Come and play with us

The Everyday ghost stories

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The same concrete paths,the same street yoona used to go to school,the same security who always give her a smile and 'good morning' in front of a small bank,the same grandma accompanying by his already passed away husband. Yoona knew the old man beside the grandma is a ghost,well he look so pale,quiet and floating. He just sat in the chair looking at his wife in concern.How romantic yet scary too,yoona guess that's what affection is ,though one already gone forever but the spirit always there ,beside and in the heart. A question roused in her mind,is she ever gonna have the story like that ? Well,with her freaky ability,she doubts it.


Yoona start to wonder ,why she never seen her mother,is it because she already in heaven ? She didn't know for sure but she really want to meet her,even just once.


And after all it's just the same morning,nothing major ,nothing special,plainly ordinary.


Yoona wait for a bus to come in the bus shelter. She look up to the sky ,rain really threatened to fall from the dark grey clouds. She caught a glimpse of the big vehicle in white colored and blue strips. There's an inscription at the front of it, 'See the light,follow the light '. No,light can be so dangerous.


The bus stopped in front of her and the door automatically opened. Yoona start to enter the transportation but she paused when someone almost bump onto her when about to reach the door in the same time. Yoona turn and saw the familiar girl from school in black hoodie. Kwon Yuri..her classmate. She never has any conversation with her,except the casual one. Nothing more,nothing friendly.


"You can go first..".Yuri permitted her to go inside by moving the space a bit. Yoona slightly bow to her without giving another gaze . It's not because yuri's not good to be looking at,instead she's so beautiful and stunning ,it's just there's always a weird aura around this tanned girl,is it a mojo ? Yoona didn't sure. She just didn't dare to look at her.


Yoona placed her self by the seat near the window,there's always a satisfaction when she rides in a vehicle and see the outside view. She felt someone take a seat beside her,it's the earlier person,yuri. She smiled at yoona,the charming smile that everyone called in school,yoona didn't reply it and she turns again looking at the window,this girl always make her unease. She noticed drops of water already hitting the window,good she's not bring an umbrella with her. The walk to school from the bus is about 5 minutes long,enough to make her clothes soaked.


She heard the girl beside her clicked her tongue. "Seem the rain really pouring down today..".There was a hesitation on her voice,maybe because she's contemplating to make a conversation with yoona or not. And beside,yoona didn't respond it except a nod,she still glued her eyes on the window,and sometimes stole a glance on yuri's blurred reflection on it. She can saw that yuri stare at her in curious expression,are yoona intrigued her ? . Everybody gave yoona that stare though. A lonely creepy girl always make people freaking curious.


The bus come to a stop,yoona sighed because rain still pouring down so hard. Her clothes will definitely soak. "Y-you can come with me. I bring an umbrella, you didn't bring it right ?".Yoona look up and saw the tanned girl offering an umbrella. Truthfully,she doesn't want it because it's mean yoona have to be in 5 minutes awkward moment with the other girl, but she doesn't want to wet her clothes either. So she nodded accepting yuri's offer.


Just like what yoona thought ,the walk to the school in an umbrella with yuri is so quiet. Time run so slow ,maybe because their pace or the awkward air between them. Yoona keep her eyes below her,seeing the droplets of water wetting her shoes. "Ehh..i,never saw you with anyone else. You didn't have a friend ?".Yoona can heard Yuri asked her making the conversation. The doe-eyed girl didn't even move from her position,she just nodded without saying any words.


"I-im sorry..i didn't mean to ask that way..".Yuri immediately explain,she doesn't want if yoona think that she's mocking her. And again yuri didn't get any responses. "Am i ..making you uncomfortable ?". Another silent. "Am i didn't worth for you to see ?".She asked again because all the times yoona lowering her head and never see yuri in the face. "Aisssh..".Yuri start to feel annoyed. "Am i annoying ?".No replies. Yoona felt the change mood on the girl beside her,maybe yuri will leave her now and letting yoona walk alone in the rain. "Here !".Yoona felt her hand being held and place on the handle of the umbrella,she startled because the sudden touch ,it's so warm and gentle.


Yoona saw as her palm holding the handle and then she noticed yuri move her hoodie to covering her head and run away leaving yoona without saying anything. "Hey !".Yoona shouted to call the other girl,but yuri keep running to the school gate . "Your umbrella still with me..".Yoona murmured. "Thank you.."She smiled a bit and continue her walk to the school.


The doe-eyed girl arrived at her class and place her self on the very back corner of the desks. Like usual no one seems care about her or greet her, and also no one bully her . She just straightly unidentified by the other students.


"Really guys..we caught a ghost last night !".Yoona's attention turn to the tall girl sitting on a desk facing her friends,it was Choi Sooyoung . She's one of those person who really fanatic about paranormal or ghost along with her short friend Lee Sunny,the two of them known as Ghost Hunter of Lake Side High School. Everyday,they never miss to talk about their experience or experiment.


"Yes ! We even photograph it !".Sunny pull out her camera and pointing to the light circle on the screen. "This is called Orbs,often said as the visible evidence of spirits. The color is clear which mean the spirit want to communicate something and wanted to asked our help to move on !".She said enthusiastically.


One of the girls in there,Taeyeon rubbing her chin with her two fingers. "But how if it's not ghost ? It's a camera trick !".She stated,everything always has a logical reason behind it.


"And move on you said ? Is that ghost can't get over with their ex ?".Everyone laughed as they heard the joke from the girl yoona met in the bus who lend her the umbrella,yuri of the most popular girls in school for her beauty and charm but for yoona she's popular for her skeptical. If only yoona can prove it to her,that ghost is not a thing to be joke at.


"Hey yul,don't joke about ghost ! How if suddenly you get your karma and the ghost appear right in front of your eyes !". Sooyoung warned. "I'm sure you will scream or run away or BOTH ! while saying 'Sooyoung the goddess ! You're right about ghost! Help Me !!'.. "


Yuri rolled her eyes watching the impossible act that wouldn't happen to her. "Just Shut up Choi ! You still have my English book. Give it back !". The teacher then suddenly came to begin the lesson. All the students start to sit on their own desks.


"Here..".Sooyoung gave the book to the owner. "Remember yul..ghost are everywhere..kuuuu ~~~".She teased yuri with whisper tone.

"Shut up !".She harshly snatch the book. "There is nothing called ghost".She also whispered.


Upon hearing what yuri has said,yoona really want to prove that yuri's statement was wrong,there are really ghost in this world,and yoona can see it. But yoona didn't even close with yuri or friend with her and of course yoona couldn't tell to the tanned girl about her ability,she's a sceptic she definitely will laugh at yoona.


Yoona felt like someone looking at her,when she turned,she saw yuri staring at her. The tanned girl jerked a bit because she got caught and immediately turn while covering her right side face , blushing madly. Yoona chuckled mentally,why a sceptic can be so cute.


With an umbrella on her hands yoona walk down the corridor of the locker room,from the far she can see yuri and her friends gathering near a locker,honestly she doesn't want to give the thing when there's so much people in there,but she have to because she doesn't feel comfortable if there's someone property in her possession.


Yoona stop from her track not far from the other girls,yuri and her friends noticed that there's someone standing nearby. They turn and saw the girl who rarely socialize with them. "Here..".Without looking at the others yoona held out the black umbrella to the owner,yuri automatically took it slowly. "Thank you so much..".Yoona said in a low tone and bow slightly before turning back and walk away immediately.


"W-wait !".Yuri want to make a conversation with yoona longer but the doe-eyed already leave the place. Why it's so hard to be close with her ?. Yuri turned to her friends when she heard they're snickering."What ?!".She lift her brows.


"I never thought that..".Taeyeon paused. "You're close with Im Yoona,The lonely introvert creepy yoona..".She mentioned one by one yoona's nickname from the other students.

" even lend your umbrella..yuree..".The eye-smile girl pointed with smirking.


"We're not that close Taeyeon,Tiffany.. I met her in the bus this morning and lend her this because she doesn't bring any..".Yuri explained

"But why your clothes wet euh ?".Taeyeon frowned then her face changed. "Oh i know it ! You gave your umbrella to her so she didn't get wet or sick while you run away and sacrifice your self to be wet..just like in drama..haha !".She laughed,well that's close.


"You right TaeTae ! haha..".Yuri glared to the two laughing girls. "So yuree do you like her ?".Tiffany asked.

"O-ofcourse not tiff..".Yuri stuttered.

"Then why ?"


Yuri turn to look at the path yoona was taking,she can imagine the doe-eyed girl's back retreating from her. "I don't know ".Yuri murmured. "I'm so curious with her ".She smiled. "She intrigued me.."


Like usual everytime the break come,yoona sat on the bench of the school park alone enjoying the breeze of wind in the mini natural place. Pulling her self from all the routine in school. She let in and let out the fresh air to her lungs,after the rain come the air always felt fresher.




She heard something moving in the bush near her,she frowned. What that might be ?. She start to walk toward it slowly and move a bit some leaves on the bush. She stare in aww as she saw a cute cat in it,a siamese cat with grey fur and little black part on it's face. She never saw a cat around here,who's the owner ?.


"Hey kitty..what are you doing here ?".She reached her hand to take the cat but suddenly the cat jump and run away from her . "Hey..wait !!".Yoona also run quickly to catch it ,she didn't realize that someone noticed where she is running.


"Why she's running to the old building ?"


Yoona keep running and running to catch the cat,she then come to a stop when she realize she's in front of the big door in the school old building. This is her mother old school,yoona remember that she ever talk about this and even pointed at this building when they're in the car passing this. When her mother still alive.


"Yoona..that's mommy's old school.."

"Really ? I want to go and school in there.."

" you can't,that building already closed two years ago for school renovation..But they made new building near it. You can enroll for school in there.."


Her heart felt so heavy as she remember the event,so in here her mother attend for high-school. There's a familiar feeling when she saw and standing near the old building,there's ever her mother's touch in here,her mother's steps,her mother's laughs with her friends. It's just like a roll filmed ,she can clearly play the scene in her mind.


Should she go inside ?.Eventhough she will feel the nostalgic moment here. She took a deep breath and exhale it. She have to go and beside the cat also in there,she have to save it. Yoona place her hands on the dusty wood door and push it strongly. "Ahh !".She moaned ,the door felt so hard to push. She tried again and finally little by little the door crack opened.


*Craaacckkk Thump ! *


Finally the door widely opened,when she inhale the dusty air of the building,she cannot stop her self from coughing."Cough..cough,this place is so dirty..". She said try to hold the cough. Spider webs are everywhere and the light also quite dim ,yoona cannot see everything clearly except from some stuffs that covered by a white dirty robe.


Yoona start to walk further inside the building,she can heard her own steps since the floor still made from wood. No wonder this building closed. She moved her eyes here and there to find the cat,but it's nowhere in sight. "Kitty..where are you ?". She said with a half whisper tone.


A pair of red eyes staring at yoona's back menacingly from the dark.


*Craaackkkk Thump !"


Yoona startled in surprised when she heard the loud sound behind her,she turn around and noticed the door suddenly closed with it's own. "Hey ! Who's there ?!".Yoona screamed in panicked running toward the door trying to open it again. "Hey open the door ! Who's there ?!".But to no avail,the door still unlocked and closed although yoona already turn the handle repeatedly ."Dammit ! Open the door ! It's not funny ! Who's there ?!"


"Who is here.~~~ ?"


Yoona froze ,she heard a a pair of voice behind her back ,the tone is so straight ,cold and child like. Oh no,this frighten feeling ,it's never come to a good result. Yoona slowly turn her body around ,the next thing she saw is a really nightmare for her. "Ackkkkkkkkkkkkkk !!!"


Yuri startled when she heard a shout inside the building. Could it be that girl ?. She run quickly toward the building and have a difficult time to open the big door but at last she got it and enter her self into it.


*Craaackk thump*


The placed is so dirty and dusty,yuri noticed. And no one in there,there is no sight of yoona. But she's really sure that she heard the doe-eyed girl's voice from here. "Yoona !!".She called the girl in the loud tone,hoping Yoona heard yuri's voice. "Yoona ! Are you here ?!".She called again but still no one respond to her.




Yuri flinched when she heard the door being shut. "Oh no !".She running to it and try to open the door once more but she failed. "Damn ! Someone make a prank on me !". Could this be yoona ?. No,yuri immediately scratch her thought. That girl wouldn't do this thing to her,she doesn't look like a prankster.


"Ackkk !!".


Yuri heard yoona's voice again ,now she's sure yoona is not the culprit of the shutting door. "Yoona !!".She try to find the source of the voice,hoping she would find the girl as fast as possible.



"Ack !".Yoona fell harshly when her feet got trip onto the brittle wooden floor,she felt a sting pain on her chin,she touched it and notice it's bleeding. " !".She cursed,why now when twin ghost chasing her ?. She widen her eyes and just remember about the twin ghost,she turn her body around and saw that twin girls still floating to her side.


"Come here~~we just want to play~~~"


The twin ghost slowly approached yoona ,they're look so pale and expressionless. The clothes they are wearing are a school uniform and there's so much blood on it. Yoona crawl backward using her elbows and feet,she look so scared .. she never saw the ghost that have a dangerous aura like them.She keeps crawling and crawling until suddenly her back made a contact with the wall which mean she cannot crawl any further and it's mean an end.

"Come and play with us~~~ forever...and ever....and ever~~~"


Their hands reach out toward yoona's neck as they float closer and closer. Yoona shut her eyes doesn't want to witness anything that could be the end of her life,she turn her head to the left and noticed there's a door when she open her eyes a bit. Why not she saw that earlier ?!. She got up and open it,luckily the door was unlocked. Immediately she close the door again and block it with every stuffs she saw,like chairs and book shelf.


She sighed ,now they cannot chase yoona again. But,she just realize that ghost can go through the physical matter. Her adrenaline rush again while seeing to the door side,she grab a wood stick ..well..for anticipation. Yoona walked backward slowly,never taking her eyes off from the door. They might suddenly emerge from it."Ackkk !". She screamed when she felt someone behind her,and that someone also scream.


"Ackk !!".Yuri and yoona turn around abruptly in the same time and noticed each other presence in the room. They're sighed in relief,finally yuri can find yoona and yoona didn't encounter again with the twin ghost.


"What are you doing in here ?!.Yuri asked with a concern tone. "I saw you enter this building and heard your scream...What happened to your chin ?!".She pointed to the bloody wound in yoona's chin. Yoona then felt the stinging pain again, why yuri have to remind yoona about it.


"If-if ..i explain the truth,you would laugh at me..". Yoona cannot tell the other girl that she's chasing for a siamese cat here then got trap and saw the twin ghost.

"Why i have to be laugh at you ? if you tell the truth ..i'm sure wouldn't.."


"Alright ! I'm here because i want to find a cat that ran to this building..then i suddenly got trap because the door suddenly shut ! There's no wind there's no one ..and then i saw a ghost..Twin ghost ! They chased me and i think they still chasing me now ! and then i didn't watch my steps and slipped on the damn wooden floor and made my chin bleeding. They nearly kill me ! i enter this room put some block to that door then i met you ! Honestly..i didn't want to tell you this because i know you didn't believe in ghost !"


Yuri blinks a couple of time digging the explanation from the doe-eyed girl,it's so hard since yoona said it in a fast tone and yuri also surprised because this is the first time she heard and saw yoona said something long,and it's about ghost. "Hahahaha..".Just like what yoona thought,yuri laugh at her explanation. The sceptic always skeptical before they see the thing with their own eyes. "Seriously..There is no ghost in this world..".Yoona rolled her eyes,if only there's something that can make yoona prove it.




They turn their attention to the loud noise sound from the door,it's like someone try to open it harshly. "Who's there ?!".Yuri start to walk toward it but stop when yoona held her by the sleeve. "If i were you,i wouldn't open that door..".Yoona warned,the tanned girl stare at yoona's serious face. "There is nothing call ghost..".Yuri said firmly ,still insist with her belief.




The door abruptly wide open ,yoona and yuri turn and automatically widen their eyes when they saw a replica of human body and organs start to float to their side. "Ahhhhhh !!". They screamed in sync,when that thing stare at them with red eyes. They could hear the clacking sounds when that replica move. "We have to get out from here !".Yoona screamed and pull yuri by her arms starting to run away from the scary place.


"There is no ghost..there is no ghost..".Yuri keep mumbling the words when she's running along with yoona. She cannot believe with what she saw,how could an artificial human anatomy can move without someone controlling it.


"Yes ..there is ghost !".Yuri heard yoona spoke and turn her head to the back. "And that's chasing us now !".She must be noticed the ghost still in the back . "You believe it now right ?!"


"Yes i ing believe it now ! Lets just go away from here !!".They keep running and running until they saw a T section "Go to the left !".Yuri commanded pointing to the left corridor

"No ! to the right !".The other girl refused.

"Left !"

"Right !"




They flinched when that artificial anatomy getting closer to them. "Left !!".They said in agreement now,going to the left side of the way.




The ghost still chasing them, they see it behind them and it's even more faster than before. "There you are~~~"

"Eeekkk !!".They suddenly squeal because the twin ghost appear again in front of them blocking their way. The twin have a thin smile on their bloody lips with deathly stare.


"Come and play with us ~~"

"Ahhhhh !!"




This is it ,this could be an end for them . They trapped between twin ghost and anatomy ghost. What a nice way to rush their adrenaline."Come here !".They heard someone voice other than theirs or the ghost ,they got push to one of the classroom and fell on the floor. "Auch!!" .They moaned in pain,moving their head to scrutiny where they are.This place look like a home economics class.There's a sewing machine ,stoves and clothes design.


"Who is that ?! Who's pushing us to here ?!".Yuri thought that this must be the weirdest they of her life. She then get up and help yoona from the floor.

"I don't know..we just suddenly got here".The doe-eyed girl got up and brush some dust on her pants




They startled again when a box suddenly dropped to the floor. "Oh what now ?!".Yuri asked in annoyed,she still feel so tired from the run and she cannot do it any further now.

*Nyaaa~~*. "Oh..that's the kitty..".Yoona pointed and smile,finally she found the siamese cat she's looking for and it's from the box. She lift it and place it on her arms.


" really came here for that damn cat ?!".Yuri cannot believe ,all of this just for matter of the damn cat. The meeting with human anatomy ghost and Twin freak. Too much for a day.

"Who do you called 'damn cat' ?!".It's not yoona's voice nor yuri's. The two girls froze.

"Who is it ?!" .Yuri move her body around trying to find the source of voice.


Yoona flinched a bit when the cat suddenly jump to the floor. "It's me nya~~"

The two girls gasped. "A talking cat !!".They pointed in surprised,the cat can talk like a human.

"Yes nyaa~~ got problem with it ?!".The cat said in cold tone,and start to the paws.


Yuri's face still look so surprised. "Could this day get weirder ?!".Her wish granted,the shine light suddenly came from the cat blurring their vision,the next thing they saw is the cat change to be a beautiful woman. "Yes it could..".That woman smirked ,she still has her cat ears and fangs..Also there's a bell lace on her neck.


Yuri and yoona cover their eyes ,they saw a vulgar thing from the woman. "Oh ..".That woman flick her fingers. "I always forgot i'm not wearing anything in my human form..".Tha cat woman or cat human sighed and roamed the place to find any useful thing for covering her body."Now..i look decent".


The two girls uncovered their eyes that woman now wearing a pink blouse and skirt she got from the home economics class. "Wh-who are you ?".Yoona asked carefully. "Are you a cat or a woman or A CAT woman ?".The doe-eyed girl look so confuse and curious.

"And what about those things ?!".Yuri referring to the ghosts outside. "Are you the one who controlled them ?!"


"Well..before i answer all your 100+ questions. We better get away from here first..".The woman suggested. 

"But how to get away from those ghosts ?!".Yoona asked

"It's easy,the human anatomy is not a real ghost,it's controlled by The puppeteer."

"The puppeteer ?!"


"Yes ,it's a ghost who control all the material things to spook human with their strings aura. Their form is quite scary,sharp horn ,long white hairs ,long nails and long fangs..they didn't exactly stay in here..but their energy still can move anything including that human anatomy...To screw it,just blow it with stick or other physical thing. This one is quite easy right ?".


Yuri caught a wood stick on the floor and carry it."So how about the twin ?!".She asked firmly.

"The twin ghost or Lucy the twin. Their real name is Margareth Lucy and Magdalene Lucy,they die because the bomb attack on world war ll when they're playing with their friends,their tactic is to ask the victim to play with them. If you say yes,they would eventually strangle you to death,if you run ...they will eventually catch you and strangle you to death,if you say no ...they still will eventually strangle you to death.."


"You're lying,ghost cannot harm any human !".Yoona said refusing the explanation.

"Yes,but human can harm their own self with their own mind..".Yoona and yuri lift their brows confuse with the philosophical statement. "The only way to avoid them is by saying the neutral answer,they will eventually confuse and strangle each other instead..,".The woman lift her fore finger while smirking."That's easy right ?!".


"How could you say easy ?! our life are on the way !!".yuri raged "Why not you the one who do that thing ?!".

The woman sighed. "Do you think..i'm a real human ? When i can change into a cat form ?".Yoona and yuri just realized that,this woman is not a real human. "It's just can do by human.".She explained.


"Then..why we have to believe in you ? You're not a real human . There's a chance that you lie to us..".Yoona stare at the woman's hazel eyes,it's look so cold and there's so much mystery in it.

"Clever..".That woman murmured. "If you think,i'll harm you . I already do it from the first time we met ,not tiring my mouth from the explanation that you called a lie.".


Yoona feel terrible hearing the woman's words,little by little she start to believe in her. But she still have to be alert and prepare. "Yoona..".She turned because yuri called her. "Lets just do it,this woman is the only way we can get out from here..".She stare at yuri as she assured yoona to do what that cat woman said. There is no doubt at yuri's eyes,and it's pulling yoona to do the same. She never felt like this before,being influence and possess by another human being. Yoona nodded and turning her head again to the smirking cat.


"Ok..Lets just do this.."


To be continued


You will never feel the same when you saw an artificial human anatomy in school :)

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Thea050713 #1
Chapter 24: Please continue this story...i really enjoy it
Jetijunglisuntae #2
Chapter 24: Hey i have some idea for you
hkinki #3
Chapter 24: Ahhhh really wanna what's seo up to... Btw happy 10th anniversary!!!!!!!!!!! N
DanDyuDream #4
Chapter 24: thank you for update!!!!
DanDyuDream #5
Chapter 24: thank you for update!!!!
Xaleyna90 #6
Chapter 24: Thank you author nim.. How i miss your story..
Chapter 24: Soooo long but it nice to to see u again
And update was awesome hope to see a update soon hwaiting(^_^)
Xaleyna90 #8
Chapter 23: I never know about haiku.. Hahaha thank you author nim..
Echimcanhcut #9
May be it is weird but I like Seobb as a third person to make YoonYul's love in trouble
arshed18 #10
Chapter 23: runaway subscriber have just missed a piece of art don't worry author it's probably because they want everything to be about the couples not the story it self
well well so finally seobaby have joined I feel like she's gonna be a trouble to yoonyul and it's good to see seo as a bad