

“What the heck is going on here?” Shinwoo questioned, confused, “when did she even get here?” Sandeul scratched his head. “I never knew our leader was like this” Gongchan grinned. “Let’s take a picture!” Baro suggested taking out his phone.


Sori slowly opened her eyes. She squinted and looked around to see 4 boys standing around her “am I dreaming” she mumbled, scratching her head. She turned her head to see Jinyoung lying next to her. She finally realized what was going on and shot up, pushing Jinyoung on the floor. “Ouch” he groaned, rubbing his head.

“What time is it” Jinyoung mumbled. “Time for me to leave” Sori answered, getting up. Before she could run the members blocked her “hold on a second, you’re not getting away that fast” Baro said, sitting her back down. “I never knew you two were this close” Shinwoo commented, raising an eyebrow. Jinyoung also began to realize what the situation was “we must have fallen asleep on the couch, she must feel really uncomfortable right now” he thought.

“Look guys, uhm, Sori has a really crazy sasaeng fan and…. due to tough circumstances, she slept here.” Jinyoung explained. “Alright, that’s fine. But that still doesn’t explain why you both slept on the couch, the same couch….Together, side by side…next to each other” Sandeul highlighted. “Yeah, I think they get it Sandeul” Shinwoo nudged.

“I know how to make really great pancakes!” Sori randomly spat out. “Now, if you excuse me, I’ll go get the batter ready, OR I can answer a few obvious questions and you guys can eat some plane rice for breakfast” Sori smiled getting off the couch. The members stepped to the side, letting her through. “Food fixes everything” Sori thought, satisfied.


“Please work, please work” Sori whispered as she poured the batter in the frying pan. She actually learned the pancake recipe from Dongin. He had sent Sori the recipe a long while ago and always boasted that they were the best pancakes he had ever eaten. “There are bubbles! That’s a good sign!” she said, relived. 

Jinyoung walked in “you really didn’t have to make us breakfast.” Jinyoung said regretfully.  “It’s no problem” Sori insisted. She didn’t dare to look at Jinyoung, though, she was still embarrassed from before. “I didn’t mean to doze off on the couch with you…I just-” “They, turned out great!” Sori interrupted. “look at how beautiful this pancake is, it’s the perfect color and shape! Look at how fluffy it is,” she said putting it up to her cheek. “Call the members, the pancakes will be done soon”  Sori requested.

“Thanks Sori-ah, I heard you’re not the type to cook for people” Shinwoo said. “I cook for people….me, myself and I. I have 3 stomachs” Sori joked. “no but really, I’ve cooked for Dongin several times” Sori smiled. “Well enjoy your pancakes, I’ve got to go! Bye” Sori bowed and made her way to the door. “Eh, why is she not having breakfast with us?” Gongchan asked Shinwoo. “She must be embarrassed” he whispered.

 Jinyoung immediately got out of his chair “one second” he said to the rest of the members before catching up to Sori.


“Sori-ah, wait, why don’t you eat breakfast with us?” Jinyoung asked.

“I actually want to spend the day with Dongin, I haven’t been visiting for a while since I don’t have rehab sessions anymore. He looked rather pale yesterday, so I’m worried about him.” Sori explained. “Ahh, then, I’ll see you tomorrow before your surgery, okay? Take care Sori-ah.” He waved. “You really don’t-“ Jinyoung hugged Sori and sent her off before she could finish her sentence “be careful” he said as she slowly walked away. “Why does he keep hugging me, he is making me feel things I don’t want to feel” Sori thought. “Also, why does he smell so good, I wonder what shampoo he uses.”


Jinyoung walked back into the kitchen to see the members eating their pancakes happily. “These really are the best pancakes I’ve ever tasted” Sandeul said, putting  a bite in his mouth.

“you know what’s strange… there was a blanket laid out on us…I don’t remember doing that… I mean we dozed off…but it seems unlikely that I’d do that in my sleep” Jinyoung said, crossing his arms and looking at the members.

“Who did it?” He asked. 3 members all pointed to the same person “why am I not surprised” Jinyoung rolled his eyes. “You know, I was doing you a favor. You both looked cold and I didn’t want to wake you so…” Baro defended. Jinyoung was going to scold Baro, but he stopped himself. The truth was, he was a little giddy thinking about Sori laying next to him. The only thing he was worried about was Sori feeling uncomfortable around him.



“You slept together!” Dongin said, mouth wide open. “Not like that Dongin-ah! Aren’t you in like 3rd grade? We slept be-side-each-other” Sori made clear. “Yeah, that’s what I meant, what did you think I meant?” Dongin asked, confused. “It’s nothing, eat your ice cream” Sori avoided, shoving a spoon full of mint chocolate ice cream into his mouth.

“So, I’m kind of missing the problem here?” Dongin asked with his mouth still full of ice cream. “The problem is…I slept like a baby last night. I can’t remember the last time I slept so peacefully… I didn’t even wake up….” Sori confessed, putting both of her hands on her head.

“The problem is… that you slept well… I still don’t get it…Ahh, you’re in denial! Let me make it easier for you Sori-ah" Dongin said putting both of his hands on her shoulders "You. Like. Him. You have feelings for him. You have fallen for him. You have grown to-“ “ALRIGHT I GET IT!” Sori yelled. Dongin formed a satisfying grin on his face and shoved another spoon of ice cream in his mouth.

“How can you fall for someone in a matter of months? it doesn’t make sense! People are complicated; you can’t just suddenly… grow feelings for them! Especially someone like me, who has never had feelings for a guy since the 10th grade!” Sori raged. “Aw, are you sad that you like a boy? Sori-ah, like you said, you haven’t fallen for someone since the 10th grade, Jinyoung must be special then, right? He’s a good guy and he likes you back! Just accept it, and don’t run away from it!” Dongin encouraged.

“Likes me back? How do you even know that?” Sori asked.

“Well let’s see, I have eyes and common logic. That’s all you need, but clearly you have neither” Dongin patted Sori on the shoulder.

“I don’t have time to think about this right now…I’m getting an operation done tomorrow” Sori sighed. “Oh right! I heard from Nurse Jung this morning! I was running around the room in excitement. It took 2 nurses to stop me from bouncing on the couch” Dongin smiled. Sori laughed and pinched his cheeks “You’re adorable, never change Dongin-ah. Except for you using informal speech with me, do you know how old I am?” Sori ruffled up his hair. “Yes I do, and I have concluded that we are the same age, mentally” Dongin laughed. “I won’t argue with you on that.”




“Sori-ssi, are you ready for your operation?” Nurse Jung said, holding her hand. Sori was sitting in a wheel chair, waiting to be wheeled in. “Yeah, I just want to get this over with” Sori smiled. “You haven’t told your parents?” Nurse Jung questioned. “No, why would I? They wouldn’t come anyways.”

“Sori-ah!” Jinyoung interrupted. Sori slowly waved at him as he approached her. “How are you feeling?” he asked. “You really didn’t have to come. Don’t you have a schedule or something?” Sori was getting frustrated by how nice Jinyoung was to her. “I came last time as well but I was too late. I didn’t want that to happen again” Jinyoung revealed. “You…you came, last time?” Sori was taken by surprise.

Sori didn’t want him to keep going out of his way for her. Mostly because, she was in denial as to why he might be doing all of this. She told herself that it was best that Jinyoung didn’t like her; life would be easier that way. But what her heart told her was different. She wanted Jinyoung to like her, she wanted to take a step towards him, but she was afraid. Not about how this would affect her, but of how it would affect him. “It’s best if we remain friends” Sori thought. “But…if I don’t see him as just a friend already then…maybe I’m in too deep. What my heart sees him as is what he is, and convincing myself otherwise, is useless.”

“We’re ready”, the doctor said to the nurses. Sori waved goodbye to Jinyoung as the nurse wheeled her inside. “Good luck, Sori-ah” Jinyoung mouthed.



“Dongin-ah” Jinyoung called, walking into his room. “Jinyoung-hyung!” Dongin smiled and gave Jinyoung a hug. “I’m guessing you’re here to ask about Sori, right?” Dongin said winking at Jinyoung. “I have visited you several times and didn’t ask about Sori!” Jinyoung defended.  “You haven’t seen her yet, I’m assuming. You look kind of tense, you have nothing to worry about” Dongin reassured. “They said only family could visit her today…plus she needs to rest so I don’t want to bother her… I just really want to see her. The surgery went well, right?” Jinyoung eagerly asked.

“Yeah, I heard everything went well. When she’s well rested they’ll try the hearing aid on her. Also, they want her parents to be there with her, so they’re the first voices she hears” he relayed the things Nurse Jung told him. “That’s great…but what if her parents don’t come?” Jinyoung asked “I don’t know…I guess the first voice she’ll hear is the doctors voice? I have check ups all day tomorrow” Dongin sulked. “All day? Is everything okay, Dongin-ah?” Jinyoung asked, worried. “Everything’s fine! Don’t worry, this is normal.” Dongin gave Jinyoung a warm smile.



The next morning, Jinyoung sat beside Sori’s bed, waiting for her to wake up. He pushed her hair away from her face and stared at her for a while. “she looks like a baby when she’s sleeping” he smiled. Jinyoung then began to sing a song.


Because I don’t know love yet, I can’t get closer

But why does my heart keep pounding

Because I keep thinking of you, I can’t leave

My heart hurts as this love cannot even come true

When the day is gone and the night comes

My thoughts are all about you

Pitiful and foolish, what should I do


Sori opened her eyes. “Sori-ah, you’re awake!” Jinyoung exclaimed with a smile. “How do you feel” Sori turned her head to Jinyoung “Oh, you weren’t looking at me, I said, how do you feel? Do your ears feel fine?” Sori stared at Jinyoung without saying a word. Her eyes widened and her heart beat began to quicken.

Sori clapped her hands once. “Sori-ah, are you okay?” Sori didn’t reply. She was too consumed in her own thoughts. “Did she lose her residual hearing as well?” Jinyoung mumbled to himself.

“Sori, can you sit up so I can put the hearing aid in “Nurse Jung walked in the room. Jinyoung moved out of the way. “After I put it in, tell me-" Nurse Jung suddenly stopped talking at the sound of Sori’s laughter.

Sori put her hands over . Water begun to fill her eyes “Nurse… you don’t need to do that..I…I think I can hear!” Sori screamed. “I can hear!” she sang. She jumped out of her Hospital bed and hugged Nurse Jung and gave a kiss on her forehead “I can hear!” she cheered. She ran over to Jinyoung and gave him a big hug “Jinyoung-ah, I can hear!” Jinyoung looked at her in disbelief. A huge smile appeared on his face “Really?!” he exclaimed. He lifted Sori up and swung her around. 

The doctor suddenly came in and approached Sori  with a smile “what’s going on here?” he asked in anticipation, as if he knew the answer. “Can you hear Sori” the doctor asked. Sori nodded her head “how…how can I hear?” she asked. “I didn’t want to tell you, but there was a 10% chance that this surgery would allow you to hear again. I didn’t want you to get your hopes up and wanted you to go into the operation calm.” The Doctor explained. Sori went up to the doctor and gave him a big hug

“Doctor, I know this is sudden, but I love you. If you were 10 years younger and unmarried, I would marry you” she joked, Jinyoung beginning to cough.

“I’m happy things went well Sori. Now allow me to run through some things for you. Your ears are still sensitive to loud noises, so unfortunately, no concerts or orchestras. You have to be careful. Don’t go to clubs either, though I assume you aren’t the club type.” Sori nodded and understood what the doctor was saying.

Sori was just thankful that she could hear again. It was a miracle. She was filled with excitement but at the same time, fear. She didn’t want to lose it again. She felt like her walls could be rebuilt again, that there was a light at the end of the tunnel. She was feeling hopeful, a feeling she thought she wouldn’t ever feel again. Hope was back in her life.



I hope you all are enjoying the story so far. I've decided to update about every other day now so the chapters can be twice as long and more interesting.

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Chapter 22: haha good mother^^^! finally :-)
Chapter 20: Oh! What a nutty father she got jeongmal :-(
Chapter 16: So interesting :-P :-P
Chapter 15: ohw~~ i reeeeeally like this story <3
Chapter 8: i really like this kid Dongin hehe
Bigbang101 #6
Chapter 36: The end already? :( Haha, you can already tell I loved the fanfic a whole bunch! You did such an amazing job & every chapter of this fanfic always gets me anticipating for the next chapter! Your writing is very vivid & i just want to tell you that you're a great writer. ^^ Anyways, i'm ready for your upcoming fanfic! >:D
fArhonEy #7
Chapter 36: Waaahhh..... it's the end? congrats author nim. Perharps a sequal?..
BANA911118 #8
Chapter 36: Great job author nim, you really seem like you've been writing for years! I really enjoyed this fic, one of my favorites. Looking forward to your future stories! HWAITING~
Chapter 36: Waaaah. So lovely. Congratulations on finishing your first fic authornim. You did better than I did with my first story. Hahahahahaha. Keep it up! Fighting! Thankyou for letting us join and experience such emotions with your fic. :))