Unexpected Visitor


“I knew this was going to happen! It was only a matter of time” Dongin said, grinning.

“Eh? You knew? How, was it that obvious?” Sori asked.

“Jinyoung liking you, or you liking Jinyoung?  Well, we all figured you both liked each other, but I knew for sure” Dongin said, satisfied. “Who’s we? And how did you know for sure?”

“The other members and I. remember the day you went to go get ice cream with Jinyoung? Well, we all planned that out. We texted Jinyoung telling him, but it seems he didn’t tell you, did he?” Dongin was excited to tell Sori everything that she was clueless about. “You think I’m stupid? I knew exactly what you were doing, I just…didn’t mind” Sori confessed.

“Oh, and Jinyoung might have told me he liked you a while ago” Sori’s eyes widened “You knew!? Why didn’t you tell me! Dongin-ah, who are you closer to, me or Jinyoung?” Sori said, pushing Dongin’s shoulder.

“There’s a male code, I couldn’t tell you. Plus, you were really depressed then, if I told you, you would have surely cut Jinyoung out of your life. I couldn’t let that happen!” Dongin explained.

“You really like Jinyoung, huh?” Sori said, ruffling Dongin’s hair. “He’s the only guy I like for you, you won’t get my blessings for anyone else” Dongin said, taking Sori’s hand off of his head. “I don’t need your blessings” Sori laughed.

Sori’s phone then suddenly began to ring. “Hold on a sec.”



“Sori, we need to talk. Meet me at the coffee shop near your house" a man said and hung up the phone. “Haejin”  Sori was expecting his phone call for a while now.

“I’ve gotta go” Sori sighed as she stood up.

“Where? To do what?” Dongin asked.

“To handle some unfinished business. Bye Dongin-ah” Sori kissed Dongin’s forehead and left. “Yah! Don’t kiss me anymore! Jinyoung might get jealous! I am quite the catch, you know?” Dongin joked. “Is that so? I guess I’ll have to be more careful now” Sori chuckled.



“You, you can hear?” Haejin asked, shocked.

“Yeah, I guess you can’t take advantage of me anymore, huh?” Sori rolled her eyes.

“Look Sori, I don’t need you to be deaf to get what I want.”

Sori began to laugh, “Wow, you still think you can win? Haejin, don’t make me laugh. I have zero tolerance for you now. Here’s the deal Haejin, you leave me alone or else I’m going to tell everyone that you tried to ually assault me. You know how fast word spreads when it’s coming from someone with a rich name” Sori spat.

“W-what? Are you threatening me?-” “Also, I’m going to report you, and you’re going to admit your crime and serve your time. Don’t worry, no one will find out, I’ll talk to the police station” Sori said.

“Are you serious Sori?!” Haejin yelled.  “Oh, stop whining. In this country the penalty for ual assault isn’t even that big. They’ll probably find a way to shorten your time. You’re a rich male, after all” Sori said.

“Ok, I get it Sori, you hate me. I won’t bother you anymore! Spare me, please” Haejin begged. Sori let out a laugh “a boy like you is easy to break” Sori sighed.

“I’ll tell you everything your parents are planning! I’ll let you in on everything your mom is doing now! Just don’t make me go to jail, Sori-ah!” Haejin pleaded. 

Sori didn’t know what to say to him. She felt sorry for him. He ha no real dreams, no real friends, he had nothing but money and status. “I’ll think about it.” Sori said, getting up and leaving.



Sori decided to rest a bit and went home. She had so many things on her mind and she didn’t know where to start. She decided to play some classical music to soothe her mind. Ever since she regained her hearing, she’s been cherishing every sound she hears. She laid down and paid attention to every detail as the music played. Right when Sori was beginning to doze off, she heard a knock on the door.

“Ugh, who is it” Sori groaned. She wasn’t able to go to sleep last night. She just kept thinking about what happened between her and Jinyoung.


“Sister in law!” Someone sang as she opened the door. “B1A4? What are you all doing here?” Sori said as 4 boys walked in. Sori looked out the door to see if anyone else was coming in “Aww that’s cute, she’s still calling us by our group name” Baro laughed.

“Jinyoung isn’t here yet” Shinwoo informed as he walked inside. “She must be disappointed” Baro chuckled.

“First of all, don’t call me sister in law. Second of all…why are you all here? Although I won’t be complaining if that’s food in your hand” Sori said, pointing at the bag in Gongchan’s hand.

“It’s nothing special, it’s just black bean noodles that we-" Sori grabbed the bag before he could complete his sentence. “I’ve been craving this for days, how did you know?” Sori asked, taking the boxes out of the bag. The other members looked at her and laughed.

As Sori separated the noodles in 6 bowls, someone knocked on the door. “That’s probably Jinyoung,” Sandeul said.


“Sori-ah” Jinyoung said, sounding out of breath. “Why do you sound so tired?” Sori opened a bottle of water and gave it to him “because they all told me a few minutes ago that they were going to visit their “sister in law” I told them not to but…as you can see...” Jinyoung took a breath. “It’s alright, they brang food!” Sori chimed.

“Of course they did” Jinyoung said giving the members a dirty look. “To be honest, Jinyoung wanted to surprise you and come alone, but we decided to make that plan better by coming here too! We wanted to see you after he told us the news about you two” Sandeul explained, grinning at Jinyoung. “Hey! Why are you telling her?” Jinyoung scolded. “You were going to surprise me? By coming to my house at this hour? “ Sori said suspiciously. “Thank god you all came” Sori whispered to Shinwoo.

“I brought food too” Jinyoung revealed. Sori’s eyes widened “Is that…sushi!” Sori exclaimed. “Gimme it!” Sori said, trying to grab it from Jinyoung’s hand.

“Not so fast.” Jinyoung said pulling his arm away. “Don’t joke with me about food, Jinyoung!” Sori whined.

“I’m going to eat it by myself” Jinyoung teased, putting the bag behind his back. “Eh!? You’re going to eat all of that? Let me make this easy for you, give me the bag and no one gets hurt” Sori said impatiently.

“No, no, no, you have to do something first” Jinyoung proposed. Sori crossed her arms, annoyed. Jinyoung patted his cheek and smiled.

“What the heck are you doing?” Sori said, annoyed. “Kiss my cheek.” Sori began to blush in embarassment as the other members started laughing. “I never knew our leader was like this” Gongchan said in disgust.

“In your dreams Jung Jinyoung!” Sori refused. “Then you’re not getting any of this” Jinyoung smiled.

“Alright, alright” as Sori gave in, a satisfied grin appeared on Jinyoung’s face. Little did Jinyoung know what Sori had in store for him.

Sori kissed the back of her hand and lightly patted Jinyoung’s cheek. “There’s your kiss” Sori said, grabbing the bag while he was in a daze. All the members laughed at Jinyoung’s shocked expression. “She’s smart” Shinwoo chuckled.

“Hey! You can’t just do that.” Jinyoung pouted as Sori took the Sushi out of the box. “Yes I can, you're my boyfriend now, I can do whatever I want” Sori joked.

“Boyfriend” Jinyoung said smiling. “I never thought I’d hear that coming out of ”


“Let’s eat” Sori said, taking a seat at the dining table. Sori began chowing down her food without a word. When Sori ate, she was in her own world. She didn’t like being interrupted or talking when she was eating. When she was full, she looked up to see 5 eyes staring at her.

“Can’t a girl eat in peace” Sori mumbled as she poured some water into her glass.  “I’m not even half done” Baro said, amazed. “I’m a fast eater, or maybe you’re just slow?” Sori said, taking a piece of sushi off of his plate. “Yah! You can’t eat my food!” Baro whined. “Jinyoung bought it for me, I’m being nice by sharing it with you all” Sori joked. 

“I’ll pray for you” Baro said, turning his head towards Jinyoung.


Suddenly, Sori heard another knock on the door. “Did one of you order pizza?” Sori said as she got up out of her seat and headed towards the door. “Who would come at this hour-" Sori’s face froze once she opened the door. She blinked her eyes to make sure she was seeing right. “Who is it?” Jinyoung called from his seat. There was no reply.


“Sori-ah” A man sang, smiling at her.

“Hyungsoo… what are you doing here” Sori said slowly. Finally, Sori snapped out of her daze “how the heck did you find out where I lived?” Sori asked coldly.

“I’m not surprised you’re not giving me a friendly welcome. I asked your mom, you know how our mothers are close” He explained. "Were close" she corrected.

 “And why would you want to know anyway? And why are you here?” she interrogated. “Not going to let me in, I see” Hyungsoo sighed, looking down. “No, I’m not.  I have guests over and you’re like a stranger to me now” Sori replied.

“Oh come on, Sori-ah, we da-" “who’s this, Sori-ah?” Jinyoung asked, walking behind her. Jinyoung put both of his hands on Sori’s shoulders, becoming protective. “I think it’s better that I come another time” Hyungsoo said, scratching the back of his head. “Yeah, I think you should” Sori spat. “I’ll see you later Sori-ah, bye” He said, bowing and walking away.

Sori closed the door and let out a deep sigh. “Who was that, Sori? Do you know him? Is he another stalker?” Jinyoung asked. “Uhm...Jinyoung.. Can I talk to you alone for a sec.” Sori said, leading Jinyoung to her room. “Clean up” Jinyoung ordered the members before he closed the door behind him.


Sori sat on her bed and sighed. Jinyoung sat next to her.“What’s wrong?” he asked worriedly “is that guy another sasaeng fan of yours?”

“No, he’s not…" she began, "you know how I told you that I had one boyfriend before but it ended badly?” Sori reminded. Jinyoung could sense what she was going to say next. “That’s him!?” Jinyoung exclaimed. “Yeah…I haven’t seen him for years. I always avoided him after what happened between us” Sori confessed.

“What happened?” Sori paused to organize her thoughts before she spoke

“Well, in high school I went through a rough patch and didn’t have anyone to talk to. I wasn’t really liked by any of the girls at our school since I was labeled as “that spoiled rich girl” by the boys I rejected. Anyways, since Hyungsoo's mom is friends with my mom, we saw each other often and we got close and started to date. I thought I was really in love with him and that we’d be together forever, which is really stupid and embarrassing to say now. I was lonely at the time so I became blind“ Sori explained.

“What happened after that? How were you proven wrong?”

“A girl at school told me that his mom only became friends with my mom so that she could get me and Hyungsoo married. Apparently Hyungsoo was in on it all along. I cut relations with him right away and stopped seeing him” Sori explained.

“It must really …for you to not know whether a guy likes you for you, or for something else, huh?” Jinyoung said holding Sori’s hand. “Yeah, but I’ve gotten smarter, I hope” Sori said, smiling at Jinyoung. “Thanks for trusting me” Jinyoung said.

He was about to lean in and kiss her until someone barged into the room. “What are you two doing on the bed!” Baro teased. “This is unacceptable behavior! And while the rest of us are next door!” Baro continued.

“We were just talking!” Sori defended. Shinwoo came in and dragged Baro out of the room.  “Hyung! We have to stop them!” Baro raged.

“We’re alone now” Jinyoung said leaning closer to Sori. “Haha, no, no, no" Sori rejected, putting her hand on his lips “it’s late, you all should leave, I’m tired” Sori said, smiling.

“Your hand keeps getting in between us” Jinyoung sulked.

Sori laughed at Jinyoung's commentary and decided to give in “Fine” Sori said, cupping Jinyoung’s face and kissing him on the cheek “there, happy?” Sori asked, ruffling Jinyoung’s hair. Jinyoung nodded and wrapped his arms around Sori tightly.

“See, I told you! look at what they are doing” Baro said, barging in with the rest of the members.  Embarrassment flushed Sori’s face  “Ok, time for you all to go home” Sori ordered, standing up.


“Next time, we won’t bring Baro with us” Shinwoo promised at the door. “That’s an excellent idea!” Sori joked.  

“Bye, be careful” Sori said as she waved.

“Bye sister in law” The 4 members sang.

“I said not to call me that!” Sori whined. “Bye Sori-ah!” Jinyoung said, pecking her lips. He quickly closed the door behind him before she could yell at him.  “That little…”  

But Sori couldn’t help but smile.  She felt extremely happy, so happy that it began to worry her. She knew too well that this feeling couldn’t last forever. She wasn’t use to a happiness that stayed for a long time. “After happiness comes the rainfall” She feared.



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Chapter 22: haha good mother^^^! finally :-)
Chapter 20: Oh! What a nutty father she got jeongmal :-(
Chapter 16: So interesting :-P :-P
Chapter 15: ohw~~ i reeeeeally like this story <3
Chapter 8: i really like this kid Dongin hehe
Bigbang101 #6
Chapter 36: The end already? :( Haha, you can already tell I loved the fanfic a whole bunch! You did such an amazing job & every chapter of this fanfic always gets me anticipating for the next chapter! Your writing is very vivid & i just want to tell you that you're a great writer. ^^ Anyways, i'm ready for your upcoming fanfic! >:D
fArhonEy #7
Chapter 36: Waaahhh..... it's the end? congrats author nim. Perharps a sequal?..
BANA911118 #8
Chapter 36: Great job author nim, you really seem like you've been writing for years! I really enjoyed this fic, one of my favorites. Looking forward to your future stories! HWAITING~
Chapter 36: Waaaah. So lovely. Congratulations on finishing your first fic authornim. You did better than I did with my first story. Hahahahahaha. Keep it up! Fighting! Thankyou for letting us join and experience such emotions with your fic. :))