Further Apart


“Sori, what the hell happened yesterday? You refused to tell me last night so you better speak now!” Aki said as she shook Sori out of her sleep.

“Leave me alone, I want to keep sleeping!” Sori groaned as she held her pillow tightly.  

“It’s 8:30am, you’re going to be late! Aren’t you recording with your boyfriend today?” Aki said as she continued to shake Sori.

“Ugh, why is this happening” Sori said as she finally sat up. She shook her head in frustration.  “Aki, you go and record the songs with them instead. Please!” Sori pleaded, holding Aki’s hand tightly.

“I can’t! Do you know how close you are to getting fired after yesterday, Sori?” Aki sighed.

“What happened? Did the boss get angry and threaten to fire me?” Sori asked worriedly.

“Luckily, no. But after you left, Jinyoung came back to the table and apologized. The boss got so pissed that you just left so Jinyoung made up that he told you to run an errand for him. He lied to protect you, didn’t he?” Aki said crossing her arms.

“Aww how sweet and considerate of him! Now all of his bad acts are erased and we can live happily ever after!” Sori said sarcastically.

“Ok ok, I get what you’re saying. But anyways, you have to go today. Seriously Sori, you’ll get fired if you don’t.” Aki said as she got up and threw a pile of clothes at her.


“Now, spill it, what happened yesterday?” Aki said as both of them ate breakfast.

“…I don’t want to talk about it. Long story short, he was an , I said some things that may have hurt him, after that, I punched him in the stomach and threw my watch at him and left” Sori said before she took another bite from her toast.

Aki sat there squinting her eyes at the run down Sori just gave her. “You, you what? You punched him?! Why am I not surprised…” Aki said shaking her head.

“I didn’t punch him that hard, okay?” Sori defended.

“No wonder why he kept rubbing his stomach.”


“Sori, I was thinking… Jinyoung hasn’t seen you for 3 years, right? Being apart from you must have really affected him and maybe that’s why he’s acting this way?”

“Why are you defending him? Just don’t worry about it Aki. I better go, I’m going to be late” Sori said getting up.

“Wait for me!” Aki said as she followed Sori out the door.


“Sori, you’re finally here” Namie said as Sori walked through the doorway. “If we weren’t friends you know you’d be screwed for being late, right?” Namie scolded. “I am forever grateful to you queen Namie” Sori replied and jokingly bowed. “Well then, I’ll leave them in your hands.” Namie grinned as she stood up.

“Huh? Where the hell are you going?” Sori said grabbing Namie’s arm.

“Coffee break” She smiled “I let you come late so you do the work. It’s a good deal, right?” Namie laughed.

“Good deal my . How can you just leave me with them!” Sori whined.

“Because, I like making your life miserable and I know you and your boyfriend fought yesterday so this is the perfect opportunity!” Namie grinned. “I swear, when I become a big producer, you better watch out!” Sori threatened as Namie walked out the door laughing.

Right when Namie left, the rest of the members entered the room. “Kill me now” Sori mumbled.

For a while, all the members were silent and avoided Sori’s gaze. “Where’s Namie?” Gongchan finally asked.

“She’s too busy ruining my life so she decided that I should record the songs with you instead” Sori said, annoyed. “The only song I can record with you guys is starlight song so we’ll just do that one first until she get’s back” Sori said as she pulled out the lyrics, handing a paper to each member. “I highlighted your parts for you. I heard you already practiced singing it in Japanese so let’s just hurry up and record it” Sori explained.

“Sori, can I talk to you for a second” Jinyoung interrupted.

 “Sandeul, since you have the most lines, you record first” Sori said, ignoring Jinyoung.

One by one the members went in to record their parts. When it was Jinyoung’s turn, Sori decided to make thing’s a little difficult for him.

“Sing it again.” Sori ordered.

“Huh?” he replied.

“It doesn’t sound good. Did you drink last night? How can you drink before a recording?” she said annoyed. “Sing it again, and make sure it comes out properly.”

Jinyoung held in his frustration and did as she ordered but Sori still looked displeased.

“Again. Your pronunciation isn’t right!” she called out. She kept at this for a while.

“Again” she called out.

“What’s wrong with it this time?” Jinyoung said angrily, finally losing his patience.

“You don’t sound sincere” Sori replied. “Try to sing it like you sang it to me 3 years ago” Sori said coldly. Although it looked like Sori was able to say that easily, it hurt on the inside.

Jinyoung was speechless for a moment. His heart sunk when she muttered the words “3 years ago”.

“I’m sorry” he said defeated.

Sori could feel her emotions rising so she pinched her self to keep it together “W-whatever do it a-“

“Sori, can I talk to you for a second” Shinwoo interrupted. “Not now” she said looking up at him.

“Please?” he said desperately. Sori gave in and got out of her chair. Truthfully, she wanted to leave the room desperately so Shinwoo’s request gave her a sigh of relief.  “I’ll be back” She said before she walked out of the room with him.


“What is it?” she asked.

“I know you’re mad at all of us, and that’s fine, but don’t be mad at Jinyoung” He brought himself to say.

“I’ll be mad at who I please” She replied.

“Jinyoung acted the way he did for a reason. Can’t you try to understand him? He’s been patiently waiting for you for 3 years and then suddenly he finds out you aren’t coming back. How do you think he’d react? Did you expect he’d keep it together?” Shinwoo explained, gradually getting angrier.

“Why is everyone defending him?! Why isn’t anyone thinking about how I feel, huh? Did that ever go through your brain to once think about how this has been hard on me? You’re basically telling me that he has an excuse to be angry and treat me like but I don’t. What the hell is the difference between what I’m doing now and what he was doing yesterday?” Sori yelled in frustration, making Jinyoung and the rest of the members run outside.

“Shinwoo, stop! Leave Sori alone, I can take care of this by myself” Jinyoung said furiously. “You’re just making things worse” he continued.

“What the hell did you do this time Sori!?” Sori’s boss suddenly yelled from behind them. Sori turned around in shock and her heart began to beat quickly.

“I- I’m jus-“

“Namie lets you take charge for a few minutes and you’ve already messed things up? How can you call yourself a producer when you displease the artist?” he yelled.

Sori’s blood began to boil in anger “this isn’t my fault!” she defended.

“Yeah, it’s not her fault, it’s mi-“

“You don’t have to defend her out of pity Jinyoung” Sori’s boss interrupted.

“Pity? Hah” Sori said letting out a laugh. “You find this funny? He’s always covering for you. Shouldn’t you feel thankful to him?!” he spat. “Thankful? For what? I can protect myself!” she spat back.

“How dare you talk ba-“

“Sori, you have an urgent call!” Aki interrupted. She heard a ruckus from down the hall and she could tell Sori was in trouble so she wanted to get her out before she got fired. Sori looked down at Aki confused “Sori, please, I don’t want to lose you” Aki whispered to her.

“In a minute Aki”

“No, you need to answer this call now! It’s urgent!” Aki said as she forcefully dragged Sori away.


“Look, It really wasn’t Sori’s fault, it’s mine. I accidently said something I wasn’t suppose to and she only reacted the way any human being would” Shinwoo said, feeling bad for what he caused.

“She still should have kept it in!” Sori’s boss said. “I’ll let her off since you’re all defending her, but if this happens again she’s fired. I apologize for any trouble she has caused” Her boss bowed and left the members alone.


“Ugh, I’m such an idiot” Shinwoo said scratching the back of his head.

“Yeah, don’t you know that Sori doesn’t hold back? You should have spoken to her later” Baro said.

“You shouldn’t have spoken to her at all” Jinyoung yelled in anger.

“Why don’t you just let her go? I mean you’ve practically been broken up for 3 years now…” Sandeul blurted out. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.” Sandeul quickly said regretfully.

“None of you get it” Jinyoung said disappointed. He left before any of the members could say anything else to him.



“This day was brutal, I’m not going back to work until they’re gone” Sori said halfheartedly. It was 1AM and her and Aki both sat in a convenience store eating junk food.

“Don’t worry Sori, I’ll beat all 5 of them up for you so they won’t bother you anymore” Aki comforted.

“Thanks, I can always count on you” Sori joked. She dug her chopsticks into her cup ramen and lifted the noodles up to .  

“Finally, we meet again. I’ve missed you so much, I’m sorry for not seeing you for all this time” she said before she put the noodles into .

“Are you crazy?” Aki said laughing hysterically at her.

“Yeah, I’m crazy! Because of that jerk I haven’t eaten cup ramen in 3 years! Do you understand how hard my life has been? I had to actually cook food!” Sori complained. Aki suddenly got distracted and shifted her gaze to something behind Sori. “Umm, Sori, you better hide those noodles” Aki said continuing to laugh.

“Shh” Sori said as she dug her chopsticks into her noodles. Before she could lift them up, they flew out of her hand, along with her cup of noodles. “What the hell?” Sori said stunned.

“I told you not to eat these!” Jinyoung scolded as he put the noodles in the trash.

“You’re in danger boy” Aki warned Jinyoung.

“Umm, excuse me? Who are you to tell me what to eat? Are you my mother? My nutritionist? A doctor?” Sori said annoyed.

“I’m your boyfriend and I don’t want you eating salt in a cup” he replied.

Sori laughed at his reply “Aki, who is this boy and why is he calling himself my boyfriend?” She said looking back at Aki. “I don’t know, he seems confused to me. Is he asking for directions?” Aki said playing along. “Even if you were my boyfriend, you still can’t tell me what to eat” Sori said.

“Then why haven’t you eaten ramen for the past 3 years” Jinyoung said crossing his arms.

“Because, the doctor said I needed to lay off of them for a few years or else I’ll go deaf again” Sori made up. Aki hysterically laughed in the background. Jinyoung was stunned at her reply. “Jinyoung, you should leave before Sori throws every item in this store at you” Aki said in korean.

“Fine, treat me like a stranger. Treat me like someone asking for directions and sit and talk to me. Direct me out of this mess, will you? Please Sori, can’t I talk to you at least once before I leave the country?” he asked desperately.

Sori stayed silent for a moment, watching Jinyoung’s distressed expression closely. “I’ll be right back…or not… I’ll meet you at home” Sori explained to Aki.

 “Ok, I understand.” Aki nodded her head. “Oh, and Sori…try not hitting him this time” Aki said squeezing Sori’s shoulder, “good luck” She smiled.

“Why are you wishing me good luck for?” Sori mumbled after Aki left.


“You should start first. All I have to say to you right now are swear words” Sori said. They were sitting outside on a bench in the park nearest to Sori’s apartment.

“I don’t know why I thought it would be a good idea to avoid you and treat you the way I did. I was just worried and shocked; I didn’t know what to do in order to keep you by my side. There was no answer so I resorted to that, I’m sorry” He said with his head down.

“I still don’t get it Jinyoung” Sori said.

“Your mom told me that we should break up since you’re not coming back any time soon, and the reality of it was a little hard to handle” He explained.

“Why didn’t you answer my call then, Jinyoung? If you had answered it none of this would have happened! But at the same time, I’m glad you didn’t. I got to see how you act when things don’t go the way you want them to…” Sori said, disappointed.

Jinyoung’s heart sank “Are you saying you’re reassured now since I messed up? So now you can easily throw me away? Because that’s what it sounds like...” Jinyoung said, getting defensive.

“I don’t know Jinyoung, okay? Imagine things went as planned and I went back to Korea but then something else bad happened. How long would we have lasted?” Sori reasoned.

“Have you already forgotten that I waited 3 years for you? I bared through that! You’re always like this when we get into a fight, you can never just forgive me for a mistake and always overreact!” he let out.

“You’re not the only one who waited 3 years! Why are you acting like I should be so grateful to you, as if you sacrificed your life for me. The fame must have really gotten to your head, huh?”

“I’m not saying you should be grateful-“

“And I’m sorry that I don’t forgive people easily, Jinyoung, but that’s who I am and it’ll never change. I probably would have still been with my ex-boyfriend if that weren’t the case. If that’s such an inconvenience to you then go find a robot” Sori said, suddenly standing up. “Why am I even wasting my time talking to you” she said.

Jinyoung quickly stood up and walked in front of Sori and put both of his hands on her shoulders so she couldn’t walk away. “What were you going to say… when you called me?” Jinyoung asked, afraid of the answer.

“Don’t touch me” Jinyoung immediately put his hands down.

“Unlike what you thought Jinyoung, I was going to tell you to wait” Sori began, surprising him. “I mean, what else could I say? I can’t believe you thought I was the type of person to easily break up with you over the phone” She said, disappointed.

“What?” Jinyoung replied. “You mean wait another 20 years until you retire?” he asked confused.

“This company has a branch in Korea, it’s only a matter of time before they send me there, I was going to tell you to wait until that happens“ Sori explained.

Jinyoung felt a jolt in his heart, he wasn‘t expecting Sori to say any of this “I really messed up, didn’t I? …All I’ve done for you is make your life miserable since I came back” Jinyoung said, lowering his head “Yeah you did, big time. But don’t be too sad, you’re a different person now. We don’t match anymore anyway. Let’s just accept it and move on.” Sori said.

“Stop saying that!” Jinyoung gritted. “It’s the truth, go find someone who fits your lifestyle” Sori replied coldly. Jinyoung’s rage rose more and more as Sori spoke. He wanted to scream but instead he pulled Sori and tightly hugged her.

“Jung Jinyoung, do you want me to kick you this time?” she yelled.

“Let me hug you for the last time at least” Jinyoung said through a shaky voice, making Sori stay still. “I’m sorry… I’m really sorry” he repeatedly apologized as he her hair.

After a few moments Sori slowly pulled him away when she felt something wet drop on her shoulder. “Stop crying” she said frustrated. “I don’t want to send you off like this” Sori crouched down on the floor; she didn’t have the energy to stand up anymore. “Why don’t I hate you yet” she sighed.

Jinyoung crouched down in front of her and slowly cupped her face with his hands “If you ever go back to Korea…you have to give me another chance… Don’t forget about me…and don’t see anyone else. If you still love me…you can’t throw me away. Can you promise me that?” he requested.

“We’ll see Jinyoung…” she said in a quiet voice. She stood up, pulling Jinyoung back up with her. “I need to sleep, I’ll see you tomorrow” Sori said tiredly.

“Can- can I come with you?” Jinyoung asked nervously.

“No, go to your hotel.” Sori refused.

“Please, I’m leaving after tomorrow” Jinyoung said desperately. Sori felt bad for him, her heart told her something and her mind told her something different.



“Aki I’m home, you’re fully clothed, right?” she called out from the door.

“Yeah I am, but why?” she yelled from the bedroom. Aki got up and walked to the front entrance “Oh, that’s why” she said, suspired.

Jinyoung bowed his head and greeted Aki. She bowed back, still confused as to why he was there. “What, you two made up in an hour and now he’s sleeping over? I never knew you took things this fast Sori.”

“We didn’t make up, he’s just…I don’t know… just pretend like he’s not here, except make sure you don’t walk around for the next 6 hours” Sori explained.

“There’s only one bed, where is he going to sleep? The master bed will not fit the 3 of us and I am not compromising for your boyfriend...or ex-boyfriend?” Aki said crossing her arms.

“He’s sleeping on the couch, don’t worry” Sori reassured.


“Here” Sori said handing Jinyoung some clothes to change into.

“These…are mine.” He said surprised.

“Yeah, I know. I might have stolen some of your sweaters before you left” Sori admitted.

“That’s where they went…” he laughed. “I should have figured you’d do something like that”

“Yeah…well goodnight Jinyoung” Before Sori could leave, Jinyoung grabbed her hand.

“What, are you hungry? Go make yourself something” Sori said even though she knew he wasn’t.

“No…” he replied quietly. “Do you remember when we unknowingly fell asleep on the couch, and then the members caught us” He smiled in remembrance of the past. 

“Y-yea, why?”

“I actually fell asleep after you did…I did that purposely” Jinyoung confessed. “You think I didn’t know you did it purposely?” Sori laughed. “Then why didn’t you say anything?” he asked. “Because… I didn’t mind it… because I liked you.” Sori admitted. Jinyoung smiled at her reply.

There was a moment of awkward silence that filled the air. “I- I’m going to bed. Goodnight Jinyoung-“

“Wait!” he said, pulling Sori down beside him. He held her hand tightly.

“You’re cutting off my blood circulation” Sori informed. “Oh, sorry” he said, loosening his grip.

They both starred at each other silently, Sori‘s heart gradually began to beat faster. She could feel what was going to happen next.

Jinyoung’s face slowly leaned forward

Should I hit him? Punch him in the stomach again? Sori thought, but she stayed still.

“Sori it’s 2am, what the hell are you doing” Aki groaned. “Oh…” she said awkwardly.

“Aki!” Sori said standing up, relieved.

“I thought you two didn’t make up? You know I could give you two the bed room if you want” Aki giggled.

“Shut up Aki!” Sori said from embarrassment. Jinyoung quietly laughed.

“You too” Sori said turning around, looking at Jinyoung. Sori quickly walked to her room and went to bed.



The next day Namie and Sori, along with the rest of the B1A4 members wrapped up the recording for the album and made sure everything was perfect.

“Sori, did you hear about Aki?” Namie asked suddenly.

“What do you mean? Did anything happen to her?” Sori asked worried.

“No… she got promoted…” Namie said nervously. “I thought you knew about this…”

“Why are you acting so weird? That’s great if she got promoted! I have to go congratulate her” Sori exclaimed as she stood up.

“Sori, she’s being sent to the Korean branch of the company…” Namie cautiously alerted.

“What?” Sori asked. Her heart slowly began to sink.

“Yeah, everyone was shocked when the boss announced it. We all thought he was going to send you but he’s sending Aki instead. I guess since she’s been studying the language for so long they decided to send her but It still makes no sense that she’s going before you” Namie explained.  

Sori was speechless. Jinyoung looked at Sori nervously.

“I’m so sorry… if I hadn’t have left you in charge yesterday, then maybe the boss would have sent you instead. He seemed to have not chosen you because of the fight yesterday… he’s such an !” Namie said frustrated.

Jinyoung could catch the gist of what Namie was saying, and he tried hard to not break down in anger. “It’s all my fault” Jinyoung said. Sori looked at Jinyoung despairingly. “No, it’s mine” Shinwoo said putting his head down apologetically.

“Both of you stop, it’s not your fault, you thinking that only makes me feel worse” Sori said. “I’m…I’m going to go.” Sori said. As soon as she began to walk out the door, Aki walked in with teary eyes.

“Sori, I jut found out… I- I don’t know what to do!” Aki said.

“It’s okay Aki, I’m fine. You should be happy. Didn’t you say you wanted to go to the Korean branch?” Sori comforted.

“With you! I wanted to go with you! Not like this… Sori, don’t worry, I’m going to fix this” Aki said determined.

“No, don’t. I don’t want you getting fired!” Sori said.

“I don’t care… this isn’t fair.” Aki wept.

Sori pulled Aki and hugged her “I’m okay, Aki.” She reassured.

Jinyoung looked upon them helplessly. His anger grew, but it was all directed at himself. I was trying to keep Sori closer to me… But all I’ve done is push her farther a part.



Please don't kill me for the reeeally long chapters.

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Chapter 22: haha good mother^^^! finally :-)
Chapter 20: Oh! What a nutty father she got jeongmal :-(
Chapter 16: So interesting :-P :-P
Chapter 15: ohw~~ i reeeeeally like this story <3
Chapter 8: i really like this kid Dongin hehe
Bigbang101 #6
Chapter 36: The end already? :( Haha, you can already tell I loved the fanfic a whole bunch! You did such an amazing job & every chapter of this fanfic always gets me anticipating for the next chapter! Your writing is very vivid & i just want to tell you that you're a great writer. ^^ Anyways, i'm ready for your upcoming fanfic! >:D
fArhonEy #7
Chapter 36: Waaahhh..... it's the end? congrats author nim. Perharps a sequal?..
BANA911118 #8
Chapter 36: Great job author nim, you really seem like you've been writing for years! I really enjoyed this fic, one of my favorites. Looking forward to your future stories! HWAITING~
Chapter 36: Waaaah. So lovely. Congratulations on finishing your first fic authornim. You did better than I did with my first story. Hahahahahaha. Keep it up! Fighting! Thankyou for letting us join and experience such emotions with your fic. :))