Airport Surprise & Meeting JYP Nation

We Got Married - Golden Maknae Edition
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Bold – MC Speaking

Italics – Personal Interview in the Black Room

MC 1: We are back with a new episode from our “Golden Maknae Couple”.

MC 2: Previously, Aeri-shi prepared a surprise for her husband.

MC 3: Aeri-shi also mentioned that she will be away for an overseas schedule, I wonder what will happen during that time.

MC 1: Let’s watch the episode to find out.

Aeri was holding up a camcorder which the We Got Married staff had entrusted to her. They wanted her to film herself while she was in Hong Kong, and Aeri happily complied with the request. Aeri started off by recording her unnies who were in the van with her.

“Are you recording for We Got Married?” Asked Mirae.

“I was asked to do a self-camera while we are there.” Said Aeri.

“Aeri was really cute when she was speaking with her husband earlier. The GOT7 members and other BTS members were there too. Aeri didn’t realise that they had our brother-in-law’s phone on speaker, so their conversation was heard by the others.” Said Seomin, with a giggle.

“Their flirting was really cute too. All I could think about was how our maknae has grown up.” Added Seomin.

“Unnie!” Pouted Aeri.

“I will not be surprised if your husband turns up at the airport to see you off.” Said Kyu Yeon.

“Jungkook oppa has a schedule in a while, he won’t have time to be at the airport to see us off.” Said Aeri.

“We are arriving at the airport in ten minutes, please get ready.” Said the manager of Fairies, interrupting the conversation.

The six members of Fairies alighted from their van and they headed into the airport to board their plane.

“Let’s take a selca before we take off.” Said Kyu Yeon.

The five other members of Fairies came into view of Kyu Yeon’s camera, and she took the selca. Kyu Yeon sent the photo to her fellow members and they each posted it on their respective SNS. Aeri decided to post it on her official Instagram.

“Aeri, your brother-in-laws are too sweet!” Said Seomin, waving her phone.

“I uploaded the picture into my official twitter, and it was re-tweeted by BTS’s official twitter account along with an additional caption. Your husband added the caption, “Have Fun”. ” Said Seomin.

Seomin showed Aeri the retweet but their leader Chaemin chuckled.

“Aeri is even sweeter, just look at her Instagram.” Said Chaemin.

“Aeri added the hashtag “WishingThatYouWereHere” to her photo!” Said Kyu Yeon.

Seomin pinched Aeri’s cheeks, “Aigoo, our maknae has grown up.”

“Come on, the plane is taking off soon. Let’s not move about too much.” Said Chaemin.

Meanwhile with BTS…

The boys were on their way to a schedule and Jimin was using his iPad and checking out their official twitter.

“Hey, sister-in-law’s group mate posted a photo of them on the plane!” Said Taehyung, who was sitting just beside Jimin.

“Retweet it.” Said J-Hope.

Jimin passed the tablet to Jungkook so that he could retweet the picture.

“You should say something to your wife.” Spoke Rap Monster.

Jungkook thought about it for a few seconds before adding a short caption, one which made the other members smile.

“Jungkook, since when did you become so smooth?” Asked Suga, with a smirk.

“Since he got married.” Spoke J-Hope, with a smirk.

Jungkook just blushed at the comment while J-Hope just nudged him.

“Sister-in-law is just as sweet as Jungkook, look what Jackson sent me.” Said Rap Monster.

Rap Monster passed his phone to the other members to show them what Jackson had sent him. Jackson had sent Rap Monster a screen cap of Aeri’s Instagram post along with her hashtag.

“Aww, sister-in-law is so sweet.” Said V.

“When will they be back?” Asked J-Hope.

“According to what Jackson told me, in a few days.” Replied Rap Monster.

It was then that their manager informed them that were nearly at their destination. Jungkook kept away his phone even though he wanted to have it by his side as Aeri might have sent him a message while he was recording. But Jungkook left his phone with his manager and it was returned to him on the car. Jungkook opened up his phone and he smiled when he found a message from Aeri. Jimin nudged him when he noticed the younger boy’s bright smile. Jimin leaned closer to Jungkook so that he could see the message. Aeri had sent him a LINE message with a picture of her in her hotel room, along with a goodnight message. Jimin smiled secretly before he turned his attention back to looking out the window while Jungkook replied his wife.

Jungkook couldn’t help but smile as he exchanged messages with his wife, while the other members of BTS shook their heads at their maknae. Jungkook had definitely grown up especially since he got married.

“They are kind of sweet together, no matter how you look at it. It’s like they were made for each other.” Whispered Suga, to Jin while watching Jungkook exchange messages on his phone.

Jin just nodded absentmindedly as he was a little tired and Suga just glared at the eldest member when he realised that Jin wasn’t listening to him.

Suga shook his head before turning his attention back to Jungkook who was still texting his wife, although it seemed that Aeri was nagging at him from what he could hear from V and Jimin. Jungkook was still smiling when he kept away his phone.

MC 2: Ah, young love.

The video soon cut to another scene of Jungkook in his school uniform.

“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m currently on my way to the company after school. Aerin is not in school today since she is still overseas, but she’ll be back tonight. I have her homework and notes, and I want to surprise her later.” Said Jungkook, speaking to the camera.

MC 3: He’s returning the favour, how sweet!

Jungkook soon arrived back at the company, and he headed to one of the empty practice rooms. Jungkook first went to change out of his school uniform into a black shirt with jeans and black sneakers. Jungkook then busied himself by doing up some study notes for his wife. It wasn’t a very busy day at school as compared to usual. Jungkook did his best to take notes for his wife, but his weren’t as neat due to his slightly messier handwriting. Jungkook then complied the day’s notes into an envelope along with the other notes and homework which he had collected for Aeri for the past three days. Jungkook then left the envelope next to his bag, just as Jimin and Suga entered the practice room.

“It’s today isn’t it?” Asked Jimin.

“He’s been making preparations since yesterday night.” Said Suga.

MC 2: I wonder what Jungkook-shi is going to do for Aeri-shi.

“Maknae, what are you going to do later?” Asked Suga.

“It’s obvious that he is going to the airport to surprise her, then they’ll go on a date.” Said Jimin.

Suga raised an eye at Jimin at how he knew Jungkook’s plans.

“He was talking about it last night in our room.” Said Jimin.

“Did you plan the date too?” Asked Suga.

“Sort of, PD-nim contacted me last night about going on a short date after surprising her at the airport.” Replied Jungkook.

MC 1: Even the PD is in on this plan?

MC 3: Seems like it.

“Just don’t stay out too late, you have school tomorrow.” Said Suga, in a fatherly tone.

“What time is her flight arriving?” Asked Jimin.

“7pm, I asked her manager earlier.” Said Jungkook.

“What are you going to do?” Asked Suga.

“It’s a secret.” Responded Jungkook.

“I should get going, I don’t want to be late.” Said Jungkook.

Jungkook bid s goodbye before picking up his bag. Jungkook headed to the car where his manager was waiting for him. Jungkook soon arrived at the airport and he hid himself in a spot which Aeri could definitely see him. Jungkook had a pair of golden brown teddy bears with him, consisting of a male bear in a red cap and a female bear with a blue hair ribbon.

“Oh my! It is BTS’s Jungkook!” Gasped one of the girls present.

Despite being a girl group, Fairies had many female fans as well.

“Don’t tell anyone, I want to surprise Aeri.” Said Jungkook, softly while putting a finger on his lips.

The fans nodded eagerly and they promised to keep quiet about his presence, they figured that he was most likely filming for We Got Married. Jungkook checked his watch a few times before he saw the doors opening. Jungkook smiled slightly as people slowly walked out but he soon noticed one of his sister-in-laws, Park Mirae, and he knew that his wife was just behind. Jungkook then stood up so that Aeri could see him, he finally spotted his wife walking with her leader. Seomin, the other lead vocalist of Fairies noticed Jungkook and gave him a small wave before turning to her maknae. Seomin gestured to her right and Aeri immediately made eye contact with Jungkook. Aeri shyly made her way to where Jungkook was standing, and the other fans began to realise that Jungkook was also present.

“I thought that you were busy.” Spoke Aeri, shyly.

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What is the position of Aeri? Aside from being a Maknae
Chapter 23: Rereading in 2020. Who's with me? Authorniiimmmmm~ eodiyaaaa?
Live_JasmineV #3
Hey! I just wanted to let you know that I still reread these chapters and constantly think about your story. Whether or not you choose to continue this story, or are able to continue, I just want to thank you for putting up your ideas and writing it for all of us to enjoy. I hope you’re doing well. <3
Liunee #4
Chapter 23: Even thought it hasn't been updated for a long time, the story is great and among the best of WGM fictions I have read~
It's really fluffy and relationship goals everywhere!
Kookie0130 #5
Chapter 23: pls if u have any spare time or after u have rested due to any busy schedule continue to update ur story cus this is an extremely good story. i really like ur writing style and ur plot.
pauale98 #6
Chapter 23: Por favor continua con tu historia me encanta
ahiru09 #7
Chapter 23: I love your story, please update! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ