Jun/Junhui: Drink Away

Seventeen Oneshot Requests

"Fine, be that way!" You stormed away from Jun, and headed back home. Jun hardly ever picked fights with you, but when he did, you both always ended up in a screaming match. You threw yourself on your bed, trying not to scream. Burying your face into your pillow, you sighed, letting it soak up your tears. Your phone next to you buzzed, and you didn't want to check it in case it was Jun calling you. You checked it anyway though, and it was a text from your friend. She wanted to go clubbing, and you thought about it for a minute.

"It would be fun, I guess." You replied your friend and told her you would go.

Later at night, you put on your clubbing outfit, and headed out to meet your friend. She squealed when she saw you and hugged you tightly. "It's been ages! C'mon, let's go already!" She pulled you towards a nearby club, and she smiled and waved at the guard as he let you both in. Complaints were heard from behind about how you were let in, but the guard ignored them.

"First drink's on me, girl!" She gave you some money, and you smiled as she ordered your favourite drink, and a drink for herself. You sipped on it, as your friend downed the whole drink in one go. For a short while, you sat down at the bar and talked together, as you both continued to drink. Your friend was a light drinker, and ended up half drunk quickly. She raced off to the dance floor to 'show off her moves', and you sat there, laughing at her. Eventually, you ended up getting drunk too, and you were rambling nonsense.

The bartender took out your phone, and tried to unlock it to call someone for you. He didn't know your password combination, and just guessed. "Hey, who would've thought I could be a hacker?" He searched through your logs and called the first person he saw. "Yeah, she's gonna pass out if she takes anymore drinks, so I've stopped giving her any. Uh huh, I'll text you the address from her phone. See ya."

A while later, you felt someone pick you up. You mumbled to yourself, and you felt your body moving, but you didn't know what was going on. "Sorry about that, mate." You could hear someone talking. "No problem, she's the friend of a regular. Glad to help!" Feeling your body sway from side to side, you tried not to groan out loud. "I'm dizzy, put me down."

"No." You rubbed your eyes, trying to get a glimpse of whoever it was. You had kind of snapped out of your drunken state, but you couldn't see clearly. Sighing, you let yourself be carried to wherever you were going. You fell asleep, to boot.

Finally awakening from your slumber, you found yourself on a bed. Rubbing your eyes again, you sat up. "Where.. Am I?" "You're at my house. You can't even remember what my house looks like?" A voice answered you, and your eyes widened. "Jun..? What- Why?"

"Are you crazy? You went clubbing with your friend and got so drunk, the bartender took your phone and you had no clue! He called me, and told me you were half passed out! Just because we fought, doesn't mean you can go ahead and get as drunk as you want, you still have to be responsible!" Your head was throbbing by this point, and you could barely pay attention.

Jun sighed, and left the room. He came back with a bowl of soup, and some water. Handing these to you, you began to drink. Jun your hair, smiling as you drank up. You finished the soup and water in no time, and he cleared them. He came back to the room and hugged you tightly.

"Look, babe. I know I was a huge jerk yesterday. I'm sorry I caused you to go out and get drunk. I was so worried when I got that call from the bartender. What if some other guy had gotten there first, or if someone just took you before? I'll never hurt you like that again, if it'll make you go out and do something reckless. Really, babe. I promise I'll try my best to take care of you even more from now on."

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Currently not taking requests for Jun/Jeonghan [17/11/15]


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chunji_bdaypal671 #1
Chapter 21: Are u tryna make me cry with these cheol stories
rahrahvixx #2
Chapter 24: thank you papa :)
Can I have request a story about Hoshi?! I don't how you make it but I want it to be a happy ending
rahrahvixx #4
Hellloooo PAPA may I request please.
Joshua and the reader were friends that told each other everything and messaged each other about everything and anything. In real life they are really awkward but they don't have feelings for one another hahaha. And then one day Joshua asks the reader for help on how to confess to the girl he likes and she gladly helps him
woohyundontcare #5
Chapter 7: please do more of wonwoo!!
Chapter 22: Thank you Vernon.
Chapter 21: ...bae, I love you. omgggg---- ;; this is too beautiful- so sad omg- <//3
FlufflyClouds123 #8
Chapter 21: Aww this one was quite sad... >.<
sweetypiee #9
Chapter 21: OMG MY HEART IS- ugh COUPS WHR R U? IM GOING THERE. I- nvm //walks away leaving my heart shattered on the ground//