Joshua/Jisoo: Partners

Seventeen Oneshot Requests

"Welcome to Partners' Showdown! Each of our contestants today has brought an idol partner who they think they work well with! The group that completes the tasks the fastest, wins a prize specfic to that round!" Brian Joo said enthusiastically. "So now, we'd like to introduce some of our contestants, starting with you!"

You nudged Joshua, shyly. "Did you really have to ask me?" You whispered, face tinged pink. "Of course, how could I come on this show and not bring you?" He grinned, patting your back. "Don't be nervous, Brian hyung is an amazing MC, and he makes you feel welcome." You nodded, biting your lower lip. Eventually, Brian reached you and Joshua.

"So, please introduce yourself and your partner!" Brian pointed to Joshua, and Joshua responded. "Hi, my name is Joshua Hong, and I'm from Seventeen! This is my partner, I'm sure you know who she is!" You smiled and waved at the camera, "Hello!" After the quick introduction, Brian moved onto the mini-interview questions. "So, Joshua, why did you bring her today?" "Well, I brought her because she's the closest idol friend I have outside Seventeen. I thought it would cool if I could bring her to a variety show, she has plenty of sense!" You scrunched up your face and smacked his shoulder lightly. "Well, she sure is a cute one!" Brian laughed, and moved onto the last pair.

After the introduction of all the pairs, Brian helped direct the pairs to a play area, and began to explain the instructions for the first round. It was a game involving moving objects with your hands linked. Joshua held up his hands, and smiled at you. You placed your hands on his, and he interlocked your fingers together. Fighting the blush that threatened to appear on your face, you looked down at the object you had drawn. It was a plastic water bottle, and Joshua had tried to place it between his and your feet. "Ready or not, let's start the countdown! Three, two, one, go!"

Joshua started shuffling his way towards the finish line, and you moved in time with him. As you passed some of the other couples, you noticed Hyunseung and Hyuna lagging behind the rest of the couples. Trying not to giggle at how comedic they were, Joshua and you managed to shuffle past the finish line in third place. "Third place isn't too bad, out of ten couples! Let's work harder to get first place next round."

After a few gruelling rounds, you finally managed to score first place with Joshua during the last game. "For you two, your prize will be a 20,000 won Starbucks card! Wow, that's like twenty dollars internationally! So you guys can go and hang out together soon, that's cool!" Joshua held his hand up and high fived you, handing you the card.

The filming crew soon cut the filming, bringing the episode to an end. The both of you greeted the rest of the pairs and said your goodbyes, before he pulled you outside. "Time to spend the money on that card, don't you think?" He grinned, dragging you to a Starbucks store. He muttered something you couldn't hear, but you shrugged it off. 

You were more than happy to be able to spend one-on-one time with him.

What you didn't know was that he felt the exact same way.

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Currently not taking requests for Jun/Jeonghan [17/11/15]


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chunji_bdaypal671 #1
Chapter 21: Are u tryna make me cry with these cheol stories
rahrahvixx #2
Chapter 24: thank you papa :)
Can I have request a story about Hoshi?! I don't how you make it but I want it to be a happy ending
rahrahvixx #4
Hellloooo PAPA may I request please.
Joshua and the reader were friends that told each other everything and messaged each other about everything and anything. In real life they are really awkward but they don't have feelings for one another hahaha. And then one day Joshua asks the reader for help on how to confess to the girl he likes and she gladly helps him
woohyundontcare #5
Chapter 7: please do more of wonwoo!!
Chapter 22: Thank you Vernon.
Chapter 21: ...bae, I love you. omgggg---- ;; this is too beautiful- so sad omg- <//3
FlufflyClouds123 #8
Chapter 21: Aww this one was quite sad... >.<
sweetypiee #9
Chapter 21: OMG MY HEART IS- ugh COUPS WHR R U? IM GOING THERE. I- nvm //walks away leaving my heart shattered on the ground//