
Hello, my soulmate

"Tae, are you joining us later?" I asked my best friend as we were packing up. He glanced at me briefly and then went back to keeping his books into his school bag. 

"With Krystal?" He asked without looking at me. I hummed and nodded. "Okay." 

"Okay good." I smiled. 

"I am doing you a favour." He scoffed and I frowned at him. "I don't want you to come and tell me how upset Irene is again." 

"Alright alright." I quickly said as I knew I would get an earful if he needed to explain any further. He flicked my forehead which stung a bit and we strolled out of the class. Krystal was already waiting for me in the library and she looked surprised to see Taeyong. 

"Hey Soojung." I greeted her and she greeted back with the same smile that she had been wearing ever since we were back to talking again. 

"Hey Tae." She turned to Taeyong and gave him a small wave. Taeyong waved back with a huge grin and we settled down to study. 




Throughout the entire session, I felt like Taeyong was not actually studying at all, more like he was keeping an eye on me. Krystal would ask me a few questions here and there and he would make sure his eyes were glued on whatever interaction that we had. He was just being extra careful and cautious since he knew that I did things subconsciously. When Krystal and I were talking too closely with our shoulders touching each other, he would clear his throat and stare at my shoulder to make sure I got his message, which I did because I was not exactly that dense. Krystal on the other hand, tried to minimise our body contact as much as possible not because she knew Taeyong was watching, but because she knew her limit. 

At 5 30pm, I stretched and told them that I needed to go and fetch Irene, to which Taeyong was even more excited than me. Krystal just smiled and nodded, telling me to take care and I ruffled her hair like what a older sister would do to a younger sister. Taeyong did not complain this time because he could see the difference. 

"Bye peeps." I waved again after packing up my notes and they waved back. 

To: Irene :)

I will be waiting outside :)

I slotted my phone inside my pocket and walked to the school gate, expecting that she would reply later because she was working but I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket.

From: Irene :)

Okay ^^ I am about done. Are you here already? 

To: Irene :)

Not yet. I am still waiting for bus. Give me about 15 minutes?

From: Irene :)

Sure take your time. See you sweetie.

From: Irene :)

See you baby. ♡

The bus arrived and I boarded it, plugging in my earpiece and scrolling down my list of songs. I picked out on Dean's I Love It and nodded my head to the beat. The ride was not long as her workplace was very near to my school. I reached at 5 52pm and 8 more minutes until she was done with her work. 

The songs were on shuffle and two more songs ended until someone tapped my shoulder from the back. I turned around and saw my angel standing there in her baby blue dress that stopped just above her knees. How could someone still look so perfect even after a day of tiring work? She was wearing flats and she said something which I couldn't hear because my earpiece was still on. 

"Sorry what did you say again?" I asked her as I pulled out my earpiece and kept them inside my pocket. She pressed her lips together tightly and then stared at me which made me wonder what did I do again. 

"What were you looking at?" She repeated herself, probably. 

I scratched my forehead and looked at my phone again. "Uhm... H-Hyuna?" Her photo was on my phone because I was reading an article about the singer, it was rumoured that she was dating this guy again and I just got curious so I went to see. But the photo they used was quite a y one, showing a little too much skin. 

Irene kind of rolled her eyes at me, she must have seen the photo on my phone when she was behind me. "You are even needy in the public? God why?" She shook her head and I quickly waved my hands in front of her face. 

"No no! I wasn't . I was just reading an article about her. Besides, she is not my type." I said and kept my phone away. She looked at me with an arched eyebrow and waited for me to explain further. "I prefer this type of girl." I said flirtily and pulled her by the waist closer which she hit my chest and pushed me away gently. 

"People are watching. Let's go." She said and reached for my hand with her free hand. "What are we eating?" 

I tapped my chin a few times and shrugged. "What do you want to eat?" 

"I feel like eating something spicy." She said and made a cute sizzling sound. 

I laughed and nodded. "Then let's go and eat ramen." 

"Noodles again?" She asked, not exactly complaining but I could tell she was kind of hoping for a second option.

"Okay what do you want to eat then?" I smiled and rubbed my thumb on the back of her hand. 

"Let's just buy some street food. We can walk and talk and eat." She suggested which I gladly took it. I was never good at coming up with fancy suggestion.


"Follow me." She chuckled and hugged my arm with our fingers still intertwined. We walked further down and the noise became louder with people chatting and laughing. "Can we have this?" She pointed at the spicy ricecake cutely and I nodded again, fishing out my wallet from my school bag and she looked at me as if I was doing something crazy. "What are you doing?" 

"Paying. What do I look like I am doing?" I asked her. "Can I have spicy ricecake." I told the stall owner and he smiled at me before he went to prepare our food. 

"No. I am paying." She took my wallet and put it back inside my school bag. 

"Joohyun!" I whispered her name loudly and urgently because the stall owner was back with two boxes of ricecake already and I had no wallet in my hand. When she released my arm, I immediately searched for my wallet again but she was faster than me as her handbag made it convenient for her to just take her purse out. 

"Come on baby. Let's eat." She smiled and took the plastic bag with our food inside and went to the table set up near the stall. I groaned quietly and just followed after her. She looked so happy when she saw the food and I was still looking grumpy. "Why so sulky?" 

I shook my head and took the chopsticks that she handed me before I ate quietly. She observed me silently and knew that I was not exactly happy with what she did earlier on. 

"Seulgi? Are you okay?" 

I didn't reply her straightaway but she waited patiently for me to speak. I couldn't hide anything from her so in the end I just sounded like a whiny kid complaining that someone else had snatched my candy away from me. "I don't get why you always do that." 

"Do what?" She asked softly. 

"Not letting me pay for our food." 

She sighed and looked at me in the eyes as if she was trying to come up with a good enough reason to convince me that she should just pay for our expenses. "I am working. You are not. You will be spending your parent's money if you pay for us." 

"It is my saving anyway." I retorted. 

She shook her head. "What would your parents think if I let you pay for everything?" 

"What would your father think if I let you pay for everything?" I retaliated and she looked quite surprised at my comeback but she frowned. 

"It is my money." She stated which was very true. 

"Fine." I just said and went back to eating. "I am still a kid in your eyes after all." 

She didn't reply and watched as I almost finished my food. "You are like a kid only when you act this way." 

"What are you saying?" I asked back quickly which made her sigh again. 

"Seulgi, can we not bicker over this?" 

"I am not trying to fight. I just want you to give me a good reason to why I am not allowed to pay for small things like this." I stated. 

She looked like she was lost for words and in the end she just relented. "Okay. Here's a deal. You will pay for things that are below five dollars." 

"Twenty." I argued. 

"Ten." She argued back. 



"Okay fine. Ten." I gave in and she smiled. "But can I pay for our movie tickets later?" 

"Are they below ten?" She asked me confidently. I groaned and shook my head. "Good girl." She giggled and ruffled my hair. "What happened in school today?" 

I knew she was referring to the study session with Krystal. "Lessons were boring. My teachers said that we are going to have an exchange programme with students from the London next month and I am chosen to be one of the representatives." 


I nodded. 

"Will there be girls?" She asked. I almost wanted to laugh but I knew I shouldn't because she was quite insecure again. 

"Of course. But don't worry. I am not interested in them." I assured her and patted her hand. 

"How would you know. What if she is a hot one." She mumbled and poked her ricecake with her chopsticks. 

"Oh come on. How hot can they be when I already have a hot girlfriend?" I winked playfully at her which made her blush. 

"Yah I am not hot." She muttered so softly and sheepishly. 

"Yes you are." I stuck my tongue out at her and she covered her face with her hand in embarrassment. "You should see the Irene in my bedroom." I teased and used my foot to trace up her shin which made her jolt in surprise. 

"Seulgi!" She hissed quietly and stared at me. I laughed out and she looked ten times redder than she already was. "Stop it." 

"Okay okay." I wiped the tear from my eye and coughed a few times. "But seriously baby, you are my one and only. Don't even think that I will be interested in the girls there." 

"It is hard to say." She said. 

"Okay forget it. I will tell my teacher that I don't want to be the rep-" 

"No. Don't you dare do that." She stated firmly and I smiled. "Just... make sure you don't let any girl go too near you." 

"Sure thing." I grinned. 

"What else happened?" She pried on. 

"Ah... then I met up with Soojung after school to study. Taeyong was there too." I said and she looked okay with it. "It was so intensive, we studied for 4 hours plus straight and then I went to meet you." 

"Just studying?" 

"Uhuh. What else?" 

She nodded and I reached for her hand across the small table. "You can trust me, hyun. I will never lie to you. Taeyong was eyeing me the entire time as well and he is totally like a spy that you sent to watch after me." 

"Really?" She laughed a little and I nodded. "Good then. Maybe I did send him to spy on you." She said playfully. 

"Then you sent a good spy." I pinched her nose and she slapped my hand away. "Anyway, you look beautiful in this dress." She blushed and fiddled with the chopsticks in her hand. 


"Yeap. You look good in anything and also nothing." I teased which made her knock on my forehead. 

"Kang Seulgi, one more time and I won't let you touch me for a month." She warned. 

"Just a month?" 

"Fine you want a challenge? A year." 

"Oh no. Okay I will stop." I quickly said and covered my mouth which she smiled triumphantly. "Are you full?" I asked as I looked at her food in the container. It was mostly done. "Have you satisfied your cravings for-" 

"A month." She warned. 

"I wasn't going to say anything dirty!" I protested and she shrugged. "You are the one who is thinking dirty." I pouted and she poked my puckered lips with her chopsticks. 

"It is because you are always talking dirty." She said sternly and I made a face at her. "Let's go now." She stood up and I followed after. "What movie are we watching?" 

"I don't know. Let's go there and see what's showing." I said and she nodded. I took her hand in mine again and she wrapped her arm around my arm like what she would usually do, bringing my arm close to her body and my arm had always felt warm. "You like to hug my arm, don't you?" 

"It is a way of telling the other girls that you are mine." She said as a matter of fact and I chuckled. 

"Did anything interesting happen at work today?" I asked her as we strolled to the mall a few streets away. She pondered for awhile and then shook her head. 

"But there is a new girl." 

"Is she pretty?" I asked, not in a jealous way. 

She nodded. "I think she is attractive. The guys were staring at her when my boss introduced her to us. I was staring too because she looks really beautiful." 

"Really? Wow you should have taken a picture for me to judge." I said and she pinched my arm. 

"No way." She side-eyed me and I giggled quietly. "But I think I am kind of relieved now that Suho seems to be interested in that girl instead." 

"Men." I said sarcastically.

She giggled and kissed on my shoulder even though she was practically kissing my uniform instead. "I like it when you are jealous." 

"Jealous? I am not." I denied. 

"Don't lie." She rolled her eyes at me when I looked at her. "You are so cute when you are jealous. Just don't ignore me." She said cutely at the last sentence and I almost melted to the ground at her rounded eyes. 

"I will try not to." I smiled and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. There were people walking too but they didn't care or at least they didn't see because everyone was so busy with their own things. 




We reached the mall some fifteen minutes later and decided to watch the new English film which I could understand most of the part but Irene had some difficulties understanding the storyline even though there was subtitles. 

So in the midst of the movie, she was just snuggling close to me while my eyes were glued on the large screen. I knew that she was not happy with the lack of attention on her so she started kissing the side of my neck. We were sitting on the last row and it was a couple seat so we certainly had some privacy. 

"Hyun." I whispered softly and she just hummed. She stopped kissing me for awhile and went back to stare at the big screen. It was a gun fighting scene and I was getting tensed up not because of the tension in the film but because she was kissing me again. I couldn't really focus on what was going on in the movie because she went as far as kissing my collarbone by pushing my collar aside to expose the skin for her. "Hyun!" I whispered more urgently this time and she moved away again. My heart rate slowed down after awhile into the movie and it was a bloody bed scene. She was watching it and I was watching her this time instead of focusing on the film. 

It was as if she was waiting for me to make a move because she was not surprised when I placed my hand on her thigh, my body turned to the side to face her. It was an English film so there was actually not many people in the cinema. There was no one in our row and people were all focusing on the movie. I nuzzled into her neck and she tilted her head for me to kiss more of her skin. She threw her arms around my neck and brought me closer to her, her chest pressed against my neck as I gave her butterfly kisses on her neck and jaw. Then a loud thud broke us apart, a book dropped in the movie and it scared us. Then I decided to sit back properly and watch the movie, because I remembered that we were in the public again. 

It was some ten minutes later that she clung onto me again. "I am cold." She whispered and pressed her body close to the side of my arm. I gulped. 

"You are wearing a jacket already." I said softly and she nodded cutely. 

"But I am still cold." 

"Okay." I said as I got the hint, I opened my arm and she came into my embrace, snuggling close to me as we exchanged warmth. "Better?" She nodded cutely and rested comfortably on my chest. She let her legs tangled over mine and I thought we could have just bought a single seat since we were basically sharing a seat. Maybe her legs felt cold so she took my hand that was not hugging her to place it on her thigh. Then she hugged around my waist again. It was getting hard to focus on the movie again when my hand was on her thigh. I tried to look at the screen but my gaze would always fall back onto my hand on her thigh. She didn't complain when I let my hand travel up higher, underneath her dress. She felt warm. 

She didn't move or anything when my hand rested near her womanhood and on her inner thigh. She just let my hand be and I almost drove myself crazy by allowing my hand to shift even closer. But she took my hand out of her dress and placed it back on her thigh again, with her dress in between our skin. I pouted at that and she whispered to my ear, "later." 

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Chapter 30: wow, what a memorable trip. I really thought that the first chapter was a perfect one-shot and soon I found out that this was originally planned to be a one-shot. But no, the whole story is also very sweet and close to real life. A little surprised by the sudden ending, but I still fell in love with the development of the main character.
Chapter 1: Wow, the first chapter could be a very sweet light fluff one shot
angelclowie18 #3
Chapter 30: This is so cute. What a wonderful story. 🥺
Sir_Loin #4
Chapter 30: Yay! Happily ever after~
While reading this i do think that Irene was too possessive. That whole phone thingie was a trigger to something more serious. But, in her defense, she only gets jealous over girls that has romantic feelings towards Seulgi. Not those that are proven to be just friends. Still, i’m glad she worked that out. Cheers!
Chapter 30: Cutieee
Chapter 30: Re-reading this! Definitely one of my favourite story ever xD
Re-reading this again!
Neonstein #8
Chapter 1: Wow! They just met, but already having a thought like this? I feel like it is too fast and maybe the problem is here.
Chapter 21: Seulgi acted like a big doing that even if Irene said she didn’t want to. Completely not necessary for the plot and quite disgusting seeing how Seulgi didn’t give a about Irenes decision. I’m really disappointed.
Chapter 30: amazing story T.T
thank you authornim