

After celebrating the New Year, all the members, except for Jinyoung, decided to go back to their dorm since they had a schedule the next day. They all said their final goodbyes to Sori and then proceeded to leave.


“You better not forget us!” Baro urged. “Make sure to watch us closely! Even though you’ll be in Japan, you can still see us from the Internet! Don’t think you can cheat on us with another group just because we’re friends!” Shinwoo continued.

“I couldn’t forget you even if I tried!” Sori said patting him on the shoulder. “Make sure to mention me in your next albums “thanks to” section. “ Sori happily requested.

“In our “thanks to”? “Thanks to Kim Sori for accepting that grandpas heart, if she didn’t, then who would?” we’ll make sure to write that” Sandeul joked, the others laughing along.

“I heard that!” Jinyoung yelled from across the room.

“Before we forget, we have something to give you!” Gongchan said happily, grabbing a bag on the counter.

“What’s in it?” Sori asked curiously as she took out a big box. “It’s all of our albums, signed! You have to take them with you to Japan. Listen to them every day!” Gongchan said with a bright smile.

“This is so cool! Thank you!” Sori exclaimed. “And Jinyoung said you all weren’t cool…” Sori blurted out.

“Eh? That grandpa said what?” Baro said, giving Jinyoung a dirty look. “I said no such thing!” Jinyoung defended.  

“Anyways, we better go now. Have a safe trip” Shinwoo said, giving Sori a hug “I know you like me the best” he whispered, Sori giggling in response. “How did you find out?” she joked.


It was far past midnight and Sori had convinced Dongin to go to sleep. He didn’t want to since Sori would be leaving in the morning, but Sori and Jinyoung forced him to since it would be bad for his health since he already was weak as it was.


“Dongin-ah you have to go to sleep! It’s already 2AM which is way past your bed time, buddy!” Sori said as she picked up Dongin and placed him in his bed.

“But, I don’t want to go to seep tonight! I just wanted to stay up until the morning with you!” Dongin whined. “Tomorrow morning I’m going to wake up super early so I can see you before I leave. You’re drowsing off to sleep already, even if you forced yourself to stay up with me you wouldn’t remember a thing!” Sori convinced.

“No fair! So Jinyoung get’s to stay up with you but I don’t!” Dongin said crossing his arms. “We’re both going to go to sleep soon!” Jinyoung consoled.

“Jinyoung-ah, can you wait outside for just a minute, I need to tell Dongin something” Sori asked, giving Jinyoung a reassuring smile. “Alright, I’ll be right outside.”


“Dongin-ah, you know that even after I leave we’ll be able to keep in contact, right?”

“Yeah I know… you’ll call me every day, right?” Dongin asked eagerly. “Of course I will, you’re my best friend, how could I not call you every day? How else will I fight the loneliness I’ll feel when I move there?” Sori reassured. “But Dongin… Jinyoung and I…after today, who knows when we’ll see each others faces, or even hear each other’s voices...” Sori let out.

“Huh? You have to cut complete contact with him? But why?!” Dongin questioned.

“Because…my mom told me if we don’t then my dad will easily be able to track me. Not only is Jinyoung a celebrity but my Dad also knows him and will certainly have people tracking everything he does for a while. It’s not only for my safety, but for his as well. If my dad finds out that Jinyoung knows where I am, he’ll probably threaten the whole group. I really don’t want him to get hurt anymore because of me” Sori explained.

“Then what are you doing here talking to me? Go spend your last night with him” Dongin said pushing Sori to go outside.

“Alright, alright! Good night Dongin-ah” Sori said, kissing Dongin on the forehead.

“Sori-ah!” Dongin called out.


“Give Jinyoung a kiss for me” Dongin requested.

“Hmm… I’ll think about it” Sori replied before she left.


Jinyoung and Sori both sat on a bench outside of the hospital. Sori needed some fresh air, and so did Jinyoung.

“Sori-ah, give me your arm.”

“Huh? Why-“ Before Sori could say anything else, Jinyoung put the watch they bought together on her wrist. He lifted up the sleeve of his jacket and showed her that he was wearing his too. “I almost forgot… but why did you take them both again? I don’t think you ever told me why…” Sori questioned.

“Look here” He said pointing to the top of the watch. There, was an engraving of the beginning letters of their names. “S&J” it read.

Sori’s face was lit with joy; she was touched by Jinyoung’s gift. “Thanks Jinyoung. I’ll always cherish this and will never lose it or take it off, I promise” Sori said, reaching for Jinyoung’s hand and holding it. “You better wear it every day, since I will too. This way we’ll think of each other every day. You better not forget to get that cat as well! “ Jinyoung reminded.

“Don’t worry! But maybe I should get a turtle instead…or maybe a rabbit. You remind me of a turtle and a rabbit…a trabbit” Sori said as she laughed at her own joke.

“A turtle!? How could you compare your boyfriend to a turtle?” he asked, shocked.

“Turtles are really cute! Let’s just stick with the cat then” She said, resting her head on his shoulder.



“Jinyoung-ah…is there anything you want to say to me? …Before I leave? My mom told me that she already explained to you how it will be when I’m gone so…you should say it now” Sori said in a serious tone. “You have a schedule tomorrow when my flight is, right? So it’s best we say everything now.”

“She- she told you that she saw me?” Jinyoung asked nervously. He wondered if Sori already knew about the plane ticket her mom had given him. “What did she tell you?” he asked, trying not to sound suspicious.

“Just that she explained to you why we have to lose contact…” Sori told, Jinyoung feeling relieved.

Jinyoung paused for a moment and reminisced on when Sori and him first met. “It’s kind of difficult…to put how I feel about you into words…” he began. “When we first met…I felt this attachment to you. I didn’t know why, but I was just interested in you, as a person...”

“You felt all of that, just from our first meeting?” Sori asked in disbelief.

“Weird, right? But honestly, I never thought our relationship would get this far…I thought that we were just going to be friends… but I ended up liking you, way more than I expected. I’ve never liked someone to the point where I couldn’t control my actions... I couldn’t just be friends with you anymore” Jinyoung explained.

“I never thought things would end up like this either… but I guess that’s the case for every serious relationship, isn’t it? I mean, if someone told me a member from B1A4 was going to fall in love with me I’d laugh at them. To think, if I hadn’t written that letter…none of this would have happened. I wonder where we’d both be…”

“Here, no matter what, I think we’d end up together one way or another… “ Jinyoung replied, smiling at Sori.

Sori felt touched, she was happy that she took a chance and decided to open her heart to Jinyoung. In that moment, she truly thought that Jinyoung was the only person she’d ever fall for. She then recalled what Dongin requested of her.

She smiled and slowly brought her face closer to his, kissing him on the lips.

“W-what- what was that for?” Jinyoung asked, a little surprised. His heart sunk every time Sori would give him any kind of skin ship.

“Dongin…asked me to kiss you for him, so I did.” Sori explained while looking down, trying to hide the burning in her cheeks. ”Ahh, so that’s the only reason why?” he asked, bringing her face up and looking her in the eyes.

“And… I wanted to kiss you, so what!” Sori confessed.


“Kim Sori…I really love you, don’t ever forget it. Even if something happens along the way and we aren’t together anymore, know that, I love you. I always will.”

“I love you too, nothing will change after I leave. I’m still yours and you’re still mine.”




“Sori-ah! Wake up! Kim Sori!” Dongin said pushing Sori’s shoulder. Seeing as there was little response, Dongin held both of Sori’s shoulders and began to shake her, making her wake up.

“Oh Dongin, 5 more minutes...” Sori muttered. “It’s 10AM! You have to leave in 3 hours! You said you would wake up early for me!” Dongin whined.

“Huh? 10AM?” Sori said beginning to sit up. “Sorry Dongin, yesterday me and Jinyoung stayed up really late…” Sori explained. “Did you say Goodbye to him yesterday?” Dongin asked Sori, who was half awake. “No…not really...kind of?”

“Well… he’s not here.” Dongin informed. 

“What?!” Sori said surprised. “He’s not here? I know he has a schedule at the same time of my flight but he never told me he’d leave in the morning…” Sori said, a little upset that he would leave without telling her.

“Well I guess since you two said everything you needed to, he thought it would be less painful to just not officially say goodbye?” Dongin justified.

“I guess… you’re probably right” Sori said, understanding Jinyoung’s actions. “But Dongin-ah…”

“What is it Sori?”

“I kind of miss him... already” Sori sulked. Dongin didn’t know what to say to her. He knew they were both going to be a little depressed and wanted to help both of them stay positive.

“Sori-ah, your mom will take care of everything quickly, everyone is on her side now. Plus, you’re going to begin your dream in Japan! You’ll finally be able to do what you love and without anyone stopping you! I know it’ll be hard at first, but you’ll get through it. You’re Kim Sori, after all. Nothing can break you.” Dongin comforted.

“Thanks Dongin, I really don’t know what I’d do without you.” Sori said, pulling him in for a hug. “I think I’ll miss you more than anyone. Who else am I going to complain to? Who else will comfort me? Who else will I annoy?” Sori said pinching Dongin’s cheeks. “You better not annoy that cat you’re planning on getting!” Dongin said.

“I should get another cat that looks like you too…wow I guess I will finally fulfill my dream of being a lonely cat lady after all” Sori joked.

“We all saw it coming” Dongin teased back.


“Sori-ah! Did you sleep well?” Someone suddenly said, walking into Dongin’s room.

“Mom!” Sori sang happily. “Have you and Dongin already eaten?”

“She just woke up, Ms. Kim” Dongin informed. “Why don’t you two eat together for the last time? Then, I guess it’ll be time for goodbye…” Sori’s mom cautiously said. She knew how hard this was on Sori and she wanted to make her leave as painless as possible.

“Alright, we’ll go eat at the hospitals cafeteria and then I’ll meet you outside” Sori suggested.

“Alright, eat well, the Korean food in Japan isn’t the same as it is here” Ms. Kim said before she left.




“Dongin-ah, I think this is it…I have to go now…” Sori said sadly. Her and Dongin had finished eating and she had just received a text from her Mom telling her to meet her outside.

“Really? You have to leave now?” Dongin said in a muffled voice, sadness growing in his eyes.

“Can you walk me outside, to the front of the Hospital?” Sori asked. “Of course I will!” Dongin said, getting up from his seat and taking Sori’s hand. “Let’s go, before you miss your flight!” Dongin urged, leading Sori outside. He told himself that he had to say goodbye to Sori happily, he didn’t want her to remember him with tears in his eyes, since he thought that would only make things harder for her.


“Dongin-ah…” Sori stopped walking once they got outside and crouched down to Dongin’s level. “You have to take care of your health, okay? Don’t give the nurses a hard time and listen to them” Sori pressed.

“I will, I’m not you after all, giving all the nurses and doctors a hard time…” Dongin joked, trying to make light of the situation.

“You’re right…” Sori smiled. “You have to write to me all the time, don’t forget! You better tell me everything that happens, don’t leave out a thing! I’ll find out if you’re hiding something” Sori reminded.

“How could I forget to write to my best friend?” Dongin reassured. Those words hit Sori’s heart, making tears form in her eyes.

“I- I love you Dongin, don’t forget that I love you. When your sad, remember that I’m always with you, no matter what.”

“I love you too Sori-ah, thank you for being my first friend...” Dongin said, grabbing both of her hands.

“Dongin, I’m the one that’s thankful… if it wasn’t for you I probably would still be lonely and angry. Out of all the people that have helped me in my life, you’re the one that helped me the most. You saved me” Sori revealed. Tears were rolling down her face, but she continued to speak.

“We both helped each other, we’re a team.” Dongin smiled, wiping away Sori’s tears. “Can you smile for me Sori, before you leave?” Dongin requested.

Sori immediately gave Dongin a bright smile and pulled him in for a hug. “I’m going to miss you” She said, hugging him tightly. “I’ll probably miss you more.”

“I’ll see you soon Dongin-ah, just wait a little bit, I’ll be back soon!” Sori promised.

“Goodbye Sori-ah! I’ll be cheering you on here” Dongin said as Sori got into the car.

As the car drove away, both Dongin and Sori waved to each other until they were completely out of sight. Dongin, holding back his emotions, burst into tears as soon as the car was out of sight. “I’ll miss you Sori-ah” He whispered to himself.


Sori had finally arrived at the airport. Stepping out of her mother’s car and into the airport only made her more nervous. They both managed to pile all of her bags onto one cart and proceeded to check in her bags. Once that was done, the only thing left was to say goodbye and get on that plane.


“Sori-ah… I’m really sorry that I’m putting you through this. I wish there was a way around this… me and your grandparents tried to think of another way but-“

“It’s alright Mom, I’m jut proud at how brave you’ve become. As long as the divorce goes through and Dad get’s what he deserves then I’ll have no regrets. It’s not like I’ll be doing nothing in Japan, they have the second largest music industry in the world after all… the opportunity you got for me is amazing, so thank you” Sori didn’t want her mother to feel burdened anymore. Her mother had been living in pain for so long and she wanted her to finally be happy.

“I’ll make sure your father doesn’t touch Dongin or Jinyoung, so don’t worry too much. I’ll protect them for you while you’re gone.”

“Thanks, Mom” Sori smiled. “Well, I guess I should go now… Goodbye.” She said as she hugged her mom.

“Goodbye Sori-ah.” She said, giving her daughter a kiss on the cheek.

“Oh and Sori, don’t be too angry with Jinyoung…just let him be, okay?” Ms. Kim suddenly let out. “Huh, what do you mean?” Sori asked. confused.

“Flight 715 to Japan is now boarding” The intercom interrupted.

“I have to go, bye mom.” Sori picked up her purse and carryon bag and made her way onto the plane.


Once Sori got onto the plane she looked around for her seat. “19B… 19B…” she muttered to herself. “Ah, 19B” she opened up one of the overhead baggage holders, placed her carryon inside and proceeded to take a seat. She slowly sat down, trying not to disturb the person beside her but she ended up stepping on their shoe.

“Ah, Sorry, Sorry!” She said bowing in her seat but when she looked up her heart immediately sunk.

“Jung Jinyoung!? What are you doing on this plane!?” She yelled in disbelief.

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Chapter 22: haha good mother^^^! finally :-)
Chapter 20: Oh! What a nutty father she got jeongmal :-(
Chapter 16: So interesting :-P :-P
Chapter 15: ohw~~ i reeeeeally like this story <3
Chapter 8: i really like this kid Dongin hehe
Bigbang101 #6
Chapter 36: The end already? :( Haha, you can already tell I loved the fanfic a whole bunch! You did such an amazing job & every chapter of this fanfic always gets me anticipating for the next chapter! Your writing is very vivid & i just want to tell you that you're a great writer. ^^ Anyways, i'm ready for your upcoming fanfic! >:D
fArhonEy #7
Chapter 36: Waaahhh..... it's the end? congrats author nim. Perharps a sequal?..
BANA911118 #8
Chapter 36: Great job author nim, you really seem like you've been writing for years! I really enjoyed this fic, one of my favorites. Looking forward to your future stories! HWAITING~
Chapter 36: Waaaah. So lovely. Congratulations on finishing your first fic authornim. You did better than I did with my first story. Hahahahahaha. Keep it up! Fighting! Thankyou for letting us join and experience such emotions with your fic. :))