
Hello, my soulmate

It had been nearly a week since I last saw her. No, it was not entirely because of her father but because I was in the midst of my examination. It lasted for 2 weeks and I was practically drained from head to toe whenever I stepped out of exam hall. 

Of course we talked on the phone and exchanged texts here and there but they wouldn't last for very long because I needed to do revision and usually we would only talk late at night and she would be sleepy by then. 

"Hey..." I said as soon as the call got through the other line. 

"Seulgi-ah~" she cooed, her voice sounded a little giggly because I finally called her. She acted like she was still a teenager when she was already a 25 years old mature woman. "How's your revision?"

"I have application paper tomorrow and I am about done. Just one more topic left for revision." I smiled although she couldn't see it. 

"Did you eat?" She asked, I could picture her frowning as I told her the other day that I skipped my lunch as well as dinner which was why I ended up having gastric and unable to call her. 

"Yes. Have you eaten?" I rubbed my face to keep myself more awake. 

"Yes, long ago. You sound so tired..." she sighed. 

"I am..." I said softly, feeling very lethargic. 

"I can't wait for your exam to be over so that you can finally have a good rest, my poor baby." 

I giggled and it made me feel more awake at least. "You're the best. Alright, I shall study now. It is quite late already so you better sleep soon okay?"

"I should be the one saying that to you. Don't study till 2, 3am again. Your body will be overworked." She scolded lightly. 

"Alright. I will just study until midnight and leave the rest up to god." I joked. "Good night." 

"Good night. I love you." She whispered. Her sweet voice made me break into a huge smile. 

"I love you too." I whispered back and waited for her to hang up first before I put my phone away to start revising again. "Screw this ." I mumbled and flipped open the notes. But my phone vibrated and I wanted to ignore it until I saw Irene's name appearing on the screen. 

From: Irene :)

Remember to rest early tonight my baby girl. Here's a picture of me :P look at it when you feel sleepy or tired. See you soon muahhhh


I opened the picture that she sent to me and grinned even wider. It was a picture of her doing the 'hwaiting' pose with her pouted lips. I brought my phone to my lips and kissed the screen, I missed her so much. 

To: Irene :)

Thank you so much, baby. Sleepy early :) see you soon. 

I snapped a picture back to her and then threw my phone to my bed. If I procrastinated any longer, I might not be able to sleep tonight. 



"Finally a short break!" Taeyong cheered as soon as we walked out of exam hall. It was finally weekends and we could at least rest for 2 days before the rest of the papers. 

I saw Tzuyu walking over and Taeyong threw me a look. "What do I do?" I said without moving much of my lips. 

"Embrace it." He shrugged because Tzuyu was already in front of me. 

"Hey Seulgi." She beamed me her charming smile. "I know you're still in the midst of preparing for the rest of the paper but, it is weekend tomorrow so will you go out with me?"

I was quite surprised at her attitude. She was always a spoilt brat and now she was asking me to go out with her, politely. I blinked at her as I didn't know what to say. 

"Please? It... it is not really a date. But there's only 2 of us. Please?" She begged a little as she shook my arm slightly. 

I bit my lip as I didn't know how to reject her, partly also afraid that if I rejected her, I wouldn't be able to leave the school today as a whole. "I..."

Taeyong tapped his foot and folded his arms. I knew he was reminding me that I still had a girlfriend and also that he did not like this girl. 

"Why do you want to go out with me?" I asked carefully. 

"Because I like you?" Tzuyu answered innocently. 

"You are not sure if you like me." I said.

"I am sure!" She replied almost immediately. "I like you!" 

I was again taken aback by her sudden raise in her voice. "But... we don't even know each other." I tried to explain to her. 

"That's why we need to go out. Then we will get to know each other and you will like me back." She said confidently. Sure, her confidence was understandable because basically, she had a whole line of guys wanting to date her. 

"W-what?" I looked at her incredulously. 

"I will let you do anything that you want with me. Touch me anywhere you want, Seulgi. I am yours." She said boldly and my eyes were as wide as hers then. 

"Tzuyu-ah... you're still young and you don't know what you want. You're just confused. Maybe, you just like the idea of what you think I am like but actually I am not who you think I am." She blinked at me as she was confused. 

"You don't find me pretty?" 

"It is not about looks." 

"But your girlfriend- well... she is pretty." She said bitterly. 

I smiled at the thought of Irene. "I am glad that you remember I have a girlfriend. So..."

"So will you still go out with me? Just for a day?" She asked eagerly. 

I almost wanted to just walk away as I found no point to explain things to her. She was too stubborn. Taeyong was still watching the whole scene quietly until I mentioned him. 

"I-I am hanging out with Taeyong tomorrow and Sunday is a family day." I lied, hooking my arm with Taeyong and he looked at me in disgust but still helped me in the end. 

"Yeah. We need to do some shopping for teacher's day, you know." He said so smoothly that I heaved a sigh of relief quietly. 

"Good. We can go together then. I don't mind a third wheel." Tzuyu grinned and still looked hopeful. Taeyong groaned and rolled his eyes before he looked at me with a I-Am-So-Done face and walked away to find Yoona and gang first. 


"So, tomorrow okay? I will meet you at the mall in town then at 12pm!" She giggled and leaned forward to give me a quick peck on the cheek before she skipped away. 

"Oh right, you better show up or else I will show up at your house. I found out about your address!" She warned but still smiling, before she finally walked away. 

Just what had I done to deserve this. I wanted to save my Saturday and Sunday for Irene but this was ruining everything. And how was I going to tell Irene that I couldn't meet her because I was going to meet another girl instead? It didn't make sense. 

"Argh!!!!" I grunted and hit my head a few times. 

"You look like you're in trouble." Yuri said as the gang walked up to me. 

"She is." Taeyong scoffed. "I don't know why you can't just reject her."

"Do you even know who she is." I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Well, some spoilt brat in school." 

"Her gang will make my final year here miserable and my father might lose his job if I mess with her." I reminded him that my father worked in Tzuyu's father's company.

"You have a sad life." Yeri looked at me apologetically which was what I needed the least. 

"Guys, you have to help me. How am I going to tell Irene?" I sighed and plopped myself down on the floor, not caring if it was going to dirty my school skirt. 

"Why?" Yoona asked, all of them surrounded me and I just hid my face in my hands. 

"Because I kind of... agreed to go out with her tomorrow." 

"What?!" They all said together except for Taeyong who just scoffed again and put his hands on his hips. 

"Help me." I begged them. 

"Tomorrow?" Wendy asked, I nodded at her reluctantly because the thought of going out with Tzuyu was just... "we can go with you."

"Right. I can too." Yoona agreed. 

Followed by Yuri, Yeri and Joy. 

"I still have revision to do so I think I will skip." Taeyeon said and I understood. I smiled at her when she looked very apologetic. "What about you Taeyong?" She nudged him. 

"Whar are best friends for." He said in a monotonous tone and as much as I would love to beat this guy up sometimes, he was still my best friend for a reason. 

"Yay! Thanks guys!" I said as I jumped up to stand on my feet again. "Now... how am I supposed to tell Irene that I can't meet her tomorrow when I promised her that I will see her?" 


"Just tell her that you're hanging out with your friends to shop for teacher's day present. It is last minute." Yoona suggested. 

"She will be disappointed as hell." I sighed, shaking my head at the thought of her sad face. 

"Only way out, my friend." Yuri patted my shoulder. 




The night came and I felt exhausted enough to just crash my bed, not wanting to care about anything until my phone vibrated non-stop. "Joohyun." I said as I rushed to the desk to pick up the call. 

"Hey there." I smiled. 

"Are you still tired?" She asked because I texted her 2 hours ago that I was so drained. 

"Not really because you called." I replied cheekily. 

"Flirty." I imagined her flushed cheeks again. "Wanna go for breakfast tomorrow?" 

"J-Joohyun ah." I stuttered a bit. 

"Why are you stuttering? Do you have something to tell me?" She asked worriedly. 

"I... we... can't meet tomorrow." I bit my lip as soon as I said that. 

It was silent for very long and I did not dare to say a word until I heard her sigh. "Why?"

"Because... I need to shop for teacher's day gifts with my friends. It is kind of last minute thing." I felt so bad for lying. 

"With who?" She asked, her voice sounded disappointed. I wanted to hit myself so badly. 

"Taeyong, Yeri, Joy, Wendy, Yoona and Yuri." I did not even dare to mention Tzuyu. 

"That's all?" I felt guilty because it was as if she knew that I was hiding something from her. 


"Then who else?" She sounded confused. 


Then the line went dead and I had to put my phone away to check if the call was still on. But unfortunately, she really hung up on me. I cursed myself and grabbed fistful of my hair in frustration. I wanted to call her again but she texted immediately asking me to not call her. 

I had never felt so guilty before and I really wanted to just run to her house and apologise until she would forgive me but I guess my face was the last thing that she wanted to see now. 

" this ." I cursed and plopped myself down on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I drapped an arm over my forehead to cover my eyes from the glaring light and then I began to feel drowsy again as the sleepiness took over once more. 

My eyes were closing as my eyelids felt heavy. I didn't know that I had been fighting away the sleepiness until I received a text from Irene 20 minutes later. I pushed myself off the bed to take my phone and went to switch off the light before going back to my bed. I chewed on my inner cheek as I opened her text. 

From: Irene :)

I do not understand why you just chose her over me.

We haven't met for a week already and I was looking forward to tomorrow so much until you said you're going out with her instead. And it's even a last minute decision. Do you still regard me as your girlfriend? Do you still respect my feelings? Or is it that you're tired of me already and you can't fight off the temptations in school with younger girls around?

I am really very disappointed, Seulgi.

To: Irene :)

I am sorry... I couldn't reject her...

From: Irene :)

Why can't you reject her? You're just finding an excuse for your action. Do you like her? If so, tell me. Don't play with my feelings.

My heart throbbed when I read her text. She thought that I was playing with her feelings and that I was finding an excuse to cover up my action. 

To: Irene :)

I thought you were an understanding person. 

From: Irene :)

Are you blaming your action on me now? Am I supposed to understand when you cheat? How is this fair to me, Seulgi?

i bit my lip as I didn't know what to reply then I felt a tear trickling down my cheek. At first I felt guilty but now I felt helpless because she didn't understand. I didn't want my father to lose his job because of me. But I guess she would never understand, like how Taeyong thought that I could just reject her as simple as that because Tzuyu was just a spoilt brat in school. 

I didn't know that hot tears kept coming out until I had to wipe them away. It was 5 minutes later when she texted me again. 

From: Irene :)

Can we talk properly? I don't wish to fight with you. I am sorry for hanging up earlier on. 

I guess I was too sleepy then because I couldn't keep my eyes open to reply her again but I knew that she texted me again some time later when I didn't reply her. 

From: Irene :)

I am sorry... it is my fault okay? Let's not fight please...

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Chapter 30: wow, what a memorable trip. I really thought that the first chapter was a perfect one-shot and soon I found out that this was originally planned to be a one-shot. But no, the whole story is also very sweet and close to real life. A little surprised by the sudden ending, but I still fell in love with the development of the main character.
Chapter 1: Wow, the first chapter could be a very sweet light fluff one shot
angelclowie18 #3
Chapter 30: This is so cute. What a wonderful story. 🥺
Sir_Loin #4
Chapter 30: Yay! Happily ever after~
While reading this i do think that Irene was too possessive. That whole phone thingie was a trigger to something more serious. But, in her defense, she only gets jealous over girls that has romantic feelings towards Seulgi. Not those that are proven to be just friends. Still, i’m glad she worked that out. Cheers!
Chapter 30: Cutieee
Chapter 30: Re-reading this! Definitely one of my favourite story ever xD
Re-reading this again!
Neonstein #8
Chapter 1: Wow! They just met, but already having a thought like this? I feel like it is too fast and maybe the problem is here.
Chapter 21: Seulgi acted like a big doing that even if Irene said she didn’t want to. Completely not necessary for the plot and quite disgusting seeing how Seulgi didn’t give a about Irenes decision. I’m really disappointed.
Chapter 30: amazing story T.T
thank you authornim