The unfulfill promise

The Everyday ghost stories

"How long do i have to stay like this ?".An overly beautiful girl in mini white dress asked her painter boyfriend who's busy sketching on his canvas. The girl was so tired and cram from smiling too long and sit in the same place.


"Just wait a minute, I'm finishing it now ".The guy lifted his expensive pencil signaling his girlfriend to wait for awhile. "And nowwwww...done !".He grinned cheekily. "Come here Leyla ". He called his half Turkish-Korean girlfriend to approach him. "What do you think ?".He asked his girlfriend opinion for the sketch.


Leyla's eyes sparkling to see the beautiful sketch of her figure. "Leo this is...amazing ! I don't even know that i look this ..beautiful ?". Leo chuckled as he pull his girlfriend to his lap. He brushed her brown hair softly while giving her a lovely stare.

"You are beautiful, i'm just drawing what you are..".He kissed her cheeks softly.


"You're such a sweet talker ..".Leyla slap his arms playfully before leaning her face to kiss his lips softly. "I'm happy to find someone like you.."

"You should be..".Leo joked getting another playful smack from his girlfriend. They stare at each other for awhile enjoying their moment but then suddenly Leo frowned in surprise when he saw Leyla's nose bleeding. "Leyla ! What happened ? You're bleeding ! Are you ok ? Are you hurt ?".Leo look so worried to find his girlfriend in this kind of state, he immediately wipe the blood with his finger.


"No Leo..".Leyla brushed his fingers away. "I'm ok, there's nothing wrong with me. Your room just too hot, You know how intolerant i am with that right ?"

"You also said that the other day ..".Leo recalled the time when Leyla's nose also bleeding. "We need to check it out to the doctor.."


Leyla chuckled , his boyfriend's worry face always amuse her. "I'm fine ! Don't worry. I'll be ok !".She then threw herself to hug her boyfriend."I love you Leo..".She murmured on his shoulder.

"Y-yeah..Me too.."




"Ahhh..".Yoona exhaled almost loudly while riding on the bus. Another day come, she cannot wait to arrive at her school. Especially, knowing that she already have so much bestfriends there and of course to meet a certain tanned girl who never fail to make her day brighter. She cannot wait to see Yuri, two days not seeing her was killing the doe-eyed girl.


Her mind drift back to the time when they share their first kiss, Yoona blushed while smiling to herself like a fool . She cannot forget about that time, the feeling when Yuri's lips touched hers was so overwhelming. But then , a question suddenly arise ...why they kissed ? Yuri is not her girlfriend right ?.


Well not yet and not officially.


Yoona wouldn't deny the attraction she feels towards Yuri, she really like Yuri.. really like her and , call her over confident or something but she also think that Yuri like her too. If she's not, why then they kissed and Yuri being the starter right ?."Whatever..".Yoona brushed the thoughts off, to kiss or not to kiss, official or not official when there's affection on it , nothing else seems important.


When the bus come to a stop, Yoona immediately turn out from the transportation. She stood at the side of the road with other students to cross the road heading for the school gate across. Out of nowhere, there's a chill feeling suddenly come despite the warm weather today, the hair on her nape stood . There's only mean one thing, There's a ghost approaching her.


'You have to help me !'. A cold voice come beside her, Yoona pretended to not notice the ghost that have a female voice , 'I know you can see and hear me'.The ghost continued.


Yoona sighed turning her attention to the ghost, trying her best not to get caught by the human. "Wow..".Yoona said mentally, as her eyes landed on her, this ghost looked so beautiful and stunning . Her olive skin was something people called Mediterranean look but she also slightly look like asian, maybe mixed. She a wore a mini white sleeveless dress but there' some traces of blood on it , on her nose and cheeks too but there is no wounds nor scratches , so she must be not a victim of traffic accident.


The people beside Yoona start to cross as the road quite clear, the doe-eyed girl following them while trying her hard to avoid the ghost. 'You have to help me !'.The ghost said again in a rather frustrated tone following Yoona . 'They said , you can help me Im Yoona !'. Yoona hold herself really hard not to ask the ghost about why she knows her name.


"Not here..".Yoona murmured, signaling to the ghost that it is not the right time for ghost consultation. She continued to walk until she reaches the school gate, she felt an uneasy feeling behind her then immediately turn around to look behind. The ghost already gone. Yoona frowned, why not she's following her to the school ?.Yoona shrugged, maybe she gave up to ask her help. 


The smile on her lips keep wider and wider as Yoona headed for the class. The ghost scene earlier was putting away to the back of her mind . Replacing by the thought of seeing Yuri again today, she hoped the first person she saw in the class was Yuri. But she have to swallow a disappointment , when there is no trace of the tanned girl in the class, There is only some early morning students and Tiffany ?


Yoona lift her brows in curious , it's so rare to find Tiffany arrived at school this early. "Hi Tiff !".She greeted approaching the eye-smile girl. 

"Hello Yoona !".Tiffany greeted her back then hugging the doe-eyed girl briefly. "Happy to be the first to arrived ehh ?".She said sarcastically referring to her own self.

Yoona chuckled. "What happened ? It's not usual to see you this early.."

Tiffany rolled her eyes. "My mother gave me a ride this morning , when i said morning , it's really early in the morning. ".She huffted. "She still wouldn't let me to drive , because the last time i did , i ended up in ehh..".She turns into whisper."Ghost street.."


Yoona smile , she praised this girl mentally for her attempt to make this conversation in discreet. "Well, at least you have more time with your mom right ?".There's a little sad tone on her voice. For a girl who has her mother in heaven now , she clearly didn't have much time with her.


Tiffany sensed the sadness , she then immediately change the topic. "Anyway ! , ehh...How's Je-Jessica ?". She asked biting her lip.

"Jessica ? She's fine, when i left she's sleeping on the couch.."

Tiffany chuckled."Yeah, she always sleeping on the couch..".

"You miss her ?".Yoona asked while smirking.


"Ahh No No !".Tiffany waved her hands repeatedly."I-I mean i sometimes miss her , because she used to live in my house and i used to see her around especially when she still a, but..".She shrugged. "It's not really important anyway..".She sighed.


"Why don't you..ask her again to live with you ?"

"What ?!".Tiffany look up in surprise. " I don't think so, i mean..i've been treat her badly. I punched her and threw her in a box . She definitely really hate me right now.".There's a regretness on her tone. Tiffany admit that she've been awful to Jessica lately, she let anger possess her mind without listening to Jessica's story first. Now the cat girl gone absolutely hating her now and Tiffany miss her.


"I'm sure she's not.."Yoona reassured. "Though Jessica sometimes can be very sarcastic and annoying...but she's nice , i'm sure she wouldn't hate you..". Tiffany smile for a bit, there's a little jealousy on her because Yoona met the cat girl first before her.

Yoona turned into silent, she suddenly remember about last time when Tiffany and Yuri hugging each other in the woods. She knows this is ridiculous to feel jealous because of it since Yuri and Tiffany are best friends but still Yoona couldn't hold herself from wondering. "Ehh Tiffany, Can i ask you something ?".The eye-smile turned at her with a smile."Ehh it's's about last time when and Yuri..ehh,How do i put it ? ehh,-"


Tiffany giggled stopping the stuttering girl."I know what you mean Yoona, geezz sometimes you couldn't straight to the point.". She paused looking intently at the girl. "Don't worry Yoona, there's nothing between me and Yuri. We just best friends ,you know it right ?".Yoona nodded with an awkward smile."I wouldn't lie to you about this but i was having a crush too on her in the past.."


"R-really ?". That got Yoona by surprise .

"Yeah, WAS remember that. It's not difficult to fall for Yuri i think, it just like she always have this weird mojo around her, giving her charm to everybody. She always give this comfort feeling and you can't help to feel safe around her. Just like you're being protected by her.".Yoona nodded , she have to agree with this."Everybody like her ! Even obsessed ..for example , you remember that girl named Victoria ?"


Yoona's face frowned, she despise that girl so much."Yeah, the girl who always throwing a glare at me ?"

"Kekeke..".Tiffany giggled. "Well, You right ..i think she's jealous at you.."

"Jealous at me ?"


"Yep, because you always there, around Yuri..".Tiffany sensed some frightened feeling from the doe-eyed girl. "Don't worry though, do not feel threatened or don't ever think to stay away from Yuri just because that Victoria.."

Yoona threw a little smile."I wouldn't but, Does Yuri like her too ?".She bit her lower lip waiting for the answer.


"HELL NO !".Tiffany shouted making all the students turn to them, but the eye smile girl oblivious with it."Yuri Doesn't like that girl, she always turn her down a couple of times..but Shame to that Victoria , she keeps trying and trying no matter what.".She sighed. "That girl sure persistent ..".She murmured while pulling her books.


A little smile come to Yoona's lips , she feels so glad that Yuri doesn't like that girl, but still that doesn't mean Yuri doesn't like another girls too, doesn't mean she likes Yoona. 


"My ears are so hot !".Yoona and Tiffany startled when they heard Yuri's voices suddenly come. "Be honest ! , You two talking about me right ?".The tanned girl smirked while rubbing her ears that looks so red.


Yoona clicked her tongue. "You wish !".She let out her tongue playfully before pretend to pull her books too from her kkuma bag, while Tiffany at the back just shrugging her shoulder and smile continuing her business.


Yuri squinted her eyes then make her self comfortable to sit beside Yoona."Good morning..".She greeted leaning her elbows at the desk while staring at the beautiful girl beside her.

"Good morning..".Yoona greeted back while smiling. "What are you doing here ? This is not your seat ..".Playfully she pushed Yuri aside from the chair.


"Why ?.".Yuri pouted."Let me here for awhile and i guess, i'm starting to fancy to sit beside you.."

Yoona blushed. "Then how about Taeyeon ? You sit beside her.."

"Well, eventhough we sit together..but she always busy looking at the back, to her cute girlfriend..". Yuri said in eww.

"Haha..Jealous much ?".

"Just feeling so left out , Anyway ! emmm...".Yuri start to fidget , she's feeling so nervous to say what the reason she's here. "Ehh Yo-Yoona..Do you, have a free time this night ?"

"Free time ? This night ? ".Yoona frowned trying to remember it. "Emm nope, why ?"


"Ehh..hehe..".The tanned girl grin nervously. "I want to..take you for a ..dinner..".Finally, Yuri make her move to take Yoona out, actually she asked that 'dinner' for a purpose to tell how her feeling to Yoona.


"Dinner ?".Why it's like an invitation for a date, Yoona thought. "Alright..just ..the two of us ?".She bit her lower lip in nervous, she was afraid that Yuri will thought of Yoona as a too straight forward chick for asking just the two of them for that dinner.


"Of course ! Just the TWO of us !".

"Uhum..Don't mind me ". Tiffany said at the back. "I didn't hear anything about your corny conversation."She said sarcastically though at heart she's glad that finally the two of them dare to make a move for their relationship.


Yuri rolled her eyes then smile , she couldn't wait for that dinner to come. In her mind , she start to imagine how it would be and what she would say to Yoona, every words and gestures.


They didn't realize that someone eavesdropping their conversation, that student's eyes glint wickedly while shielding her lower face with a book. She suddenly stood up and walk out from the classroom without someone noticing, walking on an empty hallway..she even can hear the creaking sounds of her footsteps.


She arrived at a locker room only to find three girls there . "What ?".Victoria lift her brows in bore while to a strawberry lolipop. The girl motioned Victoria to get closer , which the latter did. The girl whispered inaudibly that only Victoria can hear and the other girls just frowning their brows in curiosity about what in the world they are talking. 


A sly smirk crept on Victoria's lips after the girl done with her whispering. "Good..".Victoria mumbled then pull out a bill from her pocket. "Here..tell me soon if anything happen again..".She said to the girl. The latter nodded after kissing the bill she got , before walk away leaving her money giver.


"Who's her ?". Dara nudged her friend in the ribs with a hint of curiosity on her face.

"No one..just my source of information..".Victoria shrugged then wrap her arms to her two friends. "Come on girls..we have someone to bully right now..".She smirked making her two friends confuse even more, but after they heard the 'bully' word , all the curiosity seems gone replaced by excitement. After all , bully is their favourite word and their hobby plus their identity.



"Mom..".Yoona was having her diary on her lap writing on it while sitting on the corner of a stairway. She doesn't know why today , she felt like writing on her new diary , telling all her stories and feeling to the blank paper , like she did it to her mother.


"I know you are in the different world right now , different time, different space..but it can't stop me to write all my stories to you, like you can hear me , notice me or even hug me and tell me that everything going to be ok...


"Mom.sometimes i feel that my world is going crazy right now, and when i felt that i can't help to miss your presence beside me because i know the only person that can make me feel alright it's just you....but you're gone , the only thing that remain is just the memory about warm your body everytime you hug good was your voice when you sang a lullaby for me..and how beautiful was your smile...i still remember that mom..almost everytime..and i can't stop my eyes from rolling a drop of tears ...even right now...


Yoona shed her tears by her sleeve , no word can describe how she missed her mother so bad. She composed her self before back to write on her diary.


"But i always sure., that you're here my heart , i can feel it...are you there mom ? Smiling at me ? . Still remember your cute dimple...Eventhough my world is going crazy right now , but i feel so lucky that i have a friend to ..scratch that, FRIENDS !! i have so many friends right now..and they are ok with my 'ability''s good right ? . And also ,.there is one particular person that've been occupied my mind lately even my heart ...Don't be mad mom you always have a special place in me, it's just ..this one person..she's different...i can count as a friend, best friend , sister..even something more..


"But i can't put a finger about what that ' something more'..because i never been there before...her name is Yuri....".A smile crept on Yoona's lips. " Yuri...i can write 5 pages or more about her mom...but i'll choose to write about her later..till next mom...


P.S ...Yuri asked me for a dinner tonight , i can't wait for it :)


P.P.S  What should i wear mom ?! i don't have a decent clothes...argh wish you were here :'(


When she heard some footstep approaching her, Yoona immediately hid her diary behind her back before she looks up to see who's that might be, a little she hopes it's the tanned girl but she have to receive a disappointment and fear when she knows that it's Victoria and her minions.

"Hi Yoona ! Whatca doin' here alone eh ?".With her sly smirk Victoria greet the poor girl .
Yoona shook her head while gathering her things. "Nothing..".She said shortly before standing up to walk away as soon as possible from them, she senses some bad vibe around them.
"Ooops..Not that fast..".Victoria locked the doe-eyed girl body on the wall with her arms make Yoona hissed feeling uncomfortable with this position.
"What do you want ?".Yoona asked while trying to get free,she really wish Yuri were here to save her.
"Don't worry honey, we're here not to hurt you or doing some nasty things to ya'...".Victoria said sarcastically. "You're not worth it...not even a lay of my newly polish nail..".She ran her fore finger on Yoona's cheeks. "We're here..especially me want to make an agreement with you.."
Yoona squint her eyes feeling confuse. "What ?"
Victoria chuckled. "Stay away from Yuri....Forever !".Yoona made a surprise face hearing it. "Ooohh..i never expect your expression to be this.....excited."She continued while now walking back and forth in front of the poor girl. "You must be think ,, No ing way ! in a million years i will ing stay away from Yuri....right ?".She smirked looking at Yoona while the latter keep shut and lowering her head, but Yoona have to agree with the girl ..she wouldn't and cannot stay away from Yuri for anything that matter.
"I know right...".Victoria giggled. "Because i feel the same..i don't want to stay away from Yuri..especially if it's because some weird girl who thinks she can take everything from me..".Yoona clenched her fist trying to control her anger. "So ...about the agreement , you know the rule of making an agreement ? "Victoria paused."There is always one person who got a threat...and you know who's that one person now ? .....It's you Yoona ! It's You ! Hahaha !"
"What exactly do you mean ?"
"Oh so you getting impatient eh ? i will say it straightly to you ...freak !".Yoona startled hearing the word, it's remind hee about the time when the kids in elementary school called her. "I know your secret Im Yoona...Your freaky dirty little secret.."
"Ghost sighter...".Dara suddenly said , didn't realize that her action make her leader pissed.
"Shut up ! This is my business with her ! ".Victoria snapped got a rolling eyes from the latter. "So..Yoona, i know you have that freakky ability and i know the thing that happened in the library sometime real but i don't know how you and that nerdy librarian can made up a story, but i don't care about it..what done is done..and now i just want you to stay away from Yuri as simple as that...". She took Yoona's hands to hers. "or else..i will tell everybody even the whole world that you have that ! Freaky ability.."
"Stop saying it's freaky ability !".It's a gift , her mother always said it's a gift.
"So what ? Do you think a person who can see the unseen thing is normal ? Yoona..i don't know you can be so....stupid. Listen you think when everybody knows you have some abnormal ability , people will just let it be...tch..No Yoona our society wouldn't allow that to happen , up right ? And do you think it wouldn't affect people who close to you...especially Yuri ? Do you think she wouldn't got caught in your situation ? No ! People will also pull Yuri to your problem ! Like a fall..the other also following..."
Yoona keep her silent around while her mind start to think, too bad Victoria said some truth. She doesn't want if Yuri got caught in her problem , especially because of this. This is why from the start she doesn't want people to involve in her life.
"Why so quiet ? Are you thinking ?'s not that hard Yoona, just stay away from Yuri and cancel your date with her this night then your secret will stay with me safely..easy right ?".Victoria turn around starting to walk away. "Yuri is too precious to got caught in your freaky problem...and i know you also think the same.".She begin to walk following by the others. 
"Ghost sighter..".Dara smirked then walk away.
Suzy stare at Yoona with a straight face then sigh. "Hmm..pathetic.".She murmured then also walk away from the spot.
Yoona's body dropped to the floor with her back still touch the wall, her chest feels so heavy that even in here she start to forget how to breath properly. She didn't realize that a tear suddenly roll from her eyes. Why ? When she felt that happiness was around and  she felt the world was hers , there's always something that ruin it all..the truth that will never change.
" i not allow to be happy ?"
With a smile on her lips Yuri walk on the school parking lot while playing with the strap of her bag. "I can't wait..".She said internally , she really cannot wait the day to end for the night to come where she have that dinner date with the girl she likes the most in this world. She stopped from her walk when she caught a sight of the doe eyed girl from the far . "Yoo,- !". She stopped then hissed when a person abruptly crush her , Yuri shrugged it off then back to Yoona's sight but ..the girl already gone. "Huh ? Where is she ?".She then startled when someone wrap an arm around her shoulder.
"Hey Yul ! What you're looking for here ?". It's Sooyoung following by Taeyeon, Sunny and Tiffany.
"Yoona..".Yuri answered. "I saw Yoona there..but she suddenly gone.."
"Huh ? We didn't saw Yoona there... Maybe it's your eyes, or your mind just too occupied by her then your eyes made some fragments of images that she's there..". Tiffany smirked nudging Yuri's ribs playfully.
Yuri rolled her eyes. "No..i swear , i saw her there.."
"Or maybe...Yoona turn into a ghost !". Sunny started to freak out.
"Please ...stop that for awhile babe..".Taeyeon start to pissed by her girlfriend antics.
"She's Not !".Yuri said firmly then sigh in exhausted. "I'm just so scared for tonight guys.."
"You mean your dinner date ? ".Tiffany asked. "Why ?"
"I'm afraid Yoona wouldn't show up, or she doesn't like the place or etc etc.."
"Yul , stop thinking like that..Yoona is not a type of person who break a promise..she WILL show up, You just nervous..". Taeyeon tried to cheer up her friend.
"Am i have to worry about that tae ?"
"You mean ?"
"That she's a type of person who never break a promise. How if she promised someone or something not to show up there ?"
Tiffany rolled her eyes. "Yuri..,Yoona will show up ! What Taeyeon mean is ..she's not a type to break a promise...but in a good way ! Just stop overthinking things and prepare your self for tonight..."
"Yes..i think so, Yoona is not a type to break a promise..just like me..".Sunny grinned playfully.
Sooyoung scoffed. "What bull you said ? You ever promised to treat me for lunch..but you never did.."
" Please Soo..if i treat you for one month allowance will be run out soon.."
Sooyoung pursed her lower lip. " have to becareful when she promised you something.."
"Shut up soo !"
"Does it count when you promised to love me forever ?".Taeyeon squinted her eyes.
"Yes !".Sooyoung grinned playfully.
"No no ! Tae.. i wouldn't break that promise !"
"Don't buy her words !"
"Sooyoung ! I will kill you !"
"Kill my ! Rabbit !"
"Arggh !!!"
"Arggghhh !!!"
Yuri sighed , she doesn't care the bickering of her friends beside. All she's thinking about is just Yoona. There's something wrong,Yuri thought. But no, she have to be positive the time will come soon to tell Yoona the truth about her feeling to the doe-eyed.
"Then fulfill your promise to buy me food !!". Sooyoung said .
"Noooooo !!"
Yoona look at the clock on her phone concernedly . "It's one hour again..". About time she has to prepare for the date with Yuri. Normally, other people will get busy making decision about what clothes to wear or did the make up didn't look over . But instead, Yoona get confuse to make a decision between come or not. She really want to come but she remember about Victoria's threat, that's what keep taking her back.
"Arghh !!". She slumped her body on the bed. "Mom..What i have to do ?". She stared at the space, hoping to get an answer for her confusement. Usually, she always ask hrr mother's opinion about everything but now she's long gone. Yoona have to make a decision for her self , there's no other choices.
Suddenly the temperature in her bedroom going down, it turn cold all of sudden. "Oh please..not now..".It can only mean one thing, there's a ghost around. Yoona sat up from the bed going for the door but suddenly her bed room cracking like there's an earth quake happening. "Wh-what the ?!".Yoona grip the edge of her bed tightly but the place keep vibrating even more. "H-Help !!!". Ofcourse no one hear her scream since no one in her home and all her neighbours seems deaf all of sudden.
The bedroom finally stop from moving, Yoona panted heavily and fears come streaming down her veins. "What kind of ghost could done this thing ?".A really strong one perhaps.
Slowly, she made her way out from the bedroom down the stairway to her living room. Faintly , she can only hear her own breath..just now , Yoona realize how quiet her home is. "Oh my...".She startled when she saw a figure of a girl in white clothes sitting on the couch backfacing her. Yes , she must be the ghost.
Other people normally will run away or scream when they saw a strange unearthly figure sitting motionlessly in their place, but different thing with Yoona she approached the figure , full of curiosity "Wh-who are you ? What are you doing in here ?". She asked , still couldn't saw the ghost's face.
There's only silence for a minute..........before the ghost suddenly spoke.
"It tooks you seven come out from your room.".The ghost said slowly. "A normal person usually will only have 30 seconds to go out and run while screaming when i done that thing.."
"Well, Do you think seeing and talking to a ghost make you think i'm a normal person ?"
The ghost girl chuckled. "No..of course you're not."
"Normal has long gone from my dictionary..".Yoona said quietly. "Now tell me, who are you ? what are you doing in my place ?"
it all turn quiet again.....
"I need your help..."
"Help ? ...What ?". The ghost then turn her face at Yoona, such a beautiful face but of course no life and look so pale. "You ?!". Yoona just remember , it's the ghost she encountered this morning.
"I need your ask a promise from someone .."
To be continued
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Thea050713 #1
Chapter 24: Please continue this story...i really enjoy it
Jetijunglisuntae #2
Chapter 24: Hey i have some idea for you
hkinki #3
Chapter 24: Ahhhh really wanna what's seo up to... Btw happy 10th anniversary!!!!!!!!!!! N
DanDyuDream #4
Chapter 24: thank you for update!!!!
DanDyuDream #5
Chapter 24: thank you for update!!!!
Xaleyna90 #6
Chapter 24: Thank you author nim.. How i miss your story..
Chapter 24: Soooo long but it nice to to see u again
And update was awesome hope to see a update soon hwaiting(^_^)
Xaleyna90 #8
Chapter 23: I never know about haiku.. Hahaha thank you author nim..
Echimcanhcut #9
May be it is weird but I like Seobb as a third person to make YoonYul's love in trouble
arshed18 #10
Chapter 23: runaway subscriber have just missed a piece of art don't worry author it's probably because they want everything to be about the couples not the story it self
well well so finally seobaby have joined I feel like she's gonna be a trouble to yoonyul and it's good to see seo as a bad