

“S-sori-ah~” Jinyoung sang, trying to act cute and hoping that Sori wouldn’t get mad. “Don’t “Sori-ah” me and answer my question right now before I throw you out of this plane!” She yelled. She was confused as to how exactly Jinyoung was able to get on the plane. “This makes no sense! Did you sneak on or something?” she asked, lowering her voice to a whisper.

“Are you crazy? Your mom really keeps her secrets well…” Jinyoung mumbled.

“What? My... Mom? My mom! ” Sori exclaimed, finally figuring out what was going on.

“You see…your mom offered me a plane ticket to come with you and I decided to accept it…” Jinyoung explained.

“So, you’re telling me that this whole time you knew you were coming with me to Japan but didn’t tell me? What, did it slip your mind or something!?” Sori yelled, feeling a bit irritated.  

“I- I’m So-“

“Were you secretly laughing at me when we were saying those cheesy things to each other yesterday? How could you not tell me?” Sori asked, frustrated.

“Listen to me Sori, I only decided to come with you last night. That’s why I left so early this morning, to pack. I’m sorry for not telling you about the ticket but…I never knew whether I was going to go or not so I didn’t want to make any promises” Jinyoung clarified.

Sori’s expression slowly began to loosen up a bit. She figured that it must have been a hard decision for Jinyoung to make if he hadn’t accepted it right away. She began to feel a little sorry towards him. Jinyoung was struggling by himself in order for her to feel more at ease and she never knew.

But Sori was still curious about one thing “Jinyoung…why did you decide to come?” She questioned. “I don’t mean that in a rude way…I’m happy you’re here. But I’m just…curious.”

“Because, I’ll get to be with you for another week…Even if it’s more painful to leave, it’ll be worth it since I’ll get to se your face and hear your voice for another week” Jinyoung explained. Sori smiled and nodded her head.

“Is your company okay with this? Do they know you’re here…? I really don’t want you to get into more trouble because of me…” Sori worried.

“I’m only staying for a week, so it’s not much of a problem. I told my manager that this would be the last time we’d be able to be together for a long time so they let me go” Jinyoung informed.

“Only for a week… you can’t stay longer?” Sori asked, feeling bittersweet. “Your mom was going to give your father the divorce papers the day you left but she decided to postpone it a week later, just for us…”

“I can’t believe I’m only finding this all out now…thank god this flight is only 2 hours long, I’m going to beat you up once we get off!” Sori raged.

“You’re going to beat up your boyfriend!?” Jinyoung exclaimed.

“I’m going to hook up with the pilot” Sori joked, crossing her arms in attempt to look serious. “You can’t erase what you said yesterday Sori-ah~ you’re not that kind of person to go back on your words” Jinyoung said, grabbing Sori’s hand and pulling her sleeve up “See, you’re even wearing our watch” he smiled and kissed Sori on the cheek.

“You better have booked a hotel, you’re not staying with me” Sori lied, she wanted to see how Jinyoung would react.

“Huh!? You can’t be serious, Sori-ah! I’ll be on my best behavior, I promise.” Jinyoung begged, shaking Sori’s hand back and forth.

Sori burst out into laughter; she couldn’t hold it in any longer. “Idiot, you think I would actually make you stay in a hotel?” She said, continuing to laugh.

“Don’t joke like that!” He scolded.

“Sorry, I’ve gotten so use to teasing you, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop...” Sori half-heartedly apologized.

“You are Kim Sori, after all.”



“Jung Jinyoung, wake up! We’re here.” Sori said, shaking Jinyoung who was sleeping on her shoulder. “Already?” he mumbled, half asleep.

“It’s not like we were on a flight to the US, silly” Sori giggled, pulling Jinyoung up from his seat. “Let’s quickly get our bags and then find a taxi. I want to go to my soon to be home and sleep for a bit. We’ll eat after we both take a nap, okay?” Sori suggested.

“Sounds good” Jinyoung mumbled, still half asleep.



“Wow, this place is huge!” Jinyoung exclaimed as he walked into the apartment.

Sori and Jinyoung had finished bringing all of there bags inside the apartment and were finally able to take a look at it properly. “It's too big… why would my mom rent me such a huge apartment, she knows I like things simple. How am I going to clean this place!?” Sori groaned. “I’ll clean it for you, Sori-ah” Jinyoung said, patting her shoulder. “For the one week you’re here? And then what will I do?” Sori laughed.

“At least it’s furnished, so you don’t need to go through any trouble” Jinyoung said as he looked around.

“Go find a bed room and put your things in them, then get some sleep“ Sori said as she grabbed one of her bags.


“Uh, Sori…” Jinyoung said sounding confused

“What is it?”  Sori asked as she looked through one of her bags for her sleepwear.

“Only one of these bedrooms is furnished.” He said, trying to hide his happiness.

“Huh? But they said the house was furnished! How could they only furnish one bed room?” Sori asked, annoyed.

“I guess since you’re only one person they figured they didn’t need to furnish another bedroom?” Jinyoung reasoned. “But look on the Brightside, you can use the empty rooms to put a piano or something in it” he proposed.

“True, I don’t really need another bed room but I guess that means you’ll have to sleep on the couch” Sori said, trying to maintain an emotionless expression.

“Eh!? Sori-ah~” Jinyoung sang, trying to act cute again. “Don’t even try it Jung Jinyoung” Sori said as she went back to fetch more things from her carryon.

“Sori-ah! We’re practically married, how could you make me sleep on the couch” Sori began to burst out laughing at Jinyoung’s words. “Married?!” she said continuing to laugh. “I thought you were the boring one in the group but I guess you’re funnier than I thought”.

“Don’t laugh! On your hospital papers I wrote that we’re engaged.” He mentioned.

“Nurse Jung told me about that and I almost cried laughing. How could you lie on hospital papers?!  Idiot” Sori said throwing one of her teddy bears at him.

Seeing as Sori wasn’t budging, Jinyoung decided to use another tactic. “Sori, you know I’ve been really stressed lately right? I’ve been working late hours and now my back really hurts…” he said, trying to act serious.

Sori looked up at him and thought for a moment. She decided to stop picking on him “Fine whatever, sleep wherever you want but you better not bother me when I’m sleeping! Sleeping is my second favorite hobby after eating.” Jinyoung smiled at her reply and hugged her. “Don’t think you fooled me though, I know your sneaky ways. I’m just letting you since I know I’ve put you through a lot” Sori said. “Now let’s go to sleep, both of us look like zombies.”



“Jinyoung is there with you!?” Dongin yelled over the phone.

“Lower your voice, you’re on speaker phone and Jinyoung is still sleeping!” Sori said as she unpacked her belongings. “I was as shocked as you are. I should have figured my mom would offer him a plane ticket.”

“Yeah, I’m not really surprised that she came up with all of this. But this is great news! Now you and Jinyoung can see each other for another week… I wish I could come and visit you too…” Dongin said in a sad tone.

“I wish you could come and live with me…but I think that would be considered kidnapping, right? You’re still underage and in no condition to even fly here.”

“Kidnapping? Not if the kid wants to be taken away” Dongin giggled.

“Dongin-ah…when you get better, you should really come here” Sori wished.

“I’ll try my best to get better Sori-ah and come visit you” Dongin promised.

“Oh, I think Jinyoung is awake, I’ll call you again later, Dongin-ah!” Sori said before hanging up.


“Did you sleep well?” Sori asked a half awake Jinyoung. He slowly walked in the living room and plopped himself on the couch. “I think I’m eternally tired” He mumbled. “I think I am too” Sori sighed. “Go get ready, let’s go eat sushi. I’ve always wanted to eat sushi in Japan. I bet it tastes the best here" Sori said a she sat next to Jinyoung.

“Was that Dongin on the phone?” Jinyoung asked. “Why did you hang up, I wanted to talk to him too.”

“Because I’m hungry and I want to eat. Once you two start talking you’ll never stop. Now get off your lazy and get dressed. The members told me that you take forever to get ready and my stomach won’t wait more than 5 minutes for you” Sori said pulling Jinyoung up from the couch and dragging him towards his suitcase.



“This place looks really expensive” Jinyoung said after they ordered their food. They were in one of the many famous sushi restaurants in Tokyo. “You’re only going to be here for a week so I’m going to try to take you to the best places before you leave” Sori wanted the last week they spend together to be memorable.  

“You don’t have to feel burdened about taking me places, as long as we’re together I’ll be happy” Jinyoung smiled.

“Oh right, I start work after tomorrow, since the first couple of days are just training, I should be able to get home early” Sori informed.

“You must be excited to finally start working towards your dream.”

“I’m a little scared though… my Japanese isn’t very good and my ears are still sensitive to loud noises so I’m a little concerned… What if they kick me out?” Sori worried. “Everything will be fine. Once they see how talented you are they won’t even care” Jinyoung comforted.

“I just hope they don’t kick me out before then” Sori laughed. “Food!” she suddenly said as the waiter came with their food.

“Let’s eat away our worries” Sori said as she picked up her chopsticks.

“I’m suppose to be on a diet…” Jinyoung said, as he looked at all the food on the table. There was barely an empty space in sight.  “Diet? Just eat healthy and forget stupid diets if you want to live for a long time” Sori said waving her chopsticks at him in frustration. “Aww, are you worried about me, Sori-ah??” Jinyoung smiled.

“Yes, why else do you think I ordered this much food? Now stop talking and eat. We have to eat all of it”  Sori picked up a piece of sushi and shoved it in Jinyoung’s mouth before he could say anything.

“That’s a good Jinyoung” she said patting his head. “I’m not a dog.” he said.

“I know, you’re a trabbit” Sori said laughing at her own joke, once again.

“You better sleep with one eye open tonight.” He said picking up a piece of sushi and shoving it into .


After they were done eating, Jinyoung signaled one of the waitresses to come over and tried to sneak his credit card into her hand. Sori usually always paid when they ate out so this time he wanted to pay instead. Luckily, Sori was looking at her phone so she didn’t notice.

“Let’s call for the check and then leave. It’s getting late and I’m still tired” Sori yawned.

“Huh? The check?” Jinyoung said nervously. He knew Sori would be mad if she knew that he had paid for all of it. “You- you already paid, don’t you remember? Wow you must be really tired Sori-ah” Jinyoung lied.

“Huh- What are you talking about? I have a good memory, I don’t think I would forget something like that…” Jinyoung immediately got up and took her jacket, “Let’s go, you must be really tired” He said putting her jacket on for her.

As he was zipping up her coat the waitress he had given his credit card to approached him. “-“ he muttered.

“Sir, your credit card. Thank you for eating here, arrive home safely” the Waitress bowed and walked away.

Jinyoung slowly turned his had towards Sori, afraid of her expression. “Jung Jinyoung!” she exclaimed, hitting the side of his head. “Not only did you pay for the meal secretly but you made me think I was going crazy forgetting the things I did or didn’t do” Sori scolded.

“Sori-ah!” he sang hugging her. “You think this “Sori-ah” tactic will work your whole life?” Sori sighed.

 “Sori-ah, I love you.” He said grabbing her hand and pulling her outside. “You’ll see once we get home” Sori yelled back.


“It’s freezing” Sori shivered as she and Jinyoung walked into her apartment.

“Why is their 10,000 yen in my pocket?” Jinyoung said lifting up an eyebrow. Sori hurriedly put her coat away and walked away.

“Sori-ah, why is there 10,000 yen in my pocket?” he asked again, walking up behind her and putting her in gentle a headlock. “Kim Sori!”

“How- how should I know!” She exclaimed. “You must have put it in your pocket yourself but forgot” Sori made up, making Jinyoung laugh.

“You’re using the same lie I made up…couldn’t you have come up with something more original, Sori?” He said shaking his head. “Why waste my brain power, now take your arms off me!” Sori yelled.

“I’m not letting you go until you tell me~” he sang.

“Alright, alright, I put it there! Jeez!” Jinyoung finally let go and turned Sori around, putting both of his hands on each side of her shoulders. He leaned towards Sori and smiled at her “Sori, you know I’m not going to take this money. You’re hurting my feelings now. Just accept that I paid!” he scolded.

“Hey, I’m the victim here!” Sori grumbled, making Jinyoung laugh more. “Victim of what? Victim of a boyfriend who paid for your meal?!” he said continuing to laugh at her.

“Aish, you might have won this round, Jung Jinyoung.” Sori said annoyed. Jinyoung smiled and put the money on the kitchen counter. “You might have won but you’re sleeping on the couch tonight!” Sori grinned at her revenge. “Yah! Kim Sori! You can’t go back on your word!” Jinyoung whined. “Sorry I have bad memory” She said sticking her tongue out. “Sori-ah~” he chirped, hugging her tightly.

“How did I end up with this 5 year old kid?” Sori sighed and eventually gave in.



The next morning Jinyoung woke up from a number of messages being sent, he slowly opened his eyes and turned his head. Sori was nowhere in sight. “She must have gotten up to get groceries…” he thought. “He slowly sat up on the bed and picked up his phone to read the messages he had received.

When he opened his messages he saw that they were all from his manager.

“Jung Jinyoung, what the hell is this! You told me you weren’t going to cause any trouble!”  

his manager wrote. Under the message was a link to a picture. Jinyoung’s tired expression immediately turned into a worried one. He was wide-awake now.



Sorry that this chapter is late, long, and boring. But thank you so much to all the new subscribers!

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Chapter 22: haha good mother^^^! finally :-)
Chapter 20: Oh! What a nutty father she got jeongmal :-(
Chapter 16: So interesting :-P :-P
Chapter 15: ohw~~ i reeeeeally like this story <3
Chapter 8: i really like this kid Dongin hehe
Bigbang101 #6
Chapter 36: The end already? :( Haha, you can already tell I loved the fanfic a whole bunch! You did such an amazing job & every chapter of this fanfic always gets me anticipating for the next chapter! Your writing is very vivid & i just want to tell you that you're a great writer. ^^ Anyways, i'm ready for your upcoming fanfic! >:D
fArhonEy #7
Chapter 36: Waaahhh..... it's the end? congrats author nim. Perharps a sequal?..
BANA911118 #8
Chapter 36: Great job author nim, you really seem like you've been writing for years! I really enjoyed this fic, one of my favorites. Looking forward to your future stories! HWAITING~
Chapter 36: Waaaah. So lovely. Congratulations on finishing your first fic authornim. You did better than I did with my first story. Hahahahahaha. Keep it up! Fighting! Thankyou for letting us join and experience such emotions with your fic. :))