyong who land himself next to him.

“Thanks…” answered Jiyong , short.

“And I think I had made a right decision on that……” His eyes never leave Jiyong alone. “What’s wrong, Ji?” he asked out of sudden. Jiyong head up, bring his eyes to meet with other’s and quite surprised when he saw a concern look on the other’s face.

“What do you mean? Why are you looking me like that? Nothing is wrong… I’ve already mention earlier, I don’t mind if we discuss about the assignment tomorrow.” Jiyong try to be as calm as possible. He doesn’t want Yongbae to notice his feeling at that moment. But Yongbae is not a person who is easily to be fooled.

“Come here…” Yongbae signal Jiyong to get closer. Jiyong just follow without knowing what Yongbae want to do. He move his body and lean closer to Yongbae. Yongbae fold up and bring his face closer to Jiyong, and slowly moving his thumb to touch the corner of Jiyong’s eyes.

“I believed that sweat will not coming from our eyes and so far that I know, the only clear liquid that flows from our eyes like this is called tears.” Yongbae locking his gaze on Jiyong. Jiyong startled when he noticed the gap is too close to be ignored. He could feels Yongbae’s breath on his face. He pull back while wiping his remaining tears which he doesn’t know it still there  and his heart start to racing up thinking about the moment when Yongbae’s face that almost brushing his face.

“So..why?” Yongbae still doesn’t want to change the topic. He lean on his back and folded arms.

“I've told’s nothing. Maybe it was there when I had yawned before you came here.” said Jiyong giving an excused.

Yongbae smirking. “Yeah…maybe that puffy and redden eyes also because you were already asleep before I’m coming here.” said Yongbae with sarcastic tone. “Ok..if you said like that. I think there is no point I come here at this hour then. Maybe I should just leave, so you can have a good sleep.” Yongbae pretend to leave before Jiyong grab his wrist. “No, please stay.”


Yongbae sit back, concernly checking on Jiyong’s reaction. “It’s nothing…really. I just thought that it would be great if there is someone with me tonight. Moreover, you are the only friend that I have here other than Dara and it would be inappropriate if I asked Dara to stay with me. So, that is why I think of you. Meanwhile, we can discuss our assignment together.” explained Jiyong, hoping that Yongbae would accept his explanation without questioning. Yongbae stay silent for a while. The guilty feeling linger in his heart. He is not suppose to force Jiyong to tell him everything. But the more he try to ignore the more he become curious. He also doesn’t know why he eagerly want to know everything about Jiyong. Maybe because by looking at Jiyong, he also can see himself, the loneliness that he concealed deep in his heart, the feeling that had been burden in his heart for the past few years,  to have someone beside him, someone who can fill the emptiness, that feeling is still remain even though he try to deny it and maybe because of that, he gave Jiyong an approval to step in his private zone that he keep protecting before and rather than having someone to comfort him, he prefer to be someone who give a protection to that person and in this case he really want to give a comfort to Jiyong.


“Yaahh…Do you think I’m serious? Why would I come here just to leave you alone after that. I used a lot of energy to come here, and my feet still sore. Let me rest a bit, won’t you? Look!! my sweat still flowing here and there. Do you think I want to go back just like that?” Yongbae start to babbling towards Jiyong. Jiyong look at him in confused and burst into laughter a minute after. Yongbae grinned widely, seeing Jiyong start to cheer up is more than he asked for. That smile suit him the most. It doesn’t matter what had bother Jiyong before, he just hope that he can cure the pain that Jiyong hold for himself. “Ok…wait here you jerk. I’ve got something to drink.” said Jiyong, holding his laughter and leaving Yongbae alone while he heading to the kitchen.


Ten minutes later, Jiyong come back with a tray that full with various types of fruits, snacks and soda. “Here, I don’t know what you like, so I grab anything that I found from the fridge.” said Jiyong and slowly put the tray on the coffee table. “Whooooaa…you want me to die or what?” said Yongbae, widen his eyes looking at the full tray in front of him. “But, Jiyong ah…I prefer hot beverage rather than this.” he added. “Ah..really? Owh …sorry, I don’t know that. Hold on for a second, I get you another one.” Yongbae quickly grab Jiyong wrist when he turn to walk to the door. “Hey…I’m just kidding. Did you want to bring all the food up here? I come here to study, not to eat.” Yongbae chuckles and Jiyong just shook his head and cover his face, shyly smile of embarrassment.


The two of them continue to discuss their assignment in a very lively atmosphere until suddenly Jiyong look at the clock and back to Yongbae. The clock shows its already midnight and Jiyong start to feels burden.

“Yongbae…it’s already midnight. I think it’s better if you just sleep here rather than going back this late.” he suggest.

“Jiyong ah…I’m Dong Yongbae…if you forgot my name.” said Yongbae unpretentiously.

Jiyong look at him, not really get what does it mean.

“Of course I know your name.” said Jiyong reassuring.

“Good.” answered Yongbae short.

“So?” he asked, getting more confused.
“Just to remind you that I’m not a Cinderella that has to go when the clock struck to midnight.” wide grinned plastered on Yongbae’s face. He doesn’t know why he need to teased Jiyong on purpose. But, he love to see Jiyong’s reaction everytime he .

“Yaahh…” Jiyong can’t help himself from punching Yongbae’s shoulder after hearing those answer, which makes Yongbae scream in pain. “Ahhh….it’s hurt.”

Jiyong start panicking, he rub those shoulder immediately..”Sorry..sorry..are you ok? I don’t think that I punched it so hard.”

Yongbae burst into laughter. “Jiyong, do you believed whatever I said?” he asked while still laughing. “I’m very touched...” he added when he settled down.

“I think I have to be more cautious after this.” Jiyong smirking.

 “So, is that mean you are staying?” asked Jiyong excitedly.

“If you let me to.” answered Yongbae.

“Of course. Why won’t I?” There is no happiest thing to be heard at this moment for Jiyong. He can’t hide his feeling when Yongbae decided to stay. He breathing in relieved and his smile become wider.

“Huh..why are you so happy? You know what, I have a bad sleeping habit. So, don’t blame me if you fall down from your bed tomorrow morning.” said Yongbae, still in a mood of teasing.

“I don’t mind..that is my expertise anyway, falling from bed.” answered Jiyong and they both laughing happily.


“Can’t sleep?” Jiyong asked Yongbae who is lying next to him.

“Hmm..” answered Yongbae. “This is my first time lying on other’s bed in other’s room and other’s home.” he added.

“Seems like you do everything for the first time when you with me.” said Jiyong smile.

“Yeah…It happened that way.” Yongbae smirking.

“By the way..Thank you Yongbae ah. For being here with me. I’m very glad that you came.” said Jiyong honest.

“Don’t mention it. We are friend, right?” Yongbae said in comfort.

“Yeah…we are friend.” Jiyong inhale a deep breath when he said that word. “You are a nice guy, Yongbae.I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself” his mind whispered.


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Adri456 #1
Chapter 33: Wow, love this fic! I know it's been a long time you haven't update but i still hoping that you will do it coz this story is so good !
aikoXI #2
Chapter 33: Yeah, friendship last longer. Gdyb forever?
vododoll #3
Chapter 33: Thank u for thiiiiis - I hope teayang will love jiyong for real like a lover >< I feel sad for jii Oppaaa
jasmine751 #4
Chapter 33: Well, at least they're somewhat together. Is this fic ending soon?
Chapter 32: Oh these 2, They keep hurting each other. I hope Bae figures out his head soon and confesses to Ji. He's so stubborn
jasmine751 #6
Chapter 32: They're feeling so much pain :(
Chapter 32: Aghh why they so cute i hope they get together soon>< thanks for the updqte author-nim^^
vododoll #8
Chapter 31: Please update im dying here T_____T
Chapter 31: Oh, these babies.... Bae... just figure it out already... AISH!
aikoXI #10
Chapter 31: Please Youngbae, u're so blind.