


“There’s three more days left. She should be ready to have the surgery and make the most of these 3 days. Like I said, she may lose her hearing, but the surgery will stop the pain from getting worse. There is a 30% chance that her hearing will go back to normal” The doctor went on to explain the process of the surgery.

“Thank you doctor, please do your best” Mrs. Kim responded. Sori was too busy listening to classical pieces for what she thought was the last time.


Suddenly, there was a knock at the door; it was Nurse Jung. “Sori-ssi, you have a guest” Nurse Jung said with a huge smile on her face. “A guest? Who would visit me except for Oh Dong-“ Sori suddenly burst into laughter. “Is this real life!? I can’t believe this is happening!” she continued to laugh as 5 boys stared at her in confusion.

“Is this the right room?” one of them asked, “This is Kim Sori’s room, right?” asked another. Sori quickly got up and shook each of their hands while bowing. The last member she bowed to was her favorite member, Shinwoo. Shortly after shaking his hand she crouched on the floor with her hands covering her face in frustration. She began to giggle again.

Mrs. Kim never saw her daughter act like this. She was also confused as to what was going on. “Ya, Kim Sori, what the hell are you doing? Are these your boyfriends?" She asked, eyeing the five boys in the room. "Hah, like you would have a boyfriend, you verbally beat up every boy who takes interest in you” Mrs. Kim said with a laugh.

“Mom, these aren’t my boyfriends. I’m not you, dating 5 guys at the same time. This is a boy group, their name is B1A4 and they’re here to sing for me… right?” Sori asked with her hands clamped together in front of her face, waiting for an answer. “Yes…we are” they said slowly, still a little stunned by Sori's reaction and the odd relationship her and her mom seemed to have.

“They’re already scared of you, that’s a new record!" Mrs. Kim exclaimed with a dry laugh, "Don’t be fooled boys, she’s not the cute type at all. How grateful you guys should be right now. She doesn’t give any boy the time of day" Mrs. Kim said letting out a laugh. "I’ll leave you guys alone” Mrs. Kim picked up her Vogue magazine and left the room.


Sori subtly fixed her long brown hair and cleared . “I swear I’m normal, I’m just…. kind of shocked…” Sori said scratching the back of her head awkwardly.  “it’s fine! We understand” Member Sandeul said cheerfully. 

“I didn’t properly introduce myself, I’m Kim Sori. Thank you for coming”

“Let’s fly, B1A4 imnida” they suddenly cheered giving Sori a shock.

“You don’t have to be so formal” she said with a warm smile. “Anyways I don’t want to waste your time. You probably have a packed schedule. I see you brought a guitar!” Sori said pointing at the guitar in leader Jinyoungs' hands.

“Ah, yes! What song do you want us to play? You can choose!” Jinyoung replied. “Wahh, really? That’s a tough decision” Sori faded into deep thought. This is a once in a lifetime chance Sori! Don’t mess it up…. Should I pick my favorite song in general or my favorite song from their latest release? Choosing a recent song would be better, right? It will show I’m a big fan…right?

“Starlight song!” Sori decided, but the member’s faces turned regretful. “What’s the matter? Do you guys not like that song? I know you didn’t produce that one but..” “no it’s not that, it’s just... none of us know how to play that song yet… we’re sorry” Jinyoung apologized.

“Ahh! I understand. It’s fine!” Favorite song in general it is. “Tried to walk. It’s my favorite song. Jinyoung produced it right? I was very impressed, I also wanted to be a producer and work with you someday, but due to my condition….” the members faces turned glum at Sori's words and she immediately could sense the tense atmosphere. Sori was the type to quickly sense others feelings.

Before Sori could change the topic, Jinyoung spoke “Don’t lose hope so quickly. When your hearing is good again, I’ll produce a song with you, when you become a producer that is. But you have to keep following your dreams, ok?”

Sori gave him a warm smile and nodded, though deep down inside she knew he really didn’t understand how she was feeling. Nonetheless, she was thankful for his words.

“let’s begin?” Shinwoo said with a smile. Sori sat down on the big baby blue sofa in front of them. Eyes gleaming, she brought her hands together in anticipation. Jinyoung sat on a stool and made sure the guitar was in tune.


“I’m walking on these streets with out you….

I’m walking on these streets with out you”


“It’s B1A4!”  A little boy yelled after the song ended. He opened the door with a plate of cookies. “Ya! Oh Dongin! What are you doing here?! Leave!” Sori orederd.

“Is that how you treat your hospital neighbor? You know I like B1A4 too, why didn’t to call me over? Some friend you are!” he exclaimed, sticking his tongue out. “I came with cookies too! Your favorite, dark chocolate.” Sori ran to take the cookies but Dongin quickly dodged her hand and offered them to B1A4 instead.

“They’re not for you, silly! You think I would bring them for you?” “Damn you Oh Dongin!” Sori cursed under her breath.

“Hello, I’m Oh Dongin, Sori’s only friend around here. Her one friend went to America for vacation and now she’s lonely. She was supposed to go too but I guess she’s just stuck with me now. You should visit her often since she’s constantly screaming your name at-“ Sori quickly put her hands over Oh Dongins mouth. “Yah, do you want to die!” Sori exclaimed.

“Ah, I’m sorry Sori. I know how nervous you must be in front of your dream man, Shinwoo. Should I take the other 4 boys to my room to let you have some privacy with him? You should show him your phones lock screen. It’s been the same picture of him for the past 5 months!”  The other boys burst into laughter as Sori begun to have a mental breakdown.

I’m going to kill Dongin once they leave! I can’t believe I’m getting dissed by a elementary school kid!  “Well it was nice meeting you guys, now if you would leave so I can splash some cool water on my face and regain my sanity” Sori said, whispering the last part under her breath.

“Not so soon! I just got here! Sori-ah, you should play one of your songs for them! You said you always wanted to perform for one of your idols” Dongin suggested. The boys faces turned bright and curious while Sori’s expression seemed indifferent.

“I’d rather no-“ “We’d love to hear it!” Shinwoo interrupted. Sori was touched at their interest and deep down inside she wanted to display her potential to them so she decided to just give in. “Alright then…don’t laugh though” Sori said as Jinyoung handed her his guitar.  “fighting” they said with a smile.


Sori picked up her guitar and took a deep breath. Don’t mess this up Sori, this may be your first and last performance.

Sori picked up the guitar and positioned it properly. She nervously placed her fingers to form an A chord and took a deep breath before she began to sing.


“'Cause you can't jump the track, we're like cars on a cable

And life's like an hourglass, glued to the table

 No one can find the rewind button, girl.

So cradle your head in your hands

 And breathe... just breathe, Oh breathe, just breathe”


“Kim Sori! I told you 10 times that you have a checkup at 5pm! Get over here now before I embarrass you in front of those kids!” Mrs. Kim interrupted Sori after the first chorus of her song. Rage began to build up in Sori’s chest. She wanted to smash the flower vase against the wall and just run away. Her eyes began to water but she held back her tears. Her first performance, ruined. She couldn’t help but think her mom did it purposely, as it was only 4:50pm. I won't forget this She whispered in fury.  


She quickly bowed and bid her goodbyes to B1A4. Jinyoung gave her a long gaze before letting go of her hand. He saw how swelled up her eyes had gotten and couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. That, and he also sincerely wanted to hear the rest of her song. Shinwoo gave her a friendly hug and mouthed "you did well". Jinyoung begun to feel confused of what begun to form in his chest. Did he perhaps develop feelings for this stranger he had just met?

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Chapter 22: haha good mother^^^! finally :-)
Chapter 20: Oh! What a nutty father she got jeongmal :-(
Chapter 16: So interesting :-P :-P
Chapter 15: ohw~~ i reeeeeally like this story <3
Chapter 8: i really like this kid Dongin hehe
Bigbang101 #6
Chapter 36: The end already? :( Haha, you can already tell I loved the fanfic a whole bunch! You did such an amazing job & every chapter of this fanfic always gets me anticipating for the next chapter! Your writing is very vivid & i just want to tell you that you're a great writer. ^^ Anyways, i'm ready for your upcoming fanfic! >:D
fArhonEy #7
Chapter 36: Waaahhh..... it's the end? congrats author nim. Perharps a sequal?..
BANA911118 #8
Chapter 36: Great job author nim, you really seem like you've been writing for years! I really enjoyed this fic, one of my favorites. Looking forward to your future stories! HWAITING~
Chapter 36: Waaaah. So lovely. Congratulations on finishing your first fic authornim. You did better than I did with my first story. Hahahahahaha. Keep it up! Fighting! Thankyou for letting us join and experience such emotions with your fic. :))