It's His Day Tomorrow!

Two Annoyed Hearts (Hiatus)




       You woke up and found out that it is still evenng. You had fallen asleep without knowing because you are keep on crying. You looked at yourself in the mirror and saw that your eyes are still swollen. "Aigoo~ Maybe I cried so much, eh?" You walked downstairs and saw all them are gathered at the living room. You also saw Your Appa and Mr. Kim. "Oh, ~~~~~" your appa called you. You walked to him and hugged him. "What's with your swollen eyes?" he noticed it. You justm bit your lip and lightly shook your head. Your eyes turned to Myungsoo and you gave him a small smile. Myungjong on the other hand, Is still thinking of hat he saw a while ago.

         "So, ~~~~~ We are planning to have an outing. Maybe on some resort or beach.." Mr. Kim explained. You nodded. "When?" you asked him. "Maybe when we already have our break. Probably next week.." Your mouth turned to a 'O' shape. "So do you agree with it?" Mrs. Kim asked. "Ne..." you smiled. "Okay then, Let's eat dinner!" All of you went to the dinner table and positioned yourselves to eat. 

While Eating...

          "Trrring~~" your phone rang. "Excuse Me.." You bowed and went to the backyard. Youlooked at the calller ID. It was SungGyu. "Yobeoseyo?" You greeted. "~~~~~~!" he greeted back. "SungGyu Oppa! What's with the sudden call?" "Ummm... I just want to invite you to my house tomorrow. Invite Myungsoo with you also.." "Sure Oppa! See you at your house~" "Okay, Thanks ~~~~~!" he hung up. You walked back to the dinner table and continue to eat your food.

          After all of you finished your food, Myungsoo went direactly to his room. You followed him behind. He noticed it and turn around. He looked at you. "SungGyu Oppa told me o invite you to his house tomorrow.." you coughed. He just nodded and went inside his room. 'Sometimes I find him weird. Mood Swings.. Tsk. Tsk.' You went to your room and rest. You stared at the calendar of your phone. 'Tomorrow will be the 28th of April..' "Wait! What? It will be SungGyu Oppa's birthday tomorrow!!!" you yelped. "Such a horrible best friend!" you sighed. "I should bring or buy a gift for him!" you exclaimed. You rushly grabbed your jacket and bag. "Appa! I'm going to buy something~" you quickly asked permission. You were about to leave but your appa offered you a drive. "Hehehehe..I think that's great.." you rubbed your nape. 

             "So who's this person that you'll give your gift?" your appa asked. "It's my bestfriend, SungGyu Oppa.. Remember him?" He nodded. "The one with Hamster eyes?" he joked. "Appa~". He drived you to a gift shop. "I'll be waiting here in the car.." you nodded and closed the door. You went inside and saw different knid of gifts. Suddenly, The sales lady walked to you. "What are you finding Ma'am?" "Can you suggest me something for my guy bestfriend?" She nodded. She gave you a scarf. "Cute~!" you beamed. 'What if I should just make a scarf by myself?' you thought.

             "Umm.. Miss do you have some materials for making a scarf?" she nodded and gave it to you. You gave it to the cashier and bought it.  You walked outside and ebtered your car. "Let's go now Appa~" you exclaimed. Your Appa drove home. You excitedly ran to your room. "I can use now what I have learned from my Highschool years!" you beamed. You grabbed your materials and you started doing it.

             Little you don't know, Myungsoo heard the things that you are talking about. "Good thing I already bought mine more earlier.." he smirked.  

              It is already pass 12:00 midnight but your still awake. "Ouch!" you yelped when the needle pointed your thumb. You immediately put your thumb in the middle of your Upper and lower teeth. You walked down to the kitchen. You quietly grabbed some betadine and band aid from the first aid kit. You went back Upstairs and continued your work.

After hours...

              "KYA!" you yelped in rejoice. "Finally I'm done!" you sighed.


                                   Before you wrapped it with the wrapper, You placed a Birthday card inside saying:

Anyeong Oppa! Happy Birthday~ ^^ Hope you like my gift~ :)) Use it if you are cold, arrasso? Thank you for being the most best bestfriend to me! Happy Birthday again Oppa! 

                                          Love lots, ~~~~~~

              "I think It's already Fine.. I should have some rest for Oppa's Birthday tomorrow!" You turned off the lights and went off to dreamland...


Hello my lovely readers! ^O^ Hehehe. I just remembered awhile ago that it is our HamsterGyu's Day tomorrow! :DDDD

Always leave your comment please! *O*

Love you =====> you! Yes it's YOU! ^^

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Please do comment people! I'm loosing my inspiration~ TT


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YeolKyungPinkfinite #1
Chapter 19: SUCH A NICE CHAPPIEEEEE^^ AUTHOR-NIM, update soon^^
Chapter 19: When you typed boy to boy hug thingy... other things CREPT MY OH SO INNOCENT MIND! LOLOLOLOL XDD
Yah! I want an update for jeju Island. LOL... Am just joking dongsaeng~ This unnie is really weird. Haha.. Update soon!
jasarana16 #4
@AsianCookiex3: hehe. Thanks ^^
@joanna_MAgic: yeah~ D:
Update soon!!! ^o^
Its just getting good!!!
Deabak as always!!! <3
MyungJong saw them?! Anyways, how sad. Her past is so sad. TT
jasarana16 #7
@AsianCookiex3: Thanks! ^^ Hehehe. I wish it is also me! xDDDD
@joanna_MAgic: Hehehe. :)))))
Even though chapttie 12 is short its DEABAK!!!!! ^o^
Hehe all the Infinite members hitting on me! Jk not me but yeah! XD haha! I WISH IT WAS ME!! Like Fo-Real! But Always cna pretend! ^o^ Hehe
jasarana16 #10
@foreverinfinite: I will! Please always stay tune! :)))))