Is it not meant to be?


“Why are you treating me so well Sori. Stop comforting me, I can’t handle it…” Aki said while Sori wiped away her tears.

“Why are you crying so much? Your make up is all gone now” Sori said shaking her head. “Sori, I’m not going” Aki said as she moved Sori’s hands away from her face. “Yes you are, now shut up” Sori insisted.

“Seriously Sori, I’m not going. There’s no point of me going without you” Aki persisted.

“Aki, you’ll get fired if you don’t go. You think you’re in any position to call the shots? All they do to us is order us around, and if we say no, we get fired, or if we’re lucky, we’ll just have a bunch of rumors getting spread around about how “unprofessional” we are” Sori said, rolling her eyes.

“Ugh, I know right. I hate that trash of a boss we have… Oh that reminds me, did you and Jinyoung make up?” Aki asked.

“Did you just call Jinyoung a piece of trash?” Sori laughed. “I didn’t mean it that way!” Aki defended.

“Well, I don’t know Aki… But, if that’s why you’re so upset about me not being sent to Korea, then don’t be. We didn’t make up and I’ve accepted that my personality isn’t suited to be in a relationship with anyone anyways…”

“Sori, don’t say that. It’s not you that’s the problem; guys are just raised to be s, especially in relationships. But there are some that are good… well maybe like 2 on the planet, but they’ll definitely find us” Aki said flipping her hair. “If not, we can just get married to each other” Aki joked.

“Sounds like a good idea.” Sori laughed.

“Let’s go, if our dumb boss finds us talking in the bathroom we’re both screwed” Sori said taking Aki’s hand.

“Wait… umm… I actually have an errand to run! You reminded me. I’ll see you later Sori!” Aki said before running off.


Sori made her way back to the recording studio leisurely. She hoped for everyone to be gone by the time she got there because she was in no mood to talk to anyone. Her heart still felt heavy and she just wanted to lie in bed for the rest of the day eating junk food.

“Sori, you’re back!” Namie said brightly. The rest of the members were still in the recording studio with her. “We’re already done so you can take the rest of the day off” Namie said.

Sori could tell that Namie was being extra nice to her because she felt sorry for her, but Sori didn’t really mind it and took her up on her offer. “Thanks. I’ll see you tomorrow” Sori left without taking a glance at Jinyoung. She didn’t want to see how his expression looked like.


“Sori, wait!” Jinyoung said as Sori walked down the hall.

“Jinyoung, I really don’t feel like talking right now...” Sori said tiredly.

“Then…when can we talk? I-I’m leaving tomorrow morning…” he said painfully.

“It doesn’t really matter…we’ve already said everything, haven’t we?” Sori said, expecting Jinyoung to not be pleased with her reply.

“Take care of yourself Jinyoung…” Sori said softly, forcing a small smile on her face “Goodbye” she said before turning around to leave.

Jinyoung was stunned “How can she just say goodbye so easily?” Jinyoung muttered to himself. “Hyung, she’s probably still really upset right now…” Gongchan said putting his hand on his shoulder. “I’m going to go out for a bit.” Jinyoung sighed.

“Where are you going? We’ll go with you.” Shinwoo offered.

“No, I want to go alone… I’ll be back later to pack.” The members knew they couldn’t stop him so they just let him go.


“Ryo, you have to do something about this. How can they send me instead of Sori? It makes no sense!” Aki raged.

“Aki, I don’t know… it’s really not in my hands…” Ryo said helplessly.

“What do you mean, you’re in a high enough position to do something about this. The boss loves you, can’t you try to convince him?” Aki pleaded.

“I’m sorry Aki, I can’t.” Ryo refused.

“Ryo, why can’t you at least try, huh? What, is it because you like Sori? Are you happy I’m leaving instead of her?” Aki said, crossing her arms angrily.

“N-no, that’s not it. Can you leave now? I have a lot of work to do!” Ryo said annoyed.

“Ryo, listen to me. Sori isn’t ever going to like you, alright? You aren’t her type, so just give it up already. The best way to move on and forget about her is to have her move back to Korea!” Aki said, trying to convince Ryo.

“I said leave!” he yelled.

“Fine, But one last thing. Sori has Family and friends waiting for her in Korea, she has people who have been waiting for her for the past 3 years. She has a life there, and if you really liked her at all, you’d try to help her out! But whatever, you’re so selfish and that’s exactly why Sori will never like you. Good riddance!” Aki yelled before she left, slamming the door behind her.



“I’m home.” Sori said as she walked into her apartment. “Youngie~” she chimed as she was greeted by her cat. “Aki, did he eat yet?” she asked.

“Yeah, why are you home so early though?” Aki asked as she channel surfed. “Namie let me go home early” Sori smiled. She sat down next to Aki and laid her head on her lap.

“Did you say bye to Jinyoung?” Aki asked curiously.

“I guess…” Sori sighed. “I was purposely cold to him…he needs to leave hating me. After yesterday, I was worried because it felt like we made up… but nothing was resolved.” Sori told.

“What’s wrong with feeling like you made up?” Aki questioned. “Because…I don’t want to miss him and vice versa. I want to continue hating him and I want him to hate me too. Everything would be easier if we both did.”

“Sori, Sori, Sori, you’re such an idiot.” Aki said cupping her hands around her face. “How is hating someone easier than missing them?” Aki said.

“I know I’m an idiot for thinking so...” Sori sighed. “I may look resilient to everything on the outside, but I really hate the feelings of longing for someone. I think we should piss each other off before you leave too” Sori joked.

“Well we better think of something soon because my flight is in a month” Aki informed. “In a month? Why the hell is it so soon?” Sori said sadly. “I don’t know! It’s like they hate me and want me to leave as soon as possible” Aki said annoyed.

“I’m going to be so lonely, I guess I’ll have to get another cat and name it Aki” Sori giggled.

“Huh, wait… the cat is named Youngie after Jinyoung? Why the hell am I just figuring this out now?” Sori laughed at Aki’s shocked expression.

“Idiot…actually I’m the idiot for naming it after him” Sori sighed. “Hey, you better not be mean to this cat because of him, alright?” Aki warned. “Yeah, don’t worry-“ Just then, there was a banging on the door.

“It’s not the stone age, who the hell bangs on doors these days? There’s a door bell for a reason…” Aki said getting up.  Sori sat up straight and waited to see who it was “if it’s some guy trying to sell something then just slam the door in his face” Sori said.

Aki got on her tippy toes and looked through the peephole “what the hell” Aki said as the person continued to bang the door.

“Who is it? Open the door so I can yell at them for making such a rukus” Sori stood up and walked over to Aki.

“Uhh, Sori… it’s Jinyoung…” Aki alerted.

“What? Why the hell is he here?” Sori said as he continued to bang the door. “I’m going to give him an ear full” She said as she finally opened the door. “What the hell Jinyoung!” Sori yelled as she opened the door.

“S-sori, you- you opened the door for me” he slurred while slowly walking inside the apartment.

“Oh my god, he’s drunk…” Aki said as she put her sleeve up to her nose. “Jeez boy, who drinks during the day light?” Aki said, shaking her head.

Jinyoung walked up to Aki and grabbed her hand. “Aki, y-you can’t leave, you have to let Sori leave instead” he pleaded while shaking Aki’s hand aggressively.

“What the hell Jinyoung, get away from her!” Sori ordered, pushing him away. 

Jinyoung approached Sori and hugged her tightly “I’m going to stay here with you…” he breathed.

“Aki, help, he’s suffocating me” Sori said as she used all her strength to push him away, making him fall to the floor. “Ow” he mumbled, rubbing the back of his head.

 “I’m going to call security, he’s scaring me Sori” Aki said worriedly.

“No, don’t! He’s a Korean idol group member. Do you know how much he’ll be in from his company and his fans? Imagine the head lines “B1A4’s Jung Jinyoung caught drunk in an apartment with 2 girls”” Sori explained, shivering at the thought.

“Fine, then let’s just throw him on the couch and take it from there” Aki and Sori picked Jinyoung up and carried him over to the couch “why the hell is he so heavy when he’s thin as a stick?” Aki groaned as they put him down.

“Sori, I-I need to talk to y-you” he managed to say, sitting up slowly.

“You stink, you can talk to me after you take a shower and gurgle your mouth with mouth wash 5 times” Sori said, waving her hands from the smell.

“Sori, go make him soup or something so he can sober up” Aki recommended. “He’s a better cook than the both of us combined, he can make himself soup” Sori refused. 

“Let me guess, he’s cooked for you the whole time while you were dating and you just paid for the restaurant bills?” Aki questioned. 

“How’d you know?” Sori giggled, rubbing the back of her head.

“Hurry your up then and go make him soup!” Aki ordered. “There’s canned mushroom soup in the cupboard and the instructions are on the can. If you can’t make that then I’m not marrying you” Aki said pushing her to the kitchen.

“Okay, okay, but do me a favor and make him take a shower” Sori said, giving in. “Huh? You want me to bathe him for you now?” Aki said crossing her arms. “No, you idiot! Just go to my room, there’s a bag of his clothes in the closet on the far left. Give him some of them and throw him in the bathroom” Sori explained.

“Why do you have a bag of his clothes?” Aki said raising an eyebrow. “Because I stole them so I can sell them on eBay for a thousand dollars a piece, now go!” Sori said shooing her away. “You have millions in the bank but still you stoop to these lows? I’m disappointed in you Kim Sori” Aki joked before she left.


By the time Jinyoung was done taking a shower, Sori had finally figured out how to make the soup. She turned off the heat under the pot and put some of it in a bowl. “The things I do for a boy I’m not even dating” Sori mumbled.

“Yeah right, you’re both inseparable even while you’re fighting” Aki said as she walked into the kitchen. “Go tell him to eat this before I throw it on your head” Sori threatened.

“Sori, you’re going to have to feed him.” Aki alerted.

“What?! If he’s capable of drinking multiple shots of liquor during the day then I’m sure he can lift up a spoon” Sori reasoned.

“No, Sori. He’s seriously out of it, unless you want him to break this bowl and have the soup go all over the floor, I suggest you feed him” Aki lied. She knew Jinyoung was capable of eating on his own, but she enjoyed watching her and Jinyoung interact and secretly wanted them to make up.

Sori sighed and walked into the living room. “Look at what you’ve put me through ever since you got here” Sori said as she sat beside Jinyoung. “Now you’re even making me feed you? You’re lucky Aki was here or else I would have thrown water at you and then kicked you out” Sori ranted.

“You don’t need to fee-“

“Shut up and eat Jinyoung” Aki blurted out. She gave Jinyoung a look, making him understand what she was doing.

“Open your mouth before I pour this on your head.” Sori said, bringing the spoon to his mouth.

“It’s hot” Jinyoung said opening his mouth. “You have to blow on it before you feed it to me” he said, smiling innocently as Sori gave him a death glare. Aki continued to laugh hysterically as she watched Sori feed Jinyoung.

“Youngie” Aki chirped as the cat walked into the room.

“Shhh!” Sori didn’t want Jinyoung knowing that she actually named her cat after him.

“Oops.” Aki giggled.

“You actually kept your promise and got a cat named after me” Jinyoung laughed. “Yeah, but don’t get too excited, I’m giving it away to Ryo tomorrow” Sori lied. “Don’t!” Jinyoung pouted. He picked up the cat and held it in his arms. “Yongie-ah, has Sori treated you well?” He said, smiling down at the pile of gray fur in his hands.

“He’s so cute, just like me” Jinyoung said. “Hah, as if” Sori scoffed. “Put my Youngie down and hurry up and eat” Sori said, Jinyoung obeying her orders.

“Wait a second… if you can pick up the cat then you can feed yourself” Sori said putting the bowl in his hands. Both Aki and Jinyoung laughed at their failed attempt.


After Jinyoung was done eating, Sori told him to hurry up and leave, but he refused. He insisted on staying until Sori would let him talk to her. Sori finally decided to drag him to the balcony so they could talk without disturbing Aki incase she started yelling at him.

It had gotten dark but the light from Sori’s apartment shun through the glass balcony doors. “What is it Jinyoung? Why did you get wasted like that?” Sori sighed as she leaned on the railing.

“I don’t know…I’ve never done that before so it’s unlike me. Honestly, everything I’ve done since that meeting with your mom is unlike me… Sori, I only started acting like a jerk since I found out you weren’t coming back, so it makes me angry when you say I’m no longer the person you loved” Jinyoung confessed.

“I know Jinyoung, so don’t get angry. But…I still think we don’t match each other anymore” Sori sighed.

“Why not? Why do we suddenly not match each other Sori? I don’t understand!” Jinyoung said, frustrated.

Sori couldn’t come up with a good answer so she completely avoided the question. “Look Jinyoung, I’m not leaving Japan anytime soon, so go find someone else” Sori said coldly.

“I can’t and I won’t. I’m not as simple as you think I am, Sori. I can’t just go find someone and move on, especially after meeting you. Why would I when we can just stay together?” Jinyoung refuted. “I know you could do better than me, but I’d like to think that you’ll be the happiest with me, just give me another chance. I’ll never feel the way about someone the way I feel about you” Jinyoung said genuinely.

“You only think that because you haven’t tried yet, Jinyoung! Why do you insist on staying in this relationship? Why can’t you just move on and let go of me!” Sori yelled out of frustration. Tears suddenly began to form in her eyes. “What the hell is this…” she said wiping away her tears.

“W-why are you crying? Sori, what’s wrong?” Jinyoung said putting his hand on her cheek.

“Jinyoung, do you not understand even after 3 years of us being a part? It’s a never-ending spiral. This company only sends one person from each team a year to another branch. That means that since Aki was sent to the Korean branch I won’t be back for another year. Or who knows, it could be even more than that! Do you know how many times I piss off my boss a day? And I’m sorry, but I can’t kiss up to that man for you, I have too much pride for that bull ” Sori yelled in frustration. “Why don’t you get it yet? I don’t know about you, but after seeing you after 3 years, I can’t handle you leaving again. I can’t go through those feelings of missing you again. The thought of you waiting for me is too much of a burden and I can’t handle saying goodbye to you anymore” Sori let out.

“Sori, didn’t you just hear me? I said there’s no one for me other than you. I can wait. We’ll be going back to Japan every few months, so we’ll manage” Jinyoung reasoned.

“I don’t want us to simply manage. I want us to be happy. You’ve given me hell this week but I’ve given you hell ever since we met so let’s just end it, Jinyoung!” Sori said, making tears form in her eyes again. “Aish, stop crying Kim Sori!” She thought.

Jinyoung looked at Sori hopelessly. “Come here” he quietly said, pulling her towards him and wrapping his hands around her. This time, Sori didn’t push him away. She buried her face in his chest until her tears stopped.

After a little while Sori raised her head and slowly got out of Jinyoung's embrace. He grabbed her hand, pulling her closer to him.

“What is he doing?” Sori thought.

Jinyoung gaze stayed glued on hers, making her heart beat quicken. Jinyoung softly put his hand on her cheek and leaned in towards her and planted his lips on hers.

Sori eyes closed tightly and her thoughts suddenly went blank. For a few moments, they forgot the stress they were feeling.

Since Sori wasn’t pushing Jinyoung away, he continued to kiss her, until she finally detached her lips from his.

“We can’t do this. You’re leaving tomorrow” Sori said, finally snapping back into reality.

“I’m sorry, I just- I just missed kissing you” he said, catching his breath.

“You shouldn’t have come here Jinyoung. You should leave, now” Sori said, grabbing his arm and dragging him to the front door.

“Sori, why are you acting like this?” Jinyoung said confused.

“Why did you have to come here and make me feel this away again! Just leave Jinyoung. Have a safe flight” Sori said, running off to her room before he could say anything else to her.

He was going to chase after her, but Aki stopped him. “Jinyoung, just leave her. You know she’s acting that way because she’s afraid of missing you, right? I’ll comfort her so you should go” Aki reassured.

“But what happens once you leave? Who’s going to comfort her then? “ Jinyoung said worriedly.

“I- I don’t know” Aki said, her head beginning to hurt at the thought. “Bye Jinyoung” Aki said before she closed the door behind him. She let out a heavy sigh and crouched down on the floor. “Sori…I’ll fix this…somehow”.



Sori woke up and saw that Aki wasn’t sleeping beside her “did she wake up early?”

She grabbed her phone that was on her bedside table and looked at the time “11AM?!” Sori shrieked when she saw how late it was. “Why didn’t Aki wake me up?”

Sori quickly got out of her bed and got ready for work. As she was opening up the fridge for a quick snack, she suddenly remembered something.

“I’m leaving tomorrow morning”

“Jinyoung!” She dropped the food out of her hand and ran out of the door.


When she arrived at the company building, she ran to the recording studio, but only found Namie there sitting alone.

“Namie, W-where are they?” Sori said in a shaky voice.

“Who? B1A4? They left a long time ago Sori… their flight was at 9AM. You didn’t know?” Namie said, concerned.

“Why didn’t I ask him…” Sori regretted. “Where’s Aki?” Sori asked.

“She was called in early in the morning by the boss so they can go over her transfer to the Korean branch” Namie explained. “Sori, are you alright, you look a little pale” Namie said getting out of her chair.

“I- I’m fine Namie… I’m going to go make some coffee” Sori said, turning around and leaving the room.

Sori slowly walked down the hall. She was in a daze and wasn’t paying attention to where she was going. “Was I too harsh last night? I didn’t mean to be but…it always comes out that way.”  Right then Sori bumped into someone.

“S-sori” she looked up to see Ryo nervously looking at her. “Oh, Hi Ryo… I don’t really have time to talk, I’ll see you later” Sori said, walking away.

“Wait Sori!” Ryo said catching up to her.

“What is it Ryo?” Sori asked. “I- I have something to give you…” he said taking something golden out of his pocket.

“Here” he said as handed it to Sori.

“My- my watch!” Sori said surprised. “I can’t believe he fixed it…” Sori said in disbelief as she inspected the watch. “Jinyoung asked me to give it to you, along with this” he said as he handed Sori a note. “Why didn’t he give it to me himself?” Sori muttered to herself.

“Sori… Jinyoung isn’t merely your hometown friend, is he?” Ryo asked curiously. “Why do you ask? Did you read the note?” Sori asked.“No, I didn’t but…the watch…it says S&J on it so I assumed-“

“He’s my…boyfriend, Ryo” Sori managed to admit. "or was..."

“Oh…” Ryo said with a gloomy expression on his face. “And he’s been waiting for you for 3 years now?” Ryo asked. “Ummm…yeah…” Sori said awkwardly. “And now he’ll have to wait another one…” Ryo said under his breath.

“Don’t concern yourself about it, Ryo… we’re practically broken up now given this situation…” Sori said forcing a smile on her face. “Well, bye” Sori said, walking away from Ryo who remained frozen there. He turned his head around and watched Sori walk away.


Sori ran into an empty studio and nervously opened up the note Ryo had passed on to her.

“Sori-ah, I fixed our watch, please continue wearing it, I’ll continue to wear mine too. Even if you choose to leave me… I just wanted you to know that you’ve given and taught me so many things. I’ll never forget them. I love you, Kim Sori.”

Sori’s heart felt heavy after she read his letter. A million thoughts ran through her mind and it led her to think about the time when they had first met, the time they started to fall for each other, the time they started dating, and the time they had to say goodbye. But she didn’t want this to be the end; she wanted their story to continue desperately “But how…” Sori sat down and cradled her head in her hands “Just breath”

“Sori, there you are!” Aki said barging into the studio out of breath.

Sori’s head shot up at Aki’s voice. “What’s wrong Aki?” Sori asked.

“The boss wants to see the two of us now… I think he’s going to fire us Sori!” Aki said in a shaky voice.

“What!? Why would he fire us? What on earth did we do this time?” Sori asked, confused.

“Well, you know how I wasn’t there in the morning? I woke up early to meet our Boss and… I only wanted to calmly ask him to think over sending me instead of you and it turned into me yelling at him for treating you like and…I’m Sorry…” Aki said putting her head down in shame.

“Aki, I told you not to say anything!” Sori said shaking Aki lightly.

“Whatever, it’s okay. Put your head back up” Sori said, holding Aki’s head to face hers. “Who cares if we get fired, I have enough money for the two of us, let’s just go in there and show him that he can’t trample over us anymore” Sori said confidently. She was secretly scared to death but she wanted to give Aki some strength.

“Alright, let’s do this Sori.” Aki said grabbing Sori’s hand tightly.

“We’re so screwed!” They both thought.


Both of them nervously sat in the two seats in front of their Bosses desk. Although they were both nervous on the inside, their expression remained cold on the outside.

“Do you know why I called you two down here?” Both of them didn’t say a word back and remained still.

Their Boss shook his head and slid a paper over to Sori.

“Sign it” he said.

Sori slowly looked down “Are you serious?” Sori said, shocked at what was written on the paper in front of her.



The end of this fic is near...

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Chapter 22: haha good mother^^^! finally :-)
Chapter 20: Oh! What a nutty father she got jeongmal :-(
Chapter 16: So interesting :-P :-P
Chapter 15: ohw~~ i reeeeeally like this story <3
Chapter 8: i really like this kid Dongin hehe
Bigbang101 #6
Chapter 36: The end already? :( Haha, you can already tell I loved the fanfic a whole bunch! You did such an amazing job & every chapter of this fanfic always gets me anticipating for the next chapter! Your writing is very vivid & i just want to tell you that you're a great writer. ^^ Anyways, i'm ready for your upcoming fanfic! >:D
fArhonEy #7
Chapter 36: Waaahhh..... it's the end? congrats author nim. Perharps a sequal?..
BANA911118 #8
Chapter 36: Great job author nim, you really seem like you've been writing for years! I really enjoyed this fic, one of my favorites. Looking forward to your future stories! HWAITING~
Chapter 36: Waaaah. So lovely. Congratulations on finishing your first fic authornim. You did better than I did with my first story. Hahahahahaha. Keep it up! Fighting! Thankyou for letting us join and experience such emotions with your fic. :))