Kim Sori


“Looking sad, I only see you

The chemistry with you where I loved more”


Jinyoung sang softly with a guitar in his hand.

“Hyung, you sound dead…” Gongchan commented. “Huh?” Jinyoung sat up, snapping out of his thoughts. “Nothing…you just seem out of it…like always…” Gongchan expressed glumly. “I’m sorry if I’m bringing everyone down…” Jinyoung sighed.

“Hyung… we’re bound to go back to Japan soon, so cheer up a little bit” Gongchan consoled.

Jingyoung let out a deep sigh “I talked to the manager recently and he said we wouldn’t go back for another year…” he put down his guitar in annoyance.

“What? But we just released an album there...” Gongchan said, confused.

“I had that same expression on my face…”



“Hyung, when are we going back to Japan?” Jinyoung eagerly asked.

“You just returned from there. Why are you so eager to go back?” his manager questioned, raising an eyebrow. “Cause of that girl, isn’t it?” His manager rolled his eyes.

“So, what if it is? When are we going back?” he asked again.

“Jinyoung, who promotes their music overseas in person anymore? One visit for one release is enough these days. You won’t be going back for another year or so…” his manager explained.

“Wait- what? A whole year!” Jinyoung exclaimed, raising his voice a little.

“Whoa, calm down. Don’t yell at me, do you know how old I am?” his manager warned.

“S-sorry” Jinyoung said, bowing. “I’m going to go get some fresh air”



“Gongchan, there you are!” Sandeul said barging into the studio. “I need your help” He informed.

“Why? With what?” Gongchan questioned. “You’ll see once you come with me. Just come, now!” Sandeul urged, grabbing Gongchan’s arm and dragging him outside of the studio. “See you later, hyung” Gongchan barely made out as Sandeul dragged him outside.


Jinyoung now sat in the studio in silence looking at the watch on his wrist “9:00PM” he sighed. “I wonder what Sori’s doing now…”

Suddenly, Jinyoung got a text.


“Hyung, we’re all going out for a late night dinner, meet us outside in the parking lot” Baro had texted him.

“I don’t feel like going. Go without me…”

“but hyung… we wanted to all go together ㅠㅠ

“Okay… I’ll be there in a second”


All of the members were incredibly excited; maybe a little too excited to go out to simply eat. “You all must be really hungry” Jinyoung commented.

“Yeah well… we all haven’t had a proper meal since the morning…” Sandeul quickly said as he fidgeted with his chopsticks. “Hyung, what are you going to eat? Should I just order 5 seafood noodles? I heard they taste really good here!” Sandeul recommended.

“Seafood noodles…” Jinyoung said under his breath. He was reminded of Sori and once again, his thoughts were completely occupied  her. “Can I even go an hour without thinking about her…” He thought.

“Jinyoung? Earth to Jinyoung??” Sandeul waved his hands in front of his face.  “Huh?” Jinyoung said, snapping out of his thoughts. “I’ll take that as a yes?” Sandeul asked. “Y-yeah, sure.” Jinyoung answered.

“Hyung, why are you always so out of it? Is it hard to stay up this late with your old age?” Baro joked.

“I’m just…tired these days” Jinyoung lied.

“Well wake up, after we eat we have a surprise for you!” Shinwoo alerted.

“Hyung! Why are you telling him already?” Gongchan pouted. “So he doesn’t fall asleep before we can show him the surprise” Shinwoo said.

“Surprise? What surprise? Isn’t it too late for surprises…” Jinyoung yawned.

“It’s never too late for surprises, especially this one. You’ve been craving it for ages!” Shinwoo exclaimed.

“Craving it for ages…so the surprise is about food? No wonder why Sandeul seems so excited… but what’s the occasion? My birthday already passed…” he asked curiously.

“Can we only spoil you on your birthday?” Gongchan countered.

“Ha, you guys don’t even spoil me on my birthday! Last time you all forgot about it!” Jinyoung reminded, pretending to be angry. “Well, we’ll make it up to you today” Gongchan smiled.


When the food had finally arrived, all of the members ate in silence. They were all hungry and the only thing on their minds was filling their stomachs. After they were finished eating, everyone but Jinyoung had a huge grin on their face. They were all looking at each other, smiling in excitement.

“You’re all creeping me out…” Jinyoung laughed at the sight of his fellow members. “Hurry up and show me what this surprise is! I swear it better not be something lame, you’re all getting me excited” Jinyoung said crossing his arms in anticipation.

“It’ll live up to your expectations, we promise” Shinwoo smirked. “Now blindfold him” Shinwoo ordered.

“What the hell? Blindfold? Are you guys joking?” Jinyoung said as Baro and Sandeul got up to put a blindfold around him. “Are you guys seriously this bored, going through all of this…” Jinyoung laughed.

“It’s so depressing these days, we wanted to do something fun for once” Baro said. “Okay, done! Can you see anything?” Baro asked. “Nope” Jinyoung replied. “Ok good.”


Jinyoung was filled with anticipation “What on earth are these dorks planning?” he wondered. He then felt someone sit beside him “What if they shove a cake in my face or something?” he worried. Suddenly someone took both of his hands. “Whose hands are these…I can usually tell right away…” Jinyoung began to get a weird feeling in his stomach. “Hold on a second, am I deluding myself? These hands…they feel like-“

“S-sori’s” he said in a quiet voice.

Suddenly he felt something press onto his lips.

 “Sori!” he exclaimed, pulling his blindfold off, eyes wide open.

“How…” Jinyoung said breathlessly. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “I’ve got to be dreaming”.

But he wasn’t, Sori was there, sitting right beside him, smiling deviously at him. All of the members were laughing at Jinyoung’s expression, they never saw him so shocked in their lives. “I knew he’d react like this” Shinwoo commented.

“How’d you know it was me?” Sori questioned. She turned her head towards the members, giving them a suspicious look. “He’s just acting this surprised, isn’t he? You all ran your big mouths, didn’t you?” Sori asked suspiciously.

“Sori, we really didn’t! He’s seriously this out of it” Baro defended.

“Jinyoung-ah~ Are you there?” Sori sang cupping his face. “I mean, I know my level of beauty is really hard to take in but common, we’ve known each other for a while now. Aww, you’re still not use to it?” Sori joked.

“I see her self love hasn’t worn down one bit” Baro said shaking his head.

“It’s late, I’m going to go home. I’ll see you later Jinyoung-ah” Sori leaned in and gave Jinyoung a kiss on the cheek. “Bye~” She smiled and walked out of the restaurant. The moment Sori walked out of the door, it had suddenly hit Jinyoung. “Sori’s here.” He uttered, finally snapping back into reality. He quickly got out of his seat and ran outside.


“Sori wait!” He yelled running towards her. He grabbed her hand and spun her around to face him.

“Sori, it’s really you,” he said grabbing her arm tightly.

His heart suddenly began to sink “The watch… you’re wearing It” he said, looking down at her arm. “Sori…” he quickly wrapped his arms around her and smiled. “It’s really you” he kept repeating.

“Jinyoung, you must be really out of it, huh?” Sori said letting out a puff of laughter.

Jinyoung slightly pulled away from her “Sori, why are you here? How are you here? When did you get here?” Jinyoung kept spitting out questions.

“Well…I’ve been here for a week and…that’s all I’m going to say” Sori smiled, crossing her arms.

“Huh, why? You’re not going to tell me anything else?” Jinyoung pouted. “Sori…how long are you staying here for?” Jinyoung asked, afraid of the answer.

“Just forget about that for now. Listen Jinyoung, I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” Sori said, patting his shoulder.

“Wait- I have so much questions to ask you like-“

“Get in the car loser!” Aki interrupted as she pulled up beside them with the car windows rolled down “Oh, hi Jinyoung” She smiled brightly.

“A-aki?” Jinyoung said confused. “Bye Jinyoung” Sori giggled at his expression for a moment before she got into the car.



“Why did Jinyoung look so confused, huh? Let me guess, you didn’t explain anything to him” Aki laughed. They were now in Aki’s new apartment that the company was paying for.

“You know me so well” Sori smirked.

“Typical of you… poor boy may not be able to sleep tonight!” Aki said shaking her head. “Selfish Sori”

“Selfish? He’ll know what’s going on in less than 24 hours, jeez” Sori said throwing a pillow at Aki.

“Yeah okay, that’s if you don’t end up changing your mind and wanting to bask more in his confusion. You cruel human” Aki joked.

“I kissed him twice today, he can suffer a bit” Sori smiled.



“Oh Dongin, I’m here and guess what I have?” Sori chimed as she walked into Dongin’s hospital room.

“Dark chocolate chip cookies?” Dongin guessed.

“Yes!” Sori exclaimed.

“Gimme some!” Dongin said running up to her. Sori held up the plate above her head and smiled. “You think I’m going to give them to you that easily?” Sori grinned. “Remember that time when B1A4 came to visit me for the first time and you didn’t give me any? I still haven’t forgotten that” Sori said, giving Dongin an angry stare.

“Oh common, that was like 50 years ago” Dongin defended.

“Fine, I’ll give you some on one condition” Sori proposed. “What?” “You introduce me to your girlfriend” Sori said.

“Eh? Girlfriend? What are you talking about Sori?” Dongin said, acting clueless.



The past 3 years without Sori were extremely hard for Dongin, but at the same time it was also blissful. After a year, Dongin’s condition started to become more stable. He was soon able to attend a school that was close to the hospital. They had recommended that Dongin just stick to having a private teacher but he wanted to go to school, like everyone else his age. He did miss a few days every month but it was okay since one of his classmates always came by to fill him in on what he missed. A female classmate.

“Ya Oh Dongin, do it properly! You got the wrong answer” She ordered putting the pencil in his hand.

“I hate math, can’t we go out and play catch? I’ll buy us some ice cream later!” Dongin said in excitement.

“Ice cream?” her eyes gleamed. “…But only once you finish this weeks homework” She said, determined. “And clean up the mess in here! You shouldn’t make the nurses always clean up after you! They’re already as busy as it is!” She said crossing her arms.

“Ugh” Dongin sighed putting both of his hands on his face. “You’re like a mini Sori” Dongin groaned.

“S-sori? Who’s that, your girlfriend?” The girl asked curiously.

“Why, Jealous?” Dongin chuckled at her expression. “Jealous? I don’t get jealous. Why would a girl as great as me get jealous?” she said proudly.

“Yup, you’re definitely a carbon copy of Sori!” Dongin said, continuing to laugh. “Sori is my friend. She’s like 90 years old though, so don’t worry” Dongin winked.

“Haha, very funny Dongin. Now do your homework before I throw this glass of water on your head!”



“Dongin, don’t play dumb like that. I know you have a girlfriend. She dropped by like 3 times in the past week. She also told me that you talk about me all the time but she didn’t give me her name…” Sori remembered.

“Okay fine” Dongin sighed, giving in. “Her name is Lee Sora, but she’s not my girlfriend…yet” Dongin pouted.

“Aww, you couldn’t shake her heart?” Sori asked, pretending to be sad. “Here, have a cookie” she said shoving a piece into his mouth.

“She’s exactly like you. Sori, how did Jinyoung get such a goddess like you to be his girlfriend?” Dongin asked as he chewed, purposely kissing up to Sori.

“So now you acknowledge me as a goddess? Took you long enough” Sori grinned. “Well Dongin…” Sori took a moment to think “In Jinyoung’s case, what made me like him was that he was sincere, considerate and-“

“Super attractive” Jinyoung mentioned as he suddenly walked into the room.

“What the hell are you doing here” Sori said, stunned at his sudden appearance. “Super attractive my ” she mumbled.

“Jinyoung!” Dongin cheered as he ran up to him to give him a hug. “Jinyoung, how did you capture Sori’s heart?” Dongin asked.

“You’re asking because of Sora, right?” Jinyoung smiled. “You have to be patient Dongin! Especially since you’re only in middle school. Just be a good friend to her” Jinyoung told.

“I wonder if she knows I like her…” Dongin pondered. “Oh right, Jinyoung, how do you feel about the news that Sori-“

“Dongin!” Sori suddenly called. “Huh” “I need to talk to you!” she said taking his hand and dragging him outside. “We’ll be right back” Sori let out a dry laugh and closed the door behind them.


“Listen Dongin, you can’t tell Jinyoung anything, okay?” Sori said, crouching down at Dongin’s level. “You’ve gotten tall” She muttered, tilting her head slightly upwards.

“Huh, why? I want to tell him!” Dongin whined. “No! You are not telling him. I have a plan and I won’t let you ruin it!” Sori explained.

“What kind of devious plan are you onto now? The man should know!” Dongin defended.

“Yeah, yeah, except no. We’re doing things my way from now on, alright? You know I may be your official guardian soon so you better listen to me well, got it?” Sori said, putting her hands on both of Dongin’s shoulders. “Fine, whatever Grandma” he said before he went back into his room.

“Grandma? I’m going to kill you, don’t call me that!” She said chasing after him.

“Whoa, what’s going on?” Jinyoung said, putting his hand around Sori’s waist, preventing her from chasing him.

“He called me a grandma, now let go!” Sori ordered.

“Fine, Sorry, I meant AHJUMMA” Dongin said sticking his tongue out at her.

“I’m only 26!” she yelled.

“Jinyoung, take her away before she throws me outside of this window” Dongin requested fearfully.

“Let’s go princess Sori” Jinyoung said, dragging her outside of Dongin’s room


“What did I say about using force?” Sori scolded. Jinyoung quickly let her go. “Thank you, now let’s go and eat some Chinese food, I’m so hungry” Sori said running her hands through her hair.

“Huh? You’re not going to kill Dongin?” Jinyoung asked confused.

“Food comes first” Sori said walking towards the Hospitals exit, Jinyoung quickly following behind her.



“So…are you going to tell me what’s going on?” Jinyoung asked as Sori looked at the menu and wrote a list of what she wanted to order. “You better be hungry because I am ordering almost everything on here” Sori said, ignoring his question and continuing to write.

She handed the paper to the waiter and gave him her credit card. “Miss, you can pay afterwards” the waiter informed. “Just take it now. I can’t have him pay” she whispered to him. The waiter bowed and left.

“Hey, no fair! you can’t do that!” Jinyoung whined. “I win” Sori said sticking her tongue out. “I can’t have you pay like last time. Not again” Sori said.

“I wanted to repay you for making me soup a while ago…” Jinyoung reminded. “You mean that canned soup that only required me to add milk and water?” Sori laughed. “So, are you going to answer my question any time soon?” Jinyoung pressed.

“What question?” she asked. “How long are you staying? And… why are you being nice to me, and why are you giving me another chance? Did you get fired Sori?!” Jinyoung bombarded her with questions.

“No, I didn’t get fired, don’t worry” Sori laughed at the relief that appeared on his face. “I’m here for… a few more days… and I wanted to spend some time with you” Sori explained.

“Only a few more? But then why do you want to spend time with me? Didn’t you say you wanted to end things so that we wouldn’t be troubled anymore?” Jinyoung reminded. “Just shhh Jinyoung. It’ll all make sense soon” Sori said, putting her hand on his lips.

“Are you…perhaps…. dying?” Jinyoung cautiously questioned, making Sori almost fall out of her chair from laughing.

“Dying?!” she barely made out as she continued to laugh. “No, I’m not dying but I might die from laughing.”

“It’s not funny, you’re really freaking me out!”

“Just chill. I’ll tell you a secret soon, but you gotta prove to me that you deserve to know it” Sori said.

“Prove what?” Jinyoung replied, confused.

“You ask me one more question and I’m leaving.”



“I’m so full, how could you order that much food?” Jinyoung said holding his stomach in pain. “You look pregnant” Sori laughed.

“Sori-ah… let’s go somewhere together. Since you’re going to leave soon, I don’t want to just eat dinner with you and then see you off…” Jinyoung suggested, his expression becoming sad.

“I’ll go wherever you want to go” Sori agreed, handing Jinyoung the keys to her car.


They drove in silence, causing Sori to doze off. By the time they got to their destination the sun was beginning to set. “Sori-ah, wake up” Jinyoung said, squeezing her hand. 

“Why does it smell like fish…” Sori brought herself to say, half asleep. She slowly opened her eyes, putting her hands in front of her face to block the sun from getting into her eyes. “Because we’re at the beach, dummy” Jinyoung said as he helped her get out of the car.

“Isn’t this where you embarassed me by screaming your love for me?” Sori realized. “How romantic of you Jinyoung” she giggled.

“Have I proven my worthiness to know that secret you’re hiding now” Jinyoung asked as they walked towards the seashore. “Nope” Sori replied, “is that the only reason you brought me here?” Sori asked, pretending to be offended.

“No! It’s really not. Actually, I only visited this place once after you left…” Jinyoung mentioned.

“Why? Too busy?” Sori asked.

“No… it just wasn’t the same when I visited without you… I couldn’t really handle it. When you’re in the city you can easily forget about the feelings you repress but when I was here it really sunk in that you were gone” Jinyoung confessed.

“Well, I’m here now…” Sori said, giving Jinyoung a warm smile.

“But you’ll be gone soon…” Jinyoung quietly said.

“Jinyoung… I know I said it a thousand times, but I’m sorry.”

“Stop saying that Sori... I’m even more sorry” Jinyoung said, he grabbed her hand and held it in his. “It might have been hard on me but it’s been hard enough on you too. I just wish you didn’t have to leave in a few days…I know it’s selfish of me but-”

“Jinyoung…” Sori interrupted. “I can’t take looking at your expression anymore. You always look like you’re in pain and I can’t stand it anymore…” Sori suddenly let out. Jinyoung remained silent; he didn’t know what to say.

“Jinyoung…” she said beginning to smile “I’m… I’m pregnant” Sori said seriously.

“You’re, you’re what?” Sori suddenly burst out into laughter at Jinyoung’s shocked expression.

“I’m just messing with you.” Sori laughed. “Actually what I have to say is that… I’m not leaving Korea. Jinyoung, I’m seriously staying here for good now!” Sori cheered but slowly her bright smile faded a little bit when she saw that Jinyoung’s expression remained unchanged. He didn’t move for a couple seconds.

“Jinyoung? Are you there? Are you okay?” Sori said shaking him as she continued to laugh.

“I’m going to kill you Kim Sori!” Jinyoung suddenly shouted.

“Oh ” Sori shrieked. She turned around to try to make a run for it but he grabbed her before she could.

“I’m sorry, please don’t kill me!” Sori begged, still unable to hold back her laughter.

“Not only did you lie to me about staying for a few days, but pregnant?! Kim Sori!” Jinyoung yelled.

“Okay, the pregnant thing was decided last minute, and I admit that was a little cruel, but I just had to!” she said, taking a moment to let out her laughter again. “I was just going to come right out and say it but then I remembered this scene in a movie and thought “how hilarious would it be if I said I was pregnant” and-“

“Hilarious?” Jinyoung asked in disbelief, but he couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. “I should be angry at you but- but I’m not” he said putting his hands over his face in frustration.

“That makes me only love you more” Sori smiled and hugged Jinyoung tightly.

“Explain everything to me. From the moment I left Japan to now” Jinyoung ordered, sitting Sori down on the sand beside him.

“Okay…well after you left I had bumped into Ryo and he gave me the watch that you fixed…thanks by the way” Sori said quickly kissing his cheek and then continuing to talk “after that I read your letter, which made me cry, you jerk!” she said lightly slapping his shoulder “then Aki barged into the room with news that we were apparently getting fired…”



“Sign it.” Sori’s boss ordered. He looked down at Sori’s face in anticipation.

Sori slowly looked at the paper in front of her “Are you serious?” Sori muttered, shocked at what was written on it.

“W-what is it? Is he making you sign a paper so he doesn’t have to compensate for firing us?” Aki said, angrily taking the paper from Sori’s hand.

“W-wait…what the hell? Is this a joke? I mean April fools already passed” Aki said, stunned at what she was looking at.

“Agreement of shift to the Korean Branch.

To: Kim Sori”

“Does this mean that we’re both being sent to the Korean branch?” Sori asked eagerly.

“Yes it does. Both you and Aki will go there in a Month.” Their boss notified.

“But why? Why are you doing this all of a sudden?” Sori asked curiously. “I mean…thank you…” Sori said bowing her head.

“Don’t thank me… it’s Aki you should be thanking… well her and your little friend” their boss explained.

“My little friend?” Sori asked confused.

“Oh Dongin. I heard you’re his guardian… he gave me a call the other day and I was touched by his words.”

“Dongin…called you?” Sori asked, surprised.

“I knew Dongin would change his mind” Aki smiled.

“You’re really something Aki” Sori said smiling at her brightly. They both looked at each other and started screaming in excitement. “We’re going together!” they cheered hugging each other. “Ow, you two get out of my office before I change my mind” their boss ordered.

“Okay~ Love ya boss! If you were hotter, less bald, and looked like George Clooney, I would totally kiss you right now!” Aki chimed before they both walked out of his office.

“Psychos” their boss said shaking his head.



“I can’t believe you kept this all away from me! Do you know how depressed I was after I left, Sori?” Jinyoung said, continuing to be frustrated.

“Think of it as your punishment, Jinyoung. You asked me to not forget you and give you a second chance if I ever came back to Korea… so really, I fulfilled your wish” Sori reasoned.

“Kim Sori, I thank you” he laughed. “I kind of feel like I’m dreaming now that I’ve calmed down a bit though. It’s been so long since we’ve been together like this. It’s kind of nice looking back on how tough these past years have been, I feel more confident about us now” Jinyoung let out a sigh of relief.

“I guess so… but if you ever treat me like you did in Japan ever again I am throwing you in the trash, understand?” Sori joked.

“I understand” Jinyoung pulled Sori into his arms and embraced her tightly. He slightly pulled her away and kissed her lips.


After it got dark, Sori and Jinyoung began to drive back to Sori’s apartment.

“Are Aki and you staying with each other again?” Jinyoung asked as he walked her to her door.

“Yup, it would be too lonely if we got separate apartments. Dongin also likes Aki so I think it’ll be nice with the 3 of us” Sori mentioned.

“Is Dongin going to move in with you soon? Have you already become his legal guardian?” Jinyoung asked, surprised.

“Not yet… but pretty soon it should be final. I have the hospital backing me up since there’s a lot of documents about my visits to him and almost none about his actual parents. Plus, I don’t think his parents really care” Sori said rolling her eyes. “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow Jinyoung? Or are you busy?” Sori said as they stood outside of her door.

“What, you’re not going to let me in?” Jinyoung pouted.

“It’s like 10PM, I think you should go home and sleep” Sori said patting his shoulder. “But I don’t want to sleep~” Jinyoung whined, grabbing her hand.

“You’ve aged 3 years, please grow up a little” Sori joked.

“Common Sori, maybe that lie you told will become true” Jinyoung winked.

“Lie…?” Sori thought for a moment. “Wait, you mean that I’m pregnant!? You ert!” Sori scolded, punching him in the shoulder. “Leave before I call security” She joked.

“Ouch, do you know how hard you punch?” Jinyoung said rubbing his shoulder. “Oops, Sori honey~” Sori said cutely. “Now leave” She repeated.

“Alright, once you go in I’ll leave. The members have been watching horror movies lately and I need to make sure you got in safe” Jinyoung made up.

“Whatever Jinyoung” Sori said opening the door to her apartment.


“SURPRISE!” a loud cheer erupted once Sori opened the door, shocking both her and Jinyoung. “What the hell?” they both said. Everyone was there, Aki, Dongin, Sori’s mom, and the rest of the B1A4 members.

“Congratulations on finally ending this hell ride you’ve both had for the past 3 years and finally arriving at your destination” Sori’s mom said, hugging both Jinyoung and Sori. “You didn’t have to do this Ms. Kim” Jinyoung said, bowing to her. “Don’t say that, we all wanted to throw you two a party”  Ms. Kim smiled.


“And who’s this?” Sori said looking at an unfamiliar face. A girl around Dongin’s height and age was in front of her. “This is Lee Sora. Sora, this is my soon to be grandma, Sori” Dongin introduced.

“Dongin, don’t call her that!” Sora scolded, punching his arm lightly.

“I like you already” Sori said smiling at her. “If Dongin ever does anything mean to you, just tell me, okay?” Sori said her short brown hair.

“Thanks Unnie” She giggled.

“Aren’t they like a mini Sori and Jinyoung?” Aki said in amazement to Shinwoo.

“Yeah, it’s kind of scary actually. Even their names are similar, Sori and Sora” Shinwoo chuckled.


At 1AM everyone began to go home. The only people left were Aki, Sori, and Jinyoung.

“You told him you were pregnant?!” Aki squealed, hysterically laughing. “You really are amazing Sori” Aki said out of breath.

“I told you it was a good joke” Sori said to Jinyoung.

“Good joke? You almost gave me a heart attack!” Jinyoung revealed.

“But wait, why would you even be scared? It’s not like you two did anything together recently. You should have known she was joking. Did you think Sori was seeing someone else?” Aki asked.

“Good question Aki. You must have questioned my loyalty in that moment” Sori laughed.

“I was in too much shock to even think that!” Jinyoung defended.

“Hmm… but come to think of it, you two did live together for a week in Japan though… did you two do anything” Aki said lightly punching Sori. “Get your head out of the gutter!” Sori said throwing a pillow at Aki.

Jinyoung laughed at Aki’s joke, making Sori throw another Pillow at Jinyoung’s head.

“Again with the violence!” Aki said, shaking her head.

“I’m going to go to bed. You, leave” Sori said pointing at Jinyoung.

“But why? I’ll cook breakfast for you if you let me stay” Jinyoung whined “I don’t need you to cook me breakfast, Aki’s a good cook anyways” Sori said dragging Jinyoung to the door.

“Okay fine, I’ll leave. But can you at least give me a good night kiss?” Jinyoung asked, patting his lips.

“I thought I saw the last of this…” Sori sighed. “Alright, come here Jinyoung” Jinyoung leaned in expecting a kiss but instead he got something else. Sori kissed her hand and patted him on the cheek. “Doesn’t it bring back memories?” Sori laughed.

“Memories? It brings back night mares” Jinyoung said angrily.

“Seeya Jinyoung” Sori said as she closed the door behind him.



A few weeks later a nurse from the hospital called Sori to tell her that Dongin was going to be discharged soon. Sori was extremely excited because that meant that Dongin could finally move in with her, just like she promised him. His parents already had signed the papers for Dongin to be in Sori’s custody and everything was going as planned, which was extremely rare in Sori’s life.

“Dongin, how do you feel? You’re finally being discharged” Sori said brightly smiling at Dongin. She was excited to finally be driving Dongin to her apartment.

“It feels…weird. It hasn’t really sunk in yet…” Dongin said.

“Well it will once you put your things into your room” Sori said.


“Dongin-ah!” Jinyoung greeted as Dongin walked into Sori’s apartment.

“Hyung, why are you here?” Dongin asked.

“I was free today so I decided to clean your room before you came” Jinyoung smiled.

“Hyung, you should clean the rooms in your dorm first! Shinwoo told me you’re a mess!” Dongin scolded.

“Is that so? I am so not living with you until you get that habit changed” Sori said. “As if you’re any cleaner Sori” Dongin chuckled.

“Eh… what is Shinwoo talking about, I’m completely organized” Jinyoung lied.


After Dongin had unpacked his luggage the sun was beginning to set. “Let’s go to the balcony. Can we see the sun set from your balcony, Sori?” Dongin asked.

“No, how could you when we live in the city? All you see are buildings from here… “ Sori sighed.

“Well then let’s go to the beach! I heard you two went alone without me! How could you?” Dongin pouted.

“The beach, now?” Sori said, hesitant.

“Please Sori~” Dongin said, acting cute. “Pleaasee Sori” Jinyoung said joining in.

“You two are really something…” Sori said shaking her head. “how about we go to the Han River instead?” she compromised.

“Yay!” Dongin cheered.



“I’m kind of scared Sori…I don’t want to make myself at home here… You know with cancer it can always get worse even after it gets better…” Dongin sighed. The three of them were sitting on the grass near the Han River. The place was filled with couples, families and friends. The atmosphere was warm and made Sori feel at home.

“Dongin, don’t you remember what you told me?” Sori reminded.

“What? I forgot….” Dongin asked.

“You told me that there’s no point in being sad since you don’t know what’s going to happen. If nothing happens, then that’s a blessing. If something does, then you should still cherish these days, right?” Sori encouraged.

“Dongin-ah, you’re the strongest 11 year old kid I know. If you ever have any troubles, Sori and I will be here beside you” Jinyoung reassured, pinching Dongin’s cheeks.

“Thanks… I don’t know what I’d do without you two…but at the same time you two owe me BIG time” Dongin reminded.

“You’re never going to let us forget it, are you?” Jinyoung chuckled.

“As long as you two stay together, no. I mean, I am the angel who got you two together. THEN I helped you two reconcile after your first fight. OH and let’s not forget that I’M the one who got Sori’s rude boss to send her to the Korean branch? It was all ME” Dongin bragged. He crossed his arms and smiled in satisfaction.

“Wow, I guess you’re right. What ever would we do without this angel?” Sori said, kissing Dongin on the cheek.

Sori grabbed both Jinyoung and Dongin’s hands. “My precious utterly annoying boys... I’ve given you two a lot of stress, but I’m worth it right?” Sori smiled. “It feels like just yesterday when I was about to lose my hearing… Dongin was always there from the start but I did not expect Jinyoung and I to have ended up like this just from a piece of paper” Sori smiled in reminisce.

“I guess everything happened for a reason in the end. You two along with Aki and my mother are my reason” Sori smiled happily at them and felt happiness fill her. The void that she thought would always remain was finally filled.



Wow, my first fic finally done! This is so bittersweet, I really enjoyed writting for you all. I had this last chapter done for the past 2 weeks or so but i couldn't bring myself to post it. It has to be perfect for all of you! Hope it was enjoyable. I congragulate you readers on reading over 80 thousand words! And i want to thank you all for doing so too, it meant a lot to know that even one person was looking forward and supporting this story. I love you all!

There were so many typos in this fic, so i apologize for that. I read through this fic 3 times so hopefully most of them, if not all, are gone.

Just some extra info for fun: The trick to actually finishing a fanfic is planning the and the end of it before you even begin it. I had this fic in my head a while before i wrote it because i was afraid i'd reach a dead end so i didn't write it until i kind of knew how it would end. The suddenly hit me on a day i couldn't fall asleep. it was 7am and i was so excited that i wrote the first 2 chapters that morning, with 0 sleep. 

Anyways! i would like to know all of your thoughts on this fic. what you liked, or didn't like or just anything. I love all of your comments! Thank you for supporting me for almost a year now! hope you all have a great summer! ❤

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Chapter 22: haha good mother^^^! finally :-)
Chapter 20: Oh! What a nutty father she got jeongmal :-(
Chapter 16: So interesting :-P :-P
Chapter 15: ohw~~ i reeeeeally like this story <3
Chapter 8: i really like this kid Dongin hehe
Bigbang101 #6
Chapter 36: The end already? :( Haha, you can already tell I loved the fanfic a whole bunch! You did such an amazing job & every chapter of this fanfic always gets me anticipating for the next chapter! Your writing is very vivid & i just want to tell you that you're a great writer. ^^ Anyways, i'm ready for your upcoming fanfic! >:D
fArhonEy #7
Chapter 36: Waaahhh..... it's the end? congrats author nim. Perharps a sequal?..
BANA911118 #8
Chapter 36: Great job author nim, you really seem like you've been writing for years! I really enjoyed this fic, one of my favorites. Looking forward to your future stories! HWAITING~
Chapter 36: Waaaah. So lovely. Congratulations on finishing your first fic authornim. You did better than I did with my first story. Hahahahahaha. Keep it up! Fighting! Thankyou for letting us join and experience such emotions with your fic. :))