Will you take my hand?



“What? Sori can hear now? How? When did she even get an operation?” Mrs. Kim asked, shocked. She was on the phone with Doctor Park. “Just a few days ago, she was discharged from the hospital today. I thought I should let you know” The doctor explained. “You should have told me before she got the operation done!” Mrs. Kim yelled. “I’m sorry but I am not obligated to do that. Sori is 23 years old and she asked that everything remain confidential from now on” Doctor Park alerted. “What kind of mother is this” he thought.

“Hah, she thinks she can keep secrets away from me, that little brat. Whatever, thank you for your hard work. Goodbye” Mrs. Kim hung up the phone.

“What happened?” a man asked. “It’s news that comes to a disadvantage to us, but at the same time, it could be good” Mrs. Kim said crossing her legs. “What is it?” the man asked.

“Sori has her hearing back. I guess you won’t be able to wow her with your kindness as much” Mrs. Kim revealed.

“That’s fine Mrs. Kim. I’ll be able to wow her just fine without all of that. Leave it up to me” the man smirked.




“Sori-ah, meet me at my company. I’ll be in the recording studio we went to last time” – Jinyoung

Sori recalled that Jinyoung requested that she spend the day with him after she recovered. She was curious about what they were going to do. She changed her clothes to get rid of the hospital smell and left.


When Sori got out of her car she saw the other 4 boys standing outside. Sori smiled happily. She still got excited seeing them, even after she and Jinyoung became close.

“Hello” Sori greeted, bowing. The 4 members greeted her back.

“I heard you got your hearing back! Is it true?!” Sandeul asked with a smile on his face. Sori nodded at him happily. “That’s great, now you can listen to our music again!” Sandeul exclaimed. 

“Jinyoung is waiting for you inside” Baro alerted. “You guys aren’t going to go inside with me?" Sori asked. “No, we are all busy today so it’ll just be you and Jinyoung” Shinwoo revealed, leading Sori inside before she could ask any more questions. “Then why did he tell me to come to his company”  Sori thought.

Sori made her way down the hallway and spotted Jinyoung through a window, he seemed to be talking to someone or “Yelling?” Sori didn’t want to interrupt so she stood outside of the door.


“Why did you fire her?!” Jinyoung yelled, furious at what his manager had just told him.

“Her husband wanted her to stop working since it was wasting too much of her time” he replied.

“Wasting her time or his time? Was he angry that she could no longer consume her time working for him? What, too difficult for him to do his own laundry?” Jinyoung said, rolling his eyes.

“Listen, she’s not working here anymore, deal with it. Her husband gave us a lot of money to let her go. We’ll find a new stylist, calm down.”

Sori couldn’t stand listening to their conversation for another second, she was beginning to get angry so she decided to interrupt without hesitation


“Oh, Sori-ah, you’re here?” Jinyoung said as he turned around. His expression immediately loosened up at the sight of her.

“I’ll pay you double” Sori suddenly declared, looking at the manager furiously.

“Huh?” The manager said, confused. “I said, I’ll pay you double of what that lazy husband is paying you to fire her!” Sori spat.  “Listen little girl, your piggy bank won’t be able to cover that expense, enough with the bull . I have no time for this” he replied, annoyed.

“Listen little boy, I don’t think you’re aware, but I have enough money to buy up this company and kick you out, so you better get her back” Sori shot back.

“Who the hell is this?” The manager asked Jinyoung.

“She’s my friend” Jinyoung answered with a smile. “I’m also the daughter of Kim Jong Woo, so you better think well” The manager’s eyes widened at the sound of her fathers name. “That rich old guy? is she joking?” the manager asked. Jinyoung shook his head.

“Fine whatever! I’ll rehire her” The manager gave up, leaving the room out of frustration. “How can a girl be so rude” he thought.  

Sori began to laugh after he left. “Wow, that was pretty scary, did I do well?” Sori asked. “Yeah, you even scared me” Jinyoung said, laughing along with her.

“That was really cool, Jinyoung” Sori complimented.

“What do you mean?” he asked. “Standing up for your stylist like that” Sori smiled. “I just don’t want another dream of hers to be taken away by her husband” he sighed.

Sori couldn't stop smiling at Jinyoung. Once she realized, she immediately stopped and looked down "Get it together. he's probably creeped out"


“So... why did you call me here for? I thought I was going to get a private session with B1A4” Sori pouted. “Aw, are you disappointed that it’s only me?” Jinyoung asked. “No, it’s kind of a relief. I still get nervous in front of the other 4. I still feel like I’m their fan” Sori confessed. “So… you don’t see me as an idol anymore? Then what do you see me as?” Jinyoung asked in anticipation.

“Someone...someone who makes really good food” Sori grinned.

“Well today, I wanted to show you something other than my cooking” Jinyoung smiled. “What is it? What’s better than food” Sori joked. “Well, do you know how when we first met you at the hospital…you requested something that we couldn’t do?” Jinyoung reminded, getting out his guitar. “Huh?” Sori begun to think about what happened that day. “Oh you mean-" Suddenly Jinyoung began to play a song on his guitar.

Sori formed a wide smile on her face while Jinyoung sat next to her singing.  “Starlight song” she whispered as she listened to him sing.

Sori admired Jinyoung’s concentrated expression as he sang. She felt her heart flutter and cheeks turn red, she looked down in embarrassment. “I think I like him…too much for my own good” she thought.


A song sung to the starlight by a boy who has fallen in love, say

Have you been doing well,

Are you hurt anywhere,

do you happen to be crying alone 

Looking sad, I only see you

The love is stronger with our chemistry


When the song ended, Jinyoung looked up at Sori to see her reaction. Sori just stared at him until she had realized that the song was over.  “That was great” Sori clapped. “Thanks Jinyoung, I didn’t think you would play it for me” She smiled while looking down at her feet. She was too afraid to look Jinyoung in the eyes. She knew if she did, he would sense something off about her. Even with her efforts, Jinyoung could still see her red cheeks and bit his lip while smiling.

“Sori-ah, there’s something else I wanted you to hear…” he said, grabbing her hand and leading her to a chair. He sat her down and put her hair behind her ears as he gently slid headphones over them.

“Not too loud, I can’t listen to loud music, especially from headphones” Sori alerted.

“Don’t worry, I already set the volume on low and checked it just incase” Jinyoung reasurred as he pressed the play button. Jinyoung stared at Sori in anticipation.


“Isn’t this… my song?” Sori was shocked when she heard her voice playing. “This is my song!” Sori exclaimed putting her hands over . “Since you couldn’t hear it after your first operation, I wanted you to hear it now” Jinyoung said, smiling. “Wow, you mixed it well” Sori said, smiling. She closed her eyes and listened to it intently.

Jinyoung stood in front of Sori, watching her expression closely.  Jinyoung’s gaze moved from her eyes to her lips. "I shouldn’t…" he thought. As seconds, that felt like minutes, passed by, Jinyoung found he couldn’t resist anymore. He moved closer to Sori’s face, her eyes still closed. He put both of his hands on top of hers that were holding the headphones over her ears. Sori's eyes immediately opened and her heart sunk once she realized how close Jinyoung’s face was to hers, but she couldn’t move. Sori closed her eyes shut as her heart beat began to race. What is he doing! what should I do! She thought. Jinyoung moved closer allowing his lips to gently touch hers. 

Sori slid the headphones off of her head, as Jinyoung pulled away. He stared at her, his face still close to hers. Sori’s complexion just stared at Jinyoung blankly, her emotions were all over the place and she didn’t know how to react. Jinyoung leaned in and kissed her again, this time more deeply. After a few moments Sori put her hand on Jinyoung's shoulder, and pushed her face away from his “wait Jinyoung...” Sori said standing up.

“we- we can’t” She hesitated.

“we can’t what?” Jinyoung asked. “we can’t be in this kind of relationship” Sori finally said, her head still down. “Why not?” Jinyoung asked, he took her hand hoping that she’d look at him. “I want us to just be friends” Sori replied.

“Look me in the eyes and say that” Jinyoung requested. Sori looked up at Jinyoung but she couldn’t say it. “Tell me you only see me as a friend, tell me you don’t have other feelings for me” Jinyoung said, waiting for her response.

“I can’t lie to him” Sori thought. “The truth is…I like you a lot Jinyoung. I tried not to, since it would be easier for the both of us but…. I like you” Sori confessed.

“Then what’s the problem? Why are you so afraid?” Jinyoung asked.

“Because, I like you too much to start a relationship with you. I can handle my horrible parents, I can handle a creepy stalker, I can even handle bullies and people judging me, but I can’t handle losing someone I love because of the people I hate” Sori confessed.

“Sori-ah, I’m not going to leave you. I told you before that I didn’t take dating seriously because I always thought it would end. It’s different when I look at you. I don’t see an end when I look at you” Jinyoung genuinely confessed. 

Jinyoung took Sori’s other hand and put them in his “I know it’s a big request but… can you trust me Sori?” Sori thought about Jinyoung’s question. It led her to think about all the things Jinyoung had done for her in the past. She thought about why she was so afraid to take a step closer to him and she realized…

“It’s not you, that I don’t trust. It’s the people around us and the circumstances both of us are in. But…in the end…I trust you as a person, Jinyoung. I want you to honestly think about this, do you think you can handle what happens after this? Can I trust that you won’t just run away?” Sori asked.

Jinyoung looked into her eyes without hesitation “I wouldn’t be doing this if I wasn’t sure. I don’t ever want to hurt you, Sori. I know you can protect yourself but I never want to see you get hurt again, by anyone” Jinyoung said.  

Sori didn’t know what to say, she had never felt this way before. She looked at Jinyoung for a while “he seems sincere, but what if I’m wrong, again.” Sori thought.

Jinyoung sat Sori down on the couch and kept holding her hand. “I should give her time to think” he thought.

“Jinyoung, can you promise me something?" Sori suddenly asked. Jinyoung nodded his head. "If anything bad happens to you, you have to tell me. If my mom or dad threatens you, tell me. If Haejin does something to you, tell me. You can’t hide anything from me. I hate it when guys hide things because they want to fix them on their own. If something happens to me, I can deal with it. What I’m not okay with is something happening to you because of me” Sori revealed.

“l promise” Jinyoung said, unable to hold back his smile, “can I hug you?” he asked. “no, I have one more thing to tell you” Sori said, looking serious.

“What is it?” Jinyoung asked curiously.

“You know how you asked me who my favorite B1A4 member was? Well….” Sori took a long pause as Jinyoung stared at her in anticipation  

“It’s shin…. you.” Sori said, giggling. “Really?!” Jinyoung asked, shaking Sori in disbelief  “I thought it would be Shinwoo” Jinyoung felt extremely satisfied. “I thought it was Shinwoo too…” Sori pouted.

Jinyoung cupped Sori’s face and pecked her lips out of nowhere. Sori’s eyes widened, “stop kissing me!” she said putting both of her hands against her cheeks in embarrassment. Jinyoung put his hands around Sori and hugged her. 

“I can’t wait to tell Dongin” Jinyoung said. “Dongin knew all along, didn’t he?” Sori said, raising an eyebrow.

“Maybe…” Jinyoung chuckled. 



Hello readers~ it was extremely painful writing that kiss scene but i made it. I hope you all don't cringe too much! I tried.

Oh and happy birthday to Shania Twain i love her <3

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Chapter 22: haha good mother^^^! finally :-)
Chapter 20: Oh! What a nutty father she got jeongmal :-(
Chapter 16: So interesting :-P :-P
Chapter 15: ohw~~ i reeeeeally like this story <3
Chapter 8: i really like this kid Dongin hehe
Bigbang101 #6
Chapter 36: The end already? :( Haha, you can already tell I loved the fanfic a whole bunch! You did such an amazing job & every chapter of this fanfic always gets me anticipating for the next chapter! Your writing is very vivid & i just want to tell you that you're a great writer. ^^ Anyways, i'm ready for your upcoming fanfic! >:D
fArhonEy #7
Chapter 36: Waaahhh..... it's the end? congrats author nim. Perharps a sequal?..
BANA911118 #8
Chapter 36: Great job author nim, you really seem like you've been writing for years! I really enjoyed this fic, one of my favorites. Looking forward to your future stories! HWAITING~
Chapter 36: Waaaah. So lovely. Congratulations on finishing your first fic authornim. You did better than I did with my first story. Hahahahahaha. Keep it up! Fighting! Thankyou for letting us join and experience such emotions with your fic. :))