
Rainy Day

          After sitting for a couple of minutes, Yejin locked her door and changed out of her wet school uniform and into a gray pull over hoodie and black jeans. She pulled out her pair of old sneakers from beside her drawer and placed them on. She struggled a bit to tie her wet hair back before she pulled her hood over her head. She double checked the door to see if its locked and scanned her room for anything she needed to put away. With that done, she proceeded to the window. She got through halfway and pulled her body up onto the rooftop. Thankfully, the rain had slowed down by a lot, making the climbing easy for her. She kept her footing still and backed up a few steps. The old tree in front of her window had it's branch far out, nearly reaching her. She kept her eyes locked onto it and prepared herself to jump.

1..2...3... She counted to herself. After a second of hesitation, she leaped off the roof and skilfully landed. She carefully climbed down the tree without her family realizing she had left the house.

          She casually walked down the dim lit streets and took several short cuts around the neighborhood because she had no planned destination in mind. Little did she know, Taehyung was also taking a night walk around the same neighborhood because he too didn't want to stay home. As she walked through the alley ways with the rain softly hitting her body, she comes in path with a park just across the street. She glanced over at the name of the park and just by reading the name, her mind flashed back to the times where her dad would always take her there. To somewhat make tribute for her late dad, she crossed the empty street and into the playgrounds. She took her time to walk through and to take in the nostalgic feeling coming from the playground, but with each passing second, it was hard for her to breath. Happy giggling and shrieks echoed in her ears despite not having anyone there, but herself. A sudden desire to see her dad again filled her chest which made it hurt, but she took deep breaths to calm herself. She walks to the gravel field beside the playground and continued walking towards the middle. In the open field, all was quiet, but the sound of rain.

Dad.. are you lonely? She asked and closed her eyes while lifting her head towards the sky. She knew she won't get a reply from her questions, but she asked them anyway. Are you happy? She spread her arms out just a bit and felt the rain, Do you miss me? Are you watching me? She sighed deeply. She looked back down and wiped away the rain from her face.

Oh, look who it is!” A mocking voice called out to her. She barely looked over her shoulder to see a group of girls walking towards her. She turned all the way to face them and they all had devilish smirks on their faces. “It's been awhile, Yejin.” The girl with the mocking voice stood in front of everyone else. All of them were wearing black clothing and reeked of alcohol. They all looked twice Yejin's age and also twice her size. As well as them being more on the muscular side while Yejin was just average.

You haven't visited us in awhile.” A fairly plump, blonde headed girl said and took a step forward, “Do you not want to play with us anymore?”


Minhye, stand back.” The girl that first spoke, ordered. Nothing was visible about the girl, but her wet long curly black hair. “Yejin, I still haven't repaid you for ratting us out a year ago. We sure did have fun doing community service. All thanks to you.” She spoke in a vile tone. “Thanks to you, we got kicked out of boarding school. They thought we were associated with gangs such as the mafia.”

          Yejin rolled her eyes and tried to go around them, but they surrounded her in seconds. She does a slow spin on her heels to count how many girls she'll be dealing with and the total was six. Far in the distance, back at the park, Taehyung had just arrived with his bright green umbrella. He was oblivious to the group because he was also taking in the nostalgic memories, but eventually, he noticed them standing in a tight circle. He concealed himself with the playground equipment and stood by the swings to get a better view of them, but all he saw was a stand off.

A fight? Gang?” He whispered to himself and scratched the side of his head. Should I report this? His hand grazed his phone that was in his pocket. He shook the thought away and instead, crept closer to the group by hiding behind one of the trees near them. What's going on?

Minhye grinned evilly, “Leader, should we have some fun with this little brat?” Yejin responded with a scoff and a lingering smirk. She thought it was funny that they deny being associated with gangs when they talk and act like they're in one. “What are you looking at?” Minhye instantly shot Yejin a glare. Yejin shrugged and rolled up her sleeves.


Let's have some fun!” The so called Leader grinned and at the same time, shoved Yejin hard in the back. Yejin was completely caught off guard from the sudden contact and she stumbled over towards Minhye, but the blonde girl didn't let her go easy. Minhye caught hold of Yejin before she fell over and shoved her back to another girl. The cycle continued back and forth. As of now, Yejin was acting like a ping pong being paddled back and forth. The other girls hooted and laughed with pleasure, seeing how defenseless she looked.


Oops!” Minhye laughed and kicked Yejin at the back of her knees. Yejin toppled over and scratched her hands on the gravel upon hitting the ground. She looked at her cold, bloody hands, but thanks to the cold, it numbed the pain. “Aw, poor baby, did you fall?” Yejin stood with a straight face and stared at the girl. “Wipe that look off your face!” Minhye lashed out and threw a punch. Yejin effortlessly dodged and grabbed a hold of the girl's arm. She twisted the girl's arm back and threw her on the ground. A few other girls went to Minhye's side to check if she was alright, but instead of answering them, Minhye got up and attacked Yejin again. This time, Yejin stepped aside as she came and dodged once again. With that, the other girls started to attack Yejin with no mercy, but not once did she return a punch. Soon enough, fists were exchanged here and there and thanks to Yejin's many years of taekwondo with her guardian, she barely got scratched. It was only when the girls ganged up on her three at a time was when her blood poured.


          As the fight went on for not even a whole five minutes, Taehyung who was watching was startled by the amount of girls fighting before his eyes. He had no idea they were females until he heard their voices. He continued to watch, but when he started to recognize Yejin amongst the group and how she's being out numbered, he immediately grabbed his phone. He yanked it out and started to dial the emergency number, but he was stopped when a dry, thick hand grabbed his wrist. He turned in surprise to see a middle aged man dressed in an all black suit. He blinked hard, totally not grasping what was happening. The look the man gave made him keep his mouth shut. He glanced over the man's shoulder to see another man also dressed in all black, but with a white dress shirt under his blazer. The younger looking man looked just a few years older than himself.


Sonny, why don't you put that phone of yours away.” The middle aged man said and lets go of his hand. Taehyung puts his phone away. He looked at the man closely to see a small grin on his face with a visible gold tooth between his lips.


What is he grinning at ? He should stop it.” Taehyung mumbled and glanced at the outline of his phone in his pocket. Taehyung pushed his phone deeper into his pocket and looked over at the young man again. The younger man had his eyes locked onto the fight and was emotionless to what was happening.


          Ten minutes in, fatigue begans to get to Yejin. Fighting under the rain and against six people took a toll on her.


Your dad protected a murderer. Shouldn't you be ashamed? Shouldn't you be locked up?” The Leader laughed loudly, “Since your dad protected a murderer, he's just the same as the murderer.” That's when Yejin snapped. She weaved through the group of girls and grabbed Leader by the collar. She raised her fist and shot a quick, but solid blow to the girl's face. The others screamed in horror after their Leader fell, but the Leader only laughed. “Ah, you finally fought back. Why? Does speaking about your dad anger you?”


Shut up.” Yejin finally spoke with her teeth clenched and her fists trembling. She squeezed them tightly and forced herself to stay under control.


Why aren't you continuing?” Leader stood with the help of her followers. “Your punch was something alright.” She fixed her jaw and wiped away the blood from her upper lip. “Now, I won't let you off so easily.” The group of girls continued to fight until all, but Leader and Yejin has fallen. “Come here.” A crazy demonic look was in Leader's eyes. Yejin hesitantly stood where she was. She couldn't figure out where that look came from. “Your dad died didn't he? Maybe that's what he deserved.” Leader taunted again and spat some blood onto the ground. Acting more cleanly, Yejin wiped her own blood away. “He might of died, but his sins are always here. They will forever be here. Your mom might think she's safe by marrying a policeman, but your mom only seduced him.”

Protect your mom.”

          Yejin, blinded with rage once again, lunged over and packed another good punch, but it didn't shake Leader. The woman only laughed as Yejin grabbed the collar of her shirt again. “Your family will never be cleaned.” The woman continued. Yejin raised her arm to strike, but she stopped midway. Her arm dropped and all the anger inside of her dispersed as well. Finally seeing her guard down, the Leader took the opportunity and kneed the girl in the gut. Yejin bent over in shock with the air knocked out of her.


Sojin, go.” The man ordered the young lad.


Yes, Boss.” Sojin bowed lowly and handed the older man the umbrella. Sojin raced over to the girls, just as Yejin fell backwards onto the ground. The Leader was about to whip out a knife, but Sojin caught her arm in time.


L-L-Leader!” Minhye gasped from the ground, “It's him!” The amused look on the Leader's face disappeared when she looked at the owner of the hand that held tightly onto hers.


S-Senior..” Leader stuttered, but Sojin ignored her. He calmly dropped her hand and looked her in the eyes.


Leave.. or else.” He warned and all the girls around him scrambled to their feet. They gave Sojin a respectful bow and fled the area.


Sonny.” The man laughed at how the girls flinched just by seeing his right hand man. It amused him even more to see them running for their lives. Taehyung stared at the man and is completely filled in wonder at who he is. And, how much power he has to be able to break a fight just by commanding Sojin to step in. “Forget that anything happened tonight.” He walked off and towards Yejin who was still on the ground. She was silently refusing to get up. Taehyung continued to stare at her lifelessness. She had no strength left to get up. Even though she was bleeding from various of places, the rain concealed most of the pain.


Ms. Yejin.” Sojin leaned over to her with the same bow he gave his Boss. She closed her eyes to avoid the handsome saviour and despite her action, it doesn't bother him. “Please get up.” He tried again with his polite voice. Yejin started to wheeze thanks to the sudden blow to her stomach. The pain started to kicks in from there.


Stand up, Yejin.” Boss said with the umbrella over the three of them. Sojin quickly took the umbrella away and held it instead. With no response from the beaten girl, they had no choice, but to force her up. Sojin handed the umbrella back to the man and the man walked away. He turned to Yejin and took off his warm blazer to cover her head and body. He wrapped his arm around her and walked her towards the car that was parked across the street from the park. They walked passed Taehyung who was surprised at how bad Yejin was hurt and started to regret not calling for help. He was also angry at Sojin for not stepping up earlier since he had that power to stop the fight instantly. Yejin made eye contact with him and he couldn't take the look in her eyes. Sojin ignored Taehyung's presence and blocked the girl's view from him. The two walked to the car where now Boss was in. She tried to back off from the car and leave, but Sojin held onto her tight.


Please sit.” He gestured as he opened the door for her. Since she didn't obediently sit inside, he had no choice, but to guide her in. After shutting the door, he hurriedly walked around and sat in the front passenger seat.


It's been a while since it rained this much.” The driver beside him commented and swerved the car onto the street. Sojin dried himself with some tissue paper before handing the box to Yejin. She gave him the cold shoulder and looked out the window. He turned all the way around to hand her the box of tissues, but Boss waved him away.


Boss shook his head and Sojin nodded in response. The young man backed off and stared out the window as well. Yejin wraps Sojin's jacket tightly around her and breathed in the man's scent. She thought back to the first time she had met Sojin and the last time she had seen him. His appearance to her has changed quite a lot. She turned to sneak a peek at her uncle and the resemblance of her dad made her choke up a bit. “Something wrong?” He asked, but she ignored him.

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this fic is a cliche/melodrama so those who "angrily" commented saying this is the worst fic they read or that they absolutely hated the ending... lol


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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 30: This fanfic has been one of the best I read so far. I almost cried at the end because it was just so sad for Taehyung because he didn't really get much happiness back but he helped Yejin out in so many ways. Although I know that there will not be a sequel, I really hope for an alternative ending ;-; Anyways thank you so much for the amazing read I can't believe I binge read this fanfic xD I'll be sure to read it again in the future! Saranghae and hwaiting~! <3
1204080lunch #2
Chapter 30: I enjoyed reading it, and really thankful for your time given so I can have a chance to read. :
Chapter 30: what an ending. But like at least do bring tae back pls, i love him
shawol_blingbling #4
Wannyy #5
Chapter 27: Yejin's past make me cry. Omg authornim u r jjang
Chapter 14: im so confused with this sojin with girls day like is a he or a she damn it
sawako17 #7
RebornAngel #8
Chapter 29: Can we pleaseeee have an epilogue? I want to see taehyung coming back. It seriously kills me how he doesnt get with her :( poor yejin T_T
Chapter 30: istg this story is the best! but why should it end up like this? omg I feel bad for taehyung tho, after what he has done for yejin:( taehyung and yejin deserve to be together;;; and yesss I need one more chapter to clear the things up or a sequel maybe? :)