One Sided Love

Yuna's POV


"Ouch, you call me pedo now? and ? That hurts." I smiled as I recognized the owner of the voice. The voice that I loved dearly. I turned around and gave him a 'pissed-off' look.

"Yah! Where were you?!!" I asked, voice loud.

"I.. was at the flower shop getting these for you." He brought out a boquet full of flowers. OMO! So sweet.. He held out the bouquet and I took it.

"Aw.. Myungsoo.. You didn't have to.." I sweetly smiled at him as he smiled back. Such a romantic guy. This was one of the reasons I fell in love with him.

"No, I needed to give you something." He gave me any eye-smile and grabbed my free hand. Then, he started to drag me around.

"Y-Yah! Where are we going?" I asked him and walked faster to keep up with his pace. Man, he's fast.

"Just follow me." He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. Sigh, such a handsome boy.


"OMO!! Really?!" I squealed. He nodded and looked at me, "You wanted to go here, right?"

"YESH!!! OMMOOO!!! Let's go, go, GO!!" I giggled and dragged him to the entrance. 


No One's POV


As they got to the entrance, Yuna couldn't stop squealing. She had always wanted to go to an amusement park. Lotte World, that is.

Myungsoo chuckled as he looked at Yuna with amusement. He paid the cashier and bought their tickets. He came back holding them with one hand as the other grabbed Yuna's hand.

"Hey, let's go. And stop squealing." Myungsoo chuckled while Yuna glared at him. Of course, why wouldn't she be squealing like crazy right now?

"I can't stop. I'm just too excited!" She giggled. Myungsoo looked at her and smiled. Such a cutie...


As they got in, Yuna dragged Myungsoo around, earning a chuckle from him.

"Hey, calm down. What do you wanna ride first?" Myungsoo asked her. She looked at him and pondered. What do I wanna go on first? She thought.

"Uhm.. I wanna ride that first!" Yuna pointed to a hot air balloon above them.

"You.. wanna ride.. that?" Myungsoo asked, alittle bit puzzled and continued, "Why.. that? No other?"

"But, I wanna ride that first!" She whined and stomped her foot like a kid. Myungsoo laughed and smiled at her childish behaviour, "Arraso, arraso."

They went to the fourth floor and found the entrance of the ride. There was a big sign that had written, 'AERONAUTS BALLOON RIDE'. They went in the entrance and rode on a balloon that had the color yellow and had white stripes that did not reach the top of the balloon.

Once they got in, Yuna excitedly went to the edge followed by Myungsoo. The balloon moved and Yuna yelped, hugging Myungsoo. Once she realized what she was doing, she let go of him and faced the other way, blushing madly. 

At Myungsoo's side, he too was blushing madly. He didn't know why he was acting that way but he felt happy and wanted to hug her more.


After the awkward ride was over, they got off the balloon and awkwardly faced each other. 

"So, uh, where do you wanna ride next?" Myungsoo asked her. She turned to him and mumbled, "The Conquistador."

"Uh, could you repeat that?" Myungsoo asked her again. 

"The Conquistador." She replied more clearly. Myungsoo nodded and held out his hand. Yuna shyly took it and turned away, blushing.


They arrived at the first floor and headed to the selected ride's entrance. Once they got there, their expressions changed.

Yuna looked at the ride with twinkling eyes while Myungsoo... looked at it with horror. If he knew this was the kind fo ride 'The Conquistador' was, he could have not agree. Yuna turned to Myungsoo and noticed his expression.

"Are you.. okay?" Yuna asked. Myungsoo looked at her with fear in his eyes before replying, "Y-Yes, I'm o-okay.."

"Are you sure? You seem to be trembling.." Yuna raised an eyebrow at him. It was true, he was trembling, A LITTLE.

"Y-Yuna, are you sure you want to r-ride that?" He asked while Yuna nodded without hesatating.

"Yes, I'm sure." She smiled, "Are you scared?"

"What? ME? Don't be ridiculous! I'm NOT scared! Ahahaha.." Myungsoo laughed awkwardly. Yuna raised an eyebrow at him before replying, "Riiiight."



Myungsoo's POV


. I think I'm gonna die. What do I do?!!

There were only 6 people left before it was our turn. If only I knew this ride was like this, I wouldn't have agreed.

Ah, . 5 people left. 

I could easily tell Yuna to not ride this one, but I don't wanna destroy her mood. She seemed very happy.

4 people.


3 people.


2 people.


1 people.

Ugh. Death, here I come.





I'm still gathering ideas for new chapter so I hope you understand. :\

UGH, I have one week before school starts. ONE WEEK. Why can't they turn it into a month?!! *rage* D:<

AND, I wanna go to korea, and turn into a korean citizen and stalk my fave idols!~ :D

But sadly, I'm still young. *sigh* :"(



P.S. - Please do comment :( It to go offline and go online again just to check any comments. :\

P.S.S. - Do anyone know how can I get a heart? All I know is this heart -> heart (I want it to be another colour but it won't ;~;)  

P.S.S.S. - AHA! I found it!! :D --->>  ♥   ♥   ♥ (But do any of you know a bigger heart? just like the red heart above? :c)



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please do check the sequel out


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Chapter 28: The Sequel disapear ;_; .. can you put the link again ?
Good story btw ;D
Chapter 28: Wait.....whaaaatttt???????? Why would yuan be alive if she's dead??? So confusing.......... Sequel please!!:))
AyumiYakumo #3
Chapter 30: YUNA DEAD?!?!?! DDDDDDD:

AyumiYakumo #4

2 people.
1 people.
Ugh. Death, here I come.

L is sooo cute xDDDDD
Chapter 28: So Yuna isn't dead?! Well I'm happy :-)
Hi there subbies! :DDD Im the co author of this story and i'll be writing the sequel along with pikachzu :) i have to apologise *bows 90°* cos im kind of banned, so it'll take a while for me to update. So please forgive me! *bows again*
Jayleeeee_ #7
Chapter 30: I want a sequel :((
Please author-nim
I love your story!!<3
Chapter 7: HAHAHAHAH myungsoo is so funny!!! Calling Kiseop the thing..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA XD
Chapter 3: Awww..i felt an ache in my heart jus frm reading this chapter :/
Chapter 28: You left me hanging at the last part!