
Rainy Day

          The next morning, Yejin awoke with a terrible headache and felt completely out of it. She talked herself out of getting out of bed, but she was only able to sit up. As she sat still with her mind recollecting what had happened, she felt even more terrible. Flashbacks of being thrown out by her mom, sleeping out in the cold and Taehyung taking care of her returned to her. What also returned with the flashbacks were feelings of hurt, betrayal and embarrassment. She held her throbbing head and forced herself to stop thinking. She glanced at her clothes that was folded neatly on the dresser to then recognize her duffel bag right below it. She scoffed and cautiously stood up in fear she might become dizzy once she stands. She held the furniture as she passed by and went to the door. She opened the door and nearly collided into Taehyung. The two stumbled backwards and locked eyes.


G-Good morning..” He greeted with the clear of his throat. She eyed him up and down to see him fully dressed in his uniform. “Feeling better?” He asked while reaching out to feel her forehead. She instantly slapped his hand away just before he could. From the lack of strength, he knew she wasn't. Also despite being hurt by her action, he ignored it and motioned her to the bed. “You should go back to sleep.”


Phone.” She croaked. She held out her hand and demanded for his phone. He handed her the phone anyways even though he didn't fully understand the situation. She tried her best with handling his phone and dialed Sojin's number. She leaned against the door frame for support and waited for the call to connect.


          A few seconds went by and she finally heard the man's voice. “Hello?” He said, but for a second she was at loss for words. He repeated the greeting again and that's when she mumbled out his name. It took him a couple seconds to recognize his name being said.


Sojin.” She repeated in a better volume tone and just like that, he realized who he was speaking to.


Yejin! Where are you?” He exclaimed.


Take me to your place.” She blinked hard to help endure and distract her from the pain coming from her head.


I was looking everywhere for you! Where did you go?”


Sojin, come get me.” She ignored his other remarks.


Are you safe? Are you – “ The phone got taken away by Taehyung as soon as he noticed her stance weakening. He walked her to the bed and pressed the phone against his ear to hear Sojin's frantic voice.


She's at my place right now. She's very sick and refused to go to the hospital.” Taehyung informed the man. A short pause came from the other side when Sojin took in Taehyung's voice.


Thanks for taking care of her.” Sojin finally said; however, in a very serious manner.


Not at all.” Taehyung responded with the same.


Tell her I'm unable to pick her up today. I'm on my way to Gwangju and I'll be back in Seoul in a week.” Sojin said and ended the call without further discussion. Yejin looked at Taehyung for answers, but he was only quiet. He shoved his phone back into his pocket and helped her into bed.


What... did he say?” She stopped him from pulling the blankets over her cold body.


He says he's busy right now, but he'll come later.” He fibbed a bit. The girl nodded and laid to rest. When he's sure she's sleeping, he looked through her back pack for her phone. He stealthily took out her phone and inserted her number into his. He sat back and stared at her face to only really notice her features. At first sight, he knew she was pretty, but looking closely now, her distinct features are brought to attention. Beginning at her near perfect clear skin and the details on her face, he traced the details with his eyes. Details such as the arrangement of her long lashes, her cupids bow and the plump looking lips she had. He wasn't sure why, but somehow his eyes stopped at her lips. It's as if her lips were drawing him closer and closer to it. He shook himself out of the abstraction and lets out a sigh. He gently adjusted the blanket on her before leaving the room.


-                                  -


          For the next week, Taehyung and Yejin developed somewhat of an acquaintance with each other. It was severely awkward to live together at first, but they managed. Instead of trying to build a solid friendship as much as he wanted to, Taehyung focused entirely on getting the girl better. Yejin did the same due to how reluctant she is when it comes to living with other people other than her family. The boy would go to school in the morning and come straight home after school to check on her. Also, he was able to figure out her weak immune system and her poor health since young thanks to her Mr. Lee dropping in to check on her. He also came by to visit several other times through the week however, whenever he paid a visit, it was always when Yejin wasn't present. He and Taehyung had agreed on Yejin staying until she felt better. Either she gets to move back into the house when her mom says so or she can stay at one of her step dad's relatives house.


          Namjoon has also been coming by to spend time with the two. Unlike Taehyung, he's been trying to get Yejin out of her comfort zone and interact with them fully. Though, he still isn't very successful. Sanghee on the other hand, was oblivious to the fact Yejin was living with Taehyung. Like everyone else at school, she thought Yejin was skipping school again. Normally, if a student doesn't show up to school for a long period of time without an excuse, they would be kicked out without further explanation, but thanks to Yejin's responsible, kind and understanding home room teacher, she is exempted from the 'punishment'. And those accountable for Sanghee's obliviousness, was Namjoon for his skillful tongue and Taehyung's amazing acting. Taehyung was completely against lying to his girlfriend, but after all, he knew how and what she can be like if it's something regarding Yejin. All credits went to Namjoon's choice of words in persuading the boy to lie. When it comes to lying and creating an act, the two are the best partners for the job.


          At home, Yejin was living quietly, not daring to make Taehyung or Namjoon uncomfortable. It's like half the time she's not even at home when really she is. She doesn't include herself in conversation the two boys would share when they were together and most of the time she is in her room.


I wonder what she's up to today.” Namjoon said with Taehyung nodding along. School had just ended for them. They had also managed to avoid making plans with Sanghee. “When do you think she'll go back to school?”


It doesn't matter until her family problems are solved. I want to talk to her mom, but I don't think it's my place to.” Taehyung sighed. They arrive at the house to find an unfamiliar car parked in the driveway and the front door wide open. Almost immediately, the two sprinted towards the door. Loud commotion was heard from within the house. A man and woman's voice fillled the tense and panic atmosphere. Taehyung cautiously walked in to find Yejin's family all assembled inside the living room. All that is missing was Yejin. Namjoon poked his head in from the door and upon seeing the family, he slammed the door on his way in. The sudden loud noise brought all attention towards the boys. The arguing silenced with only loud breathing coming from deeper inside the living room. Taehyung followed the sound while scanning each of the faces of the girl's family. Namjoon followed closely behind and gasped to see Yejin on the ground with the left side of her face covered by her hand.


So, you've been living with a bunch of boys!” Yooshin exclaimed, “What a .”


Who the hell are you?” Namjoon lashed out, but Taehyung held him back in time.


A man with no manners.” Yooshin mumbled with a minor scoff.


I SAID – !”


Namjoon, it's her family.” Taehyung pushed him back on the chest. Namjoon relaxed a bit, but doesn't release his glare from Yooshin. Taehyung walked over and helped Yejin up. He hesitated for a second due to seeing her tear stained face, but helped her sit up anyway.


What's going on here?”Namjoon continued to question.


That over this is refusing to come home.” Yooshin continued to taunt Namjoon who was trying his hardest to not kick her out. “Did you slap her?” He gritted his teeth.


And if I did?” She smirked. Before things got out of hand, her dad stepped in.


Sorry for the trouble,” He bowed his head, “We will leave now.” He pulled Yooshin away. He tried to look Taehyung in the eye, but the boy frowned at him and looked away in disappointment. Taehyung held Yejin securely and looked at her mom who was as cold as ever.


Are you coming home or not?” The woman asked with her arms crossed. She looked at them apathetically which angered Taehyung.


You're her mom, correct?” He spoke up. The woman's eyes flickered from Yejin's face to now a glaring Taehyung.


Who are you?” She rolled her eyes. Yejin curled up against Taehyung without thinking and gripped onto his shirt tightly. For the first time in her life, she felt safe around someone other than Sojin. He glanced down at her and held her tightly.


Sadly, even though I know the answer, I really hoped it would have been no. A beautiful, independent and intelligent girl, like Yejin... doesn't need an abusive and impassive woman such as yourself to be her mom.” He smirked which made her mom take great offense.


LISTEN HERE YOU – “ The woman's eyes flared up in anger; however diffused when a knock came from the door.


Excuse me.” Sojin pardoned with his clothes covered in snow.


So...jin.” Taehyung mumbled to himself which caught Yejin's instant attention. She managed to see the man dressed in his usual black suit, but with a gray wool trench coat over through the small gap between Yooshin and her mom. Sojin was standing behind them with a frown.


Who are you?” Yooshin batted her eye lashes with her lips curving into a smile.


Who... are you?” Her dad asked cautiously. Sojin bowed respectfully despite not really wanting to. He walked over with to Yejin and crouched down in front of her. She took in the longing scent she's been waiting for as he faced her. He grabbed her wrist with his cold yet strong hand and pulled her closer. Before she knew it, in split second, she was being carried up and towards the door. Another man stood by the open door who she recognized to be her uncle's driver. He was holding her backpack and duffel bag in hand. He nodded his head at her and moved to the side for Sojin to exit with her.


Hold on tight. It's going to get cold.” Sojin whispered in a low voice. She snuggled up against his chest and grabbed onto his warmth. The cold air hit her instantly, but she's able to withstand it.


Took... you long enough..” She mumbled while staring at his silk tie. As long as he's here.. I guess.


My apologies, miss.” He said and helped her into the car. The heater in the car was on full blast which relieved her in a way.


I'm sorry we took so long, dear.” Her uncle apologized as well while moving the blanket from his thigh to place over her body. She wrapped the blanket tightly around her and watched as Sojin shut the door. The driver placed the bags into the trunk while Sojin went back inside. Nearly a second later, he came out, but with Taehyung and Namjoon following. She saw the two boys shouting after Sojin, though it didn't make him turn around. Taehyung yanked Sojin's arm yet not knowing what came over him a second later. Sojin followed the direction he's being pulled from, but turned his body swiftly to escape Taehyung's hold and instead, grabbed a hold of the amateur's arm. He twisted Taehyung's arm behind his back and made him bend over in pain. Sojin only lets go when Namjoon screamed for him to stop.


Where are you taking her?” Taehyung asked while rolling his arm to help ease the pain as well as blinking away the tears in his eyes.


One little thing...” Sojin grabbed Taehyung by the shirt and yanked him close. If only I can beat you senseless right now. He sneered at him with eyes shooting daggers, “You can't even do.” He pushed him back enough for the boy to stumble. Taehyung knew clearly what Sojin was referring to. He watched the man walk to the car and continued to stare at the car disappearing down the block. Yejin couldn’t help, but stare as the two boys stood in the front yard watching the car go.


It's freezing yet they're still standing there.” Her uncle commented as they stopped at the red lights. “Did you make good friends? How was it? Were you able to rely on someone – “


No.” She stared at the blinking red light. Never again will I do this.


          After everyone leaving his house, Taehyung settled inside the now vacant room of Yejins. He laid down on the middle of the bed and stared at the ceiling to somehow piece together what had happened. He replayed the surprising yet touching moment where Yejin held onto him and the guilty moment where Sojin's words hit him. He pulled the pillow into his chest and breathed in the scent of Yejin's hair. He gripped it tightly in hopes it'll distract him from the replaying thoughts, but it didn't. He rolled onto his side with a a frustrated groan, but stopped when he felt something under him. He moved away a bit to see a photo frame faced down. He pushed himself up to sit and picked up the frame. It was Yejin's family portrait. His touched the glass with his finger and stopped to where Yejin's mother sat. He slid across to Yejin and then, to who he assumed was her dad. He merely glanced at the man and looked back at Yejin's smiling face. He wondered when he'll be able to see the smile he's seeing now being displayed on the present Yejin's face. That's when he realized something. He stared at her dad closely and soon was able to tell where he had seen this face. “Haven't I met this man before?” He whispered to himself.



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this fic is a cliche/melodrama so those who "angrily" commented saying this is the worst fic they read or that they absolutely hated the ending... lol


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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 30: This fanfic has been one of the best I read so far. I almost cried at the end because it was just so sad for Taehyung because he didn't really get much happiness back but he helped Yejin out in so many ways. Although I know that there will not be a sequel, I really hope for an alternative ending ;-; Anyways thank you so much for the amazing read I can't believe I binge read this fanfic xD I'll be sure to read it again in the future! Saranghae and hwaiting~! <3
1204080lunch #2
Chapter 30: I enjoyed reading it, and really thankful for your time given so I can have a chance to read. :
Chapter 30: what an ending. But like at least do bring tae back pls, i love him
shawol_blingbling #4
Wannyy #5
Chapter 27: Yejin's past make me cry. Omg authornim u r jjang
Chapter 14: im so confused with this sojin with girls day like is a he or a she damn it
sawako17 #7
RebornAngel #8
Chapter 29: Can we pleaseeee have an epilogue? I want to see taehyung coming back. It seriously kills me how he doesnt get with her :( poor yejin T_T
Chapter 30: istg this story is the best! but why should it end up like this? omg I feel bad for taehyung tho, after what he has done for yejin:( taehyung and yejin deserve to be together;;; and yesss I need one more chapter to clear the things up or a sequel maybe? :)