Found out


Sori arrived back at her apartment around 3am. She was dead tired but knew that she wouldn’t be able to sleep either way. Her heart remained anxious from the fear that still lingered.

She opened the door to her apartment, expecting to see a big mess but was surprised to see that the apartment was spot clean. Not a piece of shattered glass remained on the floor. “Did the security clean this…?” she asked herself. When Sori walked into her living room she almost screamed but stopped herself. “Is that…Jinyoung?” she whispered. He was asleep on her couch. “Why didn’t he go back home” she thought.

She crouched on the floor and looked at his sleeping complexion. “He’s really knocked out,she whispered. Jinyoung flinched making Sori stand up, she was afraid of waking him. “He looks cold, I should get him a blanket.” Sori opened up a small closet that contained several blankets for every possible weather condition. Buying blankets was one of her many obsessions. She picked one out and laid it over Jinyoung. She stared at him a while longer before going back into her room to take a nap.

Unfortunately, Sori wasn’t able to fall sleep. She laid there for hours thinking about what had just happened. She looked at the clock on her bedside table “It’s 5AM” she sighed. Sori picked up her pillow, a small blanket and made her way back into the living room “maybe I’ll be able to sleep in here?” she thought.

She slowly laid on a couch parallel to Jinyoung. She looked at him in worry. His face was bruised and beaten which made Sori's heart ache. She decided to clear her mind and closed her eyes. In a few minutes, she slowly fell asleep.


Sori woke up at the smell of something. “Food” she mumbled half asleep. She slowly opened her eyes and took a look at her watch “9AM, it’s too early.” She grumbled, rolling to her side. “But…why does it smell so good…” Sori mumbled.

“Sori-ah, wake up.” Jinyoung said, pushing her shoulder. Sori sat up and scratched her head “Jinyoung? You’re here?” Sori asked, confused. Oh right, he slept here Sori recalled. “I made breakfast and it’s not cereal,” Jinyoung smiled. “ouch” he let out, touching his lip. It hurt for him to move his face.

“You need a first aids kit first,” Sori advised, getting up. She opened a drawer in the kitchen and got out a first aid kit. “Here, put something on your bruises,” Sori said, handing it to Jinyoung.  Jinyoung opened the kit and scratched his head.

“I don’t know how to apply this stuff… what do I use?” Jinyoung asked, confused. “Can you help me, Sori-ah?” Sori smiled at his puzzled expression. “I’ll try, I caught on to some things after staying at the hospital for so long. Sit down.” Sori led Jinyoung to the couch and sat beside him.

“This is going to sting a little bit, it’s rubbing alcohol,” Sori said, pouring a small amount on a cotton swab. “Hold still” she put her hand under his chin and pressed the cotton swab on his lips.

Jinyoung eyes were glued to Sori, who was intently disinfecting his lip. “I said hold still!” Sori repeated, tilting her head up at Jinyoung eye level. Jinyoung gaze on hers made her heart sink, she immediately turned her attention back to his lip. Why is he staring at me like that?” she worried.


Sori quickly finished up and put the rubbing alcohol back in the kit, closing it shut.

“Jinyoung-ah, I want to say sorry for accidently calling you yesterday but… I’m not. I’m thankful, actually. The thought of what might have happened if you didn’t come, scares me” Sori confessed.

Jinyoung gave her a bright smile.

“Why are you smiling so much?”

“You called me Jinyoung-ah” he said. Sori laughed at how happy he looked “Jinyoung-ah, you know what’s funny. I’m older, but I’ve been using formal language with you, while you’ve been using informal language with me. Hmm ” She laughed.

“You’ve just noticed that?” Jinyoung chuckled.

“Ah, the food! It’s going to be cold now!” Sori realized, running to the kitchen, excited to eat. Jinyoung smiled at her “I didn’t make anything special.”

Sori opened the lid of the pan on the stove “omelet!” Sori smiled. She cut it in half, putting one on Jinyoung's plate, and one on hers.

“Let’s eat.” Jinyoung said, putting a bite in his mouth. “I was going to start whether you said that or not.” Sori replied, chowing down her food.


“Sori-ah, what happened yesterday? Did Haejin go to jail or?” Jinyoung asked worriedely.

Jinyoung and Sori were at the sink, washing the dishes together.

“Go to jail? He barely made it to the cell. His parents came just in time to hand them the money to let him go. What a joke our system is!” Sori sighed.

“Aren’t you scared of staying here? What if he comes back, I think it’s best you stay somewhere else,” Jinyoung said, concerned. “Should I invite her to stay at our dorm or would that be weird?” Jinyoung wondered.

“I’m scared… but I’m not going to just keep running away from him. Who is he to make me go through so much trouble? I’ll find a way to get rid of him,” Sori replied, drying a plate with a towel.

“Until then, don’t sleep here… do you… perhaps want to-“

“I’ll sleep in Dongin’s room. The couch in his room is pretty comfortable.” Sori interrupted, putting away the plate in its place.

“Won’t that be... uncomfortable for you though?” Jinyoung asked. “No, it’ll be fine. I’m not that picky” she replied with a reassuring smile, but it only made Jinyoung feel more flustered. He couldn’t help but feel a little regretful. He looked at his watch to see what time it was. “It’s already 10AM?! I’m going to be late! I have a schedule. I’ll call you later Sori, make sure your phone is with you and make sure to pick up!” he said, running to the door. “Hey, you forgot to clean a plate!” Sori joked as he left. “I’ll make it up to you Sori-ah, bye!”



“Dongin-ah! I’m rooming with you tonight, alright?” Sori informed, setting down her bag on the couch. “I heard,” Dongin replied getting out of his hospital bed to greet Sori with a warm hug.

“You heard? From who?” Sori questioned.

“Jinyoung-hyung. He told me that you were going to room with me tonight. But it turns out you can’t, sorry” Dongin pretended to look disappointed.

“Can’t? Why?” she doubted, raising an eyebrow.

“well you see…umm… they won’t allow it!” Dongin lied. “but no worries Sori-ah, I told Jinyoung and he said you can stay at their dorm for the night,” Dongin comforted, patting her arm.

“You did what!?” Sori yelled. “H-how could you do that! I’m not going to sleep in B1A4’s dorm; I’ll just book a hotel room!” Sori exclaimed.

“Eh! No! you can’t do that! He’s already on his way. He’s coming by bus too, so you can’t just not go!” Dongin whined. “What’s going on here Dongin-ah?” Sori asked suspiciously.

“Why are you so resistant! You know you want to go, so just listen to me!” Dongin pouted. “Oh, Dongin-ah, there’s no way I’m going to sleep in B1A4’s dorm, but nice try,” Sori refused, patting Dongin’s head.

“Jinyoung-hyung!” Dongin exclaimed, pushing Sori and running to give Jinyoung a hug. “Jinyoung-hyung, Sori is being mean!” Dongin whined. Sori chuckled at Dongin’s little act. “Is she? Sori-ah, stop being mean to Dongin! Don’t you know how precious he is” Jinyoung jokingly scolded. Dongin stuck his tongue out at Sori.

 Sori let out a puff of laughter. “This little..” she mumbled. 

“It’s my bed time now so I’ll need both of you to leave.” Dongin informed, grabbing Sori’s things and handing them to her. Sori shot Dongin a dirty look. Dongin took both Sori and Jinyoung’s hands and led them outside his room “The next time I see you, you’re dead.” Sori mouthed to Dongin. “Bye love birds” Dongin waved running back into his room. “Love birds? This little!” Sori cursed under her breath. “Let’s go Sori-ah” Jinyoung pulled Sori’s arm.


“Jinyoung-ah, I’m just going to book a hotel room, I don’t want to trouble you and your members,” Sori excused. “There’s no need to do that. It’s no trouble; all the members are asleep anyways,” Jinyoung assured. “umm bu-“ “Sori-ah, what are you thinking? You don’t have to worry, I’ll take care of you” Jinyoung said, winking at Sori.

“Yah! I’m not thinking anything like that, okay!” Sori’s cheeks began to turn red.

“Sori-ssi” someone interrupted. It was Nurse Jung.

“Nurse Jung, I haven’t seen you for a while,” Sori greeted, bowing. Jinyoung bowed along with her.

“You must be very happy at the news,” Nurse Jung smiled.

“What news?” Sori asked, confused. “Your mom hasn’t told you yet?” Nurse Jung asked.

“My mom? Huh? I don’t know what you’re talking about. Why would my mom know something I don’t?” Sori asked. “The doctor told her that you can get your hearing back if you got another operation. Although you’ll have to use a hearing aid, it’s great news!” Nurse Jung said.

Sori felt overwhelmed. She almost fell until Jinyoung held her up. “Sori-ah, are you okay” Jinyoung asked. “I…I need to sit down,” Jinyoung lead her to a chair. “I’ll go get you some water” Nurse Jung said.

Jinyoung sat beside her quietly, giving her some space.

“I can hear again? Why would mom not tell me I could hear again?….How could she keep this away from me?” Sori's fingers curled up in frustration “is my mom really this cruel?”.

“Sori-ssi, here, drink some water” Nurse Jung offered, taking a seat next to her. “I would have told you myself if I had known your mom wasn’t going to tell you. Sori, if you want to do the operation, then tell me. I’ll get you the forms and you can fill them out.” Sori looked at Nurse Jung and thought for a while, “Of course I want to do the operation, bring me the forms, please” Sori requested.

Sori filled out the forms for the operation. “When, do you want to have it?” Nurse Jung asked. “…As soon as possible.” Sori replied hesitantly. “Alright, then in 2 days come to the Hospital in the morning so we can prepare you, and then at around 2pm you’ll get the operation done. Stay strong Sori-ssi” Nurse Jung smiled, took the papers from Sori and left.


“Sori-ah, is everything okay?” Jinyoung said, scooting beside her. He overheard their conversation. “yeah, I’m fine I guess. But I can’t get over this rage I feel in my chest. How could my mom not tell me this…” Sori looked down at her lap. Jinyoung held her hand to comfort her. “Just be thankful that you ran into the Nurse for now.”

“Ice cream” she mumbled. “What?” Jinyoung couldn’t hear what she was saying. “I want some ice cream,” Sori voiced, looking at him. Jinyoung looked at her confused, she had a serious expression on her face and he didn’t know whether to laugh or not.

“Jung Jinyoung, let’s go get some ice cream!” Sori exclaimed, getting up and pulling his arm. He was shocked at her sudden informality, but he was undeniably happy.

Sori bought two popsicles and gave one to Jinyoung, “let’s eat it on our way to the car," Sori suggested. “Uhm, I came by bus, I don’t have a car.” Jinyoung alerted. “I do, it’s in the Hospitals parking lot” Sori informed, leading the way.



Jinyoung opened the door slowly as to not wake any of the members. “Come in” he whispered. leading her inside. Sori hesitated to walk in “this was a bad idea” she thought.

Jinyoung pulled her inside “don’t worry,” he reassured.

“I’m going to sleep on the couch,” Sori told, putting her things on the ground. “Can you get me a pillow and a blanket?” Sori requested.

“You can sleep in my bed, I’ll sleep on the couch,” Jinyoung insisted, picking up her things. Sori stopped him “Jinyoung-ah, I either sleep on the couch or I sleep in the hallway” Sori smiled, taking her things out of his hands. “Alright… hallway it is” he joked. He set her things on the couch. “I’ll go get you a pillow and a blanket” Jinyoung said.


“So have you thought of how you’re going to get rid of Haejin?” Jinyoung asked, taking a seat beside her. Sori was distracted texting Dongin.

“Sori-ah” Jinyoung tapped her on the shoulder to get her to look at him.

“Huh, did you say something?” Sori put away her phone.

“have you thought of how you’re going to get rid of Haejin?” Jinyoung repeated.

“Yes, I have actually. I’m going to use the quickest and the most obvious method” Sori said, “which is…?” “black mailing him of course. If he ever bothers me again I’ll tell everyone what he did and then he’ll never be able to get married to a rich family,” she smiled. “I think that’ll work on him but I’m still worried.” Jinyoung sighed. “Don’t worry Jinyoung-ah, after what happened my building has been tight on security, there’s no way he’s getting in.” Sori squeezed his shoulder and smiled at him.

“Sori-ah, on the day you’re released from the hospital, I’m going to take you somewhere, is that alright?” Jinyoung proposed. “Where to? What are we going to do?” Sori asked.

“It’s a surprise dummy! I said I’d make it up to you, I forgot to clean a plate today, remember?” Jinyoung explained. Sori covered ; she was trying hard not to laugh so she wouldn’t wake anyone. “I am deeply upset at those 5 seconds I lost cleaning that plate. You better have something amazing in store!” Sori joked.

Sori and Jinyoung sat there chatting for a while. Sori liked talking to Jinyoung because she was able to forget about all of her worries. Jinyoung also enjoyed Sori’s company, he found that their personalities matched and felt that he could talk to her about anything.


After a break of silence, without notice, both Sori and Jinyoung fell asleep on the couch. 

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Chapter 22: haha good mother^^^! finally :-)
Chapter 20: Oh! What a nutty father she got jeongmal :-(
Chapter 16: So interesting :-P :-P
Chapter 15: ohw~~ i reeeeeally like this story <3
Chapter 8: i really like this kid Dongin hehe
Bigbang101 #6
Chapter 36: The end already? :( Haha, you can already tell I loved the fanfic a whole bunch! You did such an amazing job & every chapter of this fanfic always gets me anticipating for the next chapter! Your writing is very vivid & i just want to tell you that you're a great writer. ^^ Anyways, i'm ready for your upcoming fanfic! >:D
fArhonEy #7
Chapter 36: Waaahhh..... it's the end? congrats author nim. Perharps a sequal?..
BANA911118 #8
Chapter 36: Great job author nim, you really seem like you've been writing for years! I really enjoyed this fic, one of my favorites. Looking forward to your future stories! HWAITING~
Chapter 36: Waaaah. So lovely. Congratulations on finishing your first fic authornim. You did better than I did with my first story. Hahahahahaha. Keep it up! Fighting! Thankyou for letting us join and experience such emotions with your fic. :))