When The Last Teardrop Falls

A Thin Line Between Love & Hate

Chapter 17

Giving up doesn’t always mean you’re weak, sometimes it means you’re strong enough to let go…


The past week for Jackson was pure torture. Even though Mark agreed to continue to live together, he’s since moved into one of the spare rooms. Mark still cooked for the both of them daily, but refused to eat together. They rarely saw each other cause Mark spent all his time at the shop. The only response Jackson got out of him was, “Yes” or “No.” No sarcastic remarks, nothing. Who would’ve thought Jackson would miss that the most. It was like he was constantly walking on eggshells and he was about to burst.


“How long are you going to pretend like I don’t exist?” pouted Jackson.

Took him a week to cave thought Mark. Longer than I expected. It’s not going to be that easy though.

“Oh you’re here and said something?” asked Mark, pretending that he didn’t notice Jackson.

“Very mature. You’re gonna act like I haven’t been following you ever since you got home, trying to work up the nerve to talk to you?”

“Right…that doesn’t sound creepy at all,” said Mark.

“Ugh. You know what I mean.”

“What do you want Mr. Wang?”

“Can’t we go back to the way things were or start over? I can’t take this anymore.”

“You honestly think it’s that easy? That I can simply forgive you for what you did. It doesn’t work like that.”

“I know it’s not easy. But I’m trying to make up for it. If you’ll just give me the chance. I said I was sorry, but I did it out of…”

“What?” asked Mark. Love thought Jackson. I did it out of love.

“Nothing,” sighed Jackson. “What do you want me to do?”

“That’s something you’ll have to figure out on your own. Is that all you wanted? Just to say sorry?”

“No, I wanted to go over the itinerary for my birthday tomorrow. Just wanted to make sure we were on the same page.”

“Your birthday is tomorrow?” lied Mark.

“Really? You forgot your own husband’s birthday?” asked Jackson, slightly hurt. 

“Fake husband,” reminded Mark. “Do I really have to go?”

“Yes. Regardless of what I did, we still have an agreement, and I technically still own you.”

“Don’t remind me,” replied Mark. “So what’s the game plan?”

“We’ll have lunch at the orphanage with the kids during the day, a little dinner party, and then perhaps just something for the two of us afterwards.”

“I’m fine with lunch and dinner. I’m inviting Jr by the way. And you can nix the something for the two of us part. There’s no need.”

“What if I say Jr can’t come?” said Jackson, jealous.

“And what if I say I’m sick tomorrow?”

“Is that a threat?” asked Jackson.

“Don’t test me,” shrugged Mark.

“Fine. Your lover can come. Guess I’ll invite JB too.”


Mark’s been struggling with whether to tell Jackson or not that he got his memories back. Is there really a point? The past is the past and it doesn’t change who we are or what happens in the present. Would Jackson forgive me if he found out the truth? Can I forgive him for what he did? Ugh…why does it have to be so complicated? Maybe it’s best if I didn’t have my memories back. Should I do something special for his birthday tomorrow? Maybe I’ll make him some dim sum and chocolate. 


Jackson’s birthday, at the orphanage…


“Bao Bao did you know that Mark and Mr. Wang are married now?” said Miss Kim, causing Mark to spill his drink and Jackson to grin like a fool. 

“Bao Bao have two Babas now?” asked the confused little boy.

“No…” Mark begins, but Jackson cuts him off. “Yes Bao Bao has two Babas now. Or Bao Bao can call me Baba Wangie and Mark...Mama Mork,” laughed Jackson. 

“But Baba Mork is a boy, not a girl,” said Bao Bao. All the embarrassed Mark could do was throw daggers with his eyes at Jackson. 


“So we’re just going to pretend that we’re strangers in front of Mark and Jackson?” asked JB

“That’s the plan. Consider it practice for roleplaying in the bedroom,” whispered Jr, causing the other to blush.

“You’re such a tease,” pouted JB. 

“Oh I may tease, but I can definitely please,” laughed Jr.

“I’ll hold you to that promise. Any who, any progress on the Markson Show?”

“Sadly, no. Mark’s just been avoiding Jackson. It’s a lot to process you know. Guess it’ll just take some time. What about your end?” asked Jr.

“Jackson’s still trying to figure out a way to make up for what he did. As of yesterday, they just started talking again. Just so you know, even though Jacks is my best friend, given the situation I’m Team Mark,” said JB.

“Aww…guess that makes me Team JB then,” laughed Jr, causing JB to smile.


Later on at the dinner party…


“Did we really have to wear matching red suits?” complained Mark.

“What? I think it’s cute when couples match,” said Jackson.

“Yeah…but we’re not a real couple.”

“Well, not everyone knows that,” replied Jackson, as he grabs Mark’s hand. “Ready to play your role?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“By the way, you look really good tonight.”

“Um…thanks. So do you,” replied Mark, slightly blushing. 

The two walk hand in hand into the dining hall. They play the perfect hosts, greeting guests, and mingling with the crowd throughout the room.


“Are you sure it’s okay to crash the party?” asked the nervous Youngjae.

“Of course,” said BamBam. “I’m sure my invitation was just lost in the mail. Jackie would want me here on his birthday. Plus I have a surprise for him. Now hurry up.”


“Jr hurry up, we’re already late,” said JB.

“And who’s fault is that?” replied Jr.

“Oh so it’s my fault you jumped me when I picked you up?”

“Are you saying I forced you Mr. Im?” teased Jr.

“You can't force the willing,” blushed JB.

“That’s what I thought,” laughed Jr.

“Wait…we can’t go in together,” said JB, still fixing his tie.

“Oh come on, we’ll just say we ran into to each other at the front. And here, let me fix your tie.”

“Well if you took it off properly instead of ripping it off, we wouldn’t have this problem.”

“Oh that’s the thanks I get for finally giving it up?” teased Jr.

“Does this mean we’re official?” asked JB.

“Till I can find better.”

“Is that right?” said JB, as he pulls his new boyfriend in for a kiss. “I doubt you can find any better than this.”


Jackson is surprised to see BamBam, being that he wasn’t invited. Before Jackson could say anything to Mark, JB and Jr walks in together. 

“Why don’t you go greet your guest, while I go over to Jr and JB.”

“Mark wait…” said Jackson, but Mark already walked away.


“Hey you guys are late. Did you guys come together?” asked Mark.

“Ah...we ran into each other out front,” lied JB.

“Yea, what he said,” lied Jr. 

“Did I just see Jackson talking to BamBam?” asked JB. “I didn’t know he was invited.”

“Why wouldn’t he be invited,” shrugged Mark.

“I’ll go see what they’re up to. Excuse me,” said JB, as he left Mark and Jr.


“So…I see you guys are matching,” teased Jr. “You guys make up yet?”

“Shut it. We’re cordial for now. It’ll take some time still,” replied Mark. 

“Decide if you’re going to tell him about your memories yet?”

“Not yet. I don’t think it’ll matter anyways. We’re not really together. And the fact that he invited his lover to his birthday party just proves my point.”

“Maybe there’s more than meets the eye. So what did you get Jackson for his birthday?” asked Jr.

“I didn’t know if I should get him anything. Plus he has everything he could ever want, so I just made him his favorite dim sum and some chocolate. Speaking of which, it’s almost midnight. I should go upstairs to the penthouse suite Jackson rented for us and prepare his gift.”

“Do you need any help?”

“Nah, you just got here. Enjoy yourself. I’ll be down in a bit.”


A few minutes later…


“Hey, where did Mark go?” asked JB.

“He went upstairs to prepare Jackson’s gift.”

“Did you catch up with Jackson and BamBam?” asked Jr.

“No, I lost them. I think we should go upstairs,” said JB, worried.

“Why? Shouldn’t we give Markson some alone time?”

“With BamBam here, I’m afraid something bad is going to happen. Let’s hurry.”


Mark enters the huge penthouse suite and heads to the kitchen. He starts to put together the dim sum he prepared earlier and pulls out the chocolate to arrange on the platter. After he was done, he added a single white rose as a finishing touch. Hope he’ll like it thought Mark. It’s 11:45pm. I’ll just place the platter in the master bedroom, text Jackson, and then head back down to the party. 


Mark was going to place the platter down so that he could open the door to the master bedroom, but he saw that it was already slightly open. Jackson must’ve been up here thought Mark. Mark uses hit feet to prop open the door. As he walks in the door, he sees a trail of clothes on the floor, as his gaze moves up he sees Jackson and BamBam topless, cuddling, and asleep on the bed. Mark drops the platter that he was holding in his hands.


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mochg26 #1
Chapter 4: Obviously this revenge thing isn't going to work out... you know what they say, there's a fine line between love and hate
karimisaba8 #2
Chapter 3: God !!! I love these kind of stories :)
Chapter 24: nice storyy love it
koreabookitty #4
Chapter 25: I'm planning on going to the LA show as well!
Chapter 24: Awww, the story is beautiful with a cute ending! I really love it~ My MarkSon feels ♡
Thank you so much for writing this ^,^
Zico01 #6
Chapter 24: So cute~ this was a pretty good story, don't regret reading this at all
Alexienst #7
Chapter 8: Awww so cute. M "liking" this so much.
jayeldi #8
Chapter 24: My heart is happy. You did an amazing job on the characters. I love the two couples. Thank you for this.
Lunaywolf #9
Chapter 24: Loved it all the way..Nice.