Baby Steps


“Sori-ah! Jinyoung invited both of us to their dorm for dinner tomorrow, you’ll come, right? I asked my doctor if I could go and he said yes. Pick me up at 7PM” Dongin smiled. Sori had just had a check up and like always she decided to see Dongin before she went back home.

“Are you telling me that I’m invited to eat dinner with B1A4? I know I’m not the boy crazy type but… I don’t think I can handle that! Regardless of them being idols, I don’t think I can go to an event with so much people” Sori confessed, feeling uneasy.

“Baby steps Sori-ah, Are you too nervous to eat in front of your dream guy, Shinwoo?” Dongin teased.

“Did you just say Shinwoo was my dream guy again?” Sori repeated, unsure. “If you did, then stop! If you say those kinds of things tomorrow, I won’t forgive you as easily as before!” Sori threatened, crossing her arms.

“So that’s a “yes” then? Oh right, I forgot, you like Jinyoung now, sorry for the misunderstanding" Sori picked up a pillow beside her and threw it at Dongin.

“Oh Dongin! The minute you embarrass me, we’re leaving! Got it? “ Sori scolded.

“Alright, I’ll be on my best behavior!” Dongin sat upright and proper, he put his hands in his lap and gave Sori a cute smile.

“And I don’t like Jinyoung like that” Sori halfheartedly rejected.

“Whatever you say, Princess Sori”


Dongin was feeling extremely happy and satisfied at him successfully convincing Sori.

“Jinyoung hyung, she said she’ll go!” Dongin texted.

“That’s great, thank you Dongin-ah” Jinyoung replied.


“She said she’ll come!” Jinyoung sang, cheerful that Sori didn’t reject his invitation.

“Stop smiling at your phone, it’s creeping me out hyung” Baro said, sitting beside him on the couch. “What? I wasn't smiling...” Jinyoung denied, putting away his phone, embarrassed.

“I’m guessing Sori is coming?” Shinwoo asked. “Yeah, you’re her favorite member so you should treat her well” Baro mentoned with a wink.

“Hey, that probably changed by now!” Jinyoung insisted. Baro started to laugh, “Look how protective he is! I knew you were jealous about that” Baro snickered.

“I’m not jealous! You all better not scare her away; it’s a miracle that she’s coming! It’s really important that we make her feel comfortable” Jinyoung said.

 “Don’t worry Jinyoung-ah, I’ll treat her well.” Shinwoo chuckled. Jinyoung shot him an annoyed glare in response.




“Oh Dongin, I’m waiting for you outside.” Sori said over the phone.

“Alright, I’ll be right out.” Dongin hung up.


Dongin ran outside but suddenly froze when he saw Sori’s figure.

“Ya, Kim Sori! How can you wear something that simple!” He scolded. Sori was wearing plain skinny jeans along with a long t-shirt with her hair up In a pony tail.

“This t-shirt is really expensive, mind you” Sori defended.

“At least put your hair down!” Dongin whined.

“Alright I’ll put it down for you, Oh Dongin.” Sori said pulling off her hair tie. “There, happy? Now get in the car before I change my mind!” Sori ordered.


“Sori-ah... you seem tense. You look fine, I was just joking with you” Dongin said.

“I don’t know what you’re saying” Sori sensed that Dongin was talking to her but she had her eyes on the road so she couldn’t make out what he said.

They finally arrived at a stoplight, Sori then directed her attention to Dongin. “Is something wrong Dongin? Are you feeling alright?” Sori asked. fixing his hair. “I’m fine, but are you? you look tense...” Dongin asked concerned. Sori smiled at him “I’m just a tiny bit nervous” Sori confessed.

“Don’t worry Sori! Jinyoung is a nice guy, I’m sure you’ll be fine” Dongin comforted.



Dongin and Sori stood in front of B1A4’s apartment door. Sori was going to take a breath before knocking on the door until Dongin decided to knock without warning. “Oh Dongin!” Sori whispered. “Oops, Sorry. What’s in the bag though?” Dongin asked, pointing at the small bag in Sori’s hand. “It’s… chocolate” Sori admitted. “That lame gift again!” Sori was about to scold Dongin until she sensed the door open.

“Hello” Sori and Dongin bowed. All 5 members bowed in unison. “Come in” Jinyoung welcomed, leading Dongin and Sori inside. “this is so awkward” Sori thought. Sori suddenly felt Dongin hold her hand. She looked down and saw Dongin give her a comforting smile.


Jinyoung lead Sori and Dongin to the dinner table. “wah!” Dongin exclaimed at the sight of all the food. The table was decked with food. Sori’s eyes gleamed in excitement to eat. Eating was one of Sori’s favorite things to do.

“You guys troubled yourselves, you didn’t have to make this much food” Sori said, feeling apologetic. “It’s alright, it wasn’t much.” Sandeul said with a smile. “Ya, Lee Sandeul, all you did was make the rice!” Baro said. “Actually, Jinyoung did most of the cooking” Sandeul confessed.

Sori looked at Jinyoung, surprised that he knew how to cook. “Eh, Jinyoung made this?” Sori asked, making sure she read their lips right. “Yeah, I made it” Jinyoung confirmed. Sori shot Jinyoung a bright smiled.

“Sori’s ideal type is someone who cooks” Dongin told. “Ya, Oh Dong in” Sori muttered lightly punching his shoulder “don’t forget what I told you yesterday” Sori whispered to him. Jinyoung, on the other hand, was flattered and felt incredibly accomplished.

“Let’s eat” Shinwoo said. Sori and Dongin sat next to each other, While Shinwoo, Jinyoung and Baro sat parallel and Gongchan and Sandeul sat at each end of the table.

Sori was relieved that there wasn’t much talking while they were eating since she wouldn’t be able to keep up with any conversation while she ate. Jinyoung only spoke to ask Sori or Dongin if they needed anything, which Sori found really considerate of him. There was something different about the way Jinyoung asked. He did so without making Sori feel disadvantaged, which was something Sori really appreciated. There was something sincere about Jinyoung’s intentions, that Sori was able to sense.



After dinner, Sori and Dongin sat in their living room, Jinyoung refused to let them help clean up. He said it would be rude to make their guests clean. Sori felt bad though “he cooked so shouldn’t we at least help clean” she thought.

Trying to not let Jinyoung notice, Sori got up and picked some plates off of the table. Shinwoo was about to say something to her, but she immediately put her fingers on her lips, signaling him to just let her be.

“Shinwoo-ah, can you place those plates beside me” Jinyoung asked. Sori tried to place the plates down without him noticing but failed.

“Sori-ah, it’s you? I told you not to clean!” he whined. “I’m not cleaning….i’m..uhh....i’ve got nothing” Sori gave up. “I’m just cleaning out the table!” Sori sighed.

“Come, let’s sit," Shinwoo offered, dragging Sori to the living room. Sori jokingly shot Shinwoo an angry look.


“Wow, this is probably the first time Sori has ever offered to help clean up. Having boys clean for her is like her dream” Dongin told.

“That’s not true! If they cooked then shouldn’t we help clean? If I cooked then I would expect people to help me clean... Isn’t it just common courtesy” Sori defended.


“All done” Jinyoung sang, sitting beside Sori. The atmosphere soon became awkward again.

“Gongchan-ah, don’t you want to eat ice cream for desert” Baro asked.

“Huh?” Gongchan looked confused at Baros sudden question. “Oh, right. Yeah… but we don’t have any” Gongchan sulked.

“Go buy some for us” Sandeul pleaded to Jinyoung. “ice cream? You guys usually don’t like to eat ice cream at night” Jinyoung said, looking suspicious

“I want ice cream too” Dongin joined in. “Since it’s late, take Sori with you. we’ll wait here” Dongin suggested. Sori was beginning to sense what they were doing but for some reason she continued to act confused.

“Sori-ah, will you come with me to go get ice cream?” Jinyoung asked. “Ice cream? Sure.” Sori agreed, “since you didn’t let me clean.” She added.



“Sori-ah” Jinyoung put his hand on her shoulder to let her know that he was talking to her. Sori turned her attention to him.

“Was the food okay?” Jinyoung asked as they walked to a nearby convenience store. “It was really good, thank you. Dongin was really happy that you invited us. He doesn’t go outside a lot. I would take him places but I’m not confident in going out that much yet” Sori explained. “That’s alright, don’t push yourself too much. Little by little is fine. You’re looking better each time I see you” Jinyoung quickly looked away after he let out those words, hoping Sori didn’t catch that last part. Sori giggled at Jinyoung’s compliment. “Thanks” she smiled.


“A bucket of vanilla ice cream should be okay, right?” Jinyoung asked. “Yeah, that should be good” Sori nodded, although she was eyeing the mint chocolate ice cream in the freezer. Jinyoung followed her eyes and let out a small laugh. "This one is better though, right?" Jinyoung asked, Sori quickly nodded in response, making Jinyoung laugh more. Why is she being so cute for...i'm going to go insane soon he thought. The cashier put the ice cream in a bag along with a few spoons. “Thank you” Jinyoung said. 

As they were leaving, Jinyoung’s phone started to vibrate. “one sec” he said.


“Hyung, never mind, we don’t want to eat ice cream anymore. You eat it well with Sori. You’re not aloud to come home before you two finish it! keke”  “These little-“


“What’s wrong?” Sori questioned. “Oh, nothing ummm. Let’s eat this by ourselves.”

“Eat it by ourselves? Why?” Sori asked confused. “come, there’s tables on the roof of this store.” Jinyoung said, taking Sori’s hand, once again taking her by surprise. She couldn't help but find him more attractive the more he did these kinds of protective gestures. He took her up the stairs that lead to the roof of the store, there laid a few tables and chairs for people to sit on.


“Wow the view is really nice here” Sori commented as she looked around “You can see the stars here” she srealized, looking up smiling.

“Come sit” Jinyoung said, leading her to a table.

“I haven’t had ice cream in a while” Sori stated while digging her spoon into the ice cream bucket. She began to stuff her face, not noticing Jinyoung’s eyes on hers.

“Oops, sorry” She apologized in embarrassment. “It’s okay, I like watching you eat, wait... that sounds weird umm” Jinyoung scratched the back of his head.

Sori giggled, “you’re cute when you’re embarrassed” Sori confessed. “The way we compliment each other is quite strange but it’s fun” Sori said putting more ice cream in . She pushed the bucked over to him, motioning him to eat.

Sori was slowly becoming more comfortable with Jinyoung. He was probably the person she saw the most after Dongin and the nurses at the hospital. Every time she saw him, she felt like she could be more of her self.


“Is that Haejin guy still bothering you?” Jinyoung suddenly asked.

“Yeah, but I’m getting better at avoiding him. I blocked Haejin’s and my mom’s numbers from my phone.” Jinyoung’s expression turned sympathetic, he was upset that Sori had to deal with a guy like Haejin. What angered him more was the fact that her parents were pushing for them to be together.

“It’s getting late, I have to take Dongin back to the hospital,” Sori realized. They finished the ice cream and were on their way back to the dorm.



“Dongin is asleep” Shinwoo alerted. “It’s alright, I can carry him” Sori was about to put Dongin in her arms until Jinyoung beat her to it “I’ll carry him to your car, it’s late so it’s best I go down with you anyways,” he said, making his way out the door.

“Thanks for everything today and Sorry for troubling all of you. goodnight” Sori said before she followed Jinyoung out the door.


“My car is right here” She pointed. Sori opened the door so Jinyoung could lay him down.  

“Goodnight Jinyoung. Thanks for everything” Sori bowed.

Sori was surprised by Jinyoung's next action. She found herself in his embrace. His arms were wrapped around her tightly “Take care Sori” he whispered before he let go. Sori cheeks turned pink and her heart beat was pounding so hard that she was afraid he may have felt it. She quickly bowed and ran inside her car.

“Does Jinyoung like me?” she asked herself as she turned her keys to start the engine, “more importantly, do I like Jinyoung?” Sori turned her head to see Jinyoung, still standing on the sidewalk. He shot her a warm smile and waved her goodbye. Sori stared at Jinyoung for a while, trying to figure out what her feelings meant. She didn’t want to admit it, but she knew exactly why she was feeling the way she did.

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Chapter 22: haha good mother^^^! finally :-)
Chapter 20: Oh! What a nutty father she got jeongmal :-(
Chapter 16: So interesting :-P :-P
Chapter 15: ohw~~ i reeeeeally like this story <3
Chapter 8: i really like this kid Dongin hehe
Bigbang101 #6
Chapter 36: The end already? :( Haha, you can already tell I loved the fanfic a whole bunch! You did such an amazing job & every chapter of this fanfic always gets me anticipating for the next chapter! Your writing is very vivid & i just want to tell you that you're a great writer. ^^ Anyways, i'm ready for your upcoming fanfic! >:D
fArhonEy #7
Chapter 36: Waaahhh..... it's the end? congrats author nim. Perharps a sequal?..
BANA911118 #8
Chapter 36: Great job author nim, you really seem like you've been writing for years! I really enjoyed this fic, one of my favorites. Looking forward to your future stories! HWAITING~
Chapter 36: Waaaah. So lovely. Congratulations on finishing your first fic authornim. You did better than I did with my first story. Hahahahahaha. Keep it up! Fighting! Thankyou for letting us join and experience such emotions with your fic. :))