
Hello, my soulmate

It was the third day that Irene was in London and it was also the day that I had to go to school again. She told me that she would be good at 'home' which was our room and would be waiting for me to go back. Nayeon and Seolhyun seemed to be bribed by her or something because they had been missing in action since the first day Irene came here, only to come home very late at night. They sure were good friends to let the two of us lived like a newly wed couple with the entire dorm to ourselves. 

When I came home after lesson, I saw Irene sitting in the living room watching videos on my laptop. She grinned and put the laptop away as she stood up, opening her arms to welcome me. "You're back!" She chirped and rubbed her cheeks on my chest. "I have cooked dinner already, just go and shower then we can have our dinner together." She pushed away and told me. 

I could not believe it. Because it felt like we just got married where Irene cooked dinner and was waiting for me to come home. "You look like my wife." I . She had this faint pink shade on her cheeks and she pushed me by the shoulders to get into my room. 

"Go and shower quick!" She nagged a little and I chuckled, putting my bag down and walking to the wardrobe to take my clothes. "Your clothes are on the bed." She said when she saw me walking to my wardrobe. 

"You even prepared this?" I asked in disbelief at how thoughtful she was. She nodded meekly and then turned around to walk back to the living room. I felt so blissful. She was focusing on the laptop screen again when I went out of my room. "Thank you baby." I smiled at her and she looked up, pressing her lips together to hide the smile and nodding at me. 

"Go and shower." She nagged again and I made an 'ok' sign before walking to the bathroom. 

Was that how our married life would be like? If that's so, I can't wait. I could not stop grinning and giggling to myself during shower as I pictured the two of us living under the same roof together with a few little Irene or me. 


I heard Irene saying. Was she on the phone? I dried my hair using the towel and walked out of the bathroom, tossing the dirty clothes in the laundry basket. 

"Is Seulgi back?" 

Oh Nayeon was back. 

"Yes, she is bathing." 

"Ah- Hey there." Nayeon greeted me when I walked into the living room. "Thought you'd be starving so I bought a few more instant noodles back." She said, waving the plastic bag in the air. 

I laughed nervously and looked at Irene. "I... erm... instant noodles are unhealthy, we shouldn't eat them too much." I nodded to myself and saw Irene looking at me in amusement. 

"But you said-" 

"You remember wrongly!" I laughed and walked to Nayeon. "Now, let's just leave them here..." I shoved the instant noodles into the cupboard. "Irene cooked." Nayeon's face lit up when she saw the food on the table. 

"They look delicious!" She clapped. Irene stood up from the couch and walked to the dining table. 

"Is Seolhyun coming back? Should we wait for her?" Irene asked, leaning against the wall beside her and looking at me. 

"Seolhyun is hanging out with her 'boyfriend'." Nayeon giggled and I smirked. "So she won't be back so soon." 

"Why 'boyfriend'?" Irene frowned. 

"They like each other but are not together." I said, smiling at how cute Irene looked when she tried to understand the situation. "Now, let's eat?" 

Nayeon nodded happily and sat down first. I pulled a chair for Irene to sit and Nayeon was watching the both of us. "Didn't know you're so gentlemanly." Nayeon teased. 

"I am." I grinned and sat down beside Irene.

"Oh you sure are. Totally a jerk to the girls in the school." Nayeon rolled her eyes playfully and smiled at Irene when Irene passed her the bowl of rice. 

"Jerk?" Irene looked at me, holding out my bowl for me and I wanted to take it but she held it a bit tighter. She was demanding an explanation. 

Nayeon noticed it and she laughed. "You don't know how many hearts she has broken in the campus. She only talks to me and Seolhyun. When other girls go up to her, she will give the coldest look ever and say 'I am not interested in making a conversation with you'. Such a jerk." 

Irene definitely looked amused. "What about project?" 

"Ah... she works with people that really just want good grades, so they don't bother hitting up on her." Nayeon explained, devouring the food that Irene had cooked. "Omo unnie, you cook really well." 

Irene smiled at her and then turned to look at me, blinking without saying anything before she put the bowl in front of me. "Let's eat first." 

Oh, let's eat first. I definitely had something to explain later on. 




We were back in my room after the dinner and Irene was tidying up my desk because I just threw my bag on it. I lay in bed, putting my folded arms behind my head and watching her quietly. 

"A jerk huh?" She teased me as she eyed me from the mirror. 

"Should I not be one then?" I replied, smirking when she shook her head with a defeated smile. "Sorry I didn't tell you about those." I said when she turned around to walk to my bed. 

I opened my arms for her to lie on my chest and she hugged around my waist. "Why didn't you tell me?" 

"I didn't want to make you feel insecure again." I sighed, tightening the hug. 

"Silly, I am... fine with it. So what if girls hit on you? As long as your heart is with me... I am okay." She said softly. That was so unlike Irene. 

"Are you really okay with it?" I asked carefully. 

"Just don't flirt back." She jabbed my chest lightly. "And don't be such a jerk to the girls. Reject them nicely." 

"Rejection can never be nice." I laughed. 

"But 'I am not interested in making a conversation with you' sounds so hurtful." She scolded lightly and I nodded, rubbing my chin on the top of her head. "But still, I know you're doing these for me." 

"Good that you know then. But it is hard to change my image now. I am known for being the coldest human ever in the campus." I chortled, shaking my head at how people would make way for me to walk down the aisle in school but not that I cared. 

"Heartless." She slapped my chest where my heart was supposed to be at. "I wish I could stay here forever with you." She sighed and clamped her legs around mine. 

"You like it here?" I asked.

She nodded. 


She nodded again. 

"But you don't even go out." I frowned. 

"Didn't we go out last two days." She rolled her eyes when she pushed herself up to look at me. 

"But you were with me. It is different if you are alone." I said. 

"But I like it here. We can... kiss in public. No one judges us." She whispered. 

"Oh.." I nodded. "We kissed in Korea too." 

"Secretly. We can do it openly here." She explained, snuggling closer to me and rubbing my feet together because the weather was cold. "I can show people that you're my girlfriend and not girl-friend." 






Seolhyun brought a projector back which she borrowed from her friend as she wanted to watch movie with us. The four of us gathered in the living room and Seolhyun was setting up the projector. "I get no here." She muttered under her breath as she still could not connect it. 

I stood up from the couch and walked behind it to where Seolhyun was at. She groaned in frustration as nothing was flashing. "Come let me try this." I said and helped her with it. The wire was kind of loose so it couldn't connect properly. "Duct tape?" I looked at Seolhyun and she nodded, running to her room to take the necessary item and I looked up to see Irene watching me. I smiled at her and she smiled back. Nayeon was texting on her phone and I looked away when Seolhyun came back with the duct tape. She cut it to an appropriate length and passed it to me. 

As I was not looking, I held onto her hand instead of the duct tape and she giggled. "Do you want to hold my hand that badly?" She teased and I rolled my eyes at her. But my heart stopped when I realised who was in the room. 


I looked up to check her reaction and saw that she was chuckling softly at Seolhyun's comment instead. My heart started beating again after missing so many beats within that three seconds of fear. She looked okay with it. 

"You're so slow." Seolhyun whined and pushed me aside, rolling the duct tape around the loose wire herself instead of me who was still quite stunned by Irene's reaction. "YAY!" Seolhyun suddenly cheered and I jumped. 

"Yah." I pushed her shoulder and walked to sit beside Irene. "Are you.... okay?" I asked her, as carefully as possible. 

She looked at me with a small frown and nodded. "Why would I not be?" 

"I don't know." I smiled. She smiled and leaned her head on my shoulder. She was sitting in between Nayeon and me and Nayeon was beside Seolhyun. It was a horror movie, damn it Seolhyun. Not that I was the one who was scared but Irene was not a fan of it. 

Irene forced herself to watch it at the beginning of the movie where things were still not intense and when it started to get intensed, she buried her face in the crook of my neck and gave up watching it. Then she fell asleep eventually when I kept brushing her hair with my fingers. 

"Do you want to bring her back to your room?" Nayeon asked me quietly and I nodded. I figured how to carry her to our room without waking her up and Nayeon stood up to make more space for me. I smiled at her and then slipped my arm under the back of Irene's knees and neck before carrying her up. Seolhyun and Nayeon were squealing quietly when I carried Irene that way into my room. 

After putting her down gently on the bed, I tucked her in and went to the other side. As it was still quite early to sleep for me, I decided to do some revision first. She squirmed in the bed when I switched on the table lamp and I froze, did not dare to move at all as I was afraid to wake her up. She must be still adjusting to the time in London because she was sleeping very soundly then. I smiled and sat down to start revising my work. 

Irene was going back in another three days. My heart got heavier at the thought of it but I decided that it was not the time to sulk, I should enjoy this moment as much as possible. 

I flipped the thick textbook open to the chapter that the lecturer had gone through that day and started jotting down small notes as well as questions that I was planning to ask my tutor. 

"Seul..." I frowned and turned around to see Irene feeling the space beside her. Was she looking for me? I chuckled and stood up quietly, walking to her side and leaning down to give her a kiss on the forehead. "Sleep with me." She mumbled and tugged my shirt weakly because she was still sleepy. I nodded and went to switch off the lamp before climbing into the bed. 

The moment she felt the side sinking because of my weight, she rolled over and cuddled with me. I smiled and kissed her forehead again, pulling the blanket higher to cover our interwined body. "Good night." I whispered. 

"Night..." she said in the cutest sleepy voice ever. 






You may be wondering what happened to us in the next three years after she went back to Korea. I can safely tell you that our love never dies and everything went smoothly despite some downs through the journey in the four years when I was in London. 


She would visit me once every year for a week and I would fly back to Korea during semester break every year. I worked part time in the second year to earn extra money to buy plane ticket. Of course, I got nagged by her at the start but she relented when I told her that work did not distract me from studies. 

Right now, she is sitting beside me typing into her livejournal page about her day in the coffee house where I worked last time. 

"Can I play this?" A little girl takes the toy on our table and looks at me. 

"Ask your mommy." I say, looking at my phone. 

"Mommy, can I play this?" 

"Sure, go ahead. Where is Chanyeol?" Irene frowns at me and slaps my lap when I am still looking at my phone. 

"Ow. I don't know." I whine a little and rub the red spot on the lap. 

"Go and look for your son. I am done playing hide and seek with him every single time I bring him out." Irene shakes her head and continues typing on her laptop. 

"Fine." I say and get up, walking to the store room because that's exactly where Chanyeol will hide. "Kang Chanyeol, come out." I say flatly and flick the switch. A little boy giggles and darts out from the cardboards, clinging onto my leg and I laugh. "Your mommy is angry at you." He frowns and pouts at me. 

I bring him out and happen to see Victoria coming out from behind. She smiles at me and then bends down to pat Chanyeol's cheeks. "Are you playing hide and seek again?" 

Chanyeol nods excitedly and then he stops when he sees Irene walking up, scampering to hide behind my back. "How many times have I told you to not play hide and seek outside?" Irene scolds him. 

Victoria chuckles at Chanyeol's guilty face and walks away. "Baby, he-" 

"Stop spoiling him. He is exactly like you! Argh must be the ears, no wonder he doesn't listen to me." Irene complains and folds her arms in front of her chest. 

"Hey hey, why me?" I protest and she huffs. "Okay okay. It is my fault." I say, rubbing the side of her arms. "Now, simmer down my princess. Our little princess there will find her mommy scary." I joke and pat her belly gently. 


Chanyeol and Dahyun are fraternal twins. We underwent IVF using my eggs but Irene carried the baby. They are three years old now and we have another baby coming. Irene is thirty four now and I am twenty six, an assistant lecturer in the university. We have just come back to Korea to visit our family and friends. As what Irene has wished, we live in London and got married there. My salary is high and she does not have to work, all she has to do is to look after our babies and enjoys her life to the fullest. 

"Sorry we are late!" 

I look up and see Taeyong and Krystal. No they are not together. Taeyong is with Kai finally and Krystal is with Sehun. I grin from ear to ear when they walk up to me and give me a quick hug. 

"Thought you lost your way!" I laugh and Taeyong is still sassy as hell, he rolls his eyes at me and then flicks my forehead. 

"He has tummyache on the way, so we got to stop in the station for him to poop." Sehun teases and Taeyong threatens to punch him. 

"Ahhh.. disgusting." I grimace and help Irene to walk back to our table. "Dahyun, come here." I open my arms for my little girl to climb in. 

"How long are you going to stay this time?" Krystal asks. 

"We are leaving the day after tomorrow." I reply, kissing my little angel on the cheek and she giggles. 

"When is the due date?" Krystal looks at Irene's belly and Irene rubs it gently. 

"October." Irene says, chuckling when Krystal's eyes widen. 

"That's... next month?" Krystal gasps. Irene nods and I bend down to press my ear on her belly. "Seulgi, you better earn more money then." Krystal laughs. 

"I will work like crazy to give them the best." I say proudly and Irene slaps my arm. "You know that you got more violent when you are pregnant?" I frown at Irene and she sticks out her tongue which makes me smile. "But I don't mind." Leaning forward to kiss her lips.

All of us laugh when Chanyeol covers his eyes and says, "mama and mommy are always like that." 

And this is my story. I am Kang Seulgi, twenty six, married to the most beautiful woman on earth, with two and a half children. And you're done reading my story of how I met my soulmate. 

"Seulgi! I think... I think-" Irene suddenly grabs my arm and gasps. I look down at her belly and she nods with her face grimacing. 

"Oh my god..." 






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Chapter 30: wow, what a memorable trip. I really thought that the first chapter was a perfect one-shot and soon I found out that this was originally planned to be a one-shot. But no, the whole story is also very sweet and close to real life. A little surprised by the sudden ending, but I still fell in love with the development of the main character.
Chapter 1: Wow, the first chapter could be a very sweet light fluff one shot
angelclowie18 #3
Chapter 30: This is so cute. What a wonderful story. 🥺
Sir_Loin #4
Chapter 30: Yay! Happily ever after~
While reading this i do think that Irene was too possessive. That whole phone thingie was a trigger to something more serious. But, in her defense, she only gets jealous over girls that has romantic feelings towards Seulgi. Not those that are proven to be just friends. Still, i’m glad she worked that out. Cheers!
Chapter 30: Cutieee
Chapter 30: Re-reading this! Definitely one of my favourite story ever xD
Re-reading this again!
Neonstein #8
Chapter 1: Wow! They just met, but already having a thought like this? I feel like it is too fast and maybe the problem is here.
Chapter 21: Seulgi acted like a big doing that even if Irene said she didn’t want to. Completely not necessary for the plot and quite disgusting seeing how Seulgi didn’t give a about Irenes decision. I’m really disappointed.
Chapter 30: amazing story T.T
thank you authornim