Chapter 14 - Please be our actress!

Reversed Cinderella Story

I come inside my apartment after my prince, or should I say my boyfriend, leaves. Yes, he is already officially my boyfriend. As I am sure that he totally left, I jump up and down and squeal so loud that I think my down stair neighbor hears me and screams out “Shut up.” I can be care less. I am supper happy and excited. I lay down on my so called “bed” which is simply a blanket on the floor. It seems more comfortable than before. It’s probably not but because I am too happy so everything is great around me. I keep touching my lips, the feel of my prince is still there. His soft, moist lips still remain on my lips. Just thinking about that already make my heart thuds fast.

My phone suddenly rings, a message is sent to me - “I just got home. Good night, princess.” – from my prince. Awe, he texts me as soon as he gets home and also called me princess. I am dying from happy. – “Good night, my prince.” – I answer him back. He may laugh seeing the words “my prince” but it’s ok. I always want to call him that.

I keep smiling by myself like a silly girl. I can’t wait for tomorrow to come. Well, talking about tomorrow, how about my job? I think I should stop being a maid now. I already found my prince charming. Plus, it is really unhealthy working for my master. I don’t know what kind of feeling I have toward him but he always makes me nervous and fluster. I have a boyfriend now so I should stay away from him. Moreover, all my master did was bringing me trouble. He is definitely bad luck. I will call Ji Soo oppa tomorrow to let him know that I quit. But why am I feeling kind of sad thinking about not seeing my master anymore? Well, whatever, I will just fall asleep for now, hoping to see my prince soon in my dream.

“Ji Hyo, Ji Hyo.” – Someone is banging on my door. I swear I just closed my eyes a few minutes ago. I reach my phone to check the time. Darn! It’s already 8 A.M. But still, too early. Just who the hell disturbs me this time of the day? I open my door, scowl my face, ready to snap at the person just disturbed my precious nap. But before I can react, that person already forces his way in.

“Ji Soo oppa? What are you doing here?” – I ask out of surprise.

“We are in big trouble Ji Hyo ah. Get ready! You have to go with me to our agency.” – He says, tautly.

“Why oppa? What happen?” – I am getting nervous. I have never seen Ji Soo oppa this edgy before.

“Can you just get change first and we can talk on the way. It is really an emergency situation and wears something nice too.” – He requests.

“O…ok oppa.” – I still have no idea what is going on but I feel like I should be rush. Something serious must happened.

I put on my favorite Gucci dress and my Louis Vuitton shoes. I hope they are good enough. It does feel nice being able to wear my own clothes instead of the stupid maid outfit.

“I am ready oppa” – I say, walking out of my bathroom.

Ji Soo oppa is quite surprise looking at me – “Are you being maid just for fun? How can you afford those kinds of clothes. It probably costs more than two months of your salary.” – He frowns

BINGO oppa! Yes I am working just for fun. To be exact, my outfit costs roughly three months’ worth of my salary working for my stinky master. But of course I can’t say it out loud. I have to laugh it off – “It’s nothing oppa. Let’s go. You said this is emergency right?

“Yeah right, let’s go.” – He says and rushes me to the car, the one that he normally used to drive my master but my master is not there today. I am really curious now.

“Oppa, just what is going on?” – I ask

“Remember yesterday when Jae Joong carried you on his shoulder?”


“Someone took a picture of it and posted on the internet. Now all the reporters are going crazy trying to find out what happened and who you are. Our agency is a mess right now. Phone calls don’t stop coming. Jae Joong is really in big trouble this time.” – He says, worried.

I knew things like this would happen. Why does my master always act before he thinks?

“How serious the situation is oppa?” – I ask, concern.

He hands me a newspaper. – “Read it” – He says.

Right on the front page is the picture of my master with me on his shoulder, titled “Jae Joong of JYJ, singer or gangster?” Wow, it is pretty heavy title. The article basically says that Jae Joong uses force to take me away against my will which was totally true. However, the words they use are rather noisome. I can see why Ji Soo oppa is in panic now. This kind of article is totally can destroy my master career.

“Is it this serious oppa?”

“It is. If we don’t have a solution quickly, his career may actually come to an end.”

I am seriously anxious. Even though I don’t like my master very much but still, he is not a bad person in general. He did help me a lot. Except being ert, and stubborn, and weird, and arrogant, fine I know I have nothing good to say about him but he is a nice person at heart – that’s what I believe.

The car is approaching my master’s agency. From afar, I already see a bunch of reporters gathering around the entrance like a pack of ants surrounding sugar. They immediately attack our car as we are pulling in. This reminds me of the movie “Walking Dead.” Literally, they look like a bunch of zombie surrounding the car of the only human left in this world. They are kind of scary. This is the reason I hate entertainment world. I don’t even know how celebrities keep dealing with those overwhelming attention on daily basic.

“Are you ready?” – Ji Soo oppa asks me.

“Ready for what oppa?” – I ask, still in the daze.

“They will attack you as soon as you get off the car. Don’t answer any of their questions ok?”

“N-ne but why am I here oppa?”

“We will talk in more detail later. Now, let’s go.” – He says and gets out of the car first then opens the door for me.

Just as he said, the reporters immediately surround me with their cameras and recorders. I cover my eyes to avoid all the annoyed flash light. It is such a chaos. So many people are asking questions at the same time. Even if Ji Soo oppa didn’t mention, I wouldn’t answer any of their question neither because I have absolutely no idea what they are saying. The security guards have to make way for us to get away from those crazy news hunters.

I am breathless by the time we step inside the agency.

“This way.” – Ji Soo oppa immediately drags me away before I am able to catch my breath.

He takes me to a conference room where my master is playing with his phone, carefree. I imagined that he had to be freak out reading those newspapers but he is calmer than I expect. He either gets very used to it or he just doesn’t have any sense at all. I go with the second option. He probably has no sense at all. He doesn’t even bother to lift his eyes up to look at me who just went through a chaos to meet him here.

“Why is she here?” – He asks Ji Soo oppa without even looking at me.

Fine, I am not looking at him neither.

“To solve your problem. What else do we need her here?” – Ji Soo oppa says, frustrated. This is the first time I see his frustration. He should be, dealing with my master.

“There is no need to involve her in this matter. I can take care of it by myself.” – My master says, arrogant.

“Don’t make me laugh.” – A man suddenly intrudes our conversation with his loud voice

“Hello, CEO Baek” – Ji Soo oppa politely bows at that man. So I guess he is the CEO of this agency.

“If you don’t want to involve her in this matter then you shouldn’t forcefully take her away in the first place.” – The CEO yells.

My master arrogantly looks away.

The CEO calms down a little bit and turns to my direction - “Please excuse my manner. My name is Baek Chang Joo. Nice to meet you.” – He politely says.

“Nice to meet you to.” – I greet him with a smile

“So what are we doing here anyway?” – My master asks

“To clean your mess. Do you know how serious your situation is?” – CEO Baek asks my master.

“You always have a way to clean the mess, don’t you?” – My master tells CEO Baek, carefree tone.

“I am not always having time to clean your mess. You better be more careful next time.” – CEO Baek raises his voice.

“I know. I know. What is your plan now?” – My master frowns.

“The only one can help you this time is not me but Song Ji Hyo –ssi right here.” – CEO Baek points at me.

“Me?” – I squeal, staring at CEO Baek in surprise. What can I do to help with the situation? Why am I sensing trouble already?

“Yes. Song Ji Hyo – ssi. Please help this crazy guy this one time.” – CEO Baek politely asks me.

“What can she do? I already told you that I don’t want her to involve in it.” – My master scowls

“She is already involved in this.” – CEO Baek stares at my master, intense.

My master really doesn’t know when to stop. CEO Baek is trying to help him right here but he doesn’t show a bit of cooperation. I should be the one that protest. I don’t want to involve with him any further but I am being a decent person and try to listen to the plan here.

“What can I do?” – I ask, trying to break the tension between CEO Baek and my stupid master.

“Please be an actress for our agency” – CEO Baek suggests.

I am speechless. All I can do is staring at him.

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Huhu, I just wrote a saddest chapter of my writing career. Prepare tissue my dears. You may cry


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teddiebears #1
going through some older fics and showing love <3
dagshs #2
Chapter 38: omg awesome story!!!!
sweetmiele #3
Chapter 38: Wow treat story i Like the characters
ahmefrance83 #4
Chapter 38: Another masterpiece!
izkadewi #5
Chapter 38: Really great ending. I hope you can make another fanfic about songjihyo and exo
Awe thank you all for a warm goodbye and your great support.
Love ^_^
mikeysoo #7
Chapter 38: Wow...can't believe it the end of the story
Good job
Will always support u other stories
N2Wint #8
Chapter 38: Thanks authornim^^. Happy Ending. Fighting! Keep going other stories.
Foreverminho #9
Chapter 38: Wow...such a beautiful ending ~(^з^)-
Looking forward for ur new ff ^^