Bad Timing

Rainy Day

Run faster. Run faster. Run faster. Yejin repeated to herself. She was nearly at her limit. First time in awhile, she was straining her leg muscles by running. Each minute she pushed herself to go faster. To get away from the strange men and from Taehyung. As she ran, she tried to twist the plastic ties off, but they were no use until she remembered Sojin had taught her a way to escape them. She looked around frantically to find a safe place to rest and she managed to stop at the darkest part of the street despite feeling wary of it. Only a single dim street light lighted the area. She made a quick turn for the corner and hid herself by pressing her back close to the wall. She waited and listened for her pursuers. She counted the loud beating of her heart that was ringing in her ears to a minute. To her relief, no one came. She held out her tied wrists in front of her and pulled her wrists away from each other. How did he do it again? She thought to herself and searched hard for the memories of Sojin's teachings. After another minute, she remembered the man breaking the center of the ties with his hip bone. She attempted the act a few times; however after the third time she grew enough frustration to actually break it. Upon seeing the plastic explode and fly off into different places, she smirked to herself. That didn't hurt as much as I thought. She cautiously left her hiding spot, making sure to look around before fully showing herself. Once she thought it was safe to come out, her body loss control and she found herself hitting the ground. With her eyes barely open, she saw a metal pipe scraping along the ground. She followed the pipe up to whoever was holding it, but her vision out, leaving the attacker unknown.


Oi.. wake up.” A man lightly shook her awake. The sound of water dripping, echoed in her ears which she found annoying. She slowly opened her eyes, but squinted to adjust to the single light shining above her. She blinked hard to get a better look at where she was. The smell of strong cigarette smoke burned her nose, followed by a faint scent of cologne.


She's awake.” Someone standing in the shadows announced. She panickedly looked around to see where she was, but all she saw was darkness. She tried to stand, but to only realize she was tied against a chair. And because of looking around, her head started to throb again. At this situation, it reminded her back when she was held in the truck. Fear began to seep into her, but she counted to calm herself.


Where..” She croaked, thanks to being hoarse from running. She her cracked, bloody lips and looked in the direction where she heard voices. “Am I?” Then, a shadow emerged and someone walked into the light. A man with crew cut hair wearing a light gray pull over with a black bomber vest over top and black skinny trousers. The scent of something citrusy passes by her and with her mind barely thinking straight, she makes out the lollipop hanging in the man's mouth. Without warning, the man's raises his legs and rest his foot on the chair in the small space between her legs. He leans over and faces her with only a few inches between them.


Hey, you're pretty cute.” He smirked and lifted her chin with his hand. She shook her head to avoid contact which made him laugh, “Ah, no wonder the boys came back bruised in several places.” He touched her face anyway. From that, she glared at him with all her strength. She didn't know why she was where she was and she didn't want to waste any more time to find out. Though, seeing how her captor acts, she's sure she won't get any details from him. “Stop looking at me like that.” He pulls the candy out of his mouth. He points it near her nose which made her sit back. “That bastard won't be able to save you.” He grinned with a few other shadowy figures laughing along.


Bastard? She thought. Who is he talking about?


He puts his free hand on her head and brushed back her bangs. “Sojin.” He smirked, “The bosses think he's perfect, but I don't understand why.” He lets go of her and crouched down in front of her. “He doesn't even know how to protect the girl he loves. Since you're in our hands, he's done for.”


So...” She her lips again, “This is because of jealousy?” She panted with a minor smirk on her face. “Pathetic.” She looked him dead in the eye. Suddenly, those big brown eyes of his turned dark and a nasty chill went down the girl's spine. She had realized the words that left had done something to change the man's carefree mood. Right then and there, he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her down to face him clearly.


Jealousy? What jealousy?” He growled and yanked on her hair tighter. She winced at the pain, but held in everything or she could really die by his hands. “He's nothing. I'm definitely ten times – no a hundred times better than he is.” He hissed with maniac eyes staring into hers. “Just because you're a girl, doesn't mean I won't hurt you. While you're under my watch, you better watch what you say or those wounds will increase.” He threatened and roughly shoved her back into the chair.


C'mon man, don't get worked up over a puny brat like her.” Someone from their right said. Yejin looked from the corner of her eye while the man turned fully in the direction.


Shut your mouth!” The man threw the lollipop in that direction. The sound of the candy hitting a solid surface echoed around. “A brat like her, managed to give you bruises!” He said and no reply came from whoever commented. “Luckily for you,” He turned back to her, “You're not here today because of Sojin, though I will make sure to send him a video clip of how you are now. You're here for someone else instead. If you try to escape – no you won't be able to. Even if you did, you don't know where you are. Don't even try escaping or you'll get very hurt.” He kicked her chair before walking back into the darkness. She listened and counted for the amount of footsteps he took before stopping. Once he stopped a dim light came from the left of her. The footsteps continued and the light was gone.


15 steps. She counted to herself. 15 steps in order for me to get out. She twisted her wrists to find out that the ropes were tied by amateurs. More footsteps echoed which made her stop fidgeting. She counted the footsteps again, but she stopped counting when she saw the light from the outside shine in. “Is anyone there?” She croaked again and waited for a response, “I need water...” She said, but once again, no one. This is my only chance... Should I risk it? There could be a chance these guys could be watching me right now and purposely not answering to me. She swallowed hard. After a few minutes of hesitation, she twisted her hands free from the loose ropes with the remaining for her strength. She loosened the ties just enough for her hands to slip out. She moved her legs around and as if her luck turned, the ropes were also loose. “SOMEONE!” She shouted as loud as she could, but it sounded more like an average person talking. “YOU CRIMINALS!” The door opened and she saw the outline of the man from earlier. He leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed.


What do you want?”He asked before walking over. She waited for him to crouch next to her while she prepared herself mentally for what will soon come. And like that, he does what she had thought of. He crouched down and looked up at her.


How many people do you have here guarding me right now?” She asked.


Why do you want to know?” He countered her question, but after a second of her having no response, he sighed. “Five. Why?” She raised her eyebrows at the number of men, but the less there was the better of her chance on escaping. She shook her head and stared at his feet. He looked at her with confusion and for a split second, she saw his guard go down. He slowly reached out to her gently. Before he could touch her, she lifts her right leg out of the loose rope hole and kicked him square in the chest. After making contact, he falls over with a loud thud with the wind knocked out of him. He wheezed as he landed and looked at her in shock. She scrambled out of the rope hold and kicked him once more before heading towards the door. He endured her kick and in a panic, called out to his boys. “SHE'S ESCAPING!” He informed them and just before she could reach the exit, the door flung open. She dodged the light and stayed hidden within the darkness. “Where did that brat go?” The man groaned.


Didn't I tell you not to check on her?” Another nagged. “Weren't you the one who told us not to do anything she asked? Now look at you.” As she stayed hidden, she saw the two that kidnapped her help the man up from the ground.


Where is she?” The man looked around frantically, “Turn on the lights!” He shouted and that sent a panic through the girl. She raced for the door and the men shouted at her after seeing her run through. As soon as her eyes adjusted to the change of light, she saw cement walls with large rectangle cut outs that showed what seemed like a field with bushes, trees, long grasses and at the corner a black SUV. She jumped out of one of the cut out and stopped for a few seconds to really finalize her location, but all she had was nothing. She sprinted to the car and checked for the keys, but there were none. She swore aloud and just when she was about to run, she sees the three men walking towards her.


If they're here.. there's probably two more lying in wait. She gritted her teeth. She tried her best to ignore the smirk the three had, but it was getting to her. She backs away from the car and let the automobile separate her and them. The three men were spreading out to close in on her, but a whistle from behind interrupted them. They looked in the direction to see one man walking with two others behind him. She looked closely to see who the back ups were, but the sight of Taehyung limping nearly made her faint.


We found this one when he came up to us threatening to call the police.” The man holding onto Taehyung tightly said. The man was at least twice Taehyung' size. Her eyes averted from the slightly beaten boy and looked at the first man walking alone. Upon setting her eyes on him, she realized who he was. It was Chaekyung, one of the two that escorted CEO Jin to the meeting. He was wearing a white blazer with a carmine pink shirt underneath and khaki colored pants. He stared at her with cold eyes and in confusion. After a few seconds, he broke his gaze after recognizing who she was.


You...” He mumbled and looked around.


Young master, you're back!” The three men around her greeted in unison. Chaekyung waved them away and looked back at Yejin. As if the three knew what he was thinking, they quickly explained the situation. Deep inside, she wished for Chaekyung to let her go, but knowing how he is, she was really doubting him.


You... Are you alright?” Taehyung asked with a sigh.


Tie them up.” Sojin's supposed rival ordered. All of a sudden, two of the men grabbed Yejin from behind and the other dragged Taehyung inside. She looked for any sign of help from Chaekyung, but his eyes were elsewhere.



A/N: DUN DUN DUNNNNN. LOL what do you guys think? & how are you guys?


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this fic is a cliche/melodrama so those who "angrily" commented saying this is the worst fic they read or that they absolutely hated the ending... lol


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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 30: This fanfic has been one of the best I read so far. I almost cried at the end because it was just so sad for Taehyung because he didn't really get much happiness back but he helped Yejin out in so many ways. Although I know that there will not be a sequel, I really hope for an alternative ending ;-; Anyways thank you so much for the amazing read I can't believe I binge read this fanfic xD I'll be sure to read it again in the future! Saranghae and hwaiting~! <3
1204080lunch #2
Chapter 30: I enjoyed reading it, and really thankful for your time given so I can have a chance to read. :
Chapter 30: what an ending. But like at least do bring tae back pls, i love him
shawol_blingbling #4
Wannyy #5
Chapter 27: Yejin's past make me cry. Omg authornim u r jjang
Chapter 14: im so confused with this sojin with girls day like is a he or a she damn it
sawako17 #7
RebornAngel #8
Chapter 29: Can we pleaseeee have an epilogue? I want to see taehyung coming back. It seriously kills me how he doesnt get with her :( poor yejin T_T
Chapter 30: istg this story is the best! but why should it end up like this? omg I feel bad for taehyung tho, after what he has done for yejin:( taehyung and yejin deserve to be together;;; and yesss I need one more chapter to clear the things up or a sequel maybe? :)