The Meeting

Rainy Day

           In the classroom of thirty, many students were scribbling away in their notebooks despite having their eyes staring up at the ticking clock. As each second went by, the ticking got louder, making the students even more anxious for lunch break. The teacher had been assigning them work non stop throughout the period which is starting to stress the students. With only a few minutes on the clock left, the students are writing nonsense in their books even though they have to copy out three chapters of the novel they're reading for class.


          The sound of a ruler hitting on pure wood instantly snaps the drowsy students back to reality. Their eyes flicker to the front of the class where the teacher was standing. The bulky middle aged man, wearing a flamboyant track suit, squinted at all of them.


You better have all these copied out by tomorrow morning... or else.” He threatened them with the ruler in hand. The entire class sighed in defeat while mumbling out different answers. Just before their teacher could continue, the bell rings to rescue the worn out students. Half the male students sprang to their feet, urging the class representative to stand. The class representative timidly stood up and with a small voice, guided the entire class to bid goodbye to the teacher. The man dismissed them with a grumble and left them for lunch. A small group of boys dashed out of the classroom while the rest of the students relocated their desks. Total chaos erupted around the school as lunch began, but only one student remained quietly in his seat with his eyes glued to the window.


Taehyung, what did you bring for lunch?” A deafening voice asked the student.


Lower your voice, Namjoon .” Taehyung winced at the tone while rubbing his right ear. He looked up at the smiling, dimpled face boy who held up his hand in apology.


My bad.” His loud mouthed class mate and best friend apologizes. Namjoon glanced over in Taehyung's direction and realized it was raining. “Wow, it's starting to pour out there.” He nodded his head towards the window. Taehyung shot him a look and shook his head.


It's been raining since class started.” Taehyung sighed and rested his head on his palm with his elbow perched up on his desk. Hearing the sound of rain from the just opened window brought him back to memories of his past. As he watched the raindrops raced down the window and simultaneously tuning Namjoon out, he notices a figure running out towards the school gravel field. He looked more closely to see that it was a female student he hasn't seen before.


What did you bring for lunch?” Namjoon repeated his question in a mumble, due to his mouth being filled with rice. Though, he got no response. Taehyung stood up to get a better look, but an unexpected punch was launched from Namjoon and the boy's bony knuckles dug deep into his arm. “Hey, are you listening?” Taehyung ignored the stinging pain from the sudden blow and pointed towards the window.


Who's that?” He asked curiously with his eyes still not averted from the girl.


Ah, her?” Namjoon cocked his head to the side and looked through his memories for the girl, “I don't... Oh!” He exclaimed and walked over to the window. He points to the girl with his spoon and continued to talk with a mouthful, “She's Yejin from class 3A.” He stuffed his mouth once more.


Yejin?” Taehyung repeated and also walked over to the window. I don't think I've seen her around. He thought to himself.


Don't bother with her.” Namjoon swallowed and took a chug of water from his bottle to wash the food down. Surprised at his response, Taehyung turned to him., “I was in her class last year and she barely spoke. Heck, I don't think I've ever heard her talk. She didn't have a good attendance too. She comes and goes...just like the rain.” He smiled when he noticed the poetry term he has used.


Really?” Taehyung leaned against the wall with his eyes still on Yejin. Maybe I should..


Don't even think about it!” Namjoon warned with his spoon now pointing at Taehyung's chest. Taehyung blinked at the response again, unsure of how the boy knew what he was thinking of before he pushed the metal spoon away from his chest.


He's doing it again. He thought in wonder, but made himself ignore the weird responses.


Don't even think about being friends with her. You're friends with way too many people already! And dude, it's Yejin. No one talks to her. If you get close with her, what would Sanghee think? Sanghee already scared off all the other girls because you befriended them.”


What? That's not true and you shouldn't say that about Yejin either.” Taehyung shook his head at the remark. “What do you even mean by 'it's Yejin'?”


I'm just saving you from trouble man.” Namjoon turned back to the window, “Actually, I honestly don't think I've ever seen someone with Yejin before. There has been rumors going around since she came here two years ago, but they've died down after supposedly a girl got hurt after bothering Yejin.” He shrugged. “You're being too nice, Taehyung.”


Tell Sanghee I'll look for her later if she comes looking for me, okay?” Taehyung spun on his heels and pulled out his umbrella from his bag that hung on the side of his desk. That girl must be crazy. Why is she standing out there getting soaked like that? He waved to his friend who was about to stop him from leaving before weaving through the desks to get out of class.


Namjoon shrugged and resumed to eating. Well, I warned him.


          Taehyung ran through the busy hall filled with students and down the stairs where he accidentally ignored his girlfriend who called out to him. Unlike some students, Taehyung was one of the few genuinely kind people at school. He was loved and admired by the student body for being himself. He loved making people smile, laugh, happy and he also loved helping people. Even though his heart is pure and he himself was as well, some people wondered why he's with the girl many dubbed as the plastic witch. Now, Sanghee wasn't all that bad if she's with Taehyung, but over all, she could be quite intimidating alright. Considered as the queen of the school, she had the power over almost all the students. Even having a girlfriend with that much social status at school, he never once thought of being popular and instead, he remains down to earth and ordinary.


Taehyung, where are you going?” Sanghee continued to call out with several girls from her clique behind her. Taehyung disappeared around the corner and she stood there in disbelief. “Why did he ignore me?” She stomped her feet with a minor pout.


          Taehyung raced out the door and jogged towards the field while struggling to open his umbrella. When he finally got his umbrella out and opened, he slowed down so he would't startle the girl. As raindrops fell from the sky around him, he took in a deep breath and the smell of rain filled his lungs. After familiarizing with the scent, he recalled the rainy day that happened six years ago. His mind started to fog and heart-wrenching pain spread through his chest. He clutched his chest, took in another deep breath of air and closed his eyes.


          Rain falling violently echoed throughout eleven year old Taehyung's room. He sits by his window, holding his face up as he stared out of it. A black Honda car drives up his front driveway and recognizing the driver, the boy immediately jumps to his feet.


Mom's home!” He shouted as he ran out the door. He ran passed his dad and waited at the door for his mom to come through with the groceries she had promised. He traced the welcome mat with his feet and waited for her to open the door. He waited and waited, but no one came through. He sees his dad standing by the door way, but with the shake of his head, his dad retreated into the living room. Taehyung slowly pulled the door open and there stood his mom, soaked from head to toe. “Welcome home, mom!” He greeted her sweetly, though she doesn't look at him. Instead of her usual kind and warm eyes, the kindness and warmness was replaced by hollow looking ones.


          Not wanting to recollect that moment, Taehyung snapped himself out of his thoughts. He got close to his fellow student and tapped her on the shoulder. He held the umbrella over the both of them and smiled as she turned around. She turned with her head down and her wet black hair sticking to her face. She lifted her head from the ground and stared at him with a blank face. The look in her eyes took him aback and made him nearly speechless. He wasn't expecting to see something like that from her. The distant, hollow and lifeless look in her eyes reminded himself of the look he had years ago.


W-What are you doing out here?” He fake smiled, trying to recover from shock. “You're going to get sick.” He pulled out some tissue paper from his pocket that he had taken from Namjoon. He held it out to her, but she just continued to stare.“I'm Taehyung.” He waited for a response, but nothing came out of her. Despite not having a perfect attendance, she knew Taehyung very well. She normally at around the fan-girls at school so it helped her recognize some of the male students faces. She rolled her eyes, thinking his kindness was forced. She sighed and shoved passed him.


          Namjoon who was watching all this from above, started laughing to himself. He too, had also tried befriending Yejin, but his attempt also failed. So in the end, he had to abandon the idea of ever becoming friends with her. It's not because of how she looked made it difficult for him to get close to her. It's that feeling that there's a wall she had been building to keep strangers out of her life. Whenever he had tried to talk to her, the wall would completely block him out as if he's not physically in front of her.


          Taehyung stood in shock as Yejin went inside. He didn't think of ever meeting someone with the same pained look he had once before. The urge to help her increased by ten folds. All he wanted now was to know what's she's suffering from and the permission to be her friend since they can both relate in some ways. He felt it in his gut that they were the same. He chased after her unknowingly, but loses her in the midst of the student body. With her out of sight, he disappointingly returned to class where now Sanghee and Namjoon was. Namjoon was trying to ignore her presence while she was scolding him for no apparent reason, but when Taehyung held her hand, she immediately switched personalities.


“Baby.” She greeted him with a kiss, “Why are you like this?” She shrieks and takes the last tissue paper Namjoon was about to use to clean his desk, to wipe the raindrops on Taehyung's face.


I went out.” Taehyung faked another smile and secretly exchanged looks with Namjoon as she wiped him.


So, what are we doing tonight?” She seductively bats her eyes at him. Namjoon grimaced in disgust when Taehyung plants a kiss on her lips.


Anything you want to do.” He grinned and that's when Namjoon pretended to vomit, but nearly does just pretending. Before the couple could talk about their plans, Namjoon cuts right in front of Sanghee and blocked her with his body.


How was Yejin?” He asked in a hushed tone as Sanghee was causing a ruckus behind him.


Did you see her? I couldn't find her when she went inside.” Taehyung also spoke in a hushed tone. Namjoon shook his head and sat back down.


Guess you failed too.” He smirked and Taehyung just rolled his eyes.


What are you two talking about?” The girl huffs and puts her hands on her waist.


Nothing.” Namjoon groaned as he stands. He rudely brushed his hands together over Sanghee's head before leaving the class room. He never really liked Sanghee because of how she treated everyone, but seeing Taehyung happy with her, he couldn't really say anything about their relationship. So as long as his friend is happy, his mouth will forever be shut. Now, he can only act rude towards her to at least get some pay back. He casually struts down the hall while having some small talk with some other students as he passed. He makes it to the washroom in no time, but when he turned the corner, he lightly bumps into someone. He looked down in annoyance, but wiped away the scowl on his face to display a nicer expression. The person that had bumped into him was Yejin standing in front of him. “'Sup,” He waved, ”you remember me?” He bent and leaned over to see her at eye level. Being the 5'11 he is, he practically towers over her 5'4 height. She doesn't look up, but stared at his name tag.


Kim Namjoon.. Kim Namjoon..She repeated the name in her head. She cast her eyes down at his feet and smirked, remembering how coldly she pushed him away once before. “I know.” She looked up with her smirk. His eyes widened in shock and his heart started to beat abnormally faster. She walked around him without a care and left the school secretly. As he watched her go, he puts his hand over his heart to stop himself so he can sink in what had just happened.


She .. spoke.. to me? A smile spread wide over his face. The fact that she spoke to him for the first time and that her voice was absolutely wonderful, he couldn't hold in his excitement. He blindly ran down the hall and not caring if he hit anyone - which he did - several of times.He gets to his classroom and slammed the door open. “SHE SPOKE TO ME!” He announced and everyone, but Taehyung stared at him confusedly. He raced over to Taehyung, pushed Sanghee out of the way and grabbed the boy by his shirt collar. “She spoke to me! For the first time, can you believe it?” He gleamed, shaking the boy back and forth.


Ye – “


YES, HER! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. DO YOU NOT REALIZE THIS HISTORIC MOMENT ? SHE SPEAKS.” He continued to shake the boy until his energy wears out. He sat back down and stupidly smiled at Taehyung.


So, she spoke..” Taehyung nodded his head, “How did she sound like? She seemed... different when I went to her... very different..”


Totally hands down beautiful. She's pretty cute already and now adding that sweet voice to her, it completely fits! It's just.. how she interacts with people.” Namjoon sighed in awe as if something really magically happened.


Hello, I'm still here.” Sanghee waved and the two finally noticed her, “Who's this girl?” She asked with jealousy, but the two told her not to worry about it.



 A/N: Thanks for reading! COMMENT/SUBSCRIBE/SHARE! (:

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this fic is a cliche/melodrama so those who "angrily" commented saying this is the worst fic they read or that they absolutely hated the ending... lol


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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 30: This fanfic has been one of the best I read so far. I almost cried at the end because it was just so sad for Taehyung because he didn't really get much happiness back but he helped Yejin out in so many ways. Although I know that there will not be a sequel, I really hope for an alternative ending ;-; Anyways thank you so much for the amazing read I can't believe I binge read this fanfic xD I'll be sure to read it again in the future! Saranghae and hwaiting~! <3
1204080lunch #2
Chapter 30: I enjoyed reading it, and really thankful for your time given so I can have a chance to read. :
Chapter 30: what an ending. But like at least do bring tae back pls, i love him
shawol_blingbling #4
Wannyy #5
Chapter 27: Yejin's past make me cry. Omg authornim u r jjang
Chapter 14: im so confused with this sojin with girls day like is a he or a she damn it
sawako17 #7
RebornAngel #8
Chapter 29: Can we pleaseeee have an epilogue? I want to see taehyung coming back. It seriously kills me how he doesnt get with her :( poor yejin T_T
Chapter 30: istg this story is the best! but why should it end up like this? omg I feel bad for taehyung tho, after what he has done for yejin:( taehyung and yejin deserve to be together;;; and yesss I need one more chapter to clear the things up or a sequel maybe? :)