
Rainy Day

          Taehyung arrived at the park, yet again out of breath and took a few seconds to calm down. He scanned the area for Namjoon, but he's guessing he's the first to arrive between the two of them. He puts his cold hands around his mouth and called out for Yejin. He got closer to the set of swings he was on at that night and did a quick look around.


Yejin! Yejin!” He shouted at the empty park. There was still no response. He really did hope she was here otherwise he doesn't know where else to look for her. The thought of calling the police to report her as missing came to mind, but he thought maybe her family could of done it already. Little did he know he was at the right place, but looking in the wrong direction. Yejin had been sleeping under the jungle gym, trying to get away from the harsh winds.


          Her eyes eventually fluttered open at the sound of her name. She stared at the brown metal platform above her and stared at the many tiny holes covered in dirt. She can still tell that her fever didn't go away. She pulled her hands out of her pocket and felt the gravel beneath and around her. That was when she remembered she was still at the park. She rolled to her side in the direction to where her name was being called to see Sojin frantically looking around. However, it was her eyes and fever playing tricks on her.


Tae...hyung.” She whispered between her dry and cracked lips. She lets out a sigh and forced herself up. She grabbed her bag by her feet and threw it out. Thanks to the bag landing and making a brief noise with the gravel, Taehyung whipped his head around to see her crawling out from beneath the jungle gym. She retrieved her bag and dusted herself off.


Yejin!” He shouted and ran towards her. She merely looked at him before weakly walking off in the other direction. He raced to stop her and successfully does by cutting her off. With her hazy eyes she lifted her head to meet his. “Where did you go? Do you know how worried I am?” He abstained himself from scolding her and at the same time from wrapping his arms around her. He was torn between both. The look on her face was troubling him, but he didn't want to say anything about it just yet.


Leave me alone.” She breathed heavily as if she just ran a marathon. She also nearly stumbled over, trying to get pass him. He took her by the elbow and turned her around.


W-Why are you breathing so hard?” He tried to meet her eyes despite her trying to pull away. “Talk to me.” He grabbed her other arm and spun her around to make her face him. The sudden quick motion made her dizzy and her vision blur. Her body goes limp and she collapsed on him. Just when her forehead grazed his neck as her head fell onto his shoulders, he realized what was happening. He slowly lowered to the ground while supporting her her body. He turned her around so that the back of her head was just under his chin. He rolled up his sleeve and placed his arm on her forehead to feel her temperature. She had cold bead like sweat by her hair line, her body was burning up and her hands were extremely cold.


Taehyung! Yejin!” Namjoon screamed from behind them. Taehyung frantically looked around in slight relief to see that some help has arrived, but he wasn't clam enough to see Namjoon on his bike. Namjoon stopped at the edge of the playground, jumped off his bike, sprinted over and fell to his knees right next to them. Without even looking at Yejin's face, he could tell something was wrong from seeing Taehyungs'. “What happened?” Namjoon took the girl by the hand and felt her forehead as well.


She has a high fever... What should we do?” Taehyung held her tightly. Namjoon tried to see if anyone around could help them, but they were the only ones there.


Phone. Phone!” He patted his body crazily after remembering he had his phone. Once he felt nothing, he only then remembered he shoved his phone in his bag earlier on. He ran back to his bike, rummaged through his bag and finally pulled out the device. “We're going to take her to the hospital.” He proceeded to call for an ambulance.


...Dont...” Yejin whispered and gripped Taehyung's shirt. “Don't.” She croaked. Anything, but the hospital again...


You're really sick, Yejin. We have to.” Taehyung said. She her lips and squeezed her eyes. Namjoon walked over to them as he was on hold with the emergency number.


Don't” She repeated and this time she held onto Namjoon's arm. The boy gave Taehyung a worried and unsure look. “Don't.”


          In the end, Taehyung carried Yejin back to his house knowing his dad won't be home anyways. Namjoon also followed closely to watch over her well being. The three arrived at Taehyung's place in no time. With Taehyung taking care of Yejin upstairs in the guest room, Namjoon went ahead and informed her step dad what was going on.


This is the guest room.” Taehyung announced even though he didn't know if Yejin was awake or not. He bent over a bit so that her body weight would balance on his back so that he could flip the light on. The girl's eyes were barely open, but she was able to make out the interior. The walls were painted light beige, a polar double bed by the wall closest to the window and matching night stand next to it. He walked towards the bed and carefully placed her down. He took off her shoes and pulled the covers over her. “I'll be right back, okay?” He puts her shoes neatly on the ground. He lightly went down the stairs and to the kitchen. He took over his blazer promptly and laid it on the table..


She alright?” Namjoon asked while pouring himself some water. He had already made himself at home. Taehyung grabbed the glass the boy was pouring water into before going to the medicine cabinet. As he was taking a pill from the plastic bottle, he glanced over his shoulder at the bakery goods he brought home last night.


Bring some of that, would you?” He asked and started to walk upstairs. Namjoon complied and placed a sweet bun on a small plate. He followed Taehyung up to the room, but sees him disappear off in a different room. He stopped in place and waited for the boy to come out again.


Where did you go?” Namjoon asked, when he emerged with a stack of clothes in hand.


Clothes for her to change in.” Taehyung answered and they both walked into the guest room to see Yejin fast asleep.


Would you look at that.” Namjoon smiled and walked a little closer, “She seems so... What do you call it.. .” He sets the plate on the night stand while trying to think of a word to describe how the girl looked. He sat at the foot of the bed and stared at her. “Peaceful!” He snapped his fingers, earning him a light smack on the forehead from Taehyung. Taehyung sauntered towards the girl and placed the cup by the plate.


Yejin.” He said softly while shaking her a bit. “Yejin, I need you to take your medicine.” He shook her again and her eyes opened. He supported her in sitting up and handed her the cup of water just when she took the pill from him.


Eat something too. It's bad to take medicine without eating.” Namjoon nodded to the plate by her. Ultimately, he got ignored. She went straight back to sleep and curled up in the blankets. “Well then.” He sighed and walked to the door.


Here's some clothes for you.” Taehyung mumbled and puts the white t shirt and a pair of black sweats by her feet. The two boys closed the door on their way out and went to the living room. Namjoon raced to the couch and jumped onto it. While lying on his side, he reached over the coffee table and grabbed the remote to turn on the TV.


I'm going to make some congee for her.” Taehyung turned to the kitchen.


How motherly of you.” Namjoon chuckled and Taehyung responded with a scornful look.


What did her step dad say?” Taehyung asks as he's getting ready to cook. He grabbed a small pot and filled it up with water so that it can boil over the stove.


He said he'll drop by later on tonight with her clothes and whatever she needs.” Namjoon answered with his eyes glued to the cartoon playing on the screen.


She's not going home?”


Well, she did get kicked out, didn't she? I doubt your dad is going to be home tonight.”


Yeah...” Taehyung mumbled and poured the rice into the boiling water. After a few minutes, the congee was ready and he turned it down to simmer to keep it warm. “Don't you have night class?” He asked Namjoon who was still enjoying himself on the comfy couch.


You're not going so why would I go.” Namjoon yawned. “That reminds me!” He shot straight up, “Why the hell did you leave me back there, man?! I thought we were going together.”


Oh... yeah..” Taehyung laughed at his forgetfulness. “Sorry, sorry.” He waved the boy to sit.


You better make up a good excuse to your girl. She looked pretty mad when I left her.” He shivered at the thought of Sanghee's face. He opened his mouth to continue, but realized he should keep the part where he exploded on her.


I'll think of something. Don't worry.” Taehyung picked at his lips with his mind looking for excuses. Suddenly, a knock came from the door and they both raced over.


Hi boys, how is she?” Mr. Lee stood there with the cold wind blowing at him. Taehyung stepped aside and let the man walk into the warm house. Namjoon shuts the door while Mr. Lee handed Taehyung a small red duffel bag that was filled with the girl's clothes and personal items. “One of the neighbors came over and she helped me pack.”


Why didn't her mom – “ Namjoon got cut off when Taehyung stuck his arm out to stop him from speaking further. Taehyung nodded and took the duffel bag.


I gave her some medicine and I made some food fer her. Hopefully, she'll eat.” Taehyung sets the duffel bag onto the couch.


I'm sorry for having you guys do this. There's no one else I can ask for her to stay somewhere.” The man sighed and rubbed his nape, “A lot of things is going on right now.”


It's alright, Mr. Lee.” Taehyung reassured him, “It's alright. She's... our good friend after all.” The boys smiled at each other which made the man smile as well. Suddenly, Mr. Lee's phone started to ring with an old fashioned phone ring tone. His face grew stern as he turned away from the boys. He exchanged a few words with the person on the phone before putting his phone away.


The department wants me back to deal with something. I'll leave her in your care tonight. Please take care of her well.” He patted the two on the shoulders. The boys escorted him out the door and said their good byes.



A/N: Thanks for reading and for the comments! Also check out my original story with some ulzzangs called "Our Beginning"! 



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this fic is a cliche/melodrama so those who "angrily" commented saying this is the worst fic they read or that they absolutely hated the ending... lol


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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 30: This fanfic has been one of the best I read so far. I almost cried at the end because it was just so sad for Taehyung because he didn't really get much happiness back but he helped Yejin out in so many ways. Although I know that there will not be a sequel, I really hope for an alternative ending ;-; Anyways thank you so much for the amazing read I can't believe I binge read this fanfic xD I'll be sure to read it again in the future! Saranghae and hwaiting~! <3
1204080lunch #2
Chapter 30: I enjoyed reading it, and really thankful for your time given so I can have a chance to read. :
Chapter 30: what an ending. But like at least do bring tae back pls, i love him
shawol_blingbling #4
Wannyy #5
Chapter 27: Yejin's past make me cry. Omg authornim u r jjang
Chapter 14: im so confused with this sojin with girls day like is a he or a she damn it
sawako17 #7
RebornAngel #8
Chapter 29: Can we pleaseeee have an epilogue? I want to see taehyung coming back. It seriously kills me how he doesnt get with her :( poor yejin T_T
Chapter 30: istg this story is the best! but why should it end up like this? omg I feel bad for taehyung tho, after what he has done for yejin:( taehyung and yejin deserve to be together;;; and yesss I need one more chapter to clear the things up or a sequel maybe? :)