
Rainy Day

          It has been several weeks since Yejin and Taehyung's last encountered. A few days after that night encounter, rumor filled the school with Taehyung and his mother. And, how he was living with her. Sanghee was furious due to the fact he hasn't answered any of her phone calls even during the winter break. She was also extremely worried about him. She even went to Taehyung's house to check, but she went there to find no one home. Not even his dad. News of Yejin being the last person to see him soon broke through the school and the poor girl was interrogated by Sanghee and her clique. Though, Yejiin lied about seeing him and she was also clueless on why he hasn't been at school. Throughout the days, she thought back to what he had told her that night. All to only remembering him venting to her which made her feel like he didn't want to live with his mom at all.


Are you ready?” Sojin asked when Yejin got into his car. Today was the conference between her uncle's company and many other companies all run by ex mafia members.


To be around criminals?” She looked to the window, “Not really.”


Did that kid ever come back?” He brought up Taehyung as he started the engine.


What's it to you?” She glanced over at him and he said nothing, but reached over her body and grabbed a hold of her seat belt. He purposely moved slowly so that he could be as close to her as possible. She held her breath in shock and waited for him to move away.


Promise me you won't cause a scene at the conference.” He requested while being just a few inches from her face.


I'll try.” She leaned right up against the side window to avoid him. He sat back with the smile of victory on his lips before driving away.


          As they draw closer and closer to the company, she started to feel nervous. A big reason why was because she didn't know what to expect. She took a glimpse at Sojin's attire to see him wearing his usual black suit that he wears whenever he goes to see her uncle. Then, she looked at herself who's donned with simple t shirt, green bomber jacket with black skinny jeans and combat boots to complete the look. Sojin had told her hours beforehand to dress nicely, but she never was the type to listen to people.


I did tell you, didn't I?” He said when he caught her looking at herself. The car came to a stop at the white gate and Sojin took out an ID card to show the security guard standing in the booth. The security guard waved him in and the gates slowly pulled apart from each other. Sojin drove the car around the building and to the front. One of the security guard from inside walked through the glass automated doors and walked over to Yejin's side of the car. He tipped his hat and opened the door for her. She nodded in thanks and watched as Sojin tossed the man his keys.


CEO is already at the meeting room with the guests. Only one guest has yet to show up.” The security guard informed him.


Thank you.” Sojin said and walked into the building. Yejin followed closely, but the sound of cars honking from behind them stopped her. That's when she realizes why Sojin took the back way to get into the company. At this time, most of the company workers were coming back from their lunch breaks. “Yejin, come on.” He motioned while standing right in front of the door sensor to keep the doors from closing. She looked away from the busy scene and followed him into the luxurious building. They get greeted by several other workers as they passed by and many of them wondered who Yejin was. They just got familiar with Sojin who had only been known as the CEO's secretary for these past couple months. Sojin led towards the elevators, but seeing how Yejin already went to the main stairs, he had dropped the idea of riding leisurely in the elevator and stuck with her.


Why am I here again? She took in every spec of the building. She never would of thought of coming into a building owned by her uncle to be like this. The prestigious environment and the captivating decorations was beyond her disbelief. Perhaps it's because of the history she had known him by.


How do you like it?” Sojin asked her. He adjusted his blazer and went to the railings. He leaned his forearms onto the stainless steel railing and rested his knee against the glass. She did the same, but she leaned on her side. She looked below them and scanned the heads of office workers walking in and out of the building.


It's busy.” She answered and a woman about Sojin's age caught her eyes. The woman had long jet black wavy hair and was wearing a pink chiffon top, white pencil skirt and black heels. Also, the woman had a black lanyard around her neck which seemed to Yejin was the woman's company ID card. Yejin made the connection due to seeing the same black lanyard Sojin had. The girl's eyes fell onto the company document envelope the woman was wearing.


Mr. Pil!” The woman called out just when she reached the floor. Sojin turned to the sound of his name and stared at the woman. A building laugh was in Yejin's throat because she knew Sojin doesn't recognize the woman, but she had to suppress it.


Hello.” Sojin bowed a bit and the woman as well. Yejin faced her body the other way to avoid the woman, but she secretly glanced at her to get a look. She had to admit, the woman was really pretty. A loud ruckus was made from below and caught her eyes again. Before she looked down, she tried to see if the two conversing had noticed, but they were oblivious to the noise being made. She looked down again and around for whoever was shouting, to only see an intimidating stout man dressed in a all black suit and wearing a black fedora hat. He was also walking with a cane with also two young men behind him. The office workers below avoided the three and went around them who were walking to the elevator. The man young man on his right, had short brown hair dressed in also all black formal though he had a gray shirt underneath his blazer. At first thought, she liked how he at least he had some color to his clothes unlike the middle aged man. However, the feeling she got from him didn't feel right. The man beside the somewhat fashionable one, had vibrant, short styled red hair and dressed in a casual street wear. The red head was wearing a black zip up jacket with a puffy vest over top, tight fitting white shirt that seemed like a tank top and black baggy pants. His appearance startled her all at once. She didn't think people working for ex mafia members would have the freedom to dress this way to a moderate formal event.


This is the finished document from Mr. Hong. He wanted me to give it to the CEO, but I need to stay at the front desk.” The woman smiled and held out the envelope. Sojin glanced at her company ID to make out her name to be Kang Eunhye. He smiled a bit and took the envelope from her respectively.


Who are they?”Yejin chimed in when they woman left. Her face was straight with her eyes were staring straight ahead. Sojin was about to look where she was looking, but he realized she was referring to the disinterested looking group coming up the stairs. He made eye contact with the middle aged man and automatically, he bowed and stayed like that until he passed by. Yejin also happened to make eye contact with the red head who seemed to fond over her. The three men went down the hall into the last room.


You will find out soon.” Sojin said and guided her in the same path. He stopped her right at the door and whispered to her carefully, “Stay close to the Boss in case something happens.”


CEO.” She corrected and he opened the door for her to get inside. Without a further word, he shuts the door behind her, leaving her to face a room full of old and young men. Most of the younger men wore all black suits and while whoever they were under wore different attire that made them stand out as the so called leaders. Standing before them, all attention and eyes averted from her uncle and to her. Having absolutely no emotion on her face, she stared back at all the eyes on her even though she can feel the building tension.


Who's that?” The red head muttered to his partner with a smirk, but he only recieved a slight nudge in response. She imitated what she saw Sojin did earlier and bowed. She counted to three whole seconds before standing straight and looking directly at her uncle.


Why don't we all have some privacy?” A man wearing black shades with long gray hair tied back into a pony tail, suggested. The other five older men agreed and with several of bows the younger mens' started walking towards her. They exit in a single line and when the red headed man passed her, his finger purposely grazed her neck and slid down to her collar bone. She lashed out quickly by grabbing his wrist with her right hand and she twisted his arm backwards while driving his body weight into the table. He lets out a loud yelp while slapping the table with his other hand in defeat. Sojin hurriedly pushed through and into the room after hearing the commotion. Those inside the room looked at them at her in astonishment while those outside were trying to get a look at what was happening. Sojin sighed at the sight of the two. He nearly had an heart attack. She shoved the red head once more before letting go of his arm.


That's what you get for touching her, Yusoo.”His partner shook his head and pushed the man out.


Feisty one.” Yusoo smirked despite circling his arm to relieve him from the tense pain. Yejin bowed again and turned to leave, but Sojin blocked her and instead of telling her what she suppose to do, he ushered her to the seat behind her uncle.


So this must be Sojin. He's renowned for his skills.” The man with the fedora hat smiled Almost immediately, Sojin bowed to him. “If Younggyu doesn't treat you well, there's a space for you with me.”


That will certainly be a long wait for you. CEO Lee treats me very well.” Sojin answered in a impassive tone. He turned to the CEO for further orders, but the older man motioned him to leave. “If you'd excuse me.” He bowed once more.


I like him.” The fedora hat man chuckled, pointing at Sojin as he left.


Now, who might this be?” The man with the pony tail asked, referring to Yejin who's sitting silently and apathetically. “A new body guard?” He laughed,with others joining him.


Dear, why don't you introduce yourself.” Her uncle turned around and without thinking, she shot him a look. He shot one back and she reluctantly stood.


Hello, I'm Lee Yejin.” She stared at the center of the table.


Hi, hi.” The man with the pony tail wavedwith a smile, “Baek Joo of SP Corps.”


Next to CEO Baek is CEO Kim of Channam Cosmetics.” Her uncle gestured to a lean old man who was as emotionless as her, “CEO Kwon of YK Corps.” An intimidating looking man with scrutinizing eyes as if he's judging her every breath. “Last, but not least, CEO Jin of Takan agency” She looked at the fedora hat man.


I apologize on behalf of Yusoo for his ways. He's trouble maker of the two and not as disciplined as the others. Chaekyung on the other hand, he's more docile yet apathetic to almost everything.” CEO Jin shook his head, “Despite being the older one, Chaekyung doesn't scold or correct Yusoo's ways.” She nodded her head and sat back down. She halfheartedly listened to the men conversed and hoped for the meeting to end as soon as possible.


          Since the conference began, she still couldn’t figure out why she was there. Her uncle hasn't been much help either due to the fact he dodged most of the questions directed at him about her. All she could do now was stare at the clock and wait for her uncle to dismiss the group. After twenty minutes or so, her uncle looked as if he was going to end the conference. She prepares herself to be dismissed, but he speaks rather slowly.


To keep this short, I just wanted all of us together not as competitors and associates, but as long time friends.” Her uncle smiled, “Also, to introduce my niece and the future heir for this company.” He gestured to her. Upon hearing her being mentioned, she looked up from the ground in shock and like the people around her, in disbelief. She suppressed the emotion and held it inside.


That's a bold move.” CEO Kwon commented with the others nodding.


Who am I kidding? I'm not getting any younger. Face it everyone, us old kooks aren't going to live forever.” Her uncle laughed with ease, “We have to let the youngsters take over some day.”


That's true, Younggyu.” CEO Joo agreed. “So, this surprise concludes our meeting then.” He began to to stand. “Let's go have a drink sometime, friend.”


Why don't you call the boys back in.” Her uncle pointed to the door. She promptly weaved through the people and out the door she went. To her surprise, all of the men were lined up in their respective two-man groups and were completely silent. However, the man she wanted to see wasn't there. Sojin was no where in sight. Yusoo lazily looked up from the ground and stopped his foot from tapping.


It's finally done!” He yawned and began to walk over to her. She habitually glared at him and he gave off a menacing vibe as he passed with Chaekyung. She ignored the look she was given and went to find Sojin. She walked over to the railings and glanced down to see him talking to Eunhye by the reception desk. She rolled her eyes at the sight and strode down the flight of stairs. Just when she reached him, Eunhye walked away to attend another worker. He was about to walk away as well until Yejin stopped him in time. He looked up at whoever stopped him and smiled when he saw her.


Do you want me to drive you home?” He asked although she was glaring at him.


Give me all their background information.” She demanded, referring to the CEOs. “And, never ever again bring me back here.” She spun on her heels and proceeded to leave the building. Sojin stood in his place utterly confused as to why she's angry. Though, he doesn't know most of what happened in the meeting. All he was informed of was to bring Yejin to the conference that would introduce her to the fellow CEOs. He originally wanted to eavesdrop on the conversation when he was supposed to be guarding the door, though when the CEOs escorts or 'body guards' were told to wait outside, he wasn't needed to guard the door. Yejin caught the first taxi she saw and went home without further contact of Sojin and her uncle.



 A/N: For those who don't know who Sojin is. He's a taiwainese singer of both taiwanese and korean backgrounds. I recommend you try his songs, "I Know" and "Come Back To Me" (theres a korean version of that too). Thses songs are featured in the drama Love Around where he also does a cameo (:

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this fic is a cliche/melodrama so those who "angrily" commented saying this is the worst fic they read or that they absolutely hated the ending... lol


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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 30: This fanfic has been one of the best I read so far. I almost cried at the end because it was just so sad for Taehyung because he didn't really get much happiness back but he helped Yejin out in so many ways. Although I know that there will not be a sequel, I really hope for an alternative ending ;-; Anyways thank you so much for the amazing read I can't believe I binge read this fanfic xD I'll be sure to read it again in the future! Saranghae and hwaiting~! <3
1204080lunch #2
Chapter 30: I enjoyed reading it, and really thankful for your time given so I can have a chance to read. :
Chapter 30: what an ending. But like at least do bring tae back pls, i love him
shawol_blingbling #4
Wannyy #5
Chapter 27: Yejin's past make me cry. Omg authornim u r jjang
Chapter 14: im so confused with this sojin with girls day like is a he or a she damn it
sawako17 #7
RebornAngel #8
Chapter 29: Can we pleaseeee have an epilogue? I want to see taehyung coming back. It seriously kills me how he doesnt get with her :( poor yejin T_T
Chapter 30: istg this story is the best! but why should it end up like this? omg I feel bad for taehyung tho, after what he has done for yejin:( taehyung and yejin deserve to be together;;; and yesss I need one more chapter to clear the things up or a sequel maybe? :)