
Hello, my soulmate

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine." I assured her for the 1000th time when she asked me if she looked okay again. "And you look great. Serious. My mom might want to make you her daughter instead." 

"You mean daughter-in-law? I don't want to be your sister." She replied playfully. I was glad that I managed to ease her nervousness for awhile. We walked towards my block, hands intertwined and she was hugging my arm again. A usual habit of hers. "What if your mother finds me too old for you?"

I knocked on her head lightly. "Didn't I say that you look young the first time I saw you? You really look fine, my baby girl." Her cheeks flushed when I called her that. "Just remember to greet them properly and they will be fine. They are not scary, I swear."

She nodded and then sighed. I could tell that she was really nervous. "Is my hair okay?" She asked the last time before we stepped into the lift. 

"For the last time, baby you look great." I kissed her lips as the lift door closed. "Smile." I pinched her cheeks and she groaned, pushing my hands away and I giggled. 

I felt her hand trembling when we walked towards my unit, her palm was sweating as well. "Okay. I can do this." She mumbled to herself and I found it super cute that I just leaned in to kiss her lips again. 

"Seulgi-ah." A manly voice called me and I turned to see my father walking towards our unit. He must have gone out to throw the trash. "You must be Joohyun, right?" He smiled at her warmly and Irene looked at me. I mouthed 'dad' to her and she quickly bowed and greeted him nervously. 

"Good evening Mr Kang. I am Joohyun, Se-Seulgi's girlfriend." She was still bowing when she finished introducing herself. My father just chuckled in amusement and threw a glance at me. 

"Don't be so nervous Joohyun-ah. Treat it like your home. Come on, let's go in." He smiled amiably at her when Irene stood back straight again. I could hear her breathing out in relief and I patted her head. 

"It isn't that scary, right?" Then I held her hand and we entered my house together. "Mom! I'm home!" I shouted and then my mother scurried out of the room and grinned from ear to ear when she saw Irene. 

"Finally!" She exclaimed and took Irene's hand in hers. "I have waited for so long to see you." She gave a few pats on the back of Irene's hand and kept looking at Irene. 

"Good evening Mrs Kang. I'm Joohyun." Irene bowed again and gave her sweetest smile. I couldn't stop grinning too when I saw how welcoming my parents were to Irene. 

"You're so pretty!" My mom kept looking at Irene and smiling. Irene blushed and looked at me shyly. 

"Alright momma. You are making her shy." I took my mom's hands off Irene and wrapped an arm around Irene's shoulders. "Irene is really pretty." I added and Irene just blushed into deeper red. 

"The dinner is ready in 10 minutes time. I am just heating the soup up. Show Irene your room then." My mother smiled and waved us off. "But don't do anything funny." She warned softly before we left. It was my turn to blush and Irene could not really understand what my mother meant. 

"Mom!!!" I hissed in embarrassment and she laughed. "C'mon baby, let's go in." I took her hand and we walked to my room. She smiled at my father when we walked past. "So... this is where I sleep and study and think about you." I switched on the light and closed the door behind me. 

"You are so mushy." She rolled her eyes and went to sit on my bed. I had always imagined her on my bed, not in a dirty way, but just us sleeping on the same bed, cuddling together. "Are you not going to sit down?" She tilted her head to the right and looked at me. 

I stumbled over and pushed her down on her back. My face grew hot as her hands were on my chest. Her eyes widened at the sudden contact and she looked away shyly with me hovering on top of her. But I didn't want to leave. I was drowning in her eyes even though she wasn't looking at me. My fingers reached for her cheek unknowingly and I traced along her features. From her eyebrows, down her nose and to her lips. My finger stopped at her red lips and she looked at me. Eyes full of emotions. Our breathing stopped but I could feel her heartbeat against my chest. Slowly and nervously, I leaned down to close the gap between our lips. A sigh slipped my lips when she wrapped her arms around my neck and I caressed her neck. She tilted her head to the right as I tilted mine to the right too, allowing our lips to connect. My body pressed down against hers and she groaned at the weight. I didn't dare to put my whole weight down as I was afraid of crushing her. 

She my lip for an entry again and I gladly opened my mouth to let her tongue explore me. During the heat of the moment, literally, I started kissing off her jaw down her neck. Her eyes shut at every kiss of mine and I found her scent so addictive. I couldn't stop myself from kissing every inch of her skin and down to her collarbone. Her shirt was in the way and I moved up to kiss her lips again. She caught my lips and sighed in content when my hand moved down to caress her waist. My fingers were aching to touch more of her skin and so I slipped under her shirt, exploring the part that I had yet to touch. She panted when I moved away and wanted to lift her shirt up. Her face was flushed when she saw how eager I was and she let me toss her shirt aside. I was basically burning and I dove down to kiss her again. My hand was groping her flesh until it reached her chest. She moaned into my mouth when I gave her a squeeze and I got carried away. 

But things didn't go my way. A few knocks against my door and I immediately stood up, face in horror as I remembered my mother's warning. I jumped off the bed and Irene sat up immediately, I ran to take her shirt that I had tossed aside and passed it to her, face red as I saw her half-covered torso. Her eyes didn't meet mine and she quickly wore back her shirt before I opened the door. "Y-yes?"

"Did you work out or something? Why is your face so red." My brother asked me. 

"I-I it was hot inside." I lied. "What is it?" I asked him, still feeling the adrenaline rush in my body. 

"Mom says the dinner is ready. Did you bring your girlfriend home?" He asked, trying to peek into my room. 

"Yah. Have some respect." I pushed him aside and he pursed his lips. I closed the door behind me again and turned around to face my extremely shy girlfriend. "Erm..." I didn't know how to start as we ended things awkwardly. "Dinner is ready." I said, walking towards her and I put out a hand, waiting for her to take it. 

"I'm sorry I didn't control myself." She muttered without taking my hand, head hanging low and eyes looking at the ground. 

"Huh? It isn't your fault silly girl! I-I was the one who s-started it." I said, feeling slightly embarrassed at how I couldn't stop my teenage hormones raging behaviour. "I am sorry." I sighed and rubbed my face with my hand. 

"No. I am the older one and I got carried away." She explained and slouched. 

I scratched my ear, a habit of mine when I got frustrated or nervous. "Baby, it really isn't your fault. We were both the willing party. Let's go for dinner now? Don't keep my parents waiting." I smiled and kissed on her forehead. She looked up and reciprocated my smile before she took my hand. 

"Joohyun! Come, have a sit." My mom chirped happily when she saw Irene walking out of my room. My brother was basically staring her her. "Seungri! Stop looking at your sister's girlfriend like that!" My mom knocked my brother's head. He was just 15 and couldn't resist pretty girls. 

"Noona, your girlfriend is so pretty." He awed as I pulled out a chair for Irene to sit. Irene smiled at him and he grinned back like a fool. "Why do you like my sister?" He asked Irene. That question caught my parents' attention and Irene was aware of it. She looked at me and I gave her a nod with smile, telling her that it was alright to go on. 

"Seulgi is really caring... and smart... and funny... and beautiful. That's why I like her." She replied shyly, eyes darted at me at the end of the sentence and I grinned proudly. 

"Smart? Funny? Beautiful?" Seungri repeated what Irene said and he laughed. "Are you sure that's my sister?" Irene got embarrassed when Seungri laughed at her answer. 

"Behave yourself." My father said sternly and Seungri immediately shut his mouth. He started eating quietly as he saw how my father glare at him. "Don't mind him Joohyun. You look like you're really in love with Seulgi." He smiled at her and started eating too. 

Irene only nodded shyly and my mother fired another question at her again. "Does our Seulgi treat you well? Did she do anything funny to you?" 

I choked on my soup and coughed a few times. Irene went to pat my back and she got me a glass of water. I drank it down and then said ,"mom? Can you not ask such question?" 

"What? I am just curious."

"Are you okay?" Irene asked gently, face looking worried as hell as she continued to pat my back. Seungri only observed and he looked like he had another comment again. 

"Noona's face was red just now when I went to call them. She was sweating too." He smirked. 

"Yah!" I glared at him. Irene's face was in deeper red and my father cleared his throat. 

"I said behave yourself, Kang Seungri." Seungri immediately went back to eating again but he couldn't hide his giggle. 

"So..." my mom just couldn't let this go. 

"Seulgi treats me really well and with respect, Mrs Kang." Irene answered intelligently and I couldn't thank her more. 

"Ahh... right." My mom nodded. "Let's eat then." 

Then for the next 1 hour or so, we had our dinner with random questions being asked here and there and Irene took them perfectly well.

"You are 25 right?" My father asked towards the end of the dinner. Irene nodded and bit her lip, for some reason, she didn't like it when people talked about her age. "Is Seulgi childish for you?"

"Dad..." I whined a little. 

"See. She is totally a baby whining. Are you okay with that?" My father asked again. 

"Seulgi may be young and our is quite big. But I am amazed at how mature she can be some times. Even though not all the time. She still has a lot to learn and I am willing to teach her. But I have no worries since Seulgi is fast at learning and she inspires me too." Irene said, as if she had been preparing for this QnA session. I smiled with a little laugh as I was surprised by her answer. 

"Does Seulgi bully you?" My mom asked. 

Irene shook her head. "She gives in to me a lot. I am really blessed to have her." She took my hand under the table and I felt this warmth in my chest. 

"That's good to hear. Alright, go and watch tv or do whatever that you want. I am going to clean up." My mom said, chasing us off the dinning table as she stood up to clear the dishes. My father stood up and went to the living room to watch the news while my brother went back to his room to play his Xbox probably. 

"I will help you." Irene suggested and began to stack up the plates. 

"No no. Seulgi, bring Joohyun to your room." My mom said sternly and I complied. I tugged at Irene's arm and she bit her lip as she felt bad for letting my mom to do the job. 

"Let's go." I said, pulling her to my room again and she bowed to my mom before she left. We were in our room once again and I jumped onto my bed, my legs and arms spread out as I was feeling full from the dinner. Irene giggled at me and she pushed my leg away so that she could sit on the bed. 

"Are you gonna sleep after you eat?" She teased. "You will get fat." 

"Will you not like me when I become fat?" I pouted. 

"I will like you even more." She giggled and lay beside me. I turned around to lie on my side so that I was facing her. 

"Do you have work tomorrow?" I asked. 

"Hmm... tomorrow is Saturday right? Nope." She smiled, turning around to face me as well. 

"Do you... want to stay over tonight?" I asked meekly. Her eyes went wide and then smiled at me before she nodded. "Yay!" I cheered and pulled her closer to me. "I can finally sleep with you."

I felt heat radiated from her and I looked up to see her face flushing again. "I-I-I mean like... sleep... as in... sleeping." I explained, embarrassed when I recalled what happened earlier. 

"Remember to behave yourself." She teased me even though her face was red and she poked my nose. "Let's go on a date tomorrow." She suggested and went up to kiss my lips. I grinned and nodded enthusiastically as it would practically be our first date ever since we got together since the both of us were busy with work and school work. 

"Now... let's talk about something." She said after a moment of silence. And I knew very well what she was talking about. 

The girls. 

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Chapter 30: wow, what a memorable trip. I really thought that the first chapter was a perfect one-shot and soon I found out that this was originally planned to be a one-shot. But no, the whole story is also very sweet and close to real life. A little surprised by the sudden ending, but I still fell in love with the development of the main character.
Chapter 1: Wow, the first chapter could be a very sweet light fluff one shot
angelclowie18 #3
Chapter 30: This is so cute. What a wonderful story. 🥺
Sir_Loin #4
Chapter 30: Yay! Happily ever after~
While reading this i do think that Irene was too possessive. That whole phone thingie was a trigger to something more serious. But, in her defense, she only gets jealous over girls that has romantic feelings towards Seulgi. Not those that are proven to be just friends. Still, i’m glad she worked that out. Cheers!
Chapter 30: Cutieee
Chapter 30: Re-reading this! Definitely one of my favourite story ever xD
Re-reading this again!
Neonstein #8
Chapter 1: Wow! They just met, but already having a thought like this? I feel like it is too fast and maybe the problem is here.
Chapter 21: Seulgi acted like a big doing that even if Irene said she didn’t want to. Completely not necessary for the plot and quite disgusting seeing how Seulgi didn’t give a about Irenes decision. I’m really disappointed.
Chapter 30: amazing story T.T
thank you authornim