A little splash


“Ya, Oh Dongin, do you think I’ll regain my hearing again?” Sori suddenly asked. She didn’t know why she was asking her little friend such a question. She just wanted some comforting before the surgery and she knew if she asked her mom she would bring up marriage and her dads company again.

Oh Dongin was only 8 years old but she felt he was mature for his age.  Sori also found it comfortable talking to a child rather than someone her age who may judge her. They were able to get close since they were both incredibly lonely at the hospital. Both of their parents would only visit when they had an appointment.

Oh Dongin was a cancer patient who had been living in the hospital for a while. When Kim Sori first arrived at the hospital he brought her a plate of dark chocolate cookies. Although Sori’s days consisted of loathing her life, Oh Dongin never failed to make her smile.


“I don’t know… I don’t want to get your hopes up. I guess you’ll just have to leave it up to fate” Dongin replied and took a bite out of his ice cream. “Well my fate sure . I’ve always been a thankful person, even with my superficial wack job parents, so why am I having everything taken away from me?” They sat outside in the balcony connected to the hospitals lounge. The sun was preparing to set and the weather was rather dry.

“You can’t always have all the answers Sori! Your life won’t be over if you lose your hearing..” “ I would think so too, if my dream wasn’t so reliant on hearing.” Oh Dongin looked at Sori in worry, he didn’t know what to say to his friend anymore.

“I’ll still be your friend if you lose your hearing, I’ll be able to make you laugh even if you can’t hear me!” Dongin consoled with a smile. Sori laughed and ruffled up his dark brown hair.

“Stop being so nice! You know I still have to get you back for how you embarrassed me in front of B1A4, don’t think you’ll get away with that!” she said putting her hands on her hips trying to look intimidating.  “Common, you know I helped to make the atmosphere less awkward, Sori-Ah” he said with a chuckle. “Less awkward for YOU maybe! And stop using informal language with me!” she said lightly punching him on the shoulder.


As Sori and Dongin made their way back to their rooms they came to a complete halt. Sori’s eyes widened while Dongin formed a huge smile on his face.

“W-what..are…they doing here“  Sori questioned. “B1A4! Are they back here to see you?” Dongin begun to get excited. “As if” Sori said rolling her eyes. “Yea, you’re probably right, they’re obviously here to see me!” Sori let out a laugh. “You’re so delusional” she replied.

There were only 2 members present and they looked to be handing in forms. “We should go say hello!” Dongin suggested. “They look busy I don’t want to bother them, let’s go.” Sori Grabbed Dongin’s hand but halfway down the hallway someone called Sori’s name.

“Huh” she said turning around. “Hello, nice to see you again” they said bowing. Sori, speechless, bowed and gave them a smile. “Hello! What are you guys doing here? You’re here to see me, right? People always say I have a great first impression” Dongin said nudging Sori. He always got straight to the point.

“Not…necessarily” member, Gongchan, replied.. “we’re actually here because one of our members broke his leg during a performance so now he has to stay in the hospital for a few days” He explained.

“It’s not Shinwoo, is it?” after letting those words out Sori immediately put her hands on , cursing herself for letting those biased words slip. you idiot, is that really your first reflex?

“No, Baro broke his leg” Jinyoung said with a dry laugh. “Well, we should probably go and check on him now, the rest of the members are with him too. Maybe we’ll see you around” Jinyoung said, bowing farewell.


“I’m such an idiot!” Sori yelled in her room. Dongin couldn’t stop laughing on the other hand. “That was cute, but I must say, Jinyoung looked quite disappointed in you. Maybe he likes you!” Sori spit out her drink from laughing at the thought of any of them liking her. “because my first impression sure was classy, right?”


The next morning, while Sori was sipping her coffee and listening to her “Last 100 songs” playlist, an unwanted visitor interrupted her.

“Kim Sori! Get out of bed, Haejin is here to see you before your surgery” her mom ordered. Sori rolled her eyes in disgust, “leave and take him with you. I don’t want to see either of you right now. Can’t you see I’m busy?” she spat.

Lee Haejin was the 24-year-old medical student that Mrs. Kim plans to marry Sori off to. He was the typical superficial rich boy that suited Sori’s parents' tastes perfectly. He was tall and had short brown hair and dark big eyes. The girls went crazy for him because he knew how to put on a show. Sori, on the other hand, saw right through him.

“Haejin-ah, why don’t you go get some breakfast for Sori and then come back when she’s less cranky” Mrs. Kim said putting her hand on his shoulder. Haejin bowed and left obediently.

“Yah, Kim Sori! When I get back you better be out of bed and looking proper. I’m not in the mood for your bull right now. GET UP!” Mrs. Kim yelled, slamming the door behind her angrily.

Sori let out a laugh and continued to jot down more songs she wanted to listen to, “these idiots still think they can change me. I’d rather lose both my hearing and my sight than fit into this outrageous family” she mumbled.


Sori suddenly heard the sound of someone clearing their throat. Must be Haejin “I said, LEAVE“ she yelled.

“Sorry, I didn’t know you were busy” shocked as she heard those words, Sori immediately turned around to see it was Jinyoung. She quickly got out of bed and bit her lip as she bowed to greet him. 

“I'm- i'm so sorry, I thought you were someone else” She said repeatedly, bowing for her mistake. “Its fine, don’t worry about it” Jinyoung said letting out an awkward laugh. Kim Sori, you keep messing up in front of these boys.

“Here, I got this for you. Sorry about yesterday.” He handed Sori a box of assorted fruit. “Sorry for what? It wasn’t your fault… let’s eat this together” Sori said, feeling bad for troubling him. Sori poured him some tea and told him to sit down. The awkward atmosphere couldn’t be helped.

“Are you disappointed that it’s me who came and not Shinwoo?” Sori choked on her tea at his sudden remark. “No no no no no n-not at all!” Sori said, grabbing a tissue. “Damn you Oh Dongin!” she whispered under her breath. Jinyoung laughed at her. “I really like all of you… wait that sounds creepy, umm…” Sori rambled, “it’s alright.” he interrupted, giving her a warm smile.

Sori started to stuff fruit in to distract herself. She usually ate a lot while she was nervous. “Take your time, I’m afraid you might choke” Jinyoung said, handing her her tea. Sori nodded and cleared .

“Is Baro ok? His leg must be pretty bad if he had to stay in the hospital for it..” Sori asked worriedly. “He’s fine, the company said it was better for him to stay in the hospital and rest so it could heal faster” he explained. “Ahh, that makes sense,” Sori nodded.

“I’m back Kim Sor-.. who’s this?” Haejin walked in with a tray of food in his hand. He put it down on the table in front of Sori and Jinyoung. “Get out, no one invited you in” Sori exclaimed.

Haejin’s face flushed in embarrassment. “Kim Sori, can I talk to you for a second, outside?” Haejin said grabbing her hand. “Don’t touch me” she said getting up. “I’ll be right back” Sori said, pulling Haejin outside. Haejin turned around to give Jinyoung a dirty look before he left.

Must be her boyfriend Jinyoung thought.


“Ya, Kim Sori, how can you treat me like that in front of a guy?” he yelled. “Oh sorry, I forgot about your huge ego. You’re lucky I didn’t throw my tea on your head.” Sori said, rolling her eyes.

“Why do you hate me so much? Why can't you just be a good little girl for once and listen to me?!” Haejin said, putting his hand on Sori’s shoulder. “Give me a break,” Sori scoffed, pushing his hand away from her, “why do I hate you? What a dumb question to ask you disgusting scum bag. It’s amazing how you can act like such a gentlemen in front of people but become a complete piece of mannerless garbage inside” Sori spat.

“Fine, hate me all you want, but we all know how this is going to end. You’ll be mine and you’ll see how useless all your resisting was.” Sori let out a laugh at his confident words “Sorry, but I’m not a possession to be owned,” she replied with a cold smile.

All of a sudden Haejin grabbed Sori’s hand and pulled her close to him. “Let go of me you jerk, are you trying to break my wrist” Sori yelled. “Listen to me Sori, just get off your high horse before I force you to. If you ever act like this one more time i'll-"

Haejin was suddenly cut off by a splash of hot tea on his chest, “what the hell is wrong with you!” Haejin yelled, his shirt now soaked in earl grey tea. “Woops! Sorry, I tripped” Jinyoung said with a smirk. “I’ll go get a mop” Jinyoung said, giving Sori a small smile before he walked away.

“I’m going to sue that if I got burnt” Haejin raged.

Sori just stood there laughing at him. “I’ll report you first for harassment! Now get out of my sight before I call security, you piece of ” Sori said going back into her hospital room and locking the door behind her.

Sori let out sigh of relief. Her heart was beating fast. “I’ll go get a mop” Sori began to giggle when she thought about what just happened. “Haejin’s face was totally priceless!” she said, laughing hysterically. Jinyoung is pretty cool she thought.

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Chapter 22: haha good mother^^^! finally :-)
Chapter 20: Oh! What a nutty father she got jeongmal :-(
Chapter 16: So interesting :-P :-P
Chapter 15: ohw~~ i reeeeeally like this story <3
Chapter 8: i really like this kid Dongin hehe
Bigbang101 #6
Chapter 36: The end already? :( Haha, you can already tell I loved the fanfic a whole bunch! You did such an amazing job & every chapter of this fanfic always gets me anticipating for the next chapter! Your writing is very vivid & i just want to tell you that you're a great writer. ^^ Anyways, i'm ready for your upcoming fanfic! >:D
fArhonEy #7
Chapter 36: Waaahhh..... it's the end? congrats author nim. Perharps a sequal?..
BANA911118 #8
Chapter 36: Great job author nim, you really seem like you've been writing for years! I really enjoyed this fic, one of my favorites. Looking forward to your future stories! HWAITING~
Chapter 36: Waaaah. So lovely. Congratulations on finishing your first fic authornim. You did better than I did with my first story. Hahahahahaha. Keep it up! Fighting! Thankyou for letting us join and experience such emotions with your fic. :))