
Hello, my soulmate

The first day of work was quite tiring since it was a Saturday and young people in groups hung out at the coffee shop. I didn't have time to reply Irene but I felt my phone vibrating for four times already. I checked her reply during lunch break and replied quickly before I was called to clean the tables before reopening again. But Irene still continued to text me even though I was not replying. She sent me pictures of herself and I couldn't help but smile at the cute sight of her in the photos. 

"Why are you smiling like that?" Sooyeon nudged me weakly and gave me a teasing look. I looked up and suppressed a smile on my face. "Is that Irene?" She pointed at my phone. I nodded and she put the rag away on the counter. "Can I see?" 

"Sure." I showed her a more proper photo of Irene, one that she was not acting cute and pouting or making funny faces. I saw Sooyeon's eyes widening and her jaw dropping. I knew what she was going to say already. 

"She is so pretty!" She exclaimed and I giggled, scratching the back of my neck. "You're lucky." 

I nodded and smiled. "I am super lucky to have her." 

"The two of you look good together." She gave me a soft smile and patted my arm. 

"Thanks." My cheeks were properly sore from smiling so much already and my phone vibrated again.

Sooyeon looked at me when I stared at my phone again. "I will leave you alone to text with your girlfriend." She teased me and I stuck my tongue out at her. 

From: Irene :)

I can't stop thinking about youuuuuuuu.

I smiled when I read that and I saw her typing again so I waited for her to send her text. 

From: Irene :)

Why are you online but not replying me >:(

To: Irene :)

I am waiting for you to finish typing hehe I am thinking of you too.

From: Irene :)

Liar. Bet you're having fun with your friends and probably scanning hot girls on the street.

To: Irene :)

The only hot girl I will ever want to scan is you ;)

From: Irene :)

Don't to me. A month, remember?

To: Irene :)

Are you sure you can endure a month? You were checking me out last night! 

From: Irene :)

I wasn't! I just said you look good.

To: Irene :)

Oh... so you don't check me out...

From: Irene :)

Argh Seulgi!! Don't always do this to me.

To: Irene :)

Hehe i was just playing with you. 

From: Irene :)

Whatever. What are you doing?

I was about to reply when Victoria called me again. "Soojung! Seulgi! I need your help here!" I locked my phone hastily and slipped it into my pocket, jogging to the back with Krystal and we almost bumped into each other. 

"Yes vic unnie?" She asked us to call her that. 

"Can you carry this to the storeroom for me? There is a next batch coming in so I need to clear this area." She said, pointing at the sacks of coffee beans. I nodded and Krystal went straight to carry the sack up. "Be careful. Just put them near the wall in the room." Victoria said and I went to lift a sack up after Krystal walked away. Hell, it was heavy and I stared at Krystal in awe as she looked as if the sack she was carrying was as light as feathers. 

Nonetheless, I did not complain since it was a work and we moved the sacks into the storeroom one by one. There were fifty of them so we each handled twenty five bags. Sooyeon was busy preparing the cakes while Taeyong was washing the utensils with this other guy called Sehun, he was doing a part time job too but he came in before us. I had a feeling that he was kind of interested in Krystal but was scared to approach her because well, Krystal can be quite intimidating sometimes. 

I was so tempted to take out my phone to check the text but I didn't want to be fired and I knew my limit, so I pulled through the rest of the day and the five of us plopped ourselves down at the end of the day. It was 8pm already and we were feeling so drained. 

"Rest well tomorrow and report to work on Monday alright kids." Victoria patted Taeyong's shoulder and she smiled at all of us. She was really kind. My stomach growled and Krystal who was sitting beside me heard it. 

"Are you hungry?" She asked, stifling a laughter. Sooyeon turned to look at me as well and I nodded shyly. "How about we have dinner together?" 

"I can't. I am meeting Irene." I declined politely and I saw Krystal's face drop. "Next time? Because I have already promised Irene." 

"It's okay. Next time then." Krystal smiled at me and I stood up. 

"I will get going then. See you guys on Monday!" I chirped and waved at them. They waved back and Sooyeon stood up when I was about to turn. 

"S-Seulgi! I will go with you." She said and I frowned. 

"Aren't you going with Soojung instead?" I looked at Krystal and she shrugged at me. 

"I just want to have a chat with you." She in a deep breath before she confessed. I nodded with my lips forming an 'o'. "Can we?" 

I contemplated for awhile and eventually nodded. "Okay I guess. Let's go." I smiled and I saw Taeyong threw me a glare before he looked away. Sooyeon packed her stuff and patted Krystal's shoulder before jogging up to me. 

We left the coffee house and it was silence for the first few minutes until she finally talked about something. "I am glad that you are doing well." 

I looked at her for awhile and then looked away. "Yeah. Me too." 

"Did you have any girlfriend after me? Excluding Irene." She asked softly and I shook my head. I saw her lips curving upwards. The street was quite empty at that time. We were waiting for the bus then and she sat down beside me. "I am sorry." 

"For?" I frowned. 

"For breaking up with you." Her voice almost broke. 

"It is okay." I gave a weak smile. "I got over it already." 

"I knew you were serious about it even though we were so young. But I was so selfish. I wanted to meet more people and-" 

"It is not your fault Sooyeon. We were still young." I assured her and she gave me a small smile. "If you want to know, I was really sad when you ended things with me. But I distracted myself by playing soccer and studying." 

"That's how you become so good at them." She joked weakly and I laughed. "Are you still playing soccer?" 

I shook my head. "We stopped training after the finals." 

"I want to play soccer again." She sighed and played with the strap of her bag.

"Why did you quit school?" I asked.

"School is not my thing you know." She grimaced at the thought of school. I chuckled and she did the same too. 

"Don't tell me you didn't change your habit of sleeping in class." I teased and she pushed me lightly. 

"I tried okay? It was really hard." She whined and I laughed again. "Oh the bus is here. Come on." She grabbed my wrist and pulled me up. I stared at her hand on my wrist and she noticed that I was not moving so she turned around. Her eyes followed my gaze and she immediately let my hand go when she realised what she was doing. "Sorry." She mumbled and I gave her a half smile. 

"It's okay. Let's go." I said and boarded the bus first. 

The entire ride was quite quiet because of what happened earlier and I had to alight first, Sooyeon lived further away from me. "Bye Sooyeon." I smiled at her before getting up and she waved at me with a faint smile on her face. I alighted and looked into the bus but she was not looking at me, she looked like she was deep in her thoughts so I just shrugged to myself and walked to my block. 

"." I suddenly remember my phone and I quickly pulled it out. There was eleven new messages and they were all from Irene. Most of them were asking me why didn't I reply her and what was I doing. I opened the last one and read. 

From: Irene :)

I am at your place already. Don't come home too late.

I bit my lip and looked at the time I received the text. It was fifteen minutes ago. "." I cursed under my breath and walked briskly to my block. My mind was full of images of an upset Irene and I pressed for the lift quickly. 

I searched for my keys in my bag and stepped out of the lift inmediately when the lift doors opened. My mother looked at me weirdly when she saw that I was in such a hurry. She nagged at me for always leaving my sneakers around but I just brushed her off and went into my room. There she was, lying on my bed and looking at her phone. 

"Hey." I smiled and panted a little. She looked at me and sat up, putting her phone away. 

"Why are you so out of breath?" She frowned and walked towards me. 

"I kind of rushed back." I said and was searching for a hint of an upset Irene but she cupped my face gently and gave me a peck on the lips. I felt relieved at the moment.

"Have you eaten?" She asked me and smoothened my wrinkled sleeve. I shook my head and she hugged me. "I miss you." I hugged her back too and she sniffed around before pushing herself away. "You put perfume?" She frowned. 

I mirrored her expression and shook my head. "Why?" 

"You... smell different." She said as she eyed me briefly and looked away. 

"Huh? I smell different?" I repeated and sniffed myself. "I don't smell it?" 

"Never mind." She grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together. "Let's have dinner together." 

"Okay." I smiled at her and pecked her cheek. "Are you staying tonight?" She nodded cutely and I grinned at her. "Okay." 






After the dinner, we went back to our room again and I told her I would take a shower first. She nodded and went onto my bed to use her phone again. I took 20 minutes to clean myself and when I went back to the room, I saw her using my phone again. This time, she didn't seem too panicked and even continued using it when I went beside her. 

I watched as she scrolled through my Twitter and she was reading my tweets. "You don't really use Twitter anymore?" She asked me and I shook my head. "Your favourite girl group is Apink?" She stopped at the group photo that I had retweeted and I nodded sheepishly. 

She put my phone away and what surprised me was she pushed me down to lie on my back as she hovered on top of me. "W-why?" I asked, a little flustered as the way she was looking at me was quite intimidating. 

"Are you hiding something from me?" She asked, coldly. 

"W-what? Of course not!" I laughed nervously and scratched my ear. 

It was too sudden when she started kissing my neck and jaw fervently, she was not as gentle as before and my eyes were shut tightly as her hands kneaded my body. I yelped in surprise when she shoved a hand inside my underwear and she felt around me which I blushed heavily. "You are not on your period." She took her hand out and pushed herself off me. 

I panicked and scurried to sit up straight. "I-I-" 

"Why did you lie?" She side-eyed me and then looked down. I knew that she wouldn't hold her strong stance for too long because she was not a dominant person. 

I felt guilty immediately and didn't know if I should just tell her my plan for our third month celebration. 

"You smelt different. You didn't reply my texts. You were basically missing in action the entire day." She said weakly and I my dry lips. "Sooyeon texted you." She said almost bitterly and I heard her choke on her words. "If I am not wrong, she is your ex girlfriend right? Did you go out with her?" She forced herself to look up and meet my eyes but she couldn't hold the eye contact for too long so she looked down again. 

"Listen to me first, hyun." I said gently and I saw her clenching her jaws. She in a deep breath and closed her eyes as she nodded. "It is not what you're thinking." She opened her eyes again and looked at me. "I am not lying to you. I will be honest with you." She continued staring at me. 

"You lied about having period." She almost spat and I gulped. 

I nodded in guilt. "I did. But I have a reason." I said and she looked away. "Actually, I am not tutoring anyone in school and I didn't go out with my friends today." Her gaze snapped back at me again and she wanted to speak again but I held my hand up. "Wait, listen to me first." I took her hand in mine and she wanted to pull it away but I held it tightly. "I am doing a part-time job. I didn't want to tell you because... well... our third month is coming up. I know that you always do not allow me to buy things for you because I am not earning my own money yet." Her eyes flickered and her gaze fell softly upon me. I continued. "So I decided to just take up a part time job in the holiday to earn my own money to buy something fancy for you. I am sorry that I lied to you." 

She stared at me for a very long time and tears started welling up in her eyes when I brought her hand up to my lips for a kiss. "Why didn't you tell me!" She wiped a tear away and she jabbed my chest with her free hand. I groaned in pain and opened my arms for her to come into my embrace, she did it quickly and straddled on my laps. Our front facing each other but she was sitting higher than me because she was on my laps, her legs wrapped around my waist. 

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, you know. But..." I sighed as I had already told her about my plan. She threw her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly which made me feel out of breath for a moment. 

"I almost misunderstood you and almost fought with you again." She muttered. My face was hidden in her chest and she moved back to glare at me instead of the soft gaze she was giving me awhile ago. "But why are you texting Sooyeon?" 

I felt the hair on the back of my neck standing up when her tone was so chilly. She saw me shifting my gaze about and she came off me, folding her arms in front of her chest as she waited for my answer. "Well... I... am working at the place she is working at too." 

She arched an eyebrow and I sighed. 

"Don't worry so much. Taeyong is there, he is your spy, remember?" I joked, trying to lift the mood up but she was still eyeing me. 

"Do you know what she has texted you?" She questioned me and I shook my head. "She said she is sorry for holding your hand just now." I gulped. 

"Oh no no. It is not what you think it is." I waved my hands in front of her face and she looked away, rolling her eyes slightly. 

"Then what do you think it should be?" 

"She was holding my wrist but she let go of it after that! I swear I didn't hold her hand. We didn't hold hands! She was holding my wrist, wrist only." I said and I held her wrist to show her the way Sooyeon was holding it. "Wrist." I repeated firmly and I saw her lips quivering as she was trying to hold back her laughter. 

"Do you know what else she had said?" She asked me, trying to act nonchalant. 

I groaned and let go of her wrist. I knew she was trying to tease me now. "What?"

"She said that you really love me and she wants us to be together for a very long time and wants you to cherish me." 

I took my phone and saw the text that Sooyeon had sent me. It was really what Irene had said and I keyed in a reply quickly before putting my phone away. 

"I don't think I am that keen of my girlfriend texting her ex-girlfriend in front of me." She said, trying to act like she was sour over it even though she was indeed a little jealous. 

I laughed and pushed her down the bed by pouncing on her. She squealed in surprise and I leaned down to peck on her lips. "Now I am not sure if I should be keen of my girlfriend checking my phone without my permission." 

"Do you have something to hide?" She challenged me and I shrugged. 

"Maybe my plan for our celebration?" I grinned and she pulled me down for another kiss. Her fingers intertwined behind my neck and I let my elbow support my weight. 

"Are you really working?" She asked me quietly and I nodded. "Because you want buy me something?" I nodded again. "Why are you so good at touching my heart?" She pouted and I grinned. 

"Because I love you." I said cheekily and her hands move down to rest on my chest. 

"You don't have to do it you know?" She sighed and played with the collar of my round-neck shirt. 

I held her hand and intertwined our fingers together. "I want to do it for you." 

"We could spend the next week together instead if you didn't choose to work." She complained and I kissed on her nose.

"Then I won't be able to buy you something nice." I stated and she wrapped her legs around my waist. 

"I don't care if you can't buy me something nice. I just want you near me and that's all that matters." 

"But I want to buy you something nice." I jutted my lower lip and tapped on it with her other hand that I was not holding. 

"You can give me something nice without paying for it." She cooed in my ear and I gulped. I felt her hot breath at the shell of my ear and she bit my earlobe. "If you know what I mean." Her voice was so husky and I couldn't contain the excitement in me. "I was holding myself back yesterday when I saw you in your sweatpants and shirt because you said you were on your period." 

"I am not on my period." I quickly said and she giggled. 

"But you said you are." She teased me and I groaned. I ed my hips to meet her core once and she gasped. 

"You don't know how hot you were when you checked me out last night." I whispered in her ear and she sighed. When I moved up to look at her, her eyes were clouded with lust and she pulled my face close to hers to kiss on my lips hungrily. Within just a minute, our clothes were thrown all over the floor and she was softly as I kneaded her s. "My brother will hear if you moan too loudly." I warned her quietly and she immediately covered with her hand which made me chuckle. But it didn't help her when I trailed my fingers on her inner thigh and dangerously close to her aching core which made her groan in frustration. 

"Seulgi!" She whispered loudly and grabbed my hand, wanting to put it on her core and I pulled it back hastily. She pouted cutely despite looking incredibly hot and I sat up. 

"Have you watched before?" I asked her cheekily and she shook her head. "Maybe we should watch it together." I was surprised by my own suggestion and also at my self-control. 

"W-what?" Her face was in a mixed of surprised and confusion as she watched me gathering my laptop to the bed. "Are we seriously watching it?" 

I nodded eagerly and switched my laptop on. 

"Do you even know where you can watch it?" She frowned as she watched me type on a link. "You know?!" She exclaimed and then stared at me. "Don't tell me you have been watching it!" I wiggled my eyebrows at her playfully and she slapped my chest. "You are so needy!" 

"We'll see who's the needy one soon." I said and played the video. It was quite a realistic lesbian . At first, she was still shy and didn't really watch it but after awhile when the video got intensed, she glued her eyes on the screen and I saw her squirming on the bed beside me. We were sitting down, well . 

"Can you lower the volume. Your brother might think that it is us." She said when the girl inside the video moaned out loud. I laughed and lowered the volume like what she wanted me to. 

They were doing different things from what we usually did in the video and I saw her covering her eyes when they moved on to . "Don't worry we won't do that." I and she elbowed my chest. 

"Why are they doing that?" She asked me almost innocently and I would be convinced that she was really innoncent if she wasn't . 

"Do you want to try to know?" I laughed and she pushed my face away from her face. 

"Don't ever do this kind of thing to me. It looks painful." She said and I used my hands to spread her legs apart which made her gasp. I danced my fingers on her inner thigh and inched towards her core. 

"Watch it." I said to her while my eyes were glued on the screen. She looked up from my fingers on her lap and tried to focus on the video but it didn't help when I started rubbing her. She moaned softly and closed her eyes. "Watch the video." I said again when I stopped rubbing her. She nodded and continued watching again. I guess she was by the sound from the video and she squeezed her legs together tightly when I moved my hand away from her core. I continued watching the video like it didn't at all but in fact, I was more than by the fact that she was now doing it herself. I pretended like I didn't see and she started as well when her fingers went faster. I smirked and put my lap top away, switching it off as we wouldn't need it anymore. She stared at me when I yanked her hand away and I grabbed her legs so that I was sitting in between her legs. "Let me see." I said and she blushed. "Continue." I put her hand on her core again and she bit her lip as she felt shy doing it in front of me this time. I could see that she was very aroused and I gulped at the sight of it. She started moving her fingers around her throbbing part and her head jerked back as she was near. She moaned loudly when I rammed my fingers into her and she gasped for air after she reached her . 

My bed sheet was practically stained already but I did not care. I playfully inched my finger close to her backdoor and she slapped my hand away. "I told you-" 

"Just try it." I said and moved my finger closer again. She yanked my hand away again and shut her legs tightly. I laughed when she frowned at me. She thought that I had given up on the thought until I picked her up and turned her to lie on her front. She didn't have time to react when I pulled her close to the edge of the bed so that only her upper body was on the bed and her feet were on the floor. 

When I saw that she wanted to get up, I rested my body on her back. "Seulgi!" She protested and I traced the side of her body which made her quiet again. She panted when I kneaded her cheek. "Stay still." I whispered in her ear and went to take the toy out from the box again. She was gripping onto the bed sheet tightly as she knew what was happening, when she wanted to stand up again, I parted her legs quickly and her upper body fell back onto the bed. "I am scared." Her voice trembled a little and I kissed her shoulder. 

"I will be gentle." I said and slipped the toy inside of the place she was more familiar with first. She whimpered and I held her by her hips as I ed against her. After another few more s, I removed it from her and her breathing hitched because she knew what was coming next. Her body tensed when I placed it on her back door. 

"Seul-" she gasped and stopped breathing for awhile when I went inside her a little. I looked at her face but she buried it into the bed sheet. "It hurts." She grunted and I leaned forward to kiss her neck. I waited until she relaxed a little and then I pushed it in further. She gripped onto the bedsheet harder and her knees went weak, I supported her by holding onto her waist and she looked to her side. Her eyes were shut tightly and she gasped for air. I locked my fingers with her and whispered into her ear. "Can I move baby?" She nodded hesitantly and I pulled it out before pushing it inside again. Her fingers tightened around mine and she groaned in pain. 

"Can we stop?" She begged me when she couldn't take the pain anymore and I nodded. I pulled it out and turned her around slowly. "Please don't do it again." She said weakly and lay there while panting. I felt bad for inflicting the pain on her and I took the toy out of me before hugging her. "I am sorry. I wanted to try something new." I sighed and she pinched my arm. 

"It really hurts so much." She said weakly and I kissed her forehead. 

"I am sorry. I am sorry." I said and brushed her hair. She sat up slowly and winced in pain a little. "Is it really that painful?" 

She slapped my chest after straddling on me. "Do you want to try it." I shook my head and she rolled her eyes at me. "Now I just hope that people won't ask me why am I walking so weirdly. All thanks to you." 

I rubbed my nape as I felt embarrassed. "I am sorry." 

She seemed to know that I was really guilty so she rested her head on my chest on top of me. "I am not really blaming you. Just, I hope you will respect my opinion next time when I say I don't want to do something like that." Then she shifted up to kiss on my lips. "Now, let's not neglect your hormones." She chuckled at her own jokes and started kissing my neck. 

We spent nearly two hours exploring each other's body until our tired body gave us away. I was more than certain that our body would be sore as hell the next day but I did not mind because she made me feel loved. 





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Chapter 30: wow, what a memorable trip. I really thought that the first chapter was a perfect one-shot and soon I found out that this was originally planned to be a one-shot. But no, the whole story is also very sweet and close to real life. A little surprised by the sudden ending, but I still fell in love with the development of the main character.
Chapter 1: Wow, the first chapter could be a very sweet light fluff one shot
angelclowie18 #3
Chapter 30: This is so cute. What a wonderful story. 🥺
Sir_Loin #4
Chapter 30: Yay! Happily ever after~
While reading this i do think that Irene was too possessive. That whole phone thingie was a trigger to something more serious. But, in her defense, she only gets jealous over girls that has romantic feelings towards Seulgi. Not those that are proven to be just friends. Still, i’m glad she worked that out. Cheers!
Chapter 30: Cutieee
Chapter 30: Re-reading this! Definitely one of my favourite story ever xD
Re-reading this again!
Neonstein #8
Chapter 1: Wow! They just met, but already having a thought like this? I feel like it is too fast and maybe the problem is here.
Chapter 21: Seulgi acted like a big doing that even if Irene said she didn’t want to. Completely not necessary for the plot and quite disgusting seeing how Seulgi didn’t give a about Irenes decision. I’m really disappointed.
Chapter 30: amazing story T.T
thank you authornim