Returned Favor

Rainy Day

          In the end, Yejin left the matter unsolved. Even though she explained in full detail to Sojin on what happened that night, he persistently urged her to bring Doyeon to court; however he was unable to act on his own if the victim wasn't willing to cooperate. Instead, it was left for her uncle to take actions though they were not legal. Doyeon had to drop out of school and her boyfriend was revealed to the entire school which made her a laughing stock. Her boyfriend also had to work for Yejin's uncle for the time Yejin used to recover and both of them had to apologize to Yejin on their knees. All of this was not what she wanted, but she thought it was better than doing the legal stuff.


          It's been a month since the ordeal and Sanghee and her new group without Doyeon, had been quiet. For Taehyung, he has been avoiding Yejin due to the fact that he still fekt like it was his fault that she got hurt. When he had asked Sanghee about the incident and if she knew why Doyeon did what she did, Sanghee took offense to him implying she asked Doyeon to do what she committed.


          In result, Sanghee was hurt and ignored him for a week until he apologized. He had also asked Doyeon after hunting the girl down once he found out she left school, but all she told him was that it was all for Sanghee. Why he felt responsible was because Doyeon was a friend of his and Sanghee. Also he felt betrayed because of their friendship and that somehow, Sanghee was linked to this though he swore on his life his girlfriend wouldn't go that low.


          All he does now at school is keep watch over Yejin secretly. Keeping watch as if he's her guardian angel in some sort. He still talked to her though, but not as often and keeping their distance when talking. He is no longer being touchy with her either. For her, Yejin actually doesn't mind his absence from her life. In all honesty, all she wanted to do is get through high school without any more trouble.


So, the winter break is almost on it's way to save us from this Hell.” Namjoon sighed and stuffed his mouth with a jelly desert.”What do you two love birds plan on doing? Well, mostly it's you with the plans, Sanghee.” He pointed his short plastic spoon at the girl who was too absorbed with sitting on Taehyung's lap and being cutesy with him. She glared at Namjoon and slapped his hand away. The action made him shrug with a laugh. “If you're not taking my boy, we'll be snowboarding, right?”


I still haven't bought new gear.” Taehyung laughed and wrapped his arms around Sanghee's waist.


Namjoon! Find your own boyfriend!” Sanghee stuck her tongue out at him before pulling Taehyung's arm towards her.


Excuse me, but I am trying to look for a girl to spend with for the holidays.”He hugged his lunch box. “Maybe I should ask Yejin.” He sighed with his eyes on the ceiling.


Yejin?” Taehyhung smiled a bit without realizing it. “Do you think she'll go?” He asked which almost immediately made Sanghee turn her head.


I thought of asking her, but I haven't seen her all day.” Namjoon shrugged once more.


She should be on the – “ Taehyung got cut off when Sanghee forcefully jumped onto her feet.


We need to talk.” She snapped and stomped out of the classroom. On her way out, she ignored her clique and went straight to the field where the soccer posts were.


You're dead.” Namjoon mouthed while using his spoon to make a slit throat gesture. Taehyung rolled his eyes at the childish comment and went to look for Sanghee. After asking around, he went to the field to see her tapping the ground with her foot and her arms crossed.


What do you want to talk about?” He hugged her from behind and breathed in her lovely smelling hair, “Is it about winter break? I'm still in talks with Namjoon. We might not even go.” She pulled away from him and looked him straight in the eye.


That girl.” She gritted her teeth. “Yejin this, Yejin that. I want her gone.” She snarled, “It's pissing me off! Just hearing her name everyone frustrates me! Why do you keep bringing her name up?!” She raised her voice. “She gets your attention the second you see her! Even if it's not seeing her, but hearing her name or hearing her voice!” She jabbed her finger on his chest. “Am I even your girlfriend?!” She screamed.


She's just a friend!” Taehyung exclaimed which angered her even more. “So what if I'm giving her attention? Am I not suppose to give people some of my attention? Do I have to give you ALL of my attention?” He glanced at her shaking right hand. “It's not like I'm in love with her. She's just a friend.” Now, her entire body was shaking. “Fine.” He sighed, “Slap me if it makes you feel better.” He takes in a deep breath to calm himself. He absolutely hates arguing. Her hand raised, slowly, but surely. With another sigh escaping his lips, he closed his eyes to brace for the impact. She bites her quavering lips and swung her arm, but to her surprise, Yejin caught her wrist. The two locked eyes and both were giving each other hateful glares.


Get lost.” Yejin said, harshly. Taehyung opened his eyes in disbelief to hear Yejin's voice and to see her gripping Sanghee's wrist tightly. Yejin was there with her usual straight face and with a lollipop sticking out of . He followed her eyes to see Sanghee's anger building. With one last squeeze of her wrist, Yejin dropped the girl's arm. She cocked her head to motion the girl to go and despite not accepting defeat, Sanghee stormed off to class. Once she saw the girl go inside, she followed as well.


Yejin...”Taehyung said as she started to leave. She stopped, but doesn't face him. “Are you okay?” He asked which made her turn her head sideways. “I mean... I don't want Sanghee and you on bad terms.”


Bad terms?” Yejin smirked and walked off. The desire to talk to her after all these weeks built up inside of him and gave him the courage to run after her.


Um. Thanks for earlier.” He said without fully thinking. “Uh, where did you go? Were you not at school today? Did you come from home just now?” He spoke in nonsense due to the fact he's unsure of what to say that won't make her go.


Don't make me do that ever again.” She demanded and brushed him off like everyone else. With a smile, he watched her go inside. The reason for his smile was that he was certain underneath her tough, apathetic appearance, there’s someone caring inside.

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this fic is a cliche/melodrama so those who "angrily" commented saying this is the worst fic they read or that they absolutely hated the ending... lol


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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 30: This fanfic has been one of the best I read so far. I almost cried at the end because it was just so sad for Taehyung because he didn't really get much happiness back but he helped Yejin out in so many ways. Although I know that there will not be a sequel, I really hope for an alternative ending ;-; Anyways thank you so much for the amazing read I can't believe I binge read this fanfic xD I'll be sure to read it again in the future! Saranghae and hwaiting~! <3
1204080lunch #2
Chapter 30: I enjoyed reading it, and really thankful for your time given so I can have a chance to read. :
Chapter 30: what an ending. But like at least do bring tae back pls, i love him
shawol_blingbling #4
Wannyy #5
Chapter 27: Yejin's past make me cry. Omg authornim u r jjang
Chapter 14: im so confused with this sojin with girls day like is a he or a she damn it
sawako17 #7
RebornAngel #8
Chapter 29: Can we pleaseeee have an epilogue? I want to see taehyung coming back. It seriously kills me how he doesnt get with her :( poor yejin T_T
Chapter 30: istg this story is the best! but why should it end up like this? omg I feel bad for taehyung tho, after what he has done for yejin:( taehyung and yejin deserve to be together;;; and yesss I need one more chapter to clear the things up or a sequel maybe? :)