
Hello, my soulmate

"Thank you." The corner of her lips tugged upwards and she held the stalk of rose near her nose to take a sniff of the faint fragrance. "I like it a lot." 

"More than me?" I pouted as I looked at how she was so indulged in her own world with the rose. She put the rose away on my desk and then threw her arms around my neck to pull me closer to her for a peck on my lips. 

"Silly." She chuckled lightly and brushed her nose against mine. Her eyes shut as she rested her forehead against mine. "Seulgi-ah." 

"Yeah?" I smiled, closing my eyes to enjoy this moment of bliss as well. 

"Let's be together forever even if forever is a long time." She whispered, her breath tickled slightly at the top of my lips. Her fingers kneaded the back of my neck as she waited for my response. 

"Forever is not long enough." I said cheesily. My smile grew wider when I heard her giggling again. "Hyun-ah." 

"Hmm?" She hummed without opening her eyes. I opened mine to marvel at her beauty. 

"I will love you even if you are 30 or 40 or 50 and so on." She opened her eyes slowly when she heard what I say. Her gaze met mine and I saw the way she look hesitant again. "I understand why you are feeling so insecure about your age now. Krystal..." She looked away when I mentioned Krystal and I had to move away just to cup her cheeks so that she would look at me again. "I talked to Krystal about it." 

Her cheeks grew slightly redder and she asked sheepishly, "why did you tell her about it? She's gonna laugh at me." 

"She is not that type of person." I laughed softly and then brushed my thumbs against the soft skin on her flushed cheeks. "I never really knew why you are so insecure and sensitive about our eight years difference. But now I know. You're worried that while you are already not as youthful and I still am, I will find someone younger because I will grow sick and tired of you." 

Her eyebrows knitted close together for awhile and then she relaxed them. "Will you?" Her gaze pierced through my soul and I was lost for words for a moment. I was about to make her a life time promise. 

I shook my head. "I won't. Or at least, I will stop myself from getting tempted." 

"So you will still get tempted after all?" She asked softly, her eyes became rounder. 

I shook my head again. "I mean, you can't deny the fact that there are other pretty girls out there too-" 


"Wait, let me finish." I leaned in to give her a quick peck on the lips to stop her from asking more. "There will be other pretty girls out there. But you have to trust me that I will always only look at you even though I might be tempted to glance at them." 

"What are you trying to say? Do you want me to say that it is okay for you to look at other girls when you are with me?" She asked sourly and frowned deeply. 

I stared at her first as I was trying to formulate my sentence properly. "Noooo. I meant you just have to know that as much as there is temptation, I will still come back to you every time. That's all. Don't think too much. I will never cheat on you, that I can assure." 

She punched my stomach lightly and clutched onto my shirt after that. "I will never forgive you if you cheat on me. Never." 

I gulped at the intense glare from her. "O-of course!" 

"Why are you stuttering?" She narrowed her eyes. 

"What? Don't be crazy. It is just that you are too scary." I laughed and that earned me a quick punch again. 

"Stupid bear." She mumbled. 


"You look like a bear." She pinched my cheeks and then ran to jump onto my bed. My jaw dropped when I witnessed this side of her and I laughed as I joined her in my bed. "Anyway, I have something for you too." She said as she pulled something out of her pocket. A letter. 

"Can I read it?" I asked as I examined the envelope. 

"Of course." She chuckled and I kissed her lips before opening the envelope. "But don't laugh at me." She said as she covered her face with her hands. 

"I won't." I smiled and unfolded the paper. 

Dearest Seul Gi ♡

Today marks the second month of our journey together.

Amazing, isn't it? I used to think that I was meant to be alone until you came into my life that day. 2 months and 1 day ago. From the very moment that I saw your face, I was so drawn to you in every way. You're so beautiful that I would have actually cursed myself everyday if you didn't initiate the talk with me that day. I thank god everyday that you were the brave on who came forward and hit on me :P

Jokes aside. I know that I can be a pain in the sometimes because of my insecurity and jealousy. I can't help it... I get really jealous when other girls look at you or talk to you. I know it is selfish of me to only have you to myself, but I really want just that. I want you by my side 24/7 but I am scared that you will get tired of me. Just... why are you so darn amazing? 

But you always assure me again and again that you only love me, which I appreciate a lot. So I want to assure you too that my heart belongs to you only. I have never fallen in love with anyone before and you're the first one ever to make my heart flutter even just by one glance from you. I love you so, so much. I don't think I will ever stop loving you because you just make me fall harder and harder each day.

All that you are, Kang Seul Gi, is all that I want and need. Promise me that we will walk this journey together until the very end and even in our next life, we will still find our way back to each other? 

I love you forever and always. 

Hyun ♡

I could feel tears at the back of my eyes threatening to fall and I folded the letter back into half. "I love you too." I could only say as I was so lost for words. 

"Is it very mushy?" She asked shyly as she tugged at the bed sheet. 

"No. It is very touching and beautifully written. I love it so much." I smiled and slotted the letter back into the envelope before I placed it on the night stand. "Come here." I said as I opened my arms wide for Irene to join in. She snuggled closely immediately and I gave a peck on her temple as I ran my fingers down her long locks. "I promise you." I whispered into her ear and she looked up with a satisfied smile. 

"You promised." She repeated happily and nuzzled to my neck where I could feel her breath on my collarbone. "I thought you have something special for me too?" She asked shyly, almost as if she already knew what I wanted to give her. 

So I decided to a bit. "I wanted to save it for night time but I guess you are a little eager." 

She slapped my chest but didn't sit up to glare at me because I bet her face was flushed. "I didn't say I am eager." 

"Then you must be desperate." I continued teasing which made her pinch my forearm that was resting on her thighs. 

"I don't want it anymore." She said in annoyance and I chuckled. 

"You will regret it if you don't want it." I laughed and could feel heat radiating from her, she must be blushing madly again. 

"W-what is it?" She asked very softly this time and traced the collar of my shirt with her fingertip. 

"Do you want to know now?" I asked, looking down but I could not meet her eyes as she was hiding from me. I could barely feel the nod from her if I didn't look at her. "Alright. Give me a moment." I said as I carried her up and put her on the bed before I went to my wardrobe. She eyed the black box in my hands carefully and I could feel myself blushing hard the closer I got to her. Every step that I took, I scolded myself for having such idea. 

"Can I open it?" She looked at me which I gave her a brief nod. Her hands moved to the top gingerly and I quickly stopped her. 

"I... it is okay if you don't like it though." I said and then retreated my hand back slowly, looking away as I felt too embarrassed to look at her. 

She nodded slowly and then proceeded to open the box. Her eyes grew wide and her cheeks turned bright pink when she saw what were inside. I slapped my face with my palm as I saw the way she look at me. "H-how did you g-get this?" 

I peeked at what she was referring to and laughed nervously. "I asked a senior to..."

"You want me to wear this?" She asked again as she held up the other item in the box. It was a black lingerie. To be exact, a very y piece of undergarment. Her blush grew deeper when she examined the lingerie, they could barely cover anything. I facepalmed myself again.

"It is okay if you don't want to, you know. I just-" 

"I will." She said softly and shyly. 

My eyes widened. "Y-y-you s-sure?" 

She nodded lightly and then got up slowly. "Turn around first." She told me and I gulped but still followed what she told me to. My heart was pumping madly against my chest when I heard her shuffling on the bed as she tried to change into the lingerie. My mouth went dry when I saw her clothes at the corner of my bed from my peripheral vision. It felt like eternity as I waited for her to tell me to turn back again. 

My jaw dropped to the floor (legit) when I saw the beauty in front of me. Her body was kind of red too from the excessive blushing that was more obvious on her cheeks. It really barely covered anything but still covered something. I stared at her for what seemed like forever as well until she coughed awkwardly and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. This drove me insane and I muttered out, "you're so hot." as I continued to gawk at her. 

I was confused when I saw her walking to the desk to take her phone, did she want to take a picture of herself in that? But then she played a certain song that got me even more aroused than ever. Body Party. I gulped when I saw her walking towards me, still shyly. She pushed me gently to fall onto my back and she straddled on me. When the first word of the song was sung, she started rotating her hips on my stomach and she guided my hands to her laps. I shivered the moment my palms met the skin on her thighs and she looked at me, her gaze was so deep that I felt myself holding back my breath when my hands travelled up higher to her bare stomach. 

A soft moan escaped from my mouth when she let my hands meet her chest. She leaned forward to let me feel better and some of her hair fell to my face, I inhaled the sweet scent of her and she closed the gap between our lips as we started kissing fervently. Her hips were still moving against me and I shifted my hands south to cup her bottom and gave them a squeeze which made her moan into my mouth. 

I tugged at the hem of the lingerie and she slapped my hand away, not allowing me to take it off from her so soon. I groaned in frustration and she giggled softly before she got off me and pulled me to sit up this time. My eyes never left her body as she worked to pull my pants off. My legs tangled at the edge of the bed and she pushed my thighs slightly apart so that she could sit in between. The song was near the end already and I didn't expect her to go all out this time since she was always the innocent one. She rubbed her bottom against my inner thighs and slowly inched up to meet my core but only to give it a brief contact which had me groaning in frustration again. What surprised me again was that she bent forward to let me have a good view of her and the piece of lingerie that covered barely anything. 

"Joohyun." I gritted my teeth when she moved down to grind her down my shin before moving up again and turning around to push me back onto the bed. The song ended and I didn't really give a damn to the brief silence anymore because Irene's moans replaced the beat of the song. I flipped her around which she let me to this time and she wrapped her legs around my waist. 

I could feel my core tingling and wanting some contact from her but I restrained myself a little just to build up the excitement between us. She bucked her hips impatiently and I smirked, knowing that she was as needy as I was. I disregarded it and moved my bottom away from her as I kissed her hungrily on her lips then moved down to her luscious neck and then stopped to on the skin on her chest. She panted heavily when I bit the skin on her collarbone and she pushed me away when my teeth sunk deeper. I smiled to myself when I saw the way her eyes were shut tightly and eyebrows were knitted close together. I removed the top piece of the lingerie swiftly and she let out a soft moan when my lips met her . She whimpered weakly when I let my tongue do the job and she pushed me by my shoulders, wanting me to go lower which I didn't. She tried again and I moved up to kiss her lips this time, still not giving any attention to her aching core. 


"Wait." I quickly said as I knew what she wanted me to do. She moaned in both frustration and pleasure when I kneaded her s. 

"Please." She begged quietly but I still didn't give in. Her eyes fluttered open when I moved to kiss her neck and she bucked her hips again, seeking for some contact that could give her some relief. I pushed her hips down and she stared at me. "Why?" Her tone was impatient and firm. 

"You have to be ready enough for that." I said and I proceeded to pull down the last piece of cloth on her. She kicked it away quickly and wanted to pull my face close to her core which I moved away again. 

"Seulgi!" She whispered loudly and frustratedly. 

I chuckled and my hand reached for the black box. "Can you help me with this?" I asked her, holding the toy in my hand which made her blush deeply again as if she was not the one who was desperate and eager just now. 

She nodded and reached for the toy, I removed the rest of my clothing on me and she reached for my core gingerly. I moaned out when she slipped the other end into me and she stared at the erected object near my core afterward. This made her cheeks stay pink as she had never imagined this happening to her one day. I felt a little conscious with the foreign thing between my legs but I decided to overcome it by pushing Irene down to lie on her back again. I parted her legs and she bit her lower lip nervously. Her body was ready, I could tell. I her core a few times and she melted into my touch, letting out a long moan when I finally gave attention to her throbbing part. I shifted to in between her legs and she encircled her arms around my neck, her eyes looking into mine and I could see that she was a little scared. I kissed her softly and as I was distracting her with my kisses, I slipped it into her gently and slowly which made her breathing hitch. Her chest stopped heaving up and down and I stopped what I was doing. 

"Does it hurt?" I asked worriedly. Her face was scrunched up slightly but she shook her head. 

"Not really but it feels uncomfortable." She said breathlessly. 

"I am sorry." I apologised sincerely and was scolding myself at the back of my head for having such idea. She cupped my cheeks and moved up to peck my lips. 

"Don't be." She smiled and I leaned down to kiss her again but stayed unmoved at the lower part. "You can m-move now." She said shyly when I kissed down her neck. I nodded and bucked my hips once. She gasped when it went deeper into her. I stopped again, thinking that I had hurt her. "Don't stop." She said breathily and I nodded again as I began to my hips slowly until I managed to find a good pace. 

I felt pressure building up inside my lower abdomen as well and she was also feeling then same because I find it harder and harder to into her each time. Her fingers grazed on the skin on my back and she moaned into my mouth again when I kissed her. I moved away to quicken my pace and she bit on my shoulder to stop herself from too loudly as my parents and brother were at home too. I groaned at both the pain and pleasure when we had our together. She clung onto me tightly and her teeth were still sunk on my shoulder. I slowed down my pace and eventually pulled out from her, then she started relaxing as well and her teeth left my skin. I shivered when I pulled it out of me and dropped the toy into the black box, making a note to clean it later. 

She was panting heavily with her chest heaving up and down and her fours sprawled across the bed. I found this sight of her y and also beautiful. I moved down without warning to her and she shuddered at the first flick. She moved away from me after a few more flicks and she shook her head. "I can't anymore." I chuckled and just nodded. I stood on the floor to watch her regain her breathing as I found my normal breathing back too then I joined her in my bed and held her in my embrace. 

"I love you." I cooed into her ear. She smiled and turned to face me. 

"I love you too." She rewarded me with a peck on the lips. Not too long but not too short. 

"Let's rest awhile and then go to bathe and then have dinner before I send you home." I said as I brushed her hair. 

She intertwined my finger with hers when she reached for my hand that was playing with her hair. "Whatever you say." She smiled and closed her eyes. I must have tired her out. 







A week after our second month together, I decided to ask Krystal out for lunch like what I had promised her. She agreed readily and suggested the noodle restaurant near our school. I didn't mind because I liked that place. 

"Did you tell Irene about it?" Taeyong asked me as we packed our stuff when the teacher dismissed us. 

I nodded and threw my bag over my shoulders. "She said okay." 

"Really?" Taeyong cocked an eyebrow. "Like okay okay. or just okay." 

"What do you mean?" I asked as we walked out of the classroom to find Krystal. 

"If she just said okay, it means she is actually not okay." Taeyong explained. 

"What the hell? Okay means okay, Tae, you are thinking too much." I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Uh uh! That's why you are a fool in this area. Which girl will be okay when their boyfriend or girlfriend is going to lunch date with her rival?" Taeyong flicked my forehead. 

"What? It is not a date." I protested and rubbed on the dull pain on my forehead. 

"Whatever. She's there." Taeyong said and then smiled when Krystal approached us. "Hey Soojung. Long time no see." 

Krystal gave a small nod at Taeyong and smiled. "Hey Tae, long time no see too." 

"Hey." I smiled when our eyes met. 

"Hey." She returned the same and gave me a shy smile. 

"You know what, I actually still hate you for ruining our friendships. But whatever, bye. Enjoy your date!" Taeyong leaned in to whisper into my ear which made Krystal shift on her feet uncomfortably. Then they waved goodbye quickly and I rolled my eyes at Taeyong when he mouthed 'Irene'. 

"He is still the same." Krystal chuckled as we started walking to the gate. 

"Yeah. Since elementary school." I laughed as I reminisced our life when we were younger. 

"It feels good to finally talk to people that you thought you would never be able to talk to again." She said and I saw some people throwing glances at us again. "They might think that we are cheating since they know about your girlfriend already." 

"Nah they won't." I chuckled nervously. "We are friends, right?" 

I saw the way she flinch slightly and she nodded unsurely. "I guess so." 

"You guess so?" I repeated after her. 

"Yeah. They won't know that we were friends in elementary school and middle school." She explained. 

"We are still friends, Soojung ah." I said. 

She kicked the pebble on the pavement to the side and shrugged. "If only I didn't confess when we graduated from middle school. Maybe we would still be as close as last time." 

"Soojung..." i sighed. 

"No, I am fine." She smiled at me. "I will get over it. Just... not now." She looked away again and I looked away too. 

"Are you hungry?" I asked, trying to find something to talk about. 

"I am. Are you?" I nodded. "I didn't eat during recess so that I can save my stomach for later." She chuckled freely and I laughed along. 

"You didn't drive today?" I asked another question. 

She shook her head. "Sooyeon... she needed the car." 

"Why?" I asked, kind of worried as I thought something bad happened. 

She laughed at my uneasiness and said, "nothing serious. You know her. She overslept and needed to rush to work." 

"Ah..." I laughed at my own plight and she crossed the road first but a car was nearing her at a very fast speed. "Soojung!" I shouted and pulled her into me quickly, the car just shot past us and I could still feel my heart pumping madly against my chest from the adrenaline rush. 

I didn't realise that we were hugging each other or more like I was hugging her until she coughed. I shifted away hastily and apologised to her. "I should thank you for saving my life instead." She chuckled but her lips were still trembling from the incident just now. 

"You should learn to look out for traffic." I knocked her forehead and she pouted at me. 

I looked left and right before I crossed the road but I realised that she was still on the opposite side when I had already crossed over. I sighed and went back to her again, "are you still scared?" She nodded sheepishly and I stared at her. I didn't know what I was doing next but I just reached for her hand for her to hold onto. "Let's go?" 

She stared at our clasped hands and then nodded without looking at me. The moment we reached the other side safely, I let go of her hand but not before I felt her squeezing my hand. "You are going to have a nightmare tonight." I told her as a matter of fact. 

"Yah. Can't you at least say something comforting?" She shoved my shoulder and I laughed. I swung the door outward and let her enter first which she muttered a soft thank you with a faint blush on her cheeks again. "Can we sit there?" She asked, pointing at the table near the window. I nodded and walked behind her. But my heart stopped when I saw Irene with her colleagues at the table beside ours that was blocked by the pillar initially. 

She was with Bogum, that Suho guy, 3 other girls and this other guy. She looked surprised to see me as well and I smiled at her brightly. She returned me the radiant smile but it faded away when she saw the familiar face beside me. "Seulgi? Aren't you going to sit down?" Krystal tugged my arm when she saw that I was still standing by the table. 

"Give me a minute." I said to her and walked over to Irene's table. 

"Oh hey Seulgi!" Bogum greeted me first and I gave a forced smile at him. "You're here to have lunch too?" 

No I am here to watch you eat. I rolled my eyes at him in my mind but just nodded. "Can I talk to you for awhile?" I asked Irene who had been looking at me already. 

Irene nodded and stood up. I brought her over to my table and Krystal looked at me with a puzzled face and then looked at Irene too. Irene fiddled with the hem of her dress as she saw the way Krystal look at her. 

"Soojung, this is Irene, my girlfriend." I smiled at Krystal and put my arms around Irene's shoulders. 

"Oh..." Krystal's lips formed an 'o' shape and she nodded, standing up to bow at Irene politely and extended her hand out. "Nice to meet you Irene, I am Krystal." 

Irene reached for Krystal's hand quickly and gave it a shake before letting go. "Hi Krystal." She smiled nervously. 

"I have heard a lot about you from Seulgi." Krystal smiled softly at Irene and Irene became quite flustered. She clung onto my arm not so tightly and I could feel her palm sweating. 

"Are you okay?" I asked Irene worriedly and Krystal noticed that something was not right too so she just sat down quietly. "Soojung, is it okay if I talk to Irene for awhile?" I asked Krystal who immediately nodded. I smiled at her before guiding Irene out of the restaurant. When I was sure that we were out of sight from the people in the restaurant by hiding behind the wall, I cupped her cheeks and looked at her worriedly. 

"I am sorry I didn't mean to-" 

"It is not your fault, hyun. You didn't do anything wrong." I stopped her and gave her a kiss on her forehead. "What's wrong?" 

She shook her head and I sighed. 

"Are you being insecure again?" I asked patiently and she hesitantly nodded. 

She quickly explained when she heard me sigh. "I am okay! I will be okay. Don't mind me. Just... go back." She walked away but I grabbed her hand to pull her back to face me. 

"It is not okay if you are not okay." I said sternly. She didn't look at my eyes as she felt kind of embarrassed by herself. "You don't want me to have lunch with Soojung, right?" 

"No, I am really ok-" 

"Joohyun." I called her with a stern face. She glanced at me quickly and then sighed before she nodded. "I can't. You know. Soojung and I... we are friends." 

She bit her lip and looked away. 

"We knew each other since we were 10 years old. I only see her as a friend." I reassured her again. 

"She likes you." She whispered so softly. 

"We... look. I don't like her okay? I love you and only you." I cupped her cheeks and gave a quick kiss on her lips. "Trust me when I say that I won't cheat." 

She didn't reply straightaway and only nodded reluctantly after awhile. "Can we go in now?" I asked patiently and intertwined my fingers with her for awhile before letting her hand go. She nodded and followed after me. We couldn't show too much affection as her colleagues were there. 

"Oh you're back!" Bogum grinned when he saw Irene and I walking back to the table. "I almost wanted to go and check on you." 

"Yeah I was so worried." Suho said and pulled the chair out for Irene to sit. I clenched my fists tightly but told myself to relax when Irene threw a glance at me. "Are you okay?" Suho asked gently and Irene just nodded as she took a seat again. 

"See you, Joohyun-unnie." I smiled at Irene and she looked at me longingly but still nodded. I walked back to the table and saw that Krystal had already ordered food for us. 

"You still like this right?" She asked unsurely, pointing at the bowl in front of me. I smiled and nodded. "Phew." She pretended to wipe away the cold sweat on her forehead and I laughed at her antic. "Is your girlfriend okay?" 

I turned to the side to look at Irene and saw that she was looking at me already but she quickly looked away when our eyes met. I sighed and shook my head. "She is insecure again." 

"I thought she didn't like me." Krystal said and passed me a set of chopsticks.

"Nah. She is just very shy." I explained and took the chopsticks from her. "Thanks." 

"Have you ever assured her before? Why is she always so insecure?" Krystal asked in concern. 

I frowned as I tried to recall and I briefly glanced beside me one more time and Irene was looking at me but she quickly looked away again. So she just kept looking at me. "I told her I love her only." 

Krystal's body tensed a bit but she relaxed herself after that. I felt guilty at breaking her heart again. "Well... you see. Action speaks louder than words." 






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Chapter 30: wow, what a memorable trip. I really thought that the first chapter was a perfect one-shot and soon I found out that this was originally planned to be a one-shot. But no, the whole story is also very sweet and close to real life. A little surprised by the sudden ending, but I still fell in love with the development of the main character.
Chapter 1: Wow, the first chapter could be a very sweet light fluff one shot
angelclowie18 #3
Chapter 30: This is so cute. What a wonderful story. 🥺
Sir_Loin #4
Chapter 30: Yay! Happily ever after~
While reading this i do think that Irene was too possessive. That whole phone thingie was a trigger to something more serious. But, in her defense, she only gets jealous over girls that has romantic feelings towards Seulgi. Not those that are proven to be just friends. Still, i’m glad she worked that out. Cheers!
Chapter 30: Cutieee
Chapter 30: Re-reading this! Definitely one of my favourite story ever xD
Re-reading this again!
Neonstein #8
Chapter 1: Wow! They just met, but already having a thought like this? I feel like it is too fast and maybe the problem is here.
Chapter 21: Seulgi acted like a big doing that even if Irene said she didn’t want to. Completely not necessary for the plot and quite disgusting seeing how Seulgi didn’t give a about Irenes decision. I’m really disappointed.
Chapter 30: amazing story T.T
thank you authornim