Woozi/Jihoon: Class is in Session

Seventeen Oneshot Requests

"Hey, are you even listening?" Your friend slammed her hand down on the table, next to your arm. You jolted up, and cringed. "Sorry, I was kinda.." "Staring at him again? Girl, you're hopeless." Your friend shook her head and patted your head. "Go talk to him, or something!" "That's embarrassing, I could never!" You covered your face with your hands. Your friend smiled at your reaction. "I could always talk to him for you." You took your hands away and gave your friend a death glare. "Okay, okay! Don't look at me like that!"

"Ah, she's so cute when she's like that." Woozi tilted his head to the side, staring at you. "Jihoon-ah! Let's go!" Woozi sighed, turning to leave. Maybe he would see you later? He could only wish.

Your teacher came into class, and started handing out your math test papers. As she handed you yours, your heart nearly stopped. A huge red F was written on top, along with a 'see me'. Your shoulders slumped, and you tried your best to pay attention while your teacher went through the paper. A feeling of dread came over you, and you bit your lip in frustration.

After class, your friend left to go buy food for the two of you, while you went to see your teacher. "I'm sorry to say that your grade for math has been dropping. Maybe it's the new topics, but you need some help. I have to juggle a few classes now, so I'll be getting a senior to help you study. Like a sort of senior-junior study programme. It'll give you bonus marks no matter what, so it'll help." You nodded. "He's here now, for a brief introduction. Come on in!"

And in stepped, the one and only, Lee Jihoon. You tried not to gasp, as he smiled at you. "Hi, I'm Lee Jihoon, and I'll be mentoring you for math!" "Hi there." You waved shyly, and your teacher smiled. "Jihoon, thanks for agreeing to help out!" "It's my pleasure, ma'am. Don't worry about it! Oh, can you give my your number?" Woozi handed you his phone, and you keyed your number in. He sent you a short text, and you saved his number.

"Alright, you guys can arrange when you want to meet! Jihoon, let me know when you guys meet up. Every time you meet up will be one bonus mark, and the maximum you can get is fifteen, okay? No more than that." Both you and Woozi nodded, and said goodbye to your teacher. All three of you left the classroom, and you headed to meet your friend.

"Really? Eeeeeep!" Your best friend was squealing, and you were trying to get her to be quiet. "Well, text him and ask him when you guys should meet!" You checked your phone, and you already received another text from Woozi.

Woozi: Hey, when are you free to meet for our first session? :)

You: Anytime after 2pm should be okay!

Woozi: Alright, how about tomorrow at the library? At around 3pm?

You: Okay! :)

"So, what did he say?" "He asked when's a good time to meet, and we're meeting somewhere tomorrow." You smiled, picking up your utensils. "I totally have to help you pick what to wear tomorrow!" You sighed, and slowly finished your food. Your friend was rambling, and you were nodding. After your lunch period, you headed back to class with your friend, excited for the next day.

"For this question, you have to divide this by this." Woozi was going through a question with you, and you were trying to understand how to do it. Nodding as he explained, you took in whatever information you could. You re-attempted the question, and to your surpise, you could do it. You handed it to Woozi, and he checked through it. "It looks correct, good job! You're a fast learner." You smiled at him, and continued trying more questions.

Two hours later, you and Woozi had finished all the questions you needed to do. "That was productive. Go home and get some rest! I'll text you about our next meeting!" Woozi smiled, and you both packed up and left.

After two months of tutoring, you and Woozi were a lot closer, hanging out even when you both weren't studying. You'd only fallen for him harder, and the same went for him. He was trying to plan his confession to you, and he was considering doing it during the holidays, after your and his exams. Okay, let's do this! He thought to himself.

Soon enough, that day came. He had asked you to hang out with him, and you both were hanging out at a bookstore with a reading corner. Slumped in a chair, you were immersed in a romance novel. Woozi smiled at you, and you looked up. Smiling back at him, you tried not to blush. Woozi reached out and took your hand in his, holding it tightly.

"I.. Like you. I've liked you since my junior year, and I don't know. I'm terrible with words, but I'm trying to convey how much I like you, and-" It was the first time you saw Woozi rambling on, and you stopped him. "I like you too, Lee Jihoon." His eyes lit up and he jumped at you, hugging you tightly. You smiled, and hugged him back.

You had the feeling this would be the start of a beautiful relationship with him.

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Currently not taking requests for Jun/Jeonghan [17/11/15]


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chunji_bdaypal671 #1
Chapter 21: Are u tryna make me cry with these cheol stories
rahrahvixx #2
Chapter 24: thank you papa :)
Can I have request a story about Hoshi?! I don't how you make it but I want it to be a happy ending
rahrahvixx #4
Hellloooo PAPA may I request please.
Joshua and the reader were friends that told each other everything and messaged each other about everything and anything. In real life they are really awkward but they don't have feelings for one another hahaha. And then one day Joshua asks the reader for help on how to confess to the girl he likes and she gladly helps him
woohyundontcare #5
Chapter 7: please do more of wonwoo!!
Chapter 22: Thank you Vernon.
Chapter 21: ...bae, I love you. omgggg---- ;; this is too beautiful- so sad omg- <//3
FlufflyClouds123 #8
Chapter 21: Aww this one was quite sad... >.<
sweetypiee #9
Chapter 21: OMG MY HEART IS- ugh COUPS WHR R U? IM GOING THERE. I- nvm //walks away leaving my heart shattered on the ground//