Behind The Cameras 1

We Got Married - Golden Maknae Edition
Please Subscribe to read the full chapter

This will be a special but not a one-off chapter, where the story progresses behind the cameras like how the two main characters interact with their members, label mates and friends, especially on the topic of each other. This will explain some of the conversations between the characters which might not seem right but they will be explained in these chapters. Some of the conversations and texts will be repeated, but with the characters’ thoughts during that scene/portion. There will also be bonus “mini-chapters” to cover all sides of the event which are not found in the original and main chapters. These chapters will be labelled as Behind the Cameras.

There will be no MCs present in this chapter. The POV will switch between Jungkook and Aeri, and occasionally their members.

Italics = Thoughts

Episode 1’s Behind the Cameras (Jungkook’s POV)

The sudden intrusion of a camera crew startled and surprised all the members of BTS, especially since they were having their dance practice. Suga was the first one to spot and bow to the crew, and the other members soon followed suit. And almost immediately, Suga was handed a red envelope by one of the producers. The familiar “We Got Married” logo on the envelope was something that all of the members recognised.

The surprise that arose from the appearance of this envelope were real. Each member of BTS had gone through an initial interview with the We Got Married staff and producers, about their ideal types, their ideal dates and married lives, after their manager revealed to them that “We Got Married” was looking to cast a member of BTS on the show. But none of the members nor their managers knew the results of the interview and who the staff had chosen. Of course, the members did discuss about the member who would most likely be picked to be on the show and somehow they had narrowed the choices of the husband down to Jin, Rap Monster and Jimin.

It was the moment that all of them had been waiting for, the announcement of the husband would be made.

Jungkook stood beside V while Suga handed the envelope to Rap Monster. Rap Monster opened up the envelope and a smile immediately crept to his face and the other members scooted closer to him so that they could look at the envelope too.

“We would like to congratulate Jeon Jungkook on your new married life. You will be meeting your wife tomorrow at Han River at 1pm. Please wear a blue shirt tomorrow for your wife to be able to identify you. Please be ready and we wish you a happy married life!” Read Rap Monster.

The members all had different reactions to the news. Jimin was more concerned/elated/sad/complaining about the fact that Jungkook was getting married before him. He wasn’t too sad or disappointed by the fact that he wasn’t the husband.

V and J-Hope were cheering excitedly about the fact that they were getting a sister-in-law but they were secretly “moping” in their minds that they were getting old since their maknae was already getting married.

Suga and Rap Monster were comforting Jin, who had been the expected candidate, out of the three that the members had narrowed down to. Like Jimin, Rap Monster wasn’t too upset or disappointed that he wasn’t the husband. He personally thought that he would only cause more problems to his wife if he were the husband due to his tendencies to break things even unintentionally. But Jin too wasn’t too bothered by the fact either but the others had all expected him to be the husband since he was the closest member to being “husband material” since he could cook and clean. Suga was quite neutral about the announcement, he was more concerned for Jungkook since the latter was still a minor and he wondered who Jungkook’s wife would be. But at the same time, Suga trusted the producers to choose someone suitable to be Jungkook’s wife.

But the main character aka the husband, Jungkook, could only blink repeatedly at the news. Jungkook was honestly shocked about the news, he hadn’t expected that he would be the one who would be selected because he was the youngest and still a minor.

Jungkook was finally snapped out of his thoughts when J-Hope waved a hand in front of Jungkook. “Why aren’t you saying anything?” Are you nervous?”

Jungkook blinked once again, “I’m just surprised that’s all, I’m the youngest, and so I didn’t expect it to be me.”

Almost immediately after Jungkook had finished speaking, he was handed a phone and mission card.

"Your wife will be giving you some hints to who she is and you have to guess who she is. And in return for her hints, you have to send her a hint back in return. But the hints cannot be too obvious. You don't have to tell us your guess until the filming tomorrow just before you meet her." Read V, over Jungkook's shoulder.

V immediately pulled Jungkook down to sit on the floor and the others soon followed suit. Jungkook unlocked the phone and he received a LINE message from his wife, more specifically a photo. His wife had sent him a picture of a violin.

Lots of thoughts ran through Jungkook’s mind within a split-second. Jungkook wondered who his wife could be. Jungkook’s ideal type was something that usually remained consistent. Jungkook’s ideal type was someone who was at least 168cm tall but smaller than him, is a good wife, good at cooking, smart, has pretty legs, and is nice. And almost immediately, a name popped into his mind but he wasn’t too sure of it yet.

Jungkook stared at the phone for a few seconds while his hyungs discussed about the possible hints. Jungkook stared at the keyboard on the phone for a few seconds before deciding to go with his gut feeling. Jungkook typed in “Seoul Arts High School” and he sent it as the first hint from him to his wife.

Jimin, who heard the sound of the keyboard, looked over Jungkook’s shoulder before nodding approvingly at the hint that Jungkook had sent.

“Seoul Arts High School.” Said Jungkook.

"It's not the only arts school out there but it does narrow down the choices but it still is a large group of names to choose from." Nodded Rap Monster.

Jungkook nodded silently at Rap Monster’s comment. Jungkook already had someone in mind based on his ideal type, but he still wasn’t sure if it was who he thought about. Jungkook pursed his lips before V pulled the phone out of Jungkook’s hands. Jungkook watched as V sent a simple number seven before the latter handed the phone back to the former.

“Maybe you shouldn’t have sent that, that hint was a little too direct, especially when you link it with the previous hint.” Said Jin.

“The number seven can mean a lot of things though.” Said Jimin.

It wasn’t before long that the phone vibrated and Jungkook received a reply from his wife and her reply was a simple number six. Jungkook silently held his breath for a second when he saw the reply and his gut feeling began to get even stronger. Jungkook released his breath when the phone vibrated yet again and this time Jungkook received a photo with a mathematical equation, x < 180.

“Maybe your wife likes math?” Suggested J-Hope.

“Maybe it’s about her height.” Said Rap Monster.

“Jungkook’s wife could be quite tall, but I don’t think that she’s taller than Jungkook. I mean most girls aren’t that tall.” Said Jimin, referring to the photo.

Again, Jungkook’s gut feeling began to get stronger as if it was nagging at him that his gut feeling was right.

“Why don’t you send it back to her? The photo I mean.” Said V.

“If the height assumption is true, then Jungkook can just send the picture back to his wife.” Mused Jin.

This time J-Hope was the one who took the phone from Jungkook, and J-Hope sent the same photo back to Jungkook’s wife.

“How about we send Jungkook’s wife a hint about our group?” Suggested Jin, while J-Hope fumbled with the phone.

“We have seven members, so we could send a picture of albums by idol groups with seven members.” Suggested Suga.

“We’ll get the albums while Hobie hyung sends the picture.” Said Jimin.

Jimin, V, and Jin quickly found a few albums by idols groups with seven members, including Infinite, GOT7, and one of their own albums. Jungkook snapped a picture of the albums and sent it to his wife.

It wasn’t before long that Jungkook felt the phone vibrate and his gut feeling seemed to be at its strongest when he saw the final hint. The final hint was a picture of Jungkook’s wife’s fingers and they seemed to be a little calloused.

“Her fingers look a little calloused.” Said Rap Monster.

“But it fits with the photo of the violin that she sent previously.” Reasoned J-Hope.

“That’s all the hints that your wife will give you.” Spoke Suga, suddenly.

Jungkook blinked confusedly before he and the others turned to Suga. Suga simply pointed towards one of the producers who was holding a sketchbook with a message on it.

“Do you already have someone in mind, Jungkook?” Asked Jin.

“I think so.” Responded Jungkook.

“You don’t have to tell us your guess until tomorrow’s filming.” Said one of the producers.

Jungkook nodded and the We Got Married staff began to pack up. BTS thanked the staff for their work as the staff left their practice room.

“Maybe we should end practice, then Jungkook can get enough rest for his big day tomorrow.” Said Rap Monster.

“That sounds good, Jungkook should set a good first impression on his wife. Being refreshed and having a good night’s sleep the night before is a good way to give a good first impression during the first meeting.” Agreed Jin.

“I’ll call manager hyung.” Offered J-Hope.

“We’ll keep the albums first.” Said V.

Rap Monster nodded as Jimin and V kept the albums that they took out earlier while J-Hope stepped aside to make a call to their manager. Rap Monster, Jin and Suga pulled Jungkook aside when they noticed that the younger boy wasn’t saying anything ever since the We Got Married staff left the practice room. But Suga noticed that Jungkook wasn’t speaking much even during the earlier recording either.

“Jungkook, are you feeling alright?” Asked Jin.

“You weren’t really speaking much during the filming either.” Said Suga.

“You can always talk to us if you have any problems.” Said Rap Monster.

“I’m alright, I’m just a little shocked by the news. I didn’t expect that I would be chosen.” Said Jungkook.

“I’m fine really. I’m still processing the news.” Said Jungkook, when he saw the unconvinced expressions on his hyungs’ faces.

Rap Monster sighed and he patted Jungkook’s back, “We’re just worried about you Jungkook. You don’t really have much friends outside our group and we’re just afraid that something might happen to you.”

“I’ll be fine, hyung.” Said Jungkook.

“We know that but we are always here to help and listen to your troubles and problems.” Said Jin.

“Let’s trust Jungkook on this one, he’s going to meet his wife, which means that it’s something that he has to face and overcome alone. But we’ll be with him every step of the way, and of course his wife will be too but we do play an important part too.” Said Suga.

“We’ll be with you every step of the way, so don’t worry.” Said Rap Monster, patting Jungkook’s back.

“Alright, let’s get going. I think manager hyung is getting the car ready.” Said Jin, pointing to J-Hope who had just gotten off the phone with their manager.

“Let’s get going!” Said J-Hope.

“I’ll whip up some supper when we get back to the dorm, then it’s off to sleep for everyone.” Said Jin.

The seven boys of BTS turned off the lights in the room and they headed down to the carpark where their manager was waiting for them with their van. The seven boys got into the van and the van soon drove off.

“Manager hyung, did you know that Jungkook was casted on We Got Married?” Asked V.

“I only found out a few hours ago, which was when the We Got Married staff came by. One of the producers called me and Bang Shi Hyuk PD-nim and he informed us of the casting.” Said BTS’s manager.

“And we weren’t told who Jungkook’s wife is, but PD-nim will be informed tomorrow after Jungkook has met his wife.” Added BTS’s manager.

“But don’t worry, things will be fine. You’ll do fine, Jungkook.” Said BTS’s manager.

“Thanks, hyung.” Said Jungkook, grateful for the support and encouragement.

Rap Monster gently patted Jungkook’s back while giving him an encouraging smile.

Jungkook bit his lower lip nervously as he and his hyungs browsed through an online teddy bear shop as a gift for Jungkook’s wife, when they were back at their dorm. Jungkook already had someone in mind and he was sure that it was the person that he thought of. And Jungkook knew that his wife had a love for stuffed toys namely teddy bears. So Jungkook decided to get his wife a teddy bear as a gift for their first meeting. When V has spoken about a gift for Jungkook’s wife, Jungkook suggested a teddy bear and the others agreed.

“This one looks good.” Said Jimin, pointing to a white teddy bear.

“We can probably collect the teddy bear in a few hours when the shop opens, the shop still has this teddy bear in stock.” Said Jin.

Jungkook browsed through a few more pictures before he decided on the white teddy bear. Jungkook purchased the bear before Jin, Jimin and J-Hope helped him pick out an outfit for his meeting with his wife in the afternoon.

“The staff did ask you to wear something blue on your first meeting right?” Asked Jimin.

Jungkook nodded in response as Jin and J-Hope started checking Jungkook’s clothes which were technically in a mess on his bed while Jimin started looking through some shoes.

“This shirt looks good.” Said J-Hope, holding up a long sleeved denim shirt.

“This pair of jeans would look good.” Said Jin.

“Pair it off with a pair of black sneakers, and you’re ready!” Said Jimin.

“Thanks for the help, hyungs. I really appreciate it.” Said Jungkook.

“We just want to help you make a good first impression on your wife, but the rest is up to you.” Said J-Hope.

“Thanks for the help hyungs.” Said Jungkook.

“Alright, get going to bed. You would want to be refreshed to meet your wife in the afternoon later.” Said Jin.

Jin pushed Jungkook to his room and made sure that the boy took his bath before going to bed.

Episode 1’s Behind the Cameras (Aeri’s POV)

The sudden intrusion of a camera crew into one of JYP Entertainment’s many practice rooms came as a surprise and shock to the seven members of GOT7 and the six members of Fairies who were in the practice room. GOT7 were having a vocal practice for their upcoming comeback and the six members of Fairies were listening, having just finished their own practice for their upcoming fan meeting.

“Woah, what’s this?” Asked Jackson, noticing the camera crew while interrupting the song.

Jackson was handed a red card with the “We Got Married” logo that was printed on it facing upwards.

“It’s from We Got Married! Someone is getting married!” Shouted Jackson.

“Is this some sort of secret camera to find the husband or wife in our company?” Asked BamBam.

“Is it one of us?” Asked Yugyeom.

“Most likely.” Nodded Chaemin.

JB took the card from Jackson and a smile immediately crept onto his face when he saw the name printed on the card.

“Who is it hyung?” Asked Youngjae.

“We would like to congratulate Han Aeri on your new married life. You will be meeting your husband tomorrow at Han River at 1pm. Please wear a blue shirt or dress tomorrow for your husband to be able to identify you. Please be ready and we wish you a happy married life!” Read JB, with a smile.

All the idols present had completely different reactions to the news. Yugyeom and BamBam were cheering for their same aged friend. Jackson, JB, Jinyoung and Youngjae were complaining that they were getting old since Aeri, who was currently the youngest debuted idol from JYP, making her JYP’s maknae at least until TWICE’s debut, was already getting married. Mark was quiet but he had a smile on his face, and he patted Aeri’s back reassuringly. Juyeon, the main vocalist and visual of Fairies, and Seomin, the other lead vocalist of Faires aside from Aeri, cheered for their maknae. Fairies’s leader, main dancer and rapper, Chaemin smiled encouragingly at Aeri. Mirae, the lead rapper of Fairies and Kyuyeon, the main dancer and vocalist of Fairies hugged their maknae.

But the main character aka the wife, Aeri, still seemed to be processing the whole situation.

Like BTS, all six members of Fairies went through an interview with the We Got Married staff and producers but like the members of BTS none of them nor their manager knew who had been casted on the show after the interview. But GOT7 had no idea that Fairies had been approached to be casted on the show. Only the CEO and producer Park Jinyoung, JYP, knew that Fairies had been approached by the We Got Married staff for casting.

Aeri was then handed a phone and mission card from one of the producers.

"Your husband will be giving you some hints to who he is and you have to guess who he is. And in return for his hints, you have to send him a hint back in return. But the hints cannot be too obvious. You don't have to tell us your guess until the filming tomorrow just before you meet him." Read Youngjae, over Aeri’s shoulder.

“So we can guess who Aeri’s husband is?” Asked Seomin, her eyes shining in excitement.

It was then that the door to the practice room burst open and another eight people entered the room. Aeri blinked before she recognised them as her juniors DAY6 and 15&.

“Aeri! How could you leave your dearest oppas behind and get married first?” Exclaimed Jae, dramatically not caring if there were cameras on them.

“How did you guys know about the news?” Asked JB.

“I got a text from Yugyeom and I told Jimin who in turn told Jae oppa.” Said Yerin, gesturing to Yugyeom who simply gave a sheepish grin in response.

“And Jae hyung told us.” Said Wonpil, gesturing to Jae.

“What’s going on at the moment?” Asked Jimin.

“Aeri has to send hints to her husband so that he can guess who she is and in return her husband has to send her hints so that she can guess who he is.” Explained Youngjae.

“There are plenty of hints that Aeri could send.” Said Juyeon, tapping her chin as the newcomers took their seats on the floor.

“How about sending a picture of a violin or keyboard? I mean Aeri does play the violin and piano.” Spoke Mirae.

“The violin is a pretty direct hint since there aren’t many idols who play the violin but the piano is a pretty common instrument.” Said Jimin.

“A picture of a violin would be a better choice since it’s a hint about Aeri, a picture of a piano or keyboard it too vague and it won’t be fair to Aeri’s husband if we give him vague hints.” Pointed out JB.

“Jaebum has a point.” Commented Sungjin.

Aeri shrugged lightly before she sent a picture of a violin to her husband. Chaemin then pulled Aeri to sit down on the floor and the others soon mirrored the two’s actions. Aeri soon felt the phone in her hand vibrate and she found a message from her husband. Her husband had sent her a rather direct hint.

"What hint did you get?" Asked Jackson.

"Seoul Arts High School." Replied Aeri.

"Your husband must go to that school, he might even be your classmate, Aeri." Said Shim Kyuyeon, the main dancer and main vocalist of Fairies.

But before Aeri could say anything else, she received another message and this time it was a simple number seven.

Many thoughts ran through Aeri’s mind with these two hints and a few names immediately popped into her mind.

"Maybe he is an idol group with seven members?" Suggested Yugyeom.

"How many idol male groups are there with seven members?" Asked Park Sungjin, the leader and guitarist of DAY6.

"There is Infinite, BTS, GOT7 and a few more." Replied Kim Chaemin, the main dancer, main rapper and leader of Fairies.

A gut feeling in Aeri’s stomach told her that what her members and fellow label mates said made sense and her husband was probably a member of those groups that were mentioned.

"We are already here, so it is definitely not us." Spoke Jackson

"It wouldn't be someone too old, Aeri is just 19." Said JB.

Aeri typed in a simple number six as a reply. Aeri then thought about who could be her possible husband based on the hints that were currently given and she wasn’t really listening to the current conversation. Junior noticed that Aeri wasn’t saying anything and he took the phone from Aeri. Junior searched for a picture before the found the perfect one before sending it as a hint. Junior then showed the others the hint that he sent before he received a smack from Chaemin because the hint was a little risky and could be interpreted wrongly by Aeri’s husband.

"Noona! What was that for?" Asked Junior, while rubbing his shoulder.

"Why did you send something regarding Aeri's height? Aeri is known to be very tall for her age, that sort of hint is too obvious." Said Chaemin.

"The photo didn't contain anything referring to her height, it's just a mathematical equation." Replied Junior, calmly.

Junior wasn’t wrong, he had a point but Chaemin had a point too. Aeri was known to be very tall and she continued the trend of “JYP’s Giant Maknaes” after her debut as JYP’s maknaes were known to be well “giant” usually being taller than the members who are older than them.

Park Jae Hyung, the guitarist of DAY6, then took the phone from Junior just as the phone chimed, indicating a reply. "The guy sent the same photo back."

"He must have figured out that it's about Aeri's height but Junior didn't send a very direct photo. The photo says x < 180, and Aeri is not that tall. Junior could have mislead them by that photo by implying that Aeri is way shorter than she really is." Spoke Kang Seomin, the main vocalist of Fairies.

"That could be true, I mean usually girls aren't that tall, so the photo could also be misleading." Nodded JB.

"This also means that Aeri's husband is somewhat taller than her, otherwise he wouldn't have sent this photo back." Said 15&'s Park Jimin.

With this third hint, Aeri was able to find the answer to her husband’s identity. Aeri’s gut feelings and instincts were rarely wrong and she knew that she was probably right because there was only one person that Aeri knew that fit the criteria based on the hints.

It was then that the phone chimed again and Jae showed the others and the camera the hint given by Aeri’s husband. It was a photo of albums by idol groups with seven members.

"Our album is in there too!" Said Jackson.

"They probably don't know that the wife is part of JYP." Said Mark.

It wasn’t only GOT7’s album that was in the photo. There was an album by Infinite, an album by BTS and a few more albums by other male idol groups with seven members. Aeri felt her gut feeling get even stronger when she saw the photo. Aeri tapped her thigh as a name, which fit the criteria based on the hints, entered her mind.

Aeri was sure that it was who she had thought of, and she stood up and handed the phone back to the staff.

“We’ve sent a message to your husband that the hint exchange is over.” Said one of the producers.

"We'll stop by your dorm before you leave tomorrow, we want to give you some support." Said JB.

"Us too!" Said Sungjin.

"Yerin and I will stop by too!" Said Jimin.

"It's embarrassing, there will be twenty-one people there!" Pouted Aeri.

"We are just worried about you." Assured Junior.

"Don't worry, we'll keep an eye on them." Assured Park Mirae, the lead rapper of Fairies.

Aeri glanced at 15&, GOT7 and DAY6 unsurely before nodding, she knew that she going to regret nodding but she had no choice, the entire JYP Family were very protective of her since she was the youngest even with the debuts of her hoobae artists like 15&, Baek Ah Yeon, GOT7 and DAY6.

Aeri then left the practice room with her members and the other three groups. But they didn’t really leave per say, but they gathered at the “lounge” on the fourth floor of JYP Entertainment’s building which many fans were familiar with.

“Aeri, we are just worried about you. You’re one of the youngest artists in JYP, including TWICE. And you know how protective we, the JYP family, are of each other.” Said JB.

“And this is the first time where a female JYP artist has been cast on We Got Married, the past three times were all male artists and they were all legal. You are still a minor, so we are naturally worried for you.” Said Sungjin.

“But that doesn’t mean that we won’t support you.” Said Jimin.

“But you should be careful, we don’t want you to get hurt.” Said Junior.

“I’ll be fine oppa, unnie.” Said Aeri.

“We know that but we are just worried, we don’t want you to get hurt especially since you haven’t had your first love yet.” Said Junhyeok.

“But it’s a good experience for Aeri since she doesn’t have any dating experience yet.” Said Juyeon.

“Yeah, rather than thinking about the negative consequences, we should think about the positive consequences instead. I think that it will be good for Aeri, she has to experience dating eventually. And high school is the time for romance and dating. I know that we are idols but I think that we all dated before. But since Aeri debuted when she was so young, she probably hasn’t dated before.” Said Seomin.

“And it’s not like Aeri is under a dating ban anymore, our ban was lifted last year.” Said Kyuyeon.

“Aeri, we will be there for you. You’re like a younger sister to all of us, we will protect you but we will also give you your freedom.” Said JB, patting the girl’s back.

“Thank you, unnie, oppa.” Spoke Aeri with a grateful smile.

The others grinned and patted Aeri’s back before they headed off to do their respective things. DAY6, GOT7, 15& and Fairies all headed down to the carpark to wait for their respective managers so that they could return to their dorms. Their dorms were all in the same area, so they could easily pay each other a visit if they wanted.

“Unnie, I’m nervous.” Spoke Aeri, as she stood in front of her closet in her shared room with Juyeon.

“Things will be fine, Aeri. Don’t think about it too much, you wouldn’t want to lose sleep over it and make a poor first impression on your husband would you?” Asked Juyeon.

“I guess so.” Spoke Aeri.

Juyeon grinned and jumped up from her spot on her bed. “Let’s pick out your outfit then, shall we?”

It was then that the room door opened and the other four members popped their heads into the room.

“We were just about to pick Aeri’s outfit for later, come and join us!” Said Juyeon.

Seomin immediately flung open Aeri’s closet and started inspecting her clothes. Seomin has always been the fashion leader of Fairies and she was the only who usually coordinated their outfits, she even coordinated their costumes on several occasions.

“Aeri has plenty of blue outfits so meeting the clothing requirement is no problem.” Said Seomin.

“I think Aeri should go with a comfortable look.” Said Chaemin.

Just then, Seomin clapped her hands and she pulled out a long sleeved faded denim dress and a pair of black tights.

“This outfit looks good.” Said Seomin.

Seomin held up the outfit for Aeri and the other members of Fairies nodded their heads in agreement.

“Match them up with this belt and your black converse high tops, and you’ll get the perfect outfit!” Said Juyeon.

Juyeon pulled out a thin brown belt from Aeri’s closet and placed it together with the outfit that Seomin had picked out for Aeri.

“Thanks for all the help, unnies.” Said Aeri, gratefully.

“It’s nothing Aeri. We’ve been together for so long and you are a younger sister to all of us. It’s natural that we help you out when you go on your first date.” Said Mirae, with a smile.

“Alright, let’s have a group hug to calm down.” Said Chaemin, with a smile.

The six girls huddled together and shared a group hug, making Aeri tear up at the warm feeling in her heart.

“Aigoo, don’t cry maknae. Leave those tears of happiness for your husband!” Said Seomin, with a grin.

“But I’m so happy and touched to have everyone by my side.” Said Aeri, wiping away her tears.

Chaemin smiled and she hugged Aeri, “It makes us happy that you feel that way, Aeri. We know that you’ve been through a lot especially during our debut days when you got teased a lot about your height and that you debuted when you were just fourteen. But you’ve become the mature young lady that you are now, and we are happy to see you grow up Aeri.”

Aeri couldn’t help but break down in tears again the others hugged Aeri and ruffled her hair.

“Alright, go and have your bath and go to bed. You can do the other preparations for your husband later. You need to have enough sleep so that you wouldn’t make a poor first impression on your husband.” Said Kyuyeon.

Aeri nodded and Juyeon handed the younger girl her towel and her sleep clothes. The other five members could only smile as Aeri walked out of the room.

“You know, I’m glad that Aeri was the one who was cast on the show. It will really help her grow up and mature more.” Said Mirae.

“I agree but we’ll be there to support her and hopefully not to see her heart being broken.” Said Juyeon.

“Stop being so negative! But I guess we do have to consider that possibility as well.” Said Seomin.

“Well let’s sort things out later, we should all get some sleep.” Said Chaemin.

“I’ll wait for Aeri first. Goodnight, unnies.” Said Juyeon.

“Make sure that she falls asleep.” Said Mirae.

Juyeon nodded and the other four members left the room. Aeri soon returned as well and Juyeon watched as Aeri fell asleep almost immediately after her head hit the pillow. Juyeon smiled at the sight before going to have her bath.

Episode 2’s Behind the Cameras (Jungkook’s POV)

Despite having slept at almost 3am in the morning, Jungkook was up and awake at 9am which was a pretty good record for him since he usually didn’t get much sleep due to his busy schedules and managing his school work. Jungkook and Rap Monster accompanied their manager to the teddy bear shop to collect the teddy that Jungkook had bought for his wife. Their manager went to collect the bear since the news about Jungkook’s casting on We Got Married was supposed to be a secret until Jungkook actually met his wife in person. Jungkook double checked and confirmed that this was the bear he bought before his manager went to confirm the purchase. Jungkook, Rap Monster and their manager then headed back to their dorm so that Jungkook could get ready for his first meeting with his wife.

Jin was in the kitchen preparing lunch while Jimin, V and J-Hope were in their room. Suga was taking a shower, having just woken up. Their manager had cleared their schedules just for today because of the We Got Married filming. Luckily, BTS did not have any overseas activities planned for the rest of the week so they didn’t have to worry about being out of the country and clashing with any of the We Got Married filmings.

“Jungkook, go and take a bath before we go to the salon to do your make-up. Have some food before you go.” Said Jin, coming out of the kitchen.

Jungkook nodded and he went to have his bath while the others did their own things. Jin continued doing his work in the kitchen. Jungkook soon came out dressed in his coordinated outfit and Jin handed him a bowl of fried rice.

“Have some before you go, you would probably be having lunch with your wife but have some brunch since you didn’t really eat anything for breakfast this morning.” Said Jin.

“Thanks, Jin hyung.” Said Jungkook, taking the bowl from his eldest hyung.

Jin smiled and ruffled Jungkook’s hair much to the younger boy’s protests before he left Jungkook alone to eat. Jungkook ate his food slowly as he felt nervous about meeting his wife. Jungkook glanced at the clock, it was nearly 11am and Jungkook had less than three hours before he met his wife. Jungkook was nervous but he was quite confident and sure that it was who he had thought of. But despite his certainty, Jungkook was still nervous about meeting his wife.

“Alright, we’ll be leaving in five minutes.” Came the voice of their manager.

Jungkook returned the bowl to the sink and he washed it before slipping on his shoes. Jungkook picked up the teddy bear and waited for his hyungs. And within ten minutes, BTS were in their van and on their way to the salon to have their make-up and hair done. Jungkook decided to go with a simple hairstyle and the boys of BTS were soon on their way to MBC’s Headquaters so that Jungkook could have a short interview with the We Got Married staff in the infamous black interview room. The ride to the studio did not take long and the other members had their own interviews about their reactions to the announcement while Jungkook had his.

“Welcome, Jungkook-shi. Please take a seat.” Said the producer, before they cameras started rolling.

Jungkook nodded and he took his seat and barely a minute later, Jungkook heard the slate being clapped.

“How did you feel when you heard the news?” Asked the producer.

Jungkook wasn’t sure of what to say when he heard the question before he decided to answer honestly. “I was pretty shocked since I’m the youngest, and I always thought that the hyungs should get married first. But they were happy for me.”

“How would you describe your ideal type?” Asked the producer.

Jungkook felt himself flush slightly at the question. While he had expected this question because he had been asked this question during the initial casting interview as well.

“My ideal type is pretty well known, but I like someone who speaks maturely, almost like a mother or older sister, but she should also have a soft side which I hope that she will only show to me.” Replied Jungkook, honestly.

It was true that Jungkook’s ideal type was a well-known thing but Jungkook decided to describe his ideal type a little differently this time. Jungkook never had a sister, so he hoped that his ideal type would be someone who had a motherly or older sister personality. There were times where Jungkook wanted to share his problems with a female but he couldn’t really find the right person and it didn’t feel right to always call his mother about his problems.

The entire interview series for all the members took approximately thirty minutes and because Jungkook was nervous about meeting his wife he was quiet during the ride to Han River. And before Jungkook knew it, the van was already at Han River. The We Got Married staff were already present and they attached a mic onto Jungkook and the rest of the BTS members. V then handed the bear back to Jungkook and the former gave the latter a hug.

“Our maknae is growing up!” Said V, faking a sob.

Jungkook lowered his head, “Hyung, it’s embarrassing.”

Jungkook felt embarrassed by his hyung’s behaviour and he covered his face with his free hand as his other hand was holding the bear. Jungkook looked up just as Jin got V to stop hugging Jungkook but to no avail. But amidst this, Jungkook was handed a mission card by one of the producers and V quickly let go of Jungkook. The others also crowded around Jungkook so that they could read the message on the card as well.

“It’s time to meet your wife, Jeon Jungkook. A few of your wife’s friends are somewhere around Han River, they will give you hints as to where your wife is. You will have to obtain all the hints before you can meet your wife.” Said Jimin, reading from the card.

“So, Jungkook should be looking out for people that we know.” Spoke Jin.

Jungkook bit his lower lip and he was about to say something when he heard a loud whoop. The others heard the loud whoop as well which prevented them from saying anything. Rap Monster was about to approach the producer about it but the producer’s calm face indicated that everything was being taken care of.

From the corner of his eye, Jungkook could see someone skating down the path. Jungkook turned around and did a double take before he recognised the guy based on his back figure. Just then, the guy did a u-turn and skated back in the direction where BTS were standing. Jungkook almost smiled as he felt his heart thumping in excitement as the male’s appearance only confirmed Jungkook’s choice. The guy then stopped and got off his skateboard before he reached where BTS were standing while Jungkook gave a small grin at the sight of the male. By then, the other members of BTS were able to recognise the male. The male was none other than GOT7’s maknae and Jungkook’s friend, Kim Yugyeom.

Jungkook had gotten to know Yugyeom through Jackson, J-Hope and 15&’s Park Jimin. Jackson was close friends with Rap Monster and they often contact each other and Yugyeom and Jungkook have tagged along with them several times and they was how they got to know each other. J-Hope was also friends with Yugyeom, since they were both dancers and they had a “dance battle” at this year’s dream concert. Jungkook and Yugyeom were both friends with 15& with Yugyeom being much closer to the two girls since they were label mates. And Jimin, being the friendly and sociable girl that she is, once invited Jungkook to hang out with them, along with GOT7’s BamBam, and that was how Jungkook and Yugyeom met. Essentially, Jimin and Yerin had been the ones who introduced Jungkook and Yugyeom but hanging with their hyungs made them closer. And as such, Jungkook and Yugyeom, plus BamBam, would often consult each other about their problems especially those about their hyungs.

“So Yugyeom, what are you doing here?” Asked Jungkook, giving his friend a grin.

“Just taking a break, I don’t get that many breaks you know.” Responded Yugyeom.

“I didn’t know that you two were friends.” Spoke Suga.

“Jackson hyung, introduced us. Jimin did too.” Responded Yuygeom.

“Jimin? You mean 15&’s Park Jimin?” Asked Suga.

Yugyeom nodded, “So, what are you filming?”

“Jungkookie is filming We Got Married!” Replied Jimin.

“Wow, Jungkook is growing up.” Said Yugyeom, with a faint smirk.

“Yugyeom, do you have something for me?” Asked Jungkook, noting Yugyeom’s faint smirk.

Yugyeom gave an innocent smile, “What thing?”

“Like a hint?” Spoke Jungkook, almost expectantly.

Yugyeom stared at Jungkook for a few seconds before bursting into laughter, “You’re right. I do have something for you. Please look out for golden-yellow ribbons, they will help you find your way.”

Jungkook nodded and Yugyeom patted his friend’s back. Yugyeom gave his friend a secret smile before setting his skateboard back on the ground.

“Good luck, chingu! I hope you meet your wife soon!” Said Yugyeom, getting onto his skate board.

Yugyeom gave BTS another wave before skating off. Jungkook and the other members of BTS could only watch as Yugyeom skated off. But Jungkook bit his lower lip in anticipation as his gut feeling was slowly confirmed.

“Your wife is probably from JYP.” Spoke Jimin, snapping Jungkook out of this thoughts.

“Yugyeom said to look out for golden-yellow ribbons right? Because I see one right there.” Said V, pointing to a lamp post slightly further from them.

Jungkook bit his lower lip as he felt a sudden lump in his throat. Jungkook couldn’t really put it into words but he knew that this was something that he had to do on his own. Jungkook scratched his head before glancing at his leader who got the hint right away.

“We should probably leave now, Jungkook needs to find his wife on his own. It is his marriage.” Spoke Rap Monster.

Jin nodded in agreement and so did Suga. Rap Monster, Jin and Suga dragged Jimin, V and J-Hope away from the scene while wishing him good luck. Jungkook let out the breath that he had been unconsciously holding, when his hyungs left. Jungkook spotted the golden-yellow ribbon that V had spotted before making his way towards the sign post that it was tied to. But even before Jungkook had reached the lamp post, he was able to see an unclear silhouette of someone leaning against the other side of the lamp post.

Jungkook walked up to the lamp post which V had pointed out earlier, before he noticed someone leaning against the other side of the lamp post, it was a lady who was probably a few years older than him. Jungkook blinked when the lady popped her head from the other side of the lamp post with a bright smile. It took Jungkook a few seconds to realise that it was miss A’s Suzy.

“I see you that you have found me, I have something for you from your wife.” Said Suzy, with a bright smile.

Suzy handed Jungkook a yellow card before patting his back.

“Good luck, Jungkook-shi.” Said Suzy, before she skipped off.

Jungkook looked in the direction which Suzy had went off before glancing at the card. It had a picture of the basketball court, which Jungkook guessed to be that he had to head to the basketball court next. Jungkook looked around for the basketball court, before spotting it. Jungkook made his way there but not before spotting another golden-yellow ribbon tied to another lamp post beside the bike rack. Jungkook saw someone locking up his bike, before coming face to face with GOT7’s Junior.

Junior gave a faint smirk, “You have found me, and I have something from your wife.”

Junior passed Jungkook a blue hair ribbon, “That belongs to your wife, and you have to return it to her when you meet her.”

Jungkook nodded before Junior gave him a bright smile before walking away. Jungkook stared at the ribbon before glancing at the teddy bear in his other hand, finding the ribbon to be oddly very familiar. Jungkook used his free hand to tie the ribbon around the bear's neck. Jungkook then made his way to the basketball court where he found someone shooting hoops by himself. It was a male who was slightly taller than Jungkook, and he was also about few years older than Jungkook. Jungkook slowly approached the man before recognising him as 2PM’s Nichkhun. The older male smiled at Jungkook before picking up the basketball.

“Annyeonghaseyo, sunbaenim.” Greeted Jungkook.

“Annyeonghaseyo, I have the last hint from your wife. Just follow the golden-yellow ribbons to a pavilion, she is waiting there for you.” Said Nichkhun, with a smile.

Jungkook looked to his left and saw a trail of golden-yellow ribbons before turning to Nichkhun and he bowed before following the trail of golden-yellow ribbons. Jungkook felt a small flutter in his stomach as he approached the pavilion. Jungkook gulped nervously as he edged nearer to the pavilion but to his surprise and confusion, there was no one there. The only thing that was there was a table of food. Jungkook then guessed that his wife was hiding somewhere and he turned around to look for her. Jungkook had a sudden gut feeling, telling him to look behind the camera crew. And as his gut feeling had guessed, there was a girl standing behind the camera.

Jungkook let his jaw drop slightly when he recognised the girl while feeling a flutter in his heart after blinking several times while trying to remember her. The girl was wearing a long sleeved denim dress with black tights and black converse high tops and the girl’s long black hair was tied into a neat ponytail with a blue hair ribbon.

“Annyeonghaseyo, Jeon Jungkook imida.” Spoke Jungkook, bowing to her.

“Annyeonghaseyo, Han Aeri imida.” Said Aeri, bowing as well.

Instinctively, Jungkook walked over to her and he offered her his hand so that she could get through the camera crew without any problems. Jungkook felt a faint and small spark when their palms touched, and he bit his lower lip to prevent himself from blushing. Jungkook waited patiently as the girl made her way through the camera crew and towards him. Upon closer inspection, Jungkook immediately noticed that she was really tall, probably only a few centimetres shorter than him. And her black tights showed off her slim legs perfectly. And if Jungkook’s guess was right, Aeri could probably cook which would make her a really good wife. And all of the listed qualities above were a few of the requirements for Jungkook’s ideal type.

Jungkook knew who she was, she was actually his classmate in school. Both Jungkook and Aeri were older than their classmates by a year because they both took time off to prepare for their respective debuts. Jungkook entered high school a year later than his peers so that he could prepare for BTS’s debut in 2013. While Aeri took a year off from middle school to prepare for Fairies’ debut in 2011 and graduated a year later than her peers, naturally she entered high school a year later and she was in the same class as Jungkook. But they weren’t close because Jungkook was rarely in school due to his busy schedules. Aeri herself was also busy but her members and her label made sure that Aeri would be in school most of the time so that she wouldn’t fall behind in her studies. But they did hang out a few times with their other classmates and they have already exchanged numbers during the beginning of the school year during their first year in high school.

“Did you prepare all this?” Asked Jungkook, gesturing to the table of food.

Aeri nodded shyly, “I prepared them this morning.”

Jungkook then presented the bear to Aeri, “This is for you.”

Aeri glanced at the bear shyly before taking it, “Thank you.”

The first thing that came to Jungkook’s mind after Aeri accepted the teddy bear from him was that Aeri fit his ideal type perfectly. She fit his ideal height criteria, she had pretty legs, is nice, is smart, is good at cooking and is a good wife. Her shyness was probably an added bonus for Jungkook, since he wasn’t too good with girls himself. But Jungkook could handle shy girls, it usually didn’t take much for shy people to open up to him. He had not so secretly monitored her before, which earned him an endless amount of teasing from not only s but also from the staff of Bighit which continued until now, not only in school but in her activities especially her live performances. But the biggest tease had to come from his same aged friends in the form of 15&’s Jimin and Yerin as well as GOT7’s BamBam and Yugyeom, all four of whom were label mates with Aeri. BTS and Fairies had the opportunity to promote together for the first time during BTS’s “Boy in Luv” era and Fairies’ “Four Seasons” era. During that time, the two groups often bumped into each other during music shows and they had an undeniable chemistry with each other as noted by the fans. Fairies and BTS were able to promote together again almost six months later, during BTS’ Danger promotions and Fairies’ Summer Sunshine promotions.

Fairies’ leader, Kim Chaemin, was good friends with Rap Monster since they were both leaders and rappers so they similar interests and things to talk about. Kyu Yeon was from the same hometown and dance academy as J-Hope, so they knew each other and had an older brother-younger sister relationship.

With that being said, Jungkook and Aeri both shared the same nickname of “Golden Maknae”. Jungkook was pretty much an all-rounded idol and a multiple-threat especially for his abilities in sports. Aeri on the other hand was similar to Jungkook except she was better in academics than in sports as compared to Jungkook. Aeri always scored top in the class even when she had to miss school due to her schedules. Technically, Aeri was the first “Golden Maknae” since she debuted before Jungkook but the nickname of “Golden Maknae” was practically unheard of until BTS debuted and fans gave the nickname of “Golden Maknae” to Jungkook. It was only a little later that other fans decided to give Aeri the nickname of “Golden Maknae” to Aeri and it was surprisingly supported by BTS’s fans. Almost everyone agreed that BTS and Fairies had an undeniable chemistry together so it wasn’t strange for fans to start terming them as brother-sister groups despite their main focuses and music being completely different. Jungkook had long accepted Aeri has his female counterpart when it came to the nickname of “Golden Maknae” but they never hung out or interacted much outside of school and work but even then they had very little and sometimes almost no interactions at all.

But before either of them could say anything else, loud whoops were heard not too far from the pavilion. Aeri immediately covered her face with her free hand when she recognised some of the voices. Likewise Jungkook used his free hand to cover his face. Jungkook spotted his hyungs as they wolf whistled at the fact that Jungkook had initiated skinship with his wife on their first meeting, something which Jungkook was usually quite reserved about. But Jungkook noted that there were more people on the walking path and they seemed to be cheering for his wife. Jungkook guessed that they were his wife’s label mates. Jungkook recognised the two members of 15&, the other five members of Fairies, the seven members of GOT7, miss A’s Suzy, 2PM’s Nichkhun but there was one more group of six which Jungkook didn’t recognise but Jungkook guessed that they were also his wife’s label mates.

“Hyungs…” Muttered Jungkook, in embarrassment.

But Jungkook let a small smile grace his lips when he saw his wife pouting while looking at her label mates. She was probably embarrassed by the fact that only her fellow members but also her label mates were trying to embarrass her in front of him, her husband.

It was then that Jungkook saw 2PM’s Nichkhun leaving and miss A’s Suzy followed him followed by 15&, GOT7 and the other six people. The remaining five members of Fairies sent their maknae and Jungkook a hwaiting gesture before leaving. The BTS members gave the couple a hwaiting gesture as well but theirs was a little more dramatic and eye-catching which made Jungkook cringe a little but he knew that his hyungs were wishing him and his wife well.

“I apologise about my hyungs, they are really excited to meet you.” Said Jungkook, scratching his nape awkwardly.

“It’s alright, I should apologise for my members and label mates too.” Said Aeri, shyly.

“They like embarrassing me.” Said Jungkook.

“But that’s because they care about you, and at least only your members came. Almost half of JYP’s artists came.” Said Aeri, shyly while pouting slightly.

“Thank you for preparing all of this, even though I should be the one who should be preparing for the first meeting.” Said Jungkook, still scratching his nape.

Aeri shook her head abet a little shyly, “I’ve always wanted to prepare a meal for my husband.”

“Let’s eat then, I wouldn’t want to waste all of your effort.” Said Jungkook, with a shy smile due to the fact that Aeri had referred to him as her husband, which he actually was, but it would take time for him to get used to the fact that he was now married.

Aeri stared at Jungkook for a few seconds before she returned the smile with one of her own. The couple took their seats at the table and Jungkook noted that Aeri had prepared both Korean and Japanese food. It was then that Jungkook remembered that Aeri was a Japanese-Korean, born to a Japanese father and a Korean mother. Aeri was born and raised in Japan until she moved to Korea at the age of twelve to train in JYP Entertainment before she eventually debuted in 2011 as a member of Fairies when she was just fourteen. And it was one of the things that made Aeri stand out within the K-Pop community other than her tall height.

Jungkook didn’t want to disappoint his wife so he decided to take a bite out of her home cooked food. Aeri prepared kimchi fried rice, sesame seed ramen noodles, some sushi rolls, some croquettes and tofu seaweed miso soup. Aeri watched nervously as Jungkook tried the kimchi fried rice which she prepared. Jungkook swallowed his food carefully before giving his wife a thumbs up.

“It’s delicious.” Said Jungkook, with a smile.

Aeri smiled, “I’m glad that you like it.”

Jungkook smiled as an idea popped into his head. Jungkook then picked up a sushi roll with a smile and he cutely fed it to Aeri, who became shy all of sudden.

“Don’t you want me to feed you?” Asked Jungkook, pouting slightly.

“Aniyo, I’m just shy. No guy except my father and brothers have fed me before.” Responded Aeri, shyly.

“Then let me be the first guy who is not your relative to feed you.” Said Jungkook, feeling a sudden sense of pride in him.

Aeri paused before shyly opening for Jungkook to feed her. Jungkook gave a satisfied look as Aeri chewed and swallowed her food. Jungkook was happy and glad that he was the first male other than her family members to feed her food. As her husband, he wanted to do small and thoughtful actions for her and he thought that feeding her was a pretty good idea.

Aeri picked up her chopsticks and fed Jungkook a sushi roll in return. This time it was Jungkook’s turn to feel shy but he didn’t show it, after all he didn’t want to ruin his wife’s impression of him. Jungkook opened his mouth and Aeri popped the sushi roll into his mouth, making him smile. Jungkook tried his best to make Aeri feel comfortable by conversing with her as they had their meal. This helped Aeri feel a little more comfortable about being together with Jungkook. Jungkook and Aeri managed to finish their meal within an hour and they definitely felt a little more comfortable around each other now. Jungkook helped Aeri keep the utensils which were held onto by the We Got Married staff while they continued with the filming.

“Since we are married now, we should have nicknames for each other.” Said Jungkook.

Jungkook thought about having special nicknames for each other since they were now married. Jungkook knew that Aeri had several nicknames that she only allowed special people to call her by, and he silently and secretly hoped that he was one of the few special people who could call her by that nickname.

Aeri nodded a little absentmindedly at Jungkook’s suggestion, something which went unnoticed by Jungkook, while Jungkook tapped his chin.

“You are younger than me right? You should call me oppa.” Said Jungkook, teasingly.

“Err, sure, oppa.” Stuttered Aeri, although her tone changed slightly to become a little depressed, something which went unnoticed by her husband again.

Jungkook misinterpreted his wife’s stutter as nervousness rather than sadness causing him to chuckle at his wife’s supposed nervousness as the staff handed them a mission card as well as two cards and markers.

“Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Jeon Jungkook. In celebration of your marriage, please make five rules for each other and a punishment if a rule is broken.” Read Jungkook.

Jungkook handed Aeri a card and marker for them to write down their rules, causing the girl to momentarily forget about the sudden wave of sadness that she had. Jungkook watched as Aeri tapped her chin as she thought of her five rules before turning his concentration back to his card.

Jungkook definitely wanted his wife to call him oppa since he was older than her, abet by only a few months, so Jungkook made that as one of his rules. Naturally, Jungkook would get jealous if Aeri had any skinship with other guys so that was one of his rules. Jungkook thought that the best make-up that a girl could wear would be her smile, and Aeri definitely looked her best when she had a smile on her face. Jungkook knew that Aeri was also very busy especially when balancing their careers and school work, so he wanted her to get enough rest. But last but not least, Jungkook secretly wished to be able to walk Aeri back home after school or at the very least take a walk with her after school whenever he could. As for the punishment, it was a secret fantasy of his to be able to give his future girlfriend or wife a piggyback ride. And since he was now married, Jungkook decided to make it the punishment if his wife failed to follow his rules.

Jungkook then started writing down the rules and the chosen punishment onto the card. Jungkook felt satisfied at his rules for his wife before he glanced up at his wife who was almost done writing her rules. Jungkook made eye contact with Aeri when he heard her capping her marker. And upon the staff’s instructions, Jungkook and Aeri exchanged their cards.

Jungkook’s Rules for Aeri:

1. Call me oppa.
2. Don’t have crushes and skinship with other guys.
3. Always smile.
4. Get enough rest.
5. Let’s go home together after school.

Punishment: A Piggyback Ride from Me.

Aeri’s Rules for Jungkook:

1. Take care of yourself.
2. Don’t have crushes on other girls.
3. You can call me Aerin.
4. Avoid skinship with other girls.
5. Always treasure your fans.

Punishment: No desserts.

Jungkook started reading his wife’s rules for him before smiling slightly when he realised that two of his rules for his wife matched three of his wife’s rules for him. It made Jungkook feel happy as they were thinking along the same wavelength, like how a real couple should be.

“Aerin is a really nice nickname.” Blurted Jungkook.

Jungkook immediately felt embarrassed by his sudden comment and he scratched his nape shyly.

“It’s how my cousins usually address me but no one has called me Aerin for a pretty long time now.” Said Aeri.

Jungkook then gave a chuckle much to Aeri’s confusion. “I’ll be more than happy to call you Aerin, if that’s what you want.”

“Please do, I decided to reserve that nickname for my future boyfriend or husband anyway.” Said Aeri shyly.

Jungkook chuckled and ruffed his wife’s hair as she continued reading his rules for her. But Jungkook noted that Aeri paused shyly after reading his fifth rule and the punishment. Jungkook immediately realised what his wife was thinking about.

“Don’t you want walk with me after school?” Asked Jungkook, knowing what his wife was thinking while giving a slight but cute pout.

“That’s not it, what if the fans saw us?” Mumbled Aeri, trying to avoid Jungkook’s gaze.

“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you. I’m sure that ARMY would love you. And besides Fairies and BTS are known to be close and so are ou

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What is the position of Aeri? Aside from being a Maknae
Chapter 23: Rereading in 2020. Who's with me? Authorniiimmmmm~ eodiyaaaa?
Live_JasmineV #3
Hey! I just wanted to let you know that I still reread these chapters and constantly think about your story. Whether or not you choose to continue this story, or are able to continue, I just want to thank you for putting up your ideas and writing it for all of us to enjoy. I hope you’re doing well. <3
Liunee #4
Chapter 23: Even thought it hasn't been updated for a long time, the story is great and among the best of WGM fictions I have read~
It's really fluffy and relationship goals everywhere!
Kookie0130 #5
Chapter 23: pls if u have any spare time or after u have rested due to any busy schedule continue to update ur story cus this is an extremely good story. i really like ur writing style and ur plot.
pauale98 #6
Chapter 23: Por favor continua con tu historia me encanta
ahiru09 #7
Chapter 23: I love your story, please update! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ