


“She’s stable, so you have nothing to worry about. She seems to have fainted due to shock and lack of sleep” Nurse Jung explained.

“She’ll be okay right? How's her health?” Jinyoung asked worriedly.

“I don’t know if I can tell you specifics…it says here that you’re her fiancé but I know that’s not true, right Jung Jingyoung-ssi?” Nurse Jung smiled at him.

 Jinyoung felt a bit embarrassed “How did you know?” he asked, scratching the back of his head. “I’m her boyfriend, that’s the same thing as being her fiancé, isn’t it?” he continued, grinning.

“Nice try. All I can tell you is that her health is in good condition, her iron is still low but other than that she’s healthy” The nurse reassured.

“Thank you, Nurse” Jinyoung bowed as the nurse left the room.


Jinyoung sat beside Sori’s bed and starred at her worriedly. Her reaction to the news replayed in his head. He thought of other ways he could have told her that could have prevented her from fainting. “I guess I should just be thankful that you fainted in my arms. If you had fainted later, it could’ve have been worse” he whispered. “Sori-ah, I’m not the strongest person…or the smartest person, so instead I’ll be the person who’ll love you the most” Jinyoung Sori’s cheek and leaned over to kiss her forehead. Slowly, Sori’s eyes began to open.


“Sori-ah! Are you alright? How are you feeling? Do you want me to get you some water?” Jinyoung kept asking questions. Sori reached out and held Jinyoung's hand, making him stop. “I’m fine, Jinyoung” Sori reassured in a weak voice. She smiled at Jinyoung’s worried expression.

“You haven’t slept, have you? You look dead tired” Sori felt bad for what she made Jinyoung go through. “he must have been shocked when I fainted…”

“I’m fully awake now that you are” Jinyoung smiled brightly. He didn't want Sori to sense how tired he was so that she wouldn't feel burdened.

“You should get some sleep, I’m going to sleep a little more too” Sori advised, closing her eyes.

Suddenly, Sori felt Jinyoung lay next to her.

“Ya, Jung Jinyoung-"

“Let’s go to sleep, Sori-ah” Jinyoung said, pulling her closer to him. “Your doctor thinks we’re engaged anyways...” Sori laughed and closed her eyes. “You idiot”. They both soon drifted off to sleep.




“Ya! What’s going on here!” A boy exclaimed, shaking Jinyoung, making him wake up.

“Wow, I never knew you two were this close! You’re already sleeping together!” He continued, shaking his head.

“Dongin-ah” Jinyoung chimed. “Do you want to sleep in the middle?” Jinyoung offered, making room.

“Do I look like your child?” Dongin asked, crossing his arms.

“Fine with me” Jinyoung grinned, wrapping his arms around Sori, “more Sori for me-" suddenly, Dongin hopped in between the two, waking Sori up.

“Jinyoung-ah, did you gain weight while- Dongin-ah!” Sori smiled seeing who was next to her. “Sori-ah! I can’t believe you’re cheating on me like this. I’m right in the next room, how could you do this to me?” Dongin joked. “ehh, Dongin you know we were over the moment you gave Jinyoung your blessings” Sori said, patting Dongin’s head.

“Blessing’s? I don’t recall doing such a thing” Dongin pouted. "Oh really? I know you were the one who gave Jinyoung my number AND address!" Sori said.

All three of them laughed until Sori’s phone began to ring. Jinyoung got out of the bed and went to go grab it.

“Who is it?” Sori asked

“Y-your mom…” Jinyoung revealed. “Should I answer it? or do you want to?” Jinyoung asked.

“You…” Sori replied.


“Hello, Mrs. Kim, It’s Jung Jinyoung.”

“Jinyoung-ssi, is Sori with you? Where are you both right now? I need to see Sori.”

“We’re at the hospital, Sori fainted.”

“Yah, don’t tell her!” Sori mouthed to Jinyoung. “Whoops, too late.”

“Hospital!? Why?! What happened? Is Sori okay?” Mrs. Kim asked, concerned.

“She’s fine now… I told her about our meeting. I told her everything that happened. Sori and I made a promise to tell each other everything…” Jinyoung confessed.

“I was going to tell her…but maybe it was better if you did… I’m sorry I made you secretly see me.” Mrs. Kim said, making Jinyoung feel relieved.  “Jinyoung, I really need to see Sori.”

Jinyoung was shocked by her change of tone. She wasn’t speaking rudely anymore…she sounded like she actually cared.

“Why do you need to see her? Will your husband be coming with you?” Jinyoung asked protectively. 

“You’ll find out later. It’ll just be me. I’ll wait in the coffee shop in the hospital” Mrs. kim said before hanging up.


“What does she want?” Sori asked, rolling her eyes. “She wants to see you…I think she’s coming now” Jinyoung alerted.

“She wants to see me? Why?” Sori asked in surprise. 

“To tell you something… I don’t know what she’s going to tell you since I told you everything I know. I guess it must be something important, she sounded serious on the phone” Jinyoung explained.

“I don’t know if I want to see her” Sori said, shutting her eyes.

Jinyoung suddenly remembered something “Sori-ah, there is one thing I forgot to tell you…”

“What is it? is it going to make me faint?” Sori asked, worried.

“No..” Jinyoung walked up to Sori’s hospital bed.

“spit it out!” Dongin exclaimed in anticipation.

“When your father said all those awful things…your mom seemed really upset. She said that we should have some time before we make such big commitments. She seemed to be on our side” Jinyoung revealed. 

“She really said that?” Sori wanted to confirm because it was hard to believe her mom would actually be on her side for once.

“I think they got into a fight after I left. While I was waiting for my manager to pick me up, I saw your mother. She was leaving your house with a suitcase” Jinyoung explained.

“She left?! She actually left? Are you sure…? She must have had a business trip or something….” Sori excused in disbelief.

“I don’t know…she seemed pretty upset. I think you should see her” Jinyoung advised.

“…Alright…I’ll see her” Sori slowly sat up and shifted herself to the edge of the bed.

Jinyoung helped assist her off the bed. “Will you be okay? I can ask her to talk to you here-” Jinyoung suggested.

“No, I don’t want to talk to her while lying on a bed…” Sori refused.

“She doesn’t want to seem weak in front of her mother” Dongin interrfered.

“Ya! Kim Dongin!” Sori softly pushed Dongin’s shoulder.

“I didn’t lie!” Dongin defended.

“You two stop fighting! You both don’t have the energy too” Jinyoung said, putting his arm around Sori. “Let’s go, she said she’d wait in the hospital’s coffee shop. “I think I can walk there by myself” Sori said. She walked slowly by herself but started to feel dizzy a few seconds after. She quickly leaned on the bed side table, making herself stable again. “Just let him help you walk!” Dongin said shaking his head.

“Sori-ah, let’s just go there together, alright?” Jinyoung said, putting his arm around her again.


They slowly walked outside of Sori’s hospital room and made their way to the Hospitals Coffee shop.

“I wonder what she’s going to say…” Sori mumbled…

“Sori… don’t be too harsh on your mom, okay? I know you two are always arguing so it might be awkward but… hear her out first before you get angry” Jinyoung requested.

“Why are you worrying so much? You must be really stressed out over other things too…I’m sorry. I’ll figure out a way to get you out of this mess” Sori promised.

“Don’t worry about me, just worry about yourself for now. As long as you’re safe, I won’t be worried” Jinyoung reasurred.

“Oh- there she is” Jinyoung pointed. Mrs. Kim made eye contact with the both of them and stood up. Jinyoung walked Sori over to her mom and bowed. “I’ll leave you two alone.” Jinyoung said before he left.


Sori slowly sat down after her mother did.


“I hear you left the house, is that true?” Sori interrupted.

“Yes” her mother replied.

“Where are you staying now?” Sori asked.

“A hotel… Sori-ah, Jinyoung told me that he told you everything so I’m not going to put you through that again. What I came to tell you is what we're going to do about it” Sori's mom began.

“You have a plan? What is it? To get me married and pregnant so Dad doesn’t ruin your life anymore?” Sori said, rolling her eyes.

“No! That’s not the plan Sori. Listen to me. I’m sorry for putting you through hell all this time, okay? I’m going to divorce your father and live on my own now. I’ll ruin him so that he won’t be able to touch you anymore” her mother explained.

Sori expression turned from cold to surprised at her mothers sudden declaration. “W-what? You’re going to get a divorce? He’s not going to let that happen. How can you go through all of that on your own? Who knows what he’ll do to stop you” Sori expressed. Sori had always wanted her mother to divorce her father but she wouldn't even dream of it actually happening. This was all so sudden to her, as if the world had changed over night. 

“I have no other choice” Mrs. Kim replied.

“Mom…why don’t you just go live with grandma…I’m sure they’d help you get the divorce settled” Sori cautiously suggested.  She knew it was the last thing her mother would want to do, given the relationship between her and her family.

“Are you crazy?! You think they’d accept me back into the family after all I’ve done?” Mrs. Kim voiced, strongly objecting. She shook her head “I’ll figure it out on my own” she insisted.

“Mom! Face reality, will you? They’re our last hope, the only people who have more power to ruin Dad is your family! After all, they’re the reason why he has any ounce of power in the first place” Sori reasoned, trying to convince her mom, but she wouldn’t budge.  “I- I can’t Sori. Even if I did go back…there’s no way they’d accept me” Mrs. Kim sighed in frustration.

“Apologize to them. If you sincerely apologize, they’ll understand! I know they will! You know they will too, they’re your family!” Sori insisted.

“Sori, you don’t understand how it was when I married your dad!” Mrs. Kim said as she continued to resist Sori’s suggestion.

“Mom…I’ll go with you, okay? We’ll both go together and apologize.” For the first time, Sori grabbed her Mothers hand and held it in hers. She looked straight into her Moms eyes that were slowly going watery “Please mom, let’s go together. I’ll be by your side.”  Sori’s mom looked down and stayed silent for a while.

She finally looked up and wiped away her tears. “Alright, let’s do that.” She said, finally agreeing which brought a smile to Sori’s face.


“But Sori- I still have to tell you one more thing… the main reason I came here was to tell you this...” Mrs. Kim held her daughter’s hands tighter.

“What is it? You’re worrying me again…” Sori asked.

“Since I’m going to start this battle with your Father…I need you to leave the country” her Mother revealed.

“W-what!?” Sori asked, confused.

“Once the fight begins, he’ll be trying to get me to give up. You know how he’s going to do that? By threatening me. He’ll find a way to put you in danger! I can’t have anything happen to you so I need you to just leave until everything is done! I’m going to get a divorce, ruin his company, and put him in jail. After that, we’ll be safe” Mrs. Kim explained.

“I’ll be fine! I can take care of myself!” Sori rejected.

“Sori…let’s say that you manage to dodge everything your father throws at you, what about the other people you love? You think he won’t try to attack Jinyoung or Dongin? Can you take responsibility for them too?” Mrs. Kim reasoned.

“I’ll figure it out. I’ll figure out a way to keep them out of this!” Sori blindly insisted.

“Sori, I know you’re strong, but you’re one person. The only way you can protect them, yourself and I, is to go somewhere your father can’t touch you. I’ll do the rest” Mrs. Kim assured.

“Where would I go? I don’t want to be far away from you! What if something happens to you?” Sori fretted. “Japan, I’ve already found a place for you to stay. I also got you a job at an entertainment company. There, you’ll be able to learn about producing music. It’s a great opportunity” Mrs. Kim revealed explained.

“Japan? Entertainment Company? What are you talking about?” Sori asked, everything was so sudden that she couldn't keep up. “I know you hate getting things off of mere wealth, so I sent in some of your songs and they accepted you. You’ll just be doing the basics and if you’re good you can get promoted” her Mother explained.

“How did you even get ahold of my songs?” Sori asked curiously. “Jinyoung…” Mrs. Kim smiled. “You know, when you lost your hearing, Jinyoung wanted to give you a CD, but he couldn’t. He ended up sending it to me.”

“Jinyoung…that little…” Sori put her head in her palms and sighed at the thought of being so far away from him. “How will I tell Jinyoung I’m leaving…. How will I tell Dongin? Dongin’s in so much pain already, I don’t think I could leave him…” Sori started to get emotional. She quickly wiped away her tears before they could fall.

“Sori, this is life. You have to sacrifice things, not only for the people you love, but also for yourself. I promise, I’ll get this done as soon as possible, and then you’ll be able to live a simple life, like you’ve always wanted. I won’t bother you about marriage or having children anymore, you’ll be able to live comfortably” Mrs. Kim wiped the tears off of Sori’s face.  “Crying doesn’t suit you, smile instead. You don’t want to spend these last days with your friends crying, right? I don’t think Jinyoung will be at ease if he sends you off crying” Mrs. Kim comforted, Sori’s cheek.

“I guess… I just really hate goodbyes…”




Midterms are finally over so i'll hopefully be able to update more frequently now! Thanks to the new subs and for everyone still reading <3

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Chapter 22: haha good mother^^^! finally :-)
Chapter 20: Oh! What a nutty father she got jeongmal :-(
Chapter 16: So interesting :-P :-P
Chapter 15: ohw~~ i reeeeeally like this story <3
Chapter 8: i really like this kid Dongin hehe
Bigbang101 #6
Chapter 36: The end already? :( Haha, you can already tell I loved the fanfic a whole bunch! You did such an amazing job & every chapter of this fanfic always gets me anticipating for the next chapter! Your writing is very vivid & i just want to tell you that you're a great writer. ^^ Anyways, i'm ready for your upcoming fanfic! >:D
fArhonEy #7
Chapter 36: Waaahhh..... it's the end? congrats author nim. Perharps a sequal?..
BANA911118 #8
Chapter 36: Great job author nim, you really seem like you've been writing for years! I really enjoyed this fic, one of my favorites. Looking forward to your future stories! HWAITING~
Chapter 36: Waaaah. So lovely. Congratulations on finishing your first fic authornim. You did better than I did with my first story. Hahahahahaha. Keep it up! Fighting! Thankyou for letting us join and experience such emotions with your fic. :))