New Years


The remaining days Sori had passed by quickly. With each passing day she felt more and more anxious, reminding her of the days before her operation.  She knew she had to cherish the time she has left with the people she loved, just like she did with the music she listened to before the day of her opertion. She spent each day with Dongin, Jinyoung, and her family.

She really hated goodbyes, no matter who it was; it made her upset because she never knew when she’d see them again. But now, she’d be saying goodbye to the most important people in her life, she didn’t know how she was going to handle her emotions. Everyday she’d write up a schedule of who’d she’d spend time with and when. Thankfully, Jinyoung would come by to the hospital frequently, so she could see both Dongin and Jinyoung at the same time. Jinyoung even spent the night at the hospital once.


“Jinyoung-ah, when I get to japan, I’m gong to get a cat…I’ll find one that looks just like you…and I’ll name it youngie” Sori giggled at the idea. They were both laying on the couch inside Dongin’s room. “I like that idea a lot… you better stick to that plan, that way I’ll be more at ease” Jinyoung said smiling at Sori. He placed her hand in his and leaned his head on her shoulder. “More at ease? Jinyoug-ah… you seem more stressed out as the days go by… I’m sorry…”

“I’m fine, I’m just having a hard time dealing with the thought of you being gone…Honestly, I…. never mind. “

“What’s wrong? Jinyoung…do you think we should break up?”

“Huh? Why would you say something like that?” Jinyoung said sitting up and pulling Sori up with him. “It’s just…you seem so stressed and maybe if we broke up it would be better for you… I just don’t want you to be too upset about me leaving so I thought maybe we should…”

“Sori, I don’t want to break up with you. I don’t care if you’re gone for 5 years, I can wait for you. Only if it’s you, I’ll be able to wait for however long it takes. That’s not the problem…”

“You would wait 5 years for me? Are you sure?” Sori asked in disbelief. She didn’t even expect Jinyoung to wait for her at all. She was taken by surprise, a pleasant one. “Sori… I’m not scared about the wait…I’m scared about you…. moving on…”

“Moving on… why move on when there’s nothing to move on from? If you’re going to wait for me, then let’s wait together” Sori Jinyoung hair and gave him a warm smile. “Were you perhaps… scared that I’d find someone else?” Sori asked curiously.

“Kind of…” Jinyoung confessed.

“Jung Jinyoung!” Sori screeched, slightly punching his shoulder. “Ow! That hurt! you know you’re really strong, right? Damn those musical instruments must have made your fists strong as steel!” he said as he rubbed his shoulders. “Oops, Sorry honey~” Sori pouted, trying to act cute.

“Kiss!” Jinyoung said, pointing to his cheek, playing along with Sori's cute act.

“Huh? Are you 5?” Sori laughed. “If I have to be 5 for you to kiss me then I’ll be 5!” Jinyoung declared. Sori couldn’t stop her laughter.

“Can you two love birds shut up?! I’m trying to sleep here but hearing you two makes me want to vomit! Sori-ah hurry up and kiss him so he’ll shut up!” Dongin ordered.

“Alright, alright.” Sori cupped Jinyoung’s face and kissed him on the lips, but as soon as she was going to lean back he put both of his hands on each side of her face, disallowing her to move.

“Yah! You two get a room! A hospital is no place to be making out in!” Dongin grumbled, sitting up in disgust. After a few seconds Jinyoung finally let go.

“Jung Jinyoung!” Sori scolded. “Aish, you two!” Dongin yelled.

“Dongin-ah! Didn’t you just see what he did! He- he-“

“I swear I’m the oldest person in this room. Sori-ah, you clearly didn’t even try to get out of his grasp! And Jinyoung, you shouldn’t use such force! You need to earn Sori’s love. You only touch my Sori with her concent” Dongin said crossing his arms.

“She's my Sori...” Jinyoung mumbled.

"I'm my Sori!" Sori excalimed. 

“Both of you better sleep before I throw these slippers at you! Tomorrow is New Years Eve and we won’t get any sleep the day before Sori leaves!”

“You know something is wrong when the 8 year old is the one making the most sense…” Sori said as she laid back down pulling Jinyoung down with her and putting her hand over his mouth. “Sleep, sleep, before he kills the both of us” Sori whispered.

Jinyoung wrapped his arms around Sori and closed his eyes. “Good night Sori-ah.”

“Goodnight Jinyoung” Sori said pecking his cheeks. “I heard that” Dongin groaned.

“Goodnight Dongin-ah!” Sori and Jinyoung chimed, holding back their laughter.



Jinyoung-ah, will the members be coming by for new years today? Did they say yes?” Sori asked as they were both wrapping gifts for the hospital's Christmas tree. The hospital had an annual gift-giving event, where the guardians of each patient would buy a gift for the children in the hospital.

“They said yes right away. I told you they’d come” he said smiling at Sori’s concentrated expression. “Do you need help?” Jinyoung ask as he placed the last piece of tape on his gift. “I’m done wrapping mine, let me help you” he offered.

“I can do this, I just-“ just then the wrapping all fell apart. “Ugh! How do people even do this! Was there a course for this in school that I missed? I swear you need to be professionally trained to wrap this stuff!” Sori whined.

“Just stick to playing your instruments Sori, I’ll wrap all your presents for you in the future, so don’t be sad” Jinyoung pinched Sori’s cheeks and laughed at her.

“What are you laughing at!” she pouted. “You look really cute when you’re frustrated” he replied. “Weirdo” she mumbled as he wrapped her present for her.


“There, all done!” Jinyoung chimed as he stuck the bow on top. “Kiss” He said leaning his face close to Sori’s.

“Not this again!” Dongin said as he walked into his room, dragging his IV rack with him. “Do you see what I have to deal with Dongin!” Sori said, pretending to be annoyed. Truthfully, she was extremely happy when Jinyoung asked her to kiss him, but she loved teasing him.

“Can you blame me? I’ll no longer be able to kiss you soon… who will kiss me when you’re gone?” Jinyoung pouted.

“Your mom will” Sori teased. “My mom lives in the country side!” Jinyoung whined.

“Doesn’t Shinwoo have a dog? I’m sure the dog will kiss you plenty! Probably more than I have…wait now I’m beginning to feel a little jealous of that dog…” Dongin and Jinyoung both started laughing at her.

“He can kiss me as long as you stop whining” Dongin joked. Jinyoung and Sori both burst out into laughter at Dongin’s joke. “What would I do without you Dongin-ah!” Jinyoung said giving him a hug. “I really don’t know. You probably would still be dreaming about even holding Sori’s hand if it wasn’t for me” Dongin said. “True” Jinyoung agreed.

“Common, let’s go put these presents under the tree.” Sori said picking up her neatly wrapped gift.  “Alright, be right back, Dongin-ah!” Jinyoung called as they both exited the room.


Sori and Jinyoung made their way down the hall to the main entrance where the Christmas tree was placed. There you could see all the guardians placing their gifts under the tree. “Christmas has already passed so why are people putting them under now…” Jinyoung asked. “You can either participate for Christmas or for new years” Sori informed.

While they both placed their gifts under the tree, Sori felt someone pat her on the shoulder.

“Shinwoo-ah!” Sori said giving him a warm hug. “Not even Sori greets me that happily” Jinyoung said pretending to be jealous.

“Where are the other members?” Sori asked happily. “They’re coming” Shinwoo informed. 

“There they are” Jinyoung pointed.

“Sori-ah!” the rest of the members sang. “You guys brought presents!” Sori said with a smile. “Yeah, we heard about this gift-giving event from Jinyoung so we decided to participate too!” Sandeul explained as they put their presents under the tree.

“Common, let’s go meet Dongin in his room. He’ll be so happy to see you guys!” Sori said excited.



 “B1A4!” Dongin cheered as the members came in. He ran towards them for a group hug. “He never greets me like that either…” Jinyoung said pretending to be jealous, once again.

“You haven’t changed since the last time we saw you” Gongchan said while pinching both of Dongin’s cheeks. “How do you stay so happy all the time!” Baro asked curiously.

“It’s because I have all of you, how could I possibly be sad?” Dongin said, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Sori watched Dongin and smiled to herself, she was happy that at least she could leave Dongin knowing that he wouldn’t be too lonely. Although, she couldn’t shake the bittersweet feeling in her stomach, the lump in her heart only grew, making her feel a little sad. She didn’t want to leave, she would do anything not to, but she knew she should.

Jinyoung could sense the sadness in Sori’s eyes and held her hand tightly. “It’s going to be okay, I promise” he whispered.  Sori gave Jinyoung a warm smile "Thank you” she replied.

“Let’s all take a picture as a memory!” Shinwoo suggested. “Good idea!” Dongin agreed. “Everybody stand in front of Dongin’s bed, I’ll put the camera on this shelf” Shinwoo said as he set the camera’s settings. 

“Okay, hurry up and smile, we only have 10 seconds!” Shinwoo said running beside Sandeul.

Everyone huddled together and smiled for the picture. Right before the flash went off, Jinyoung planted a kiss on Sori’s cheeks.

“Hyung! You ruined the picture!” Baro whined.

“What are you talking about, I made the picture 10x more memorable!” Jinyoung said, shooting Sori a smirk “Sorry guys, Jinyoung can’t seem to get enough of my cheeks lately.”

“Or lips!” Dongin added.

“Too much information” Gongchan cringed. “You think that’s bad? Yesterday they were making out in my room! I couldn’t even go to sleep!” Dongin raged.

“Is this really our leader?” Sandeul said shaking his head. “You’re all just jealous of our love” Jinyoung teased. Sori couldn’t stop laughing. “I’m sorry guys” she said apologizing for how corny Jinyoung was being.


“Enough of this nonsense, there’s 15 seconds left until it strikes midnight!” Dongin informed.

Everyone quickly ran to the front entrance and huddled up around the tree, where a huge clock hung above. Other people also stood around it and began to count down.

Sori held Jinyoung and Dongin’s hands and began to countdown in excitement.

“5…4…3…2…1…Happy New Year!” everyone cheered in unison. Everyone around was clapping and hugging each other, congratulating each other on the New Year. Dongin turned to Sori in excitement but then…

“Oh god, not this again!” Dongin face palmed. “Get a room you two!” Baro yelled at the sight of the two kissing. Lost in their own world, Dongin took the camera from Shinwoo’s hand and took a picture of the two. 

“It’s going to be hard for them to say goodbye…” Shinwoo mentioned, the others nodding in agreement. “But they’ll be fine, I’m sure of it.” Dongin said smiling at the two. 

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Chapter 22: haha good mother^^^! finally :-)
Chapter 20: Oh! What a nutty father she got jeongmal :-(
Chapter 16: So interesting :-P :-P
Chapter 15: ohw~~ i reeeeeally like this story <3
Chapter 8: i really like this kid Dongin hehe
Bigbang101 #6
Chapter 36: The end already? :( Haha, you can already tell I loved the fanfic a whole bunch! You did such an amazing job & every chapter of this fanfic always gets me anticipating for the next chapter! Your writing is very vivid & i just want to tell you that you're a great writer. ^^ Anyways, i'm ready for your upcoming fanfic! >:D
fArhonEy #7
Chapter 36: Waaahhh..... it's the end? congrats author nim. Perharps a sequal?..
BANA911118 #8
Chapter 36: Great job author nim, you really seem like you've been writing for years! I really enjoyed this fic, one of my favorites. Looking forward to your future stories! HWAITING~
Chapter 36: Waaaah. So lovely. Congratulations on finishing your first fic authornim. You did better than I did with my first story. Hahahahahaha. Keep it up! Fighting! Thankyou for letting us join and experience such emotions with your fic. :))