Opening up


Sori grew to miss playing the piano a lot so she decided to go to a music store to pick out a keyboard. Even if she couldn’t hear what she was playing, she would know and felt that it would help her find some more peace within herself. The fear of feeling worse about her condition still lingered, but she knew she needed to keep pushing herself or else she’d end up depressed forever.


“Sori-ah? Didn’t think I’d bump into you here” Jinyoung called. Sori turned around at someone patting her shoulder. “Jinyoung-ssi” Sori said, surprised.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

“I’m looking around for a keyboard to buy…but it’s kind of hard to tell which sounds better” she voiced her frustration. “You’re going to continue to play? That’s great! I’ll help you. Which ones have you liked so far?” he asked.

She pointed at the two in front of her, “These two feel good. The keys aren’t too heavy but aren’t too light either.” “Why don’t you play both of them and ill tell you which sounds better.” he suggested.

“Good idea.” She smiled. Sori played a short piece on each of the keyboards and turned around to see what Jinyoung thought.

“The first one sounded better” He pointed. “Great, thanks a lot Jinyoung. Why are you here though?” she asked.

“I’m just looking around. I have some free time so I decided to come here” He explained. “Ahh” Sori nodded.

 “Sori-ah, are you free? Let’s do something together” He proposed.

“You want to spend your free time with me?” Sori hesitated. “Why, you don’t want to?” he sulked.

“No! that’s not it” Sori reasurred, smiling. “Let me just pay for this and we’ll leave. I’m not taking the keyboard home today anyways, I didn’t bring my car,” Sori alerted. 


“What kind of food do you like, Sori-ah?” Jinyoung asked. “Everything,” Sori chuckled. “What do you like the most?” he asked again. “Seafood?… I like seafood the most. I could live off of seafood noodles” Sori confessed. “Let’s go then” Jinyoung smiled, taking Sori’s hand. “Huh, where?” Sori asked, confused, “to eat seafood noodles” he said, dragging her to a restaurant.


They walked into a nearby restaurant that specialized in seafood noodles. Sori melted at the smell.

“I’m so hungry, all I ate was cereal” Sori revealed, sitting down at a table. “Cereal? You shouldn’t eat cereal, it’s really unhealthy for you” Jinyoung scolded. “Really? Oops..I kind of live off of it. That and instant noodles,” Sori laughed. “That’s like saying you live off of sugar and salt!” Jinyoung was shocked at Sori’s unhealthy diet.

“Wow, you’re right. I’m going to die of high blood pressure,” Sori joked.  “I’ve been too lazy to cook anything decent. But I’ll try” Sori said.


Jinyoung ordered 2 bowls of seafood noodles for him and Sori. Sori looked very excited to eat which made Jinyoung smile. He found it cute how excited she got whenever food was in the picture.

“Anything new happen? Any changes?” Jinyoung asked, concerned about her current condition and whether Haejin was still bothering her.

“With my condition? Not really… but I’m beginning to feel better, I guess. I don’t really ask them if my condition has changed anymore, I don’t want to be disappointed”

“I’m sorry” Jinyoung felt bad for asking.

“It’s okay” Sori smiled in reassurance. “Something good happened though. I think my mom finally decided to throw Haejin out in the trash” Sori laughed.

“Really? That’s great to hear… he wouldn’t take it well if she did though. He’s kind of violent, be careful Sori-ah”

“Don't worry. I'm going to make sure he never lays a finger on me again"

“Why is your mom pushing for him in the first place?” Jinyoung couldn’t understand why her mom wanted to get her married so early.

“Because, she’s desperate. My father never cared for her and now she’s desperate to receive some love from him. It’s really my father who wants me to get married and have children. He wants a man who can take care of his company when he passes“ Sori explained.

“Why a man?” Jinyoung asked.

“God forbid a women touches his money. Which is funny since he’s the one who used my mother’s wealth to get where he is today. Men are cowards, no offense” Sori laughed.

“non taken,” Jinyoung smiled at Sori. He was happy that she was opening up to him. “A few are nice though” Jinyoung winked. Sori burst out laughing. That was cute she thought.


“Sori-ah…have you ever had boyfriend before?” Jinyoung was hesitant to ask, but he was curious.

Sori was a little surprised at his sudden question but she didn't feel uncomfortable answering him. “Yeah…it wasn’t a very good experience. I’m sure there are great guys out there, my luck is just a bit off. I’ve also grown tired and lost interest” Sori confessed. “Jinyoung-ah, have you had a bad experience before…with a girl?” Sori asked.

“I never really took dating seriously… since I always knew it was going to end. I haven’t really had a desire to date…until recently” Jinyoung admitted, looking Sori in the eye. Sori could understand Jinyoung's feelings, but she wondered why he suddenly had an interest in dating.

“Food!” Sori chimed. The waiter set their bowls on the table. Sori lost her track of thought once the waiter placed the food in front of her. She immediately picked up her chopsticks and began to chow down her noodles. Jinyoung smiled at her before he did the same.



“The weather is really nice today” Sori mentioned, stepping out of the restaurant. It was beginning to get dark and the evening breeze was settling.

“Let me take you home, creepy Ajussies are usually out at this hour” Jinyoung offered.

“Sure, since creepy Ajussies are the worst” Sori cringed at the thought.


“Sori-ah, can I ask you something. It’s a very serious and important question that I need answered” Jinyoung looked at Sori and she looked at him in anticipation of what he was going to ask her.

“who’s your favorite member in B1A4?” Sori blankly stared at Jinyoung for 3 seconds until she burst out laughing. “that was your super serious important question? Wow Jinyoung” she said, continuing to laugh.

“It is important! You don’t understand, as an idol it is very serious to know these kinds of things!” Jinyoung exclaimed. He began to laugh at his own question. “Do I seem childish?” he asked.

“No, it’s cute.” Sori said, giggling at his embarassed expression.

“So…what’s your answer?” Jinyoung anticipated. Sori pretended to be deep into thought before she replied to him. “Hmm…my favorite is…type A.” Sori answered ambiguously.

“Type A? As in his blood type is A? Don’t joke with me like that, that leaves 4 members!” Jinyoung said, frustrated. “Oh, look at that! We’re here!” Sori chimed, pointing at her apartment. Well, see you later Jinyoung-ssi~” Sori sang, bowing before she proceeded to walk to the building's main door.

“Don’t add ssi to my name anymore” Jinyoung requested, "Okay Jinyoung-SSI" Sori turned around and stuck her tongue out at him, she didn't know how she was comfortable in acting so playful towards him now, but Jinyoung was feeling incredibly satisfied. “Bye Sori, be careful, okay?” Jinyoung waved.

“Ah, before I leave… I should tell you something else” Sori said, smiling deviously. “What is it?” Jinyoung questioned. “My favorite member was born in 1991… Seeya Jinyoung!” Sori exclaimed, running into her apartment building.

“1991…. That leaves Shinwoo and I! Sori-ah!” Jinyoung yelled but Sori had already gone inside.



Sori made her way to her room door happily for the first time in a while. She was humming a song but abruptly stopped when she sensed that someone was following her. She turned around but found no one. “I’m just paranoid I guess” she thought.

Sori unlocked her room door and went inside, while pushing the door shut it suddenly flew open, banging the wall against it.

“what in the- H-Haejin? How did you get in here?!” Sori said, shocked. Sori was about to shoot a snarky remark at him until she saw the scary look in his eyes. She quickly got out her phone.

“what am I doing here? Sori, do you know what you’ve done?”

“what are you talking about Haejin, I haven’t done anything to you! You're the one who's been giving me !” Sori defended.

“That’s exactly it. You haven’t done anything. You haven’t accepted my gifts or my calls, nothing! And now your mother said she’s cutting me off and it’s all your fault!” he yelled, throwing a flower vase to the floor. Sori’s heartbeat began to quicken. What if he does something to me Sori was having a panic attack; she quickly pressed the redial button on her phone.

“Who are you calling, you think you’re going to get away from me!” he said, throwing the phone on the couch.


“Hello, Sori-ah?” Jinyoung was standing at a nearby bus stop. “Sori-ah?” Jinyoung repeated. Jinyoung's hands started to shake at the sound of Sori screaming. “Haejin” He immediately began to run back to her apartment.


“Haejin, calm down! Are you drunk? Haejin, get out right now before I call security” Sori yelled with a shaky voice, she was trying her best to act tough but Haejin saw right through it. “You think I’m scared of that? Listen Sori, you should know damn well that rich people can get out of anything. I don’t care if you call the cops on me, I’m going to teach you a lesson today” Haejin smirked and grabbed Sori's wrist. Sori started screaming for help.

“I told you to be a good little girl, Sori. This is what happens when you don’t do I say. Your mom seems to be upset that you aren’t pregnant yet, well maybe we’ll get lucky tonight then” Haejin said, pushing Sori to the floor. Sori struggled to get back up. Right when Haejin was going to hold Sori down, something came flying and hit Haejin on the head.

“Didn’t I warn you if you touched Sori again I’d beat you to a pulp?!” Jinyoung yelled. He ran to Haejin and kicked him to the ground. He then went to help Sori back up.

“Sori ah, go in your room and lock the door!” he ordered, Sori quickly nodded in response. The fear that filled her eyes broke Jinyoung's heart and only made him more furious.


Sori ran and called security using her room phone. “Help! Someone broke into my house! He’s almo-“ Sori stopped talking when she heard the sound of something smash against the wall. She immediately put down the phone and ran outside.

She saw Jinyoung on the floor with Haejin on top of him. Something was in Haejins hand, it looked like a piece of glass. Sori panicked, she couldn’t just stand there and watch them beat each other up.

She took a deep breath and ran behind Haejin, she pulled onto his shoulders and kneed him in the back.

She was able to get his attention and immediately punched his face as hard as she could, making him fall to the floor, Blood filling his mouth.

“Sori-ah! I said stay in your room!” Jinyoung yelled.

“I can’t just stand hear and watch him cut you with glass! I won't let you get hurt because of me!” Sori screamed back. She suddenly turned her head to see Haejin trying to get up.

Haejin grabbed her leg but she swung her other leg and kicked him in the groin, making him fall back down again.

“the security will be here soon” Sori informed, breathing heavily. Jinyoung pulled Sori closer to him, afraid she would get hurt. "Don't ever risk your life to protect me again, okay? Men are scary, especially ones raised with no sense of respect or control, promise me Sori" Jinyoung whispered, his hands on each side of her shoulders. "I should be the one telling you to not risk your life for me" Sori said regretfully.


Right then the security walked in. “what happened here! Whose the one who broke in?” the security asked, looking at both Haejin and Jinyoung. “That one.” Sori said, pointing a shaky finger at Haejin.

A rush of heat suddenly came over Sori and tears began to the rush down her face. Although the security had taken Haejin away, her heartbeat didn’t calm down. Sori fell to the floor in shock of what might have happened.

Jinyoung got on the floor and put her in his arms. “It’s going to be okay, he’s gone now” Jinyoung comforted. “Why...why do I have to live like this” she cried.


“Excuse me, we’re going to need you two to come down to the police station with us.” The security ordered. Sori got up and wiped her tears.

“Let’s go, Sori-ah” Jinyoung said.

“Jinyoung, you stay here…” Sori ordered. Jinyoung looked at her confused.

“He has to come to” the security said. “no, he wasn’t here. He has nothing to do with this. It was only Haejin and I” Sori got money out of her wallet and handed it to the security guard.

“Please, something like this will ruin his image. I have enough stress already” Sori pleaded. The security guard nodded and lead her outside.


Sori was about to sit inside the police car until she heard Jinyoung call her name “Sori! Wait! I can’t just let you go alone!” Jinyoung yelled. She turned around and walked over to Jinyoung. Sori held Jinyoung’s hands and looked him in the eyes. His lips were bleeding and his face was bruised. “Jinyoung-ah…I really like you so…please just let me take care of this. If you come… things will turn uncomfortable between us. It will get out to the public and I don’t want this to effect you in any way” Sori explained. "Do me this one favor... please"

Jinyoung slowly nodded his head, realizing how strong Sori was. He understood how Sori felt and didn’t want to make her feel burdened. He wanted her to continue being herself with him, so he listened to what she told him, and let her go.

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Chapter 22: haha good mother^^^! finally :-)
Chapter 20: Oh! What a nutty father she got jeongmal :-(
Chapter 16: So interesting :-P :-P
Chapter 15: ohw~~ i reeeeeally like this story <3
Chapter 8: i really like this kid Dongin hehe
Bigbang101 #6
Chapter 36: The end already? :( Haha, you can already tell I loved the fanfic a whole bunch! You did such an amazing job & every chapter of this fanfic always gets me anticipating for the next chapter! Your writing is very vivid & i just want to tell you that you're a great writer. ^^ Anyways, i'm ready for your upcoming fanfic! >:D
fArhonEy #7
Chapter 36: Waaahhh..... it's the end? congrats author nim. Perharps a sequal?..
BANA911118 #8
Chapter 36: Great job author nim, you really seem like you've been writing for years! I really enjoyed this fic, one of my favorites. Looking forward to your future stories! HWAITING~
Chapter 36: Waaaah. So lovely. Congratulations on finishing your first fic authornim. You did better than I did with my first story. Hahahahahaha. Keep it up! Fighting! Thankyou for letting us join and experience such emotions with your fic. :))