
Hello, my soulmate

"Are you sure? I am not forcing you, you know?" I asked again carefully just in case she felt pressurized. She gave me a shy nod and smile. 

"It is good to try new things right?" She laughed nervously. 

"New? Oh right. So..." I grinned awkwardly as I didn't know where to start. Should I do it first or guide her first?

"Sit there." She pointed at the chair by the desk and I looked at it, I would never look at it the same way ever again. I stood up and proceeded to sit down the chair like she asked me too then she got down from the bed slowly and approached me gingerly, thinking hard about how she should do it. 

"I think we need to play some songs." I said and she quickly nodded as she grabbed her phone from the desk. 

"What kind of song?" She asked, frowning as she had no clue at all. How could she be so innocent when she was 8 years older than me? 

"Something like... body party? A slow and y song." I suggested and grinned widely when I thought about how it would go. She blushed again but just nodded. 

My heart almost leaped out of my chest when the song started playing. She placed her phone back onto the desk and then stood in front of me awkwardly, looking at her own toes wiggling instead. 

I couldn't wait anymore. "Turn around." I said and she looked up and stared at me innocently before she did as I said so. She yelped a little when I pulled her to sit on my laps. But she was just sitting on it. "You watched the video right...?" I asked slowly and she turned around to nod at me with her face as red as a tomato. 

She started moving her hips shyly, every movement was so little that I could hardly feel any movement. But I was surprisingly patient and I placed my hands on her hips, telling her what to do instead. My hands moved along with her hips to the beat of the song, I heaved a sigh when she decided to brush it up against my thighs instead. Her bottom slowly sank in between my legs and she grinded against my inner thighs before she daringly brushed my core. 

The moan that I had held back decided to slip out of my mouth and it egged her on. She got up and turned around, straddling on my thighs and she wrapped her arms around my neck. Her gaze was so intense and I wanted more of her. My hands went to cup her and she bit her lip at me very seductively. Then she ed her hips forward so that her core would meet my abdomen. I watched as she threw her head back, mouth agape to gasp when I squeezed the cheeks. It was so hot. I never knew she could be this alluring. 

She pulled my head closer to her chest until my nose was just an inch apart from her s. I didn't even feel too shy and just kissed on her chest as well as on the skin lightly. She was still moving to the beat and started panting a little due to all the movement. "Seulgi." She called out with her eyes still shut and I looked up without moving away from her chest, she was so beautiful even from this angle. "I cannot do this anymore." She said as she continued to grind on me. 

"Just continue, baby." I quickly said, not wanting her to stop at all. 

I decided to stand up and carry her as I did so. She was surprised but she didn't care, she enjoyed my kisses on her chest and she wrapped her legs around me waist as I carried her to the bed. I lay her down slowly as I was still on the skin on her neck. She moaned when I on the spot where I had . Her legs were still wrapped around me and arms were around my neck. I panted when I moved up to kiss on her lips. She reciprocated and I danced my fingers on her hips. 

"Seulgi." She called again when I moved away from her lips to kiss her neck. "I really can't anymore." She said breathlessly and gasped when I d her s. "Seulgi, please." She kind of pleaded and I stopped whatever that I was doing. She unwrapped her arms and legs around me and I stood straight again. 

She sat up and I just realised that the song had ended. "I am sorry." I apologised because she had asked me to stop but I didn't. 

"It is okay." She smiled and took my hands. "Bad timing to have period." She joked and I laughed along. 

"Yeah. Imagine all the things we could be doing now if your period didn't come." I sighed and pouted. 

"There's always a next time." She pulled me to sit beside her. "How... how did I do?" She asked shyly. 

"Honest opinion?" I turned my upper body to face her. She nodded quickly. 

"Just say it. I am okay. I can take anything." She said. 

"It was so hot. You're so hot. So y. So captivating." I grinned and she blushed again. I guessed she was feeling embarrassed about the fact that I just turned her to become a seductress for my eyes only. "You got me so bothered." 

"I feel bothered too." She pushed my shoulder. "I thought it was just dancing but I ended up..." 

She didn't finish off as I decided to play with her by pushing her down to lie on the bed as I kissed her hungrily again. "Seulgi!" She whispered loudly as she shoved me beside her. I laughed and she sat up then she gave me a punch on my stomach. "Seriously." 

"You're needy too." I teased and trailed along her spine. She shifted away from me and folded her arms. 

"You're so mean." 

"Are you angry?"


"You are angry?"


"Joohyun-unnie~" I cooed and she basically just ignored me. "I was just playing with you."

"It is not even fun." She finally responded. 

"It is fun." I grinned when she stared at me. 

"Fun for you. Do you know how frustrating it is?" She rolled her eyes and turned away from me again. 

"You're ually frustrated." I teased and I could picture her blushing even though I couldn't see her face. "Alright alright. Sorry baby. I won't do this again." 

"I am going to do the same back when you're on your period." She pouted when I kneeled in front of her.

"I don't really care. I will still do it." 

"What? You're disgusting!" She pushed me away and I laughed. 

"Whatever. I shall revise a little and then we will sleep okay?" I patted her head and she nodded. 

"Do you really need to revise though?" She asked me. 

"Why? You still wanna have a special performance for me?" I teased, eyeing her playfully. 

She pushed my head and scoffed. "You're smart enough." 

"No no. I forget stuff quite easily. I must revise through if not I will drop to the bottom 3% instead." I shook my head. 

"It is not that serious." She rolled her eyes but I didn't reply. I walked to the table again and looked at the chair. 

"I can't see this the same way anymore. I can practically still feel your on my thighs." I blurted out without looking at her. 

"Kang Seulgi." I turned around and saw her pressing her lips very tightly, forming a thin line. 

"Okay okay. I was just saying." I turned back and sat on the chair. It really felt different now. "How about we do it again?" I turned my head to look at her.

"I am not entertaining you." She said without looking at me. 

"But you entertained me. How much do I have to pay you?" 

She threw her magazine at my face but I was fast enough to swat it away. "I am your girlfriend." She reminded me and also warned me. 

"You're right." I nodded and turned back, decided to not anymore. "My y girlfriend." But my mouth couldn't stop and this time, the other magazine hit the back of my head. 





My exam had finally ended and on the last day, my paper ended quite late so I decided to just go to Irene's workplace to fetch her. I sat near the building and waited for her to end her work patiently. I didn't tell her that I was going so it was kind of a surprise. 

But the person I saw first was not the person that I wanted to see. 


"Oh hey there, Seulgi, right?" He smiled at me. 

I returned him a polite but fake smile and nodded without saying anymore. 

"Are you waiting for Irene?" He asked, what a stupid question. "Oh silly me. You must be." He hit his own forehead before I even replied. I didn't say anything else. But he continued. "You must be a very good friend of Irene, right? Can I ask you something?" 

I eyed him but nodded in the end. 

"What type of guy does Irene like?" 

I knew it. I knew he liked my girl. I freaking knew it. 

"Oh it is not me. I am just helping my friend." He laughed when he saw the way I look at him. "There he is!" He pointed behind me and I turned around to see a good looking guy chatting with Irene. My hands balled into fists again when I saw him helping Irene down the stairs when Irene stumbled a little. "His name is Suho and he has basically announced to the entire department that he is going after Irene. Irene knows about it but she doesn't say much. I was thinking if she feels the same." 

I didn't even really pay much attention to Bogum talking because I was trying to burn a hole on the Suho guy. Irene just nodded and laughed a little when he kept talking. My jealousy struck again and I excused myself from Bogum, walking towards the duo. 

Irene looked surprised when she saw me and she ran to me quickly, giving me a tight hug and the Suho guy just caught up and he gave me a huge smile which I found revolting. 

"What brings you here?" Irene pushed herself away and she asked happily as she flashed me her toothy grin. 

I wasn't feeling happy then so I just shrugged which made her frown. 

"Erm Suho, I need to go. Bye." She said to the guy who was still standing beside her. 

"I will send you home." He suggested and then smiled at me again. I was burning in fury already. 

Irene sensed that something was off and she quickly rejected him. "It is okay. I really need to go now. See you." 

Suho nodded and he stepped aside. "See you then. Be safe." I watched him carefully as he patted Irene's shoulder. I walked away first without even saying anything to Irene and I heard her running up to me with her heels tapping the ground. 

"Seulgi!" She called me when I was still storming away. "Wait for me!" 

I finally stopped when I reached the bus stop. She caught up with me awhile later and she panted heavily. I didn't even look at her once when she held onto my shoulder to catch her breath. 

"What's wrong?" She asked me when she had regained her breath. 

"Who the heck is he?" I just questioned and stared at her for awhile before looking away in annoyance again. 

"Suho? He is a colleague. He-" 

"He what? You are going to tell me he doesn't like you again? That I am thinking too much again? That I am being too jealous again? Bogum told me everything." I just said as I stared at her. I poked my inner cheek with my tongue as I watched her trying to find her words. 

"I wasn't going to say that..." she sighed and clutched onto my uniform. "Please don't be angry." 

"I am not even angry." I scoffed and walked away from her to stand at the other side of the bus stop. She quickly followed me and I pursed my lips at the sight of her because I thought about Suho's hand on her shoulder. 

"I really don't like him. Not even a bit, Seulgi-ah." She explained softly and tugged my sleeve when I didn't reply. "I know you're angry because you're jealous because you love me." 

"I am not jealous." I denied and just went to board the bus when it arrived. She followed after and I purposely didn't sit on the seat that could let the both of us sit together. Instead, I decided to sit beside this attractive lady. She just stared at me in disbelief when I chose not to sit beside her. So she ended up just standing beside me because she knew that I purposely sat beside that lady out of so many other seats. 

But she just put up with me until we reached our bus stop. She alighted first and I followed after her. "Seulgi." She called me when I just walked ahead without waiting for her. "I said I don't like him, what do you want me to do?" She sighed as we walked together or more like she was trying to catch up with my pace. 

"Figure it out yourself." I said without looking at her and she grabbed my hand to stop me from walking. 

"I am sorry, okay? Please don't be angry." She lowered her head and I knew I couldn't bear to see her like this again. "I rejected him again and again but he just doesn't give up." 

"People think you're playing hard to get." I just said and eyed her. 

"Did Bogum say that?" She frowned and I didn't react. "He is just making an assumption. You should know that I love you only." 

"You will feel touched if he keeps giving you special attention." I stated. 

"He is nothing compare to you." She squeezed my hand. "My heart is with you, Seulgi." 

"Bogum will help him to get you." 

"So? I will never fall for him. I don't see him that way." She explained again. 

"You know that people will keep pairing the two of you up because they know, right?" I asked her irritably. 

She nodded and looked down. "I know. I will tell them to stop it."

"How?" I asked flatly. 

"I will say that I don't want to be paired up with him because I feel uncomfortable." She said. 

"Like they will care. They will find it entertaining to watch you and that guy together. Even more entertaining when you are playing hard to get." I said sarcastically. 

"Seulgi..." she hugged me around my waist and nuzzled her nose to my neck. "I really don't like him. Not even a good feeling. I just cannot totally avoid him because we work in the same department. His cubicle is just next to mine." 

I didn't hug back and she just tightened the hug. "Why did you let him touch you?" 

"I didn't." She just said and pressed her body closer to mine as if she was scared that I would walk off if she let go. "I will tell him to not touch me again when I see him tomorrow." 

"If you say so." I just said. 

We fell into deep silence for the next few minutes with her still clinging onto me dearly. Some people walked by and gave me a weird stare but I guess my face looked angry enough for them to just keep their mouth shut. 

"I really don't like it when you're so cold to me." She finally said. "It hurts so much. I don't like it when you ignore me." 

"I am not."

"Stop denying Seulgi. Just say that you're jealous and you're giving me the worst punishment." I felt her breath on my neck and I just rolled my eyes even though she couldn't see. 

"Okay. I am jealous. I am freaking jealous. Okay?" 

"Don't be. I am yours." 

"He will snatch you away from me." I said, feeling the sudden wave of sadness. 

Irene moved away finally and she cupped my cheeks tenderly. "He won't. He is not my type. Never will be. Not anyone else." 

I was not angry anymore. I was feeling insecure. Irene is really beautiful and she can have just anyone but she chose me. "I bet your father will like them more..." 

"I don't care. I love you. Please stop being this way. I want the happy and playful Seulgi back." She whispered and stared into my eyes. 

"What if I leave you one day because I feel that I am not good enough to be with you?" 

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Chapter 30: wow, what a memorable trip. I really thought that the first chapter was a perfect one-shot and soon I found out that this was originally planned to be a one-shot. But no, the whole story is also very sweet and close to real life. A little surprised by the sudden ending, but I still fell in love with the development of the main character.
Chapter 1: Wow, the first chapter could be a very sweet light fluff one shot
angelclowie18 #3
Chapter 30: This is so cute. What a wonderful story. 🥺
Sir_Loin #4
Chapter 30: Yay! Happily ever after~
While reading this i do think that Irene was too possessive. That whole phone thingie was a trigger to something more serious. But, in her defense, she only gets jealous over girls that has romantic feelings towards Seulgi. Not those that are proven to be just friends. Still, i’m glad she worked that out. Cheers!
Chapter 30: Cutieee
Chapter 30: Re-reading this! Definitely one of my favourite story ever xD
Re-reading this again!
Neonstein #8
Chapter 1: Wow! They just met, but already having a thought like this? I feel like it is too fast and maybe the problem is here.
Chapter 21: Seulgi acted like a big doing that even if Irene said she didn’t want to. Completely not necessary for the plot and quite disgusting seeing how Seulgi didn’t give a about Irenes decision. I’m really disappointed.
Chapter 30: amazing story T.T
thank you authornim