
Hello, my soulmate

"I don't ever want to hear anything like that from you." She stated sternly, her hands were still cupping my cheeks and I couldn't even bring myself to meet her eyes. "You promised appa that you will support me, always." She reminded me when she saw that I did not reply. 

My heart stopped beating when I recalled the dinner. She was right. I did promise Mr Bae that I would always love Irene and care for her. How could I have forgotten?

It seemed as if she had been holding on to her breath for as long as I did not reply. She heaved a long breath out when I finally nodded. "You're right. I promised." 

"So don't ever say anything like that again, okay?" She asked softly and patted my cheeks. Sometimes, I felt that I was too childish for her and she was too mature. I felt bad. 

"Joohyun ah." Her gaze softened and she nodded. "Let's go over to my place. We need to talk about something." She hesitated but still complied when I took her hand in mine. "Don't worry. I won't say anything like that again." 




"Joohyun!" My mother looked surprised to see Irene and Irene bowed at her politely. "Have you guys eaten?" 

I shook my head and turned to Irene. "Are you hungry?" 

"Not really." 

"Momma, we will eat later." I smiled at my mother and she narrowed her eyes at me. 

"Are you guys going to the room again?" She questioned. 

I looked at her speechlessly and then nodded. "We won't do funny things." Irene chuckled softly when I said that because my mother looked quite embarrassed. 

"I am not saying that you will do funny things. Just come out and eat your dinner soon." She quickly said and then went to sit on the sofa again to continue watching her drama series. 

"We will." I replied playfully and then walked to my room with Irene following at the back. "Do you want to change into something more comfortable first? Your skirt looks so tight." 

She looked down at her skirt and then looked back at me, nodding. "I am sorry." 

"For what?" I frowned because I didn't get why she apologised. 

"You don't like it." She chewed her bottom lip nervously and I finally figured out. She thought that I was jealous again. 

I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her neck. She returned the hug and I sniffed her hair, she always smelled so nice. "You got me wrong. I didn't mean it that way. You can wear anything that you like as long as it is not too revealing." 

"You're not angry?" Her voice became muffled because her lips was pressed against my uniform. 

"Nope." I pulled away and gave her a peck on the forehead. "I can't really stay mad at you." I said softly and lifted her chin with my index finger as I brushed her lips with my thumb. "My heart just softens whenever you look like this." Then I used the same finger to tap her nose. 

"But you are so scary when you are angry." She jutted her lower lip and I leaned into kiss her. 

"I am sorry. I promise I will keep my anger in check next time, okay?" 

She shook her head. "I also kind of like it when you are jealous. But not angry." She giggled and gave me another quick kiss on the lips. 

"I will get you something to change. Wait a minute." I said and went to my closet. I ransacked it as I couldn't find something that fit her. 

"Are you trying to dig a hole in your closet?" She joked when she saw the clothes on the floor. When I had finally found a pair of sweatpants and a shirt, I turned around and saw her picking up the clothes scattered all over the floor. 

"Change into this." I passed to her and took the other clothes back, throwing them into my closet again. 

"You are so untidying." She scrunched her face and shook her head. 

"It doesn't matter. Change up." I said and she went to the door. "Do you really have to go to the toilet to change?" 

She stopped and turned around, giving me a shy smile then she walked back to near the closet. "I forgot." 

I chuckled at her and changed into something more comfortable too. My shirt was a bit too tight for her because her s were fuller than mine. I gulped when she bent forward as she tried to change into the sweatpants. 

"Seulgi!" She yelped when I slapped her . She quickly pulled up her pants and I laughed uncontrollably. "Did you purposely pick this shirt?" She pulled the shirt and squirmed a little. 

"No. It is because your s are big." I teased and she slapped my arm. "Anyway, your polkadot underwear is cute." I laughed and that earned me another slap again. 

"You are so annoying." She whined and I shrugged. She folded her office wear neatly and placed it on the desk. "How's your exam by the way?" 

"Finally ended." I cheered and slumped myself onto the bed. 

"That's why you came to fetch me?" She turned around and smiled as she joined me on the bed. 

I nodded. "I wanted to surprise you." 

"You surprised me." She smiled and hugged around my waist as she rested her head on my chest. "I wish you could fetch me more often but it would be selfish of me to ask you to. School is tiring enough." 

"I will do it if I am not tired and if my lesson ends late." I said and played with her hair. 

"Late?" She repeated. 

"Uhuh. So I don't have to wait for you to end your work because my lesson ends around the same time as well." I stated. 

She nodded and the snuggled closer to me. "What did you want to talk about?" 

I froze. Did I really want to talk about it now? When we were okay again? "I..." 

"Just say it. It is fine." She tapped my chest with her palm and I bit my lip, still contemplating. 

"Alright..." she waited for me to continue. "Do you think that we are moving too fast?" 

She didn't reply straight away but she answered calmly. "No. I feel that we are alright." 

"We didn't even know much about each other and we just get together." I reiterated. 

"If it feels right, why not?" 

"Do you find me immature?" I asked. 

"Not really. I am not very mature either. You're still young after all." 

"I am just worried that you will find it tiring to be with someone who is not of the same maturity as you are." 

"I am fine with it. As long as it is you. And really, you are not immature. You're just a little stubborn I guess?" She sounded unsure at the end. 

"You guess?"

"Because when you are angry, you won't let me in." She sighed and I felt her breath on my neck. 

"I just don't feel like talking when I am down." 

"I know. Which is scary because you are very cold towards me. I am scared." Her voice cracked at the last word and my heart clenched. 

"I am sorry. I will really try to manage my anger." I kissed her forehead and hugged her tighter. "I really love you so much. I have no idea how I can adore you so much." 

I could feel her lips press to my neck and they formed a smile. "You make me feel so blessed to have you." 

"Actually, why haven't you introduced me to your friends?" I frowned when I realised. 

She stayed quiet and then sat up. I moved to lie on her laps and she brushed her fingers through my hair as she thought. "Colleagues or friends?" 

"Both." I closed my eyes to enjoy her touch. I felt her fingertip tracing along my eyelid to my nose and stopping at my lips. 

"I can't tell my colleagues. They will report it to my boss and I might be sacked because he is quite a homophobic." She sighed and I opened my eyes to see her looking so troubled. 

"It is okay then. Don't have to tell them." I reached up to pat her cheek which made her smile a bit. "What about your friends?" 

She bit her lip and looked away. "She moved to US already. And this other friend is quite busy now." 

"This other friend?" I furrowed my eyebrows. 

"Is a...he." she said softly. I merely nodded. "He is my ex boyfriend too." 

"You guys continue to be friends?" I just asked, surprised at how well I could take it. 

She nodded. "He really loved me and I didn't want to lose the friendship so I agreed to be with him. But I just couldn't love him the same. So I broke up with him after a year and we promised to still be friends. But I guess things have kind of changed. We don't really talk anymore. He was... he used to be my best friend." 

No wonder she had never really talked about her friends. Then it dawned upon me that I was the only one she could ever reach out to other than her family. My chest tightened at the thought of it. "How about the friend in US?" 

"Her name is Tiffany. She is married to a guy from the LA so she just moved there. We still talk occassionally on the phone and meet when she comes back. But I guess it is hard to maintain a friendship when she has a family now." She shrugged and I just looked at her. How I wanted to just keep her in my embrace and shower her with love and care. 

"What about other friends? Like maybe not best friends." I asked. 

She went back to playing with my hair and she said, "when you get older, you will realise that the friends you just smile and joke with in school will never be the ones who will be there for you next time." 

I waited as she looked like she still had something else to say. "I am not talking about friends like Taeyong, Yoona and Wendy that kind of friends. I am talking about perhaps friends like the ones you only talk to when you meet them in school? I only had the 2 of them when I was studying." 

I nodded. "Are you sad?" 

"I was. But then I realised I should move on because the Earth doesn't stop spinning just because I am sad." She laughed weakly. 

I sat up and faced her. "You have me now." I whispered as I cupped her cheeks in my hands. "I am your best friend, your girlfriend and anything that you want me to be." 

She stared at me and blinked. "You always touch my heart." Her body leaned forward and she hugged me as she rested her head on my shoulder. "I am really lucky to have you." 

"I am the lucky one." I said. 

"How many ex girlfriends do you have? Just tell me honestly." She asked when she moved away. 

"One." I stated. "Really honest. When I was 12. I told you before." 

"Okay maybe not ex girlfriends. But flings?" 

"One night stand?" I laughed. "Never. I was really lost before you came into my life. I thought I would never find someone." 

"But there are girls in your school who are crazy over you." She said sourly. 

I ruffled her fringe and then tucked it back neatly behind her ear. "I just don't like them that way. I am not a player." I paused and then decided to ask her the same. "What about you? How many ex do you have before me?" 

"4?" She replied unsurely. 


"I don't really know. I only know that I just accepted them because they were really nice to me. But I felt bad because I just couldn't feel the same." She sighed. "When I was still studying, I was quite a popular one." She said sheepishly. 

"I can see." I smiled at her. 

"Tiffany would ask me to give this guy a try, that guy a try. At first, I only dated them without kissing or anything more intimate. Then Tiffany just told me what I should do in a relationship." She stopped and checked and reaction. I was calm. "So there is this one time after a date, when he tried to kiss me, I didn't reject anymore. It felt so weird. I didn't like it. I didn't feel the way Tiffany described I should be feeling. My heart didn't flutter, my knees weren't weak, my head wasn't light." 

I watched as she stopped and thought about what to say again. "But when you first kissed me, I felt everything." She continued shyly and I saw her cheeks turning pink. "I always feel like touching you and I like your skin on mine. But when I was with a boy, I didn't want them to touch me. I would always avoid their touch. Tiffany just said I hadn't found the one yet." 

That made me smile. "I have found the one now. Because I feel everything with you." She whispered and smiled at me. 

"You didn't think that you might be gay?" I asked, smiling softly at her. 

She shook her head. "I didn't even know what is gay. I just knew that a girl should be with a boy because that's what I see on tv and everywhere." 

"That's true." I agreed with her.

"What about you? How did you know that you're gay?" 

"Hmm... I didn't know too like what you have said. Until I liked Sooyeon in my elementary school. She was a very cute girl." I stopped and she looked away. "You're cuter don't worry."

"I am fine. Continue." She said and prompted me. 

"Okay. Then we started getting closer and closer until she told me that she liked me. I should be feeling disgusted because a girl confessed to me. But I wasn't. I was elated." I smiled as I reminisced. 

"Stop smiling like that." She pouted. 

I giggled and gave her a kiss on her nose. "We got together after that and I brought her home and told my mother that I liked Sooyeon. My mother thought I meant it like bestfriend love until I just kissed Sooyeon on the lips in front of her because I didn't know that I should hide it. My mother was shocked at first but she accepted me straightaway because according to her, she always knew I am not going to fall for a boy." 

"You kissed her?" She asked, not addressing what I had said. 

"It was just a peck. Nothing like the tongue fight between me and you." I teased and she shoved my shoulder. 

"Your father?" She asked. 

"He accepted me too because I am his only daughter and he didn't want to lose me because I like girls. He said I am still his daughter." I smiled. "Seungri is just open minded." 

"You're so blessed to have them." She smiled back at me. 

"Are you hungry?" I asked when I felt my stomach churning. 

She nodded and I laughed. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" 

"Because I wanted to listen to your story." She stuck her tongue out at me. 

"We will eat dinner first and I will eat you later." I joked and she hit me hard on my back. "Ow!!!" 

"Serve you right for always making sick jokes." She huffed and I pounced on her so that she fell to her back on the bed. 

Even though she was reluctant at first, she still reciprocated my kiss. My hand went down from her neck and brushed past her before resting it on top of her core. She whimpered when I applied pressure on it. Her legs opened slowly without having me to do it. I smirked as I went to kiss her neck, she gasped when my hand went into her sweatpants and my fingers directly on her core. She was very aroused already and I started rubbing her until she was basically grazing my back with her fingernails but luckily my shirt was on. Her back arched upward so that her s were pressed firmly against mine and I continued to kiss her as she panted hard. A high pitched moan slipped out from when I slipped my finger in. She squirmed underneath me and I carried on with what I was doing until she reached her . Her legs tightened around my waist as she did so and I let her calm down until her legs around me loosened. I watched her regaining her breath with her eyes closed and she looked so beautiful that way. I leaned down and kissed her gently this time on her cheek and neck. When I felt her arms move away from me, I stood up but she surprised me when she pulled me back and then switched the position around. 

"Don't think that you can always have the upper-hand." She said so confidently that just . Her hand travelled into my pants as well and I gripped on the bedsheet tightly when she started rubbing me furiously. It didn't take me long to feel the way she felt awhile ago since I was very . 

I panted hard while she watched me this time. She brought her fingers to her own lips and my eyes widened when she put them into . "Screw the dinner. I will do you instead." I grunted and sat up, wanting to turn her around so that our position would change but she pushed me back onto my bed. 

"Stay still." She said and I looked at her. She peered behind to check that the door was locked before she gave me a little . My heart was pounding wildly against my chest when she straddled on my hips and ed her hips back and forth. I my lip when she lifted her shirt over her head and tossed it across the room. It looked like I would need to find another set of clothes for her. She took my hands and put them on her s, guiding me to squeeze them and she tilted her head to the back as I did so, was agape and I felt my lower stomach getting all tingly again. 

She hovered on top of me and my hands went to her back to undo her bra, letting it fall down her arms and I moved it away. She straddled on me again and flipped her hair to one side before she removed my pants along with my underwear. I didn't even have time to react after kicking my pants away and she just dove in to me. 

As if she was being pleasured, she moaned when I grabbed a fistful of her hair and pushed her closer to my core. She drove me crazy at the final flick and I collapsed onto my bed again. Then she surprised me another time when she took off her pants and her cute underwear and went beside me. She was completely and her face was flushed. She was shy again and I was wondering why until she climbed over, her core at my neck. She wanted to sit on my face. I was feeling ecstatic. 

I shifted lower so that my lips would meet with her bottom lips and she moaned when I traced her. My hands went up and d her s as she leaned forward to rest her hands on the bed for supported. Her eyes were shut tightly and I knew she couldn't hold it anymore but I stopped. She sat back straight and stared at me. "Why?!" 

I chuckled and shifted further down. She was kneeling on the bed and I was behind her. "Lean forward." I said and she just did as I told. I d her and lifted her bottom up higher and her upper body collapsed onto the bed when I continued to her again. Her body shook violently when I on the nub and she moved away from me when I didn't stop what I was doing. She lay on her back and I still felt not enough. Her eyes widened when I grabbed her thighs and pulled her core closer to my stomach. I went in between her legs and placed my core directly on hers. We moaned together when I lowered my hips for our core to meet the first time. 

I kept grinding on her until our body convulsed and I collapsed onto her. I gave her a quick peck on her lips before I moved aside to catch my breath. She was busy catching her breath as well. 

"Are you still hungry?" I asked, still catching my breath. 

"I think we will need a shower first." She said, wiping the sweat off her forehead. 

"Sure. Let me rest for awhile first." 

"Your stamina ." She laughed. 

"That's because we haven't been practicing." I joked and she giggled. "Let's go." 

"Together? Won't your mother scold you?" She asked, her chest still heaving up and down and I tried not to look at it. 

"She knows we do funny things already." I said. 

"What's so funny?" She asked innocently but not so innocent when she was basically still . 

"Nothing. Let's go." I smiled and sat up, holding my hand out for her to take. 






I will be on a hiatus for a month. So enjoy! 


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Chapter 30: wow, what a memorable trip. I really thought that the first chapter was a perfect one-shot and soon I found out that this was originally planned to be a one-shot. But no, the whole story is also very sweet and close to real life. A little surprised by the sudden ending, but I still fell in love with the development of the main character.
Chapter 1: Wow, the first chapter could be a very sweet light fluff one shot
angelclowie18 #3
Chapter 30: This is so cute. What a wonderful story. 🥺
Sir_Loin #4
Chapter 30: Yay! Happily ever after~
While reading this i do think that Irene was too possessive. That whole phone thingie was a trigger to something more serious. But, in her defense, she only gets jealous over girls that has romantic feelings towards Seulgi. Not those that are proven to be just friends. Still, i’m glad she worked that out. Cheers!
Chapter 30: Cutieee
Chapter 30: Re-reading this! Definitely one of my favourite story ever xD
Re-reading this again!
Neonstein #8
Chapter 1: Wow! They just met, but already having a thought like this? I feel like it is too fast and maybe the problem is here.
Chapter 21: Seulgi acted like a big doing that even if Irene said she didn’t want to. Completely not necessary for the plot and quite disgusting seeing how Seulgi didn’t give a about Irenes decision. I’m really disappointed.
Chapter 30: amazing story T.T
thank you authornim