

“How did it go?” Jinyoung immediately asked as Sori walked into her hospital room.

“Well” Sori simply responded.

“It went well? That’s good but you don’t look so well… Anything wrong Sori?” Jinyoung asked. “I’m just trying to take everything in now. So many things are going through my head at once” Sori explained. Jinyoung took Sori’s hand and led her to the couch on the other side of the room. He sat her down and handed her a cup of tea. “What’s on your mind?” He asked.

“You were right, my mom did leave my father.” 

“Really?!” Jinyoung exclaimed. “Uh-huh. She said she’s going to get a divorce too…” Sori added. “That’s great, right?” Jinyoung said happily. “Yeah, I’m happy she finally came to her senses. Tomorrow her and I will be going to my grandmas house to apologize for the past 22 years” Sori revealed.

“That must be weighing heavily on your mom… What else did she say?”

“Uhmm…” Sori looked down trying to avoid Jinyoung’s eyes. “Jinyoung-ah, I don’t want to stay in this hospital any longer. I’m going to sign out now. Let’s go to your dorm, I can stay there for a bit, right?” Sori suddenly asked.

“Of course you can” Jinyoung replied, a little surprised. He was going to ask her to stay at his dorm but he didn’t expect her to suggest it first. “Great, I’m going to go visit Dongin and then sign out. I’ll be right back” Sori smiled and left the room.

“I should spend as much time with Jinyoung before I have to leave”



“Sori-ah! You’re back!” Dongin chimed as Sori entered his room. “What happened? I didn’t hear any plates break so I’m assuming everything went well?” Dongin asked in anticipation.

“I- I don’t know how to feel. I’m happy but at the same time…”

“What on earth happened?” Dongin eagerly asked.

“The good news is that my mom is getting a divorce from my so called father, but the bad news is…” Sori suddenly stopped talking and sighed heavily. “What’s the bad news?” Dongin asked.

“Dongin… you have to promise me you won’t tell Jinyoung, okay?” Sori said.

“I won’t tell him, as long as you do tell him eventually” Dongin promised.

“I might be going to Japan until the divorce is settled…” Sori confessed.

“Japan?! You’re going to leave?! I was afraid this was going to happen...” Dongin sulked, upset at the thought of Sori not being around. “I’ll be really lonely with you gone… do you have to leave?” Dongin asked.

“I think I might have to… I don’t want to be far away from you either. Dongin, I…I wanted to become your guardian….legally” Sori suddenly confessed.

“What?” Dongin exclaimed, shocked at Sori’s words. “You wanted to adopt me?”

“Yeah…if you were okay with it. I’m sorry I’m telling you this now. I was only going to tell you once I got your parents permission but since I’ll be leaving soon…” Sori looked down at her lap, the more she looked at Dongin the more she wanted to cry. “I don’t want to leave Dongin-ah, I’ll miss you too much” She said through her tears.

Dongin moved closer to Sori and gave her a hug. “It’s going to be okay. I’ll wait for you. I’m sure with the help of your grandparents you’ll be back in no time!” Dongin comforted. “I’ll try my best to get better by the time you get back too.”

“Thank you Dongin, for everything. I’m not leaving you, remember that okay? I’m going to come back” Sori assured.

“I know you will” Dongin gave Sori a warm smile.




“Sister-in-law!” Baro greeted as Sori walked into their Dorm.  “At the hospital people think we’re engaged and now here” Sori sighed. 

“The hospital is my fault but here it’s all Baro’s” Jinyoung said, shifting the blame.

The rest of the boys greeted Sori happily but that didn’t help her to feel any more comfortable. She felt awkward staying at Jinyoung’s dorm but she told herself to just bear with it since she’d be leaving soon.

“You all must be really busy. I’m sorry for stealing Jinyoung away for these past few days” Sori apologized. “It’s okay, we’re on break now so it’s not that bad” Shinwoo reassured.

“That’s a relief “ Sori smiled. “You can go work, I’ll be fine” Sori said to Jinyoung.

“It’s fine, I’ll stay-"

“Go catch up on your work. I’m going to take a nap” Sori insisted.

“A-are you sure? I can do it lat-"

“Go!” Sori said, pushing him out the door along with the others.

“If you need anything call me, okay?” Jinyoung said, half way out the door.

“Here’s a blanket” Gongchan handed over before he followed the others.




“Hyung, what happened the past few days?” Sandeul asked. All of the members sat on the floor of the practice room and decided to take a break for a while.

“Yeah, why is Sori staying over? Did something happen again? Does she have a new stalker?” Baro asked curiously, “not that we mind or anything, it’s just so sudden.”

“Long story short: Sori’s father is a psycho and Sori and her mom are trying to get away from him now. It’s not safe for her to stay in her apartment anymore” Jinyoung explained.

“Didn’t you both just come from the hospital? What happened?” Shinwoo asked.

“She fainted after I told her about what her father said to me so I drove her to the hospital. She’s fine now” Jinyoung sighed heavily and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.

“No wonder why you seem so stressed” Sandeul said.

 “I don’t think her father will back down easily… is it even safe for Sori to stay in this country? Isn’t her father loaded with money? If he’s a psycho then who knows how he’ll use his power” Shinwoo added, making Jinyoung feel even more anxious. 

“At least her and her mother made up, right? I’m sure her mother will protect her” Gongchan reasoned, trying to comfort Jinyoung. “But…I wish I could protect her too” Jinyoung said, filled with distress.

 “One second, I’m getting a call” Shinwoo excused, getting up and leaving the room.



“Hyung!” a little boy chimed.

“Who is this?” Shinwoo asked confused.

“Dongin, Oh Dongin. Did you already forget me?” Dongin pouted.

“Ahh! Oh Dongin! How could I forget” Shinwoo said happily.

“Lower your voice, hyung. Jinyoung isn’t around is he?” Dongin asked.

“Why? Do you want to talk to him-"

“No!  I want to tell you something but you can’t tell Jinyoung, okay?” Dongin said.

“Huh? I- I don’t know if I can keep a secret from Jinyoung though. The members don’t keep secrets from each other” Shinwoo mentioned, scratching the back of his head.

“It has to do with him and Sori, though. This is Sori’s secret. She told me not to tell Jinyoung but she never said not to tell you…” Dongin said.

“You’re getting me curious now. Why would you want to tell me anyways?” Shinwoo asked, confused.

“Because, you need to make sure Jinyoung and Sori get to spend as much time together as possible before…” Dongin suddenly stopped talking.

“Before…? Before what!?” Shinwoo asked in anticipation.

“Will you keep the secret?” Dongin asked once again.

“Alright, I’ll keep the secret! What is it?”

“Sori will be moving to Japan soon. I don’t know when but I’m assuming she’ll be moving the day her mother files the divorce papers. Sori’s going to tell Jinyoung herself but she wants to spend these days happily with him so she’s not telling him yet” Dongin reaveled.  

“Sori’s moving?” Shinwoo asked, covering his mouth immediately after. He quickly made sure no one could hear him.

“Yes…so will you help me out? I’m kind of stuck in this hospital so…”

“Of course, you can count on me Dongin-ah. You just rest and get better” Shinwoo assured.

“Thank’s hyung! Tell the rest of the members I said Hi- oh wait don’t. Don’t tell them about this conversation. Bye hyung” Dongin said before hanging up.


Shinwoo went back into the practice room, trying to grasp the conversation he just had with Dongin. “How will Jinyoung take the news when he finds out…”

“Jinyoung, go to Sori” Shinwoo suddenly ordered.

“Huh?” Jinyoung said, confused. “Your mind is with her so you might as well go to her. She’s probably feeling more stressed than you are right now, you should go comfort her” Shinwoo advised. He subtly patted Baro on the shoulder, signaling him to support his words.

“Y-yeah, you should go” Baro suddenly added.

“But I’ve been gone for the past 3 days, are you guys sure? Shouldn’t I-"

“No, no, it’s fine just hurry and go” Shinwoo said dragging Jinyoung out of the room.

“What’s going on?” Sandeul asked. “Don’t ask me, I’m just going along with it” Baro said.


“Thank god he’s gone” Shinwoo said, entering the room again.

“What’s going on, hyung?” Gongchan asked.

“I can’t say since we all know how well Sandeul and Baro keep secrets” Shinwoo said sarcastically.

“Hey!” Baro and Sandeul yelled in unison. “That’s not true!” Sandeul defended.

“Jinyoung and Sori just need to spend some time together before Sori leaves.”

“Leaves?” Baro asked.

“” Shinwoo let out, face palming himself.

“What do you mean leaves? Like leaves our dorm or leaves the country… Hyung, what you said before about Sori not being safe in the country…do you know something we don’t?” Sandeul asked curiously.

“I didn’t know when I said that but I just got a call from Oh Dongin, Sori’s moving to Japan soon due to her parents' divorce” Shinwoo explained. He felt regretful for letting it slip.

“Dongin put his faith in me and he told me Sori’s going to tell him herself. Promise me you won’t say anything” Shinwoo pleaded.

“We promise” The 3 members said in agreement.

“Poor Jinyoung, I wish you never told us. How am I going to act normal around him knowing that she’s leaving? He seems to love her a lot. He’s dated girls before but this is the first time he’s really loved one” Baro said worriedly.



When Jinyoung arrived back at the dorm it was already 10pm. He found Sori fast asleep on the couch. “Why are you sleeping on the uncomfy couch?” Jinyoung mumbled as he crouched beside her. “Sori-ah, let’s go to my room” he whispered. He carefully picked her up but Sori slowly opened her eyes.

“Jinyoung?” she called, confused as to what was going on.

Jinyoung walked to his room and laid her carefully on his bed. “I was fine on the couch” Sori mumbled, half awake. “Here you’ll be more comfortable. You think I’d let you sleep on the couch?” Jinyoung refused.

“But then where are you going to sleep?”

“On the couch” Sori slowly got up at Jinyoung’s reply.  Before Sori could get up, Jinyoung pushed her down.

“You haven’t slept properly for the pat few days!” Sori whined. “I won’t be able to sleep properly knowing I’m stealing your bed”

“Alright, I guess we’ll have to share the bed then” Jinyoung said shifting Sori to make room for him to sleep. “Did you forget how embarrassed I was the last time they caught us sleeping beside each other!” Ignoring Sori’s words, Jinyoung closed the lights and laid next to her.

“Goodnight Sori-ah.” Jinyoung said, giving her a goodnight kiss on her forehead.

"Ya! Jung Jinyoung!" Sori said in shock. "What's wrong? Did you want a kiss on the lips instead?" “Goodnight Jinyoung” Sori replied, trying to sound annoyed but really she was smiling to herself. She was secretly happy with Jinyoung sleeping next to her.  She kissed him on the cheek and quickly hid underneath the sheets in embarrassment.

“Sometimes I forget you’re older than me” Jinyoung laughed. “Hey! I’m not use to this kind of stuff, okay?” Sori defended  “It’s okay, you’re cute when you’re shy” He complimented, her hair.

Sori felt a rush of sadness hit her heart. She realized that this would all end soon. Her eyes grew watery but luckily that all couldn’t be seen in the dark.

“I love you, Jinyoung” Sori suddenly said.

Jinyoung was a little taken aback by her sudden words, but it was a good kind of surprise that made him feel all giddy. “I love you too, Sori-ah.” Jinyoung put her in his arms and her hair until she fell asleep.




Sori woke up to the sound of her phones alarm. She had to wake up early to meet her mom. They had decided to go visit her grandparent’s house and apologize as soon as possible.

“Jinyoung-ah, wake up! You have a schedule today” Sori reminded, shaking him lightly. There was barely any response. “Jinyoung, wake up before I pour a bucket of water on your face” Sori said, repeatedly shaking him.

Jinyoung suddenly tightly wrapped his arms around Sori, making her stop.

“Ya! Jung Jinyoung!” She yelled.

“Let’s just stay like this for 10 more minutes” He responded. “I’ll die from lack of air if we stay like this for another minute” Sori said as she halfheartedly tried to get out of his embrace.

“Shh” Jinyoung said closing his eyes.

“Shinwoo!! Baro, Jinyoung has gone crazy!” Sori jokingly called.

“What is it?” Shinwoo said, running to Jinyoung’s room.

He burst out into laughter the minute he walked into the room.

“Don’t just stand there!” At Sori’s command, Shinwoo quickly unlatched Jinyoung’s arms around her.

“I can breath” Sori said letting out a breath of air.

“Jinyoung, you were going to kill your girlfriend” Shinwoo scolded. “I can’t tell. No matter how tight I hold her, it’s not close enough” Jinyoung said with a smile. “I’m going to vomit from how corny you sound right now” Shinwoo commented, laughing.

“You guys!” Baro yelled running into Jinyoung’s room.

“What is it?” Shinwoo asked as Sandeul and Gongchan followed Baro.

“Check the gossip sites…” Sandeul said. Jinyoung quickly took out his phone; his eyes wide open at the pictures that were sent to him.

“What is it?” Sori asked worriedly.

“It- it’s nothing… You have to see your mother today right” Jinyoung said, trying to change the subject.

“You think I’m stupid?” Sori said, grabbing the phone out of his hands.

“What…how...who...” Sori shrieked, shocked. They were pictures of the day Sori and Jinyoung went to the beach. “Who took these photos? Who would even know it was us? It was so dark….unless”

“Unless what?” Baro asked.

“Someone followed us….” Sori said, her stomach boiling in anger. “My father must have had someone follow us”

“it’s already begun” Sori thought. “This is why I have to leave”

“It’s not a big deal, don’t worry about it. It’s my fault anyway, I’m the one who insisted on going to the beach” Jinyoung comforted, trying to calm her down.

“There’s a picture of both of you kissing…” Baro added.

“Shh” Shinwoo nudged Baro.

“I- I’ve gotta go” Sori excused, quickly getting up.

“Where are you going? You haven’t even eaten yet” Jinyoung mentioned, worried at what Sori was going to do. “I said I’d make sure you weren’t in between all of this. I have to go clean up this mess” Sori revealed, grabbing her car keys.

“Sori! Wait!” Jinyoung called, grabbing her arm.

“Don’t try to stop me, Jinyoung” Sori demanded.

“Look at me Sori, I’ll take care of this, okay? Just for once let me take care of one thing!” he insisted. “Go see your mother and help her apologize, that’s the most important thing” he tried to convince.

“I’m leaving” Sori continued, taking Jinyoung’s hand off of her.

“Promise me you’ll only go see your mother” Jinyoung pleaded.

Sori looked at Jinyoung's distressed expression regretfully for a few moments before replying. “I can’t” Sori said before she left.

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Chapter 22: haha good mother^^^! finally :-)
Chapter 20: Oh! What a nutty father she got jeongmal :-(
Chapter 16: So interesting :-P :-P
Chapter 15: ohw~~ i reeeeeally like this story <3
Chapter 8: i really like this kid Dongin hehe
Bigbang101 #6
Chapter 36: The end already? :( Haha, you can already tell I loved the fanfic a whole bunch! You did such an amazing job & every chapter of this fanfic always gets me anticipating for the next chapter! Your writing is very vivid & i just want to tell you that you're a great writer. ^^ Anyways, i'm ready for your upcoming fanfic! >:D
fArhonEy #7
Chapter 36: Waaahhh..... it's the end? congrats author nim. Perharps a sequal?..
BANA911118 #8
Chapter 36: Great job author nim, you really seem like you've been writing for years! I really enjoyed this fic, one of my favorites. Looking forward to your future stories! HWAITING~
Chapter 36: Waaaah. So lovely. Congratulations on finishing your first fic authornim. You did better than I did with my first story. Hahahahahaha. Keep it up! Fighting! Thankyou for letting us join and experience such emotions with your fic. :))