
Rainy Day

          Thankfully for Yejin, the inspections for school continued for another two days so she was able to successfully avoid everyone. Although she was denied transfer through talking to the administrators because it was her last year, she was determined to move as soon as possible. Hopefully for her it would be during the two day break periods.


Miss, your uncle will be dropping by in a few minutes.” Sojin said as he bowed unexpectedly to Yejin. She gave him a confused look to why he had became extremely polite when she had just gotten use to him talking informally.


Changing your ways just because he is coming.” She mumbled under her breath. She checked the clock for the time and checked the second time to make sure. Coming at this time of night?


Excuse me?” He cocked his head to the side and looked at her innocently. She rolled her eyes and shook her head slowly. The thought of having to see her uncle again after showing him her vulnerable side made her sick to her stomach. She reached over the couch and grabbed her jacket before heading out the door. Sojin only watched her go because he too knew the reason why. She headed outside barely wearing her jacket to only see the black car coming up the drive way. She made a quick dash to the tall bushes to conceal herself before climbing over the fence that lead to the streets.


Strange.. She turned around as she jogged down the hill. Why isn't he coming after me? She shrugged and went to the nearest convenience store to grab a bite to eat. Once she spotted the store around the corner, she walked into the bright shop and silently walked by the cashier who she knew was a student from school. He diligently greeted her like any normal costumer, but paused for a second when he realized who had just walked by. She walked through the short aisle and went straight to the instant noodles section. She skimmed through the rows and merely looked at the prices before picking up a bright red packaged cup of kimchi noodles. She walked back to the cashier and handed the boy the cup without looking at him directly. He scanned the cup and announced the price in an awkward tone. She dug into her hoodie pocket for some change and handed the boy the money.


          He barely checked the money and closed the register. “Thank you.” He nodded his head and slid a pair of chopsticks across the table. She grabbed her things and went to prepare her late night snack. Even though she had a second thought on what she had purchased, she ate it anyway.


-                                                     -


HELL YEAH! I WON AGAIN!” Namjoon raised his arms up in victory. He grinned from ear to ear while taunting the sadden Taehyung.


          Taehyung tossed the controller in front of his crossed legs and laid down. He stretched his legs for the first time in three hours and groaned. “I loss again” He rubs his tired eyes.


Now you have to treat me four times, clean my room for a day and cover for me three times for night classes.” Namjoon happily listed the deals they settled before their video game marathon.


          Taehyung sighed heavily. This is why I can't play video games. I at these. He turned sideways to face the beaming boy and then, looked around the room. “How am I going to clean this garbage dump?” He groaned and covered his face with the pillow that had been in his lap.


          Namjoon laughed and pulled the pillow away. “Don't worry, I'll make it especially dirty and messy for you when you come over again.”


You're the end of me.” Taehyung sat up and whacked the pillow, though Namjoon blocked with his arm. “What time is it?” He stopped himself from hitting him a second time. Namjoon straightened his left leg and pulled out his phone.


Oh.. shouldn't you of been back an hour ago?” He showed him the phone. Taehyung grabbed it to see it clearly before racing out the door.


Thanks a lot!” Taehyung shouted as he ran out of the house.


See you!” Namjoon called after the boy. Taehyung pulled out his phone as he ran in the direction of his house. He dialed his dad's secretary number, hoping to notify the man so that he can pass along the message to his dad to why he's not at home at this hour, but surprisingly his dad answered.


I'm .. on my way..” Taehyung panted between each breath.


It's alright. You don't have to attend the meeting anymore. I'll go alone. Go home safely and there will be allowance on the dinner table. I won't be back for another two days.” His dad told him before abruptly ending the call. It hurt Taehyung to know he missed his chance to see his dad after his dad came back for a minor break. He had been staying over at Namjoon's because he felt lonely in the empty house. He stops his running and caught his breath.


Hello?” He picked up a call from Namjoon.


Did you get to see him?” Namjoon asked with a hint of apology in his tone.


No.. He already left.” Taehyung answered solemnly.


I'm … so sorry. I got us too into the games.” Namjoon sighed, “Let me make it – “


No, no it's my fault. I should of paid more attention if I wanted to see him. I'm fine. I'll just see him when he comes back and it's not like I haven't lived by myself before.” Taehyung faked a laugh.


I'll make it up to you, man. All I can do now is apologize, but I promise I'll make it up to you.”


Good night.” Taehyung said as he pulled the phone away from his ear. Despite hearing Namjoon calling out to him, he ended the call with another sigh. He blinked away his tears and sighed for the last time before heading home with his head down. Halfway through the journey home, he saw a large shadow a few distances from him.


LET ME GO!” A familiar voice shouted which made him stop in his tracks. He stared at the moving shadows to make out three figures.


C'mon, stop moving.” A male voice said. Taehyung managed to make out one of the persons struggling.


Hey!” Taehyung shouted, “What are you guys doing?” The man he had kept his eyes on turned with annoyance. The man looked at Taehyung, but his appearance doesn't seem to intimidate him in any way. “Hey! I'm talking to you guys.”


Look, buddy.” Another male voice said. “Run along or you're going to get hurt.” He motioned him to go while blocking the third person.


Excuse me.” Taehyung leaned to the side to get a better look at the concealed person. “Are they troubling you?” After two more good looks, he made out Yejin being tied by the wrists. “Yejin?” He gasped. Yejin bit her lips, a habit she recently developed. She only kept quiet because she didn't want to cause harm to whoever might see them. Now that the person that spoke up is Taehyung, she knew well that these men can cause harm to him which she doesn't want.


Hey, you know this guy?” The man on her left dragged her to the front. As if on cue, the broken flickering street light now shone bright. Taehyung gasped in horror to see a gash on her cheek and a cut on her lips.


What the hell are you guys doing to her?” Anger started to fume inside of him. He took a step forward to pull the girl away, but the man reacted in time to pull her back.


Well, do you?” The other man asked in a much softer tone. She gave Taehyung a look, hoping he'll be able to perceive it to mean for him to run, but to her disappointment he doesn't. She turned away and shook her head. “Listen here, buddy. Just turn away and act like nothing happened. We know you know who she is, but as you can she, she's giving you a chance to leave.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, “Now run along or you're going to get hurt.”


Hello?” Taehyung completely ignored them, “Yes, I need help. There's seems to be a kidnap – “ All of a sudden, he got cut off by a bunch of groans. He turned to see one of the men down and Yejin off running. “YEJIN!” He shouted and chased after her, though he lost sight of her quickly. 



A/N: Thanks for the comments it makes my day reading them (:

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this fic is a cliche/melodrama so those who "angrily" commented saying this is the worst fic they read or that they absolutely hated the ending... lol


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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 30: This fanfic has been one of the best I read so far. I almost cried at the end because it was just so sad for Taehyung because he didn't really get much happiness back but he helped Yejin out in so many ways. Although I know that there will not be a sequel, I really hope for an alternative ending ;-; Anyways thank you so much for the amazing read I can't believe I binge read this fanfic xD I'll be sure to read it again in the future! Saranghae and hwaiting~! <3
1204080lunch #2
Chapter 30: I enjoyed reading it, and really thankful for your time given so I can have a chance to read. :
Chapter 30: what an ending. But like at least do bring tae back pls, i love him
shawol_blingbling #4
Wannyy #5
Chapter 27: Yejin's past make me cry. Omg authornim u r jjang
Chapter 14: im so confused with this sojin with girls day like is a he or a she damn it
sawako17 #7
RebornAngel #8
Chapter 29: Can we pleaseeee have an epilogue? I want to see taehyung coming back. It seriously kills me how he doesnt get with her :( poor yejin T_T
Chapter 30: istg this story is the best! but why should it end up like this? omg I feel bad for taehyung tho, after what he has done for yejin:( taehyung and yejin deserve to be together;;; and yesss I need one more chapter to clear the things up or a sequel maybe? :)