Behind everything


“Someone confessed to him.” Dino whispered, and I flinched in surprised. “What? Who?” “Someone confessed to Mingyu.” “Huh?” “And he accept it.” I blinked my eyes few times. “So what’s problem with that?” Dino sighed. “Girl, I know you liked Mingyu. Don’t worry. It just me. You can trust me.” I sighed before nodding. “Be strong. There’s many boy out there that liked you.” Dino linked his arm with me, helping me to walk to the class since I’m too shocked with the news. “Did Jihoon know this?” He shook his head. “No.” All the classes that I’ve been today, I couldn’t concentrate. I keep spacing out, I keep thinking who is she? After the last bell ring, everyone got up from their seats except me. Dino shook my arm, snapping me out from my thought. I looked up, and Dino smiled bitterly at me. “Let’s go to Jihoon hyung. You’ll be fine with him right?” I nodded. Dino lead me out from the school, and I acted like I didn’t hear when Mingyu called me. I didn’t dared to turn back. Or answer his calls. He must be happy. After about 10 to 15 minutes walking, Dino stopped. “We are here. Take your time with Jihoon hyung. I’ll get going.” “Thank you, Dino.” He patted my back. “Most welcome, Narae.” He walked away from me, and I walked into the studio. He must be making a song again, I think. “Oh hey?” He said, pulling the door for me. “Why did you acted a walking dead?” I threw my bag away before hugged him, crying. “M-Mingyu, god, why I’m crying. He’s not even mine.” I said, wiping my tears. But the tears wouldn’t stop flowing down so I keep wiping it. “What’s wrong?” He grabbed my shoulder, making me looked into his eyes. “He, found a girlfriend.” Jihoon sighed, guiding me to the couch. “Hey, relax. You have me, you have Hansol, Minghao, Jun…” He said. “I know.” “So, about Mingyu, you just, keep it deeply inside of your heart. I promise that I’ll settle this.” Jihoon said, and I sighed deeply. “Do you want anything to drink?” “Can you make me hot chocolate?” He nodded. “Sure. Wait here.” I nodded. There’s nothing that I can say. My heart shattered to pieces. I’m handling this misery alone. Again. I smiled a bit when he handed a mug to me, and I take a sip of the hot chocolate. “Jihoon,” “Yeah?” “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t burden you with thing like this.” “Hey it’s okay. I was searching for my idea…” Seeing he looked like a lost, I laughed. He scratched his head, not knowing what to write next. “You laughed?” “You look cute and funny at the same time.” I said, taking another sip. “You better finish your homework.” Jihoon said, and I put the mug away. I quickly searched for my homework, and do it. I almost forgot that Mrs. Jo want it by tomorrow. I bite my pencil as I can’t find the answer, before pouting. “Argh.” Jihoon groaned in frustration, and he turned his chair, fronting me. “Why?” I asked him. “My idea lost again.” He face palmed. “You seem in a trouble.” “Uh, can you teach me this?” I pointed at the question that I stuck. “Oh, it’s easy.” He shows me the calculation, explained why it’s like this. “So, if I want to find this, I should do it like this?” He smiled and nodded. “But if you want to find this, you supposed to do it like…” He wrote another calculation, and I smiled. Oh, it’s easy. It’s must be because I was spacing out in the class. “Understand?” “Yes sir.” I giggled before finished the exercise with Jihoon’s help. “Thank you!” I said, and he just replied with a simple welcome. He turned back, finishing his task. “Jihoon, let me help you. Maybe I have an idea for your lyrics…” He sighed. “Please, read this and tell me how it is.” I nodded and looked at the paper.

“These days, I have a lot of thoughts

These days, I have so much to tell you (these days)


I feel weird, I’m not talking as much

My friends are all worried (these days)

My heart races only when I’m in front of you

So I’m sorry about my clumsy actions


I still can’t control it

Please don’t play with me

Why are you keeping a front?

I don’t know, I don’t know what will happen”

I smiled. “Jihoon, you can make this boy adoring the girl too much. Until he can’t handle it.” Jihoon face lights up like a bright lamp. “Yeah! Why I didn’t think about that oh god!” He said, grabbing another paper to jot down the ideas. But, will Mingyu adore me? What the hell I’m thinking of? He have a girlfriend! Enough Narae! He’s not even yours! “Are you okay?” He asked. “Yes.” “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t let you help me, and you’re still-” “JIHOON YOU’RE LATE-” Both of us froze when Mingyu opened the door, and Mingyu froze too. “Oh. I’m late already?” Jihoon break out the awkward silence that occurred. Mingyu nodded, not letting me go from his gaze. “Got to go. Go home safely.” He pecked my cheek.


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Kim_Kristal #1
Chapter 17: it ended???
sweetmallow #2
Chapter 17: It's the end already??? T_T I loved it