

“Mom, are you ready?” Sori asked as they stood outside of her grandparents’ house. “I’ll never be ready” Mrs. Kim responded.  “It’s your call”

Sori slowly raised her hand up to the doorbell. She took a deep breath before pressing it.

Once Sori rung the doorbell, her mother suddenly grabbed her hand and held it tightly. “Everything’s going to be fine mom” Sori comforted.

Suddenly the door swung open and before her mother could bow it closed.

“I knew this was going to happen” her mom said putting both of her hands over her face. A rush of shame rushed over her “let’s leave, Sori” Her mom said pulling her arm. “No! We’re not leaving” Sori said turning around and ringing the doorbell again.

“Grandma! Grandpa! Auntie! Please open the door! I’m not leaving until my mother’s words are heard! Give her a chance, will you!” Sori kept banging on the door until someone opened it.

“What are you doing here?! Especially with your mother?!” Sori’s aunt said glaring at Mrs. Kim who was hiding fearfully behind her daughter.

“Please just hear us out. Do you know how much courage it took for my mom to come here? You can’t just push your sister away like this!” Sori yelled.

“She stopped being my sister when she decided to no longer be a part of this family!” her Aunt spat back.

Sori took her moms hand and pulled her inside. She dragged her to the living room, where she found both of her grandparents.

“What on earth is this girl doing in my house?!” Mrs. Kim’s mother yelled. “Grandma, Mom is here to say something to all of you. Please, will you just here her out?” Sori begged. “I don’t have anything to say to her. Take her and leave” Grandma Kim demanded.

“B-but... I have something to say!” Mrs. Kim suddenly said.

“You have 5 minutes to say what you want and then leave.” Mrs. Kim’s father said.


“I-I’m….I’m Sorry.” Mrs. Kim brought herself to say. “I’m sorry for being blind and for falling for a monsters tricks. I’m sorry for not listening to you and taking you all for granted. I know now why you were so against this marriage. It wasn’t because he was poor but because he was a scumbag. If I saw what you had seen then, I would have never batted an eye at him. But I was blind then, and I never knew. Please forgive me” Mrs. Kim said bowing 90 degrees, tears running down her face.

“You’re five minutes are over” Grandpa Kim said.

“Le-let’s go Sori” Mrs. Kim said, but Sori didn’t move.


Suddenly Sori kneeled on the floor in front of her grandparents.

“I know my mom made the biggest mistake of her life 25 years ago, but if it wasn’t for that mistake I would have never been born. Even though I go through so much pain and distress because of my father, without him, I would have never been born. Before, I had wished I were never born so that mom could have a better life. But now that she’s come to her senses, I realize that everything happens for a reason and that she can still have a happy ending. It’s better late than never right? Please help her divorce my father so that we don’t have to live in regret any longer” Sori pleaded.

Her mother’s heart ached seeing her daughter defend her like she did despite all that she’s gone through. Her daughter’s words gave her strength to apologize once more. Mrs. Kim knelt beside her daughter and asked for forgiveness.  She took a deep breath before she started talking. “I’m Sorry…Please help me. If not for me, do it for my daughter” Mrs. Kim pleaded.

The room was silent for a while. Sori and her mother sat silently on the floor until Sori’s grandma approached them, “Get up” she said holding out her hand towards Mrs. Kim. “You too Sori-ah” Sori’s Aunt said, helping her up.

As Mrs. Kim got up she pulled her mother closer to her and gave her a hug. “I’m really Sorry” she cried. Sori smiled at the sight of her reconciliation with her family.  Grandpa Kim approached Mrs. Kim and gave her a warm hg “You did well” he told her. 


After the sob fest the whole family sat together at the dinner table for the first time since Mrs. Kim’s marriage.

“I never thought this day would come” Mrs. Kim said.

“We’ll help you with the divorce, but it won’t be something that can be done overnight” Grandpa Kim said.

“I know” Mrs. Kim looked down. She felt bad for dragging her parents into this. “I’m going to make him pay for everything he’s done. I want to put him in jail” Mrs. Kim confessed.

“Jail? How are you going to do that?” her sister asked.

“I know all of his secrets. I’m his provider, after all. He didn’t play clean getting where he is now. I’ll reveal everything at his weakest point so that he can’t dodge it with his power” Mrs. Kim explained.

“If we’re going to fight with him like this, I’m a bit worried for Sori. She isn’t safe here. She’ll be his first target to get you to stop” Grandma Kim said.

“I’ve already taken care of it. She’ll be going to japan before I file the divorce papers” Mrs. Kim explained.

“Japan? Are you okay with that Sori?” Sori’s aunt said, shocked at the sudden news.

“No…but I haven’t got a choice. I’ll just have to bear with it until this is all over” Sori sighed.

“We’ll try to get it done as soon as possible, dear” Grandma Kim said holding Sori’s hand for comfort.

“Thanks grandma” Sori said with a smile.



“Mom, I’ll be leaving now. I have to do some things...” Sori said as she brang her mother’s belongings from the car and placed them in the house.

“Are you going to see Jinyoung?” her mother winked.

“Jinyoung…? Yeah….” Sori lied.

“Alright, be careful, it’s raining a bit.” she pointed out. “Don’t worry.” She said giving her mom a warm hug.

“Oh wait, Sori, before you leave I have something to give you” Mrs. Kim said as she took something out of her purse. “Here” She said handing her an envelope.

“What’s this?” Sori said as she opened up the envelope.

Departure: Incheon, Korea.

Arrival: Tokyo, Japan.

 “A plane ticket…Already?” Sori’s heart sunk at the sight of her plane ticket. She wasn’t ready to leave yet. “You’ll be leaving in a week. The sooner you leave, the faster this will all be over” Her mother consoled.

“I- I gotta go…” Sori forced a smile on her face before she turned around to leave.


Although Sori was happy for her mothers reconciliation, rage and sadness filled her heart the moment she left her grandparents’ house. There was one last thing she had to do today.

 “I need to get Jinyoung out of this mess before I leave. I can’t just sit and watch my scum bag of a father mess with other peoples lives!” she thought as she headed to what was now only her fathers house.


“Ya! Mr. Kim!” Sori yelled as she walked into her old house. “Scumbag Kim!” she yelled. “Sori! What are you doing!? Don’t be disrespectful to your father like this! You know how he get’s when he’s angry!” a household maid said worriedly.

“Don’t worry about me” Sori said patting the Maid on the shoulder. “Just a heads up though, my father will be going out of business soon so you should find another place to work at” Sori said with a smile.

“Who’s there? Who on earth is yelling in my house?!” her father said walking into the entrance hall. “If it isn’t my precious unfilial daughter, Kim Sori” he said surprised. “Did you come here to beg for forgiveness on your mothers behalf?” Her father asked with a chuckle.

Sori laughed at her father’s words. “Thank goodness I didn’t get your delusional jeans” she said rolling her eyes at him. “Let’s get to the point so that I don’t have to bear breathing the same air as you longer than I have to” Sori said as she approached her father.

“What? You can’t handle the heat I put your boyfriend through?” Her father said with a grin.

“So you do know why I came here” Sori’s face turned serious as she looked at her father straight in the eye “leave Jinyoung out of this. Your problem is with me, not with him” Sori said angrily.

“I’ll leave him alone once you start obeying to my rules” Her father gritted.

“Why are you even bothering him? I’m going to break up with him anyways so just leave him out of this!” Sori yelled. She didn’t really know if what she was saying was a lie or not.

“You think I’d be happy if you broke up with that incapable boy? Sori, I’m not against your relationship, although you could do better than dating someone, not only younger than you, but poorer too” he insulted. “You can be with whoever you want as long as he gets you pregnant” Her father said with a cold smirk.

Sori was disgusted by the words coming out of her own fathers mouth. Her stomach churned in anger that the man she was looking at was indeed her father. “I’m NEVER going to get pregnant. You know why? Because you exist” Sori barked. “I’ll never put another life through the hell that you put me through!” She spat.

 She could tell that her father’s rage was beginning to explode but she continued anyways.

“You want me to have a child as soon as possible? Well that’s easy then, if you do just one thing for me” Sori said.

“And what’s that?” her father asked.

Sori took a step closer to her father “Die” She replied with a smile.

With those words, Mr. Kim’s anger exploded. He grabbed his daughter by her hair and slapped her face as hard as he could making Sori fall to the ground.

Her father felt good releasing his anger until Sori suddenly started laughing hysterically on the floor. Her face was bruised and red but she couldn’t help but laugh despite the pain.

“Are- Are you laughing? Do I need to hit you again?” he roared. "You're just like your useless mother"

 Sori slowly stood up and looked at her father’s angry expression.

“You’ll get what you deserve, just wait” Sori said before she stormed outside of her father’s house.



Sori stood in her apartment and sighed heavily as she looked at the plane ticket that laid on her kitchen counter. “I guess I should start packing” she sighed as she walked to her room. She opened up her closet and laid a suitcase on her bed. She neatly put all of the things she needed into her suitcase and closed it. “Am I missing anything?” she wondered.

In the midst of thinking she realized that she and Jinyoung didn’t have any possessions to remember each other by. No sentimental gifts, no pictures, nothing.

Suddenly, she heard a knock on her door. She ran and opened it, confused as to who would come by.


“Jinyoung?" Sori quickly put her hand on the side of her face that her father hit. She looked down trying to hide her bruise. “How did you know I would be here?” Sori said turning around.

“Dongin said you weren’t at the hospital and your Mother said that you left to go see me so…”

“Oh…” Sori said scratching the back of her head with her other hand.

“Why are you covering your face like that?” Jinyoung said turning Sori around to face him. Sori began to panic “I- I just put on this facial mask and….” Where are you going with this Kim Sori…

“Sori, move your hand.” Jinyoung ordered. 

“No, I can’t or else it’ll get ruined!” Sori made up. She was well aware that she was making little sense but she didn’t know what else to do. “Sori” Jinyoung said grabbing Sori’s arm and holding it down.

“W-what happened?” Jinyoung yelled, eyes wide open. “Who did this to you!?” he said, demanding an answer. “I did. I did this to me, okay!” Sori yelled back. “What?! Sori tell me now! Did you see your father? Did he do this to you?!” He said cupping Sori’s face and inspecting the bruise.  “Answer me Sori-ah!” Jinyoung raged.

“Yes, it was my father, alright? Don’t get in between this Jinyoung, I’ve already gotten you out of it” Sori said.

“What? Gotten me out of it? I don’t want to be out of it! Why can’t you just let me protect you once?” Jinyoung asked feeling annoyed.

“You’ve already protected me enough. There’s a line, Jinyoung. This is my responsibility, not yours. My father is a scary person and you don’t deserve going through the pain I had to go through because of him.” Sori cried.

“So what am I supposed to do? Just sit around and watch you get hurt? Well, I can’t do that! Just like you can’t sit around and watch me get hurt, I feel the same way! Why can’t you understand that?” he argued.

“I lied to my father and told him we broke up. But seeing as we can’t meet halfway maybe we should really break up?” Sori suddenly said half-heartedly.

“Do you mean that?” Jinyoung’s expression looked wounded at Sori’s harsh words.

Sori regretted them the moment they came out of . She couldn’t control her emotions anymore. “No…I don’t. I’m- I’m sorry…” Sori said putting both of her hands over her face in frustration. “What am I suppose to do Jinyoung? Tell you to go put your life on the line and fight with my father? The reason why I’m fighting with him is because I have nothing to lose at the moment, except you, which is why I can’t have you in between this mess” Sori said as tears fell from her face. She didn’t care about crying in front of Jinyoung anymore, she didn’t feel the need to shield her feelings any longer and let everything out.

“I’m sorry I yelled at you…” Jinyoung put his arms around Sori, trying to comfort her. “you must be under a lot of stress” he said.

“Let’s put something on that bruise” Jinyoung said leading Sori to the couch. “Where’s your first aid kit?” Jinyoung asked.

“It’s in the first closet on the right in the kitchen” Sori said.

Jinyoung headed to the kitchen but before he opened the closet his attention was brought to a white envelope laying on the counter. “Sori…what is this?” he asked.

Sori shot up in worry of what Jinyoung had in his hands.

“Jinyoung wait-“ but it was too late. He opened up the envelope and stared at what laid in his hands.

A plane ticket to Japan.



Just incase you get updated but there's no new chapter that might be because i'm editing the typos in this fic.

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Chapter 22: haha good mother^^^! finally :-)
Chapter 20: Oh! What a nutty father she got jeongmal :-(
Chapter 16: So interesting :-P :-P
Chapter 15: ohw~~ i reeeeeally like this story <3
Chapter 8: i really like this kid Dongin hehe
Bigbang101 #6
Chapter 36: The end already? :( Haha, you can already tell I loved the fanfic a whole bunch! You did such an amazing job & every chapter of this fanfic always gets me anticipating for the next chapter! Your writing is very vivid & i just want to tell you that you're a great writer. ^^ Anyways, i'm ready for your upcoming fanfic! >:D
fArhonEy #7
Chapter 36: Waaahhh..... it's the end? congrats author nim. Perharps a sequal?..
BANA911118 #8
Chapter 36: Great job author nim, you really seem like you've been writing for years! I really enjoyed this fic, one of my favorites. Looking forward to your future stories! HWAITING~
Chapter 36: Waaaah. So lovely. Congratulations on finishing your first fic authornim. You did better than I did with my first story. Hahahahahaha. Keep it up! Fighting! Thankyou for letting us join and experience such emotions with your fic. :))