A Bad Decision

The Adventure of Colored Fame

/le promoting another apply story

Clash of the Guardians

Hey guys! It's the last day of 2012 (unless you don't live in PST time) and I just want to wish you guys a happy new year! Tomorrow (or today), you will be given a book with 365 blank pages. I hope that in this upcoming year, you will be able to fill up that book wonderful things~

"Well, well, well.. what do we have here?" one of the girls snickered, causing Haejin to raise an eyebrow at her.

Another girl approached her inch by inch, "We overheard your conversation with your other friends... about those backstage passes."

The idol-in-disguise scoffed and crossed her arms, but didn't reply.

"It made us wonder.. Do you guys even deserve those passes?" the group of girls slowly surrounded her, "I mean.. I'm pretty sure that you're nowhere as dedicated as we are.. Your friends even forgot to buy our oppas a congratulatory gift."

"You, on the other hand, remembered to... It's a shame that you came to the bathroom instead of another one of your friends," said a girl standing to Haejin's left, "What we want from you should be guessable by now. Just hand over the backstage pass and we'll leave you alone."

Haejin laughed loudly, and the other girls stared at her bewilderedly, "What's so funny?"

"I''m sorry, but I just can't do that," she smirked at the girl in front of her and raised up her left hand to look at her nails.

The one in front of her scowled, "You're really asking for it, aren't you?"

"There's nothing to ask for from girls like you. No matter how much you search, you won't find a backstage pass on me," Haejin turned around to face the one behind her, narrowing her eyes like an eagle getting ready to strike at its prey, "Plus, you're messing with the wrong girl. I don't think your oppas will be pleased with what you're about to do."

The 5 girls, not really understanding nor caring about what she said, angrily began to close in on her. The first girl to throw a punch was from the side. Then, another girl threw a punch, knocking Haejin to the ground.


"And the winner of this week's Music Bank is," the drumroll began, "SHINee! Congratulations!"

Chaerin and Carmie cheered their lungs out, screaming like wild fangirls and clapping like circus seals. Hweri and Setsuna, on the other hand, glanced at the direction of the public bathroom uneasily. Haejin had been gone for a while now, but still hadn't return yet, causing many worrisome thoughts to come to the leader's mind.

Finally, when Music Bank ended, Hweri and Setsuna rushed over to meet Chaerin, Carmie, and the security guards.

Carmie looked around and furrowed her eyebrows, "Where's Haejin?"

"I'm worried," Hweri paced back and forth, stress written all over her face, "She went to the bathroom a while ago but hasn't returned."

The maknae amongst the 5 present idols widened her eyes in fright, "We need to check up on her right now. I'm scared, eonni.."
So the 5 remaining idols plus 3 security guards rushed off to the public restroom.


Haejin clenched her fists tightly, her knuckles turning purple. Her face was bruised, her lip was bleeding, and she was laying on the floor with several injuries across her waist and legs from the kicks that she had received. If Haejin wasn't an idol, she would've fought back. However, being an idol and knowing the consequences of hurting someone while having an idol status, she took all the blows and only responded with smart remarks, simply praying that her bandmates would come save her soon.

*Hold it in, Gong Haejin.. Just stall some time so that Hweri will come,* she gritted her teeth, refusing to let a groan of pain escape her lips as another foot met with her stomach.

"This girl just doesn't give in, does she?" the idol heard a girl - presumably the leader of this group of sasaeng Shawols - hovering over and snickering, "Just hand it over."

Haejin snickered right back, her tongue sharp but refrained, "I told you, no matter how hard you search, you're not going to find anything. I have nothing to give to girls like you anyway."

"You think you're all that, don't you?" the girl bent down to Haejin and used a figure to lift up the latter's chin, "You won't think the same way about us once we're done with you."

"Neither will your 'oppas'," the disguised idol darkly chuckled, jerking her chin off of sasaeng's finger. A slither of offensiveness flashed through the sasaeng's eyes, but she quickly hid it.

"And anyway, even if you do get the pass from me - which you won't -, who's going to use it? You?" Haejin's finger weakly pointed at the presumable leader, then pointed at the 4 other females, "Then how about you four? You'll just let this selfish have it?"

Caught up by the question, they stopped what they were doing to look at the singled-out female, who looked slightly panicked, but quickly regained herself.

"She's just trying to turn us against eachother. We don't have much time left. Music Bank already ended," she turned her back to them and crossed her arms, "Search fas-"

"Eonni! Eonni!" Chaerin came rushing in, pulling off her hood. Her eyes took a second to adjust to the dim lighting, but widened at the sight of Haejin laying on the ground unconsciously with 5 other females surrounding her. The leader of the sasaeng group's eyes darkened dangerously.

"Well well well.. Looks like another backstage pass just ran to us. Get her too."
Two girls grabbed Chaerin by the arm and she let out a terrified scream that echoed through the walls of the bathroom.

Just then, the rest of Crayon ran onto the scene along with their guards, "Haejin!"

The assaulters' eyes widened in fright as they finally recognized the faces of the female SM idols and their victim, and they let go of Chaerin, who landed indignantly on the marble floor with a loud thud.

Mustering up all of her remaining strength, Haejin sent her attackers a victorious smirk, "I told you that you were messing with the wrong girl. My oppas won't be too happy once they find out that you've hurt their dongsaeng."


March 23rd, 2012

11:43 P.M.

Breaking News: Crayon's Haejin Attacked by Group of Sasaeng Shawols


At exactly 10.32 P.M. tonight, it was reported that Gong Haejin from SM's newest rookie group, Crayon, was admitted into Seoul National University Hospital for severe injuries from an assault by a group of sasaeng SHINee fans. It was said that the members of Crayon disguised themselves and attended the Music Bank concert tonight as part of the crowd. A group of Shawols nearby, not realizing that they were idols in disguise, supposedly overheard their conversation about going backstage after the show, but did not know it was so that dongsaeng Haejin could meet with her SHINee oppas, as part of their new TV show 'You're My Oppa - Idol Version'.

Apparently, to take what they believed were backstage passes, the group attacked Haejin while she was in the restroom. Though nothing is confirmed yet, it is rumored that Haejin has severe injuries all over her body from being repetitively kicked and punched. It is also rumored that Crayon is currently practicing for an upcoming comeback. With such a terrible event happening to the purple member of Crayon, will the group be able to continue their practices? Further updates will be posted as soon as new information is released. Until then, we give our prayers and support to Haejin.

Decided that Haejin needed more love and attention, so the limelight will be on her for a while~
Hope to see you guys again in my next update. Until then, happy new year!

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hihi~ Annie~ didn't know you had a username change too~
but so did i! it's.... bunnyxwarrior, ilovepeachbooboo, luminousstardust... and now seaofstars. lol
KpopAddict28 #2
Chapter 65: Aw what happend to Haejin :(
Shes my Favorite in the story !! :)
And I Love Your Story Super Nice !!
loveless_hikari_gx #3
Chapter 65: Poor haejin
It a good thing crayons got there
I wonder how all of crayons oppas will react :o
Chapter 65: It's good that Haejin didn't fight, it might have caused a lot of trouble. But those sasaeng fans are getting it from me. >:)
Chapter 65: omg... poor Haejin!! *huggles*
i'm glad that she took the blows and reminded herself that she was an idol.
but seriously though, if she weren't an idol, i'm sure she could have taken all of them on!!
now wonder what the company will do and hope that the comeback will be pushed back so she can heal. :O

but yay for more love for haejin~
AegyoAeyoung #6
Chapter 65: Ohhhhhh Haejin is strong because if that was me, those girls were going down XP
great update :D
Keep up the good work :3
loveless_hikari_gx #7
poor haejin trying to control her inner fangirl..
the director is evil!
i wonder if those fangirls will recongise Haejin
Chapter 64: omgomg... shiet's gonna go down! shiet's gonna go down!
please be safe haejin!!
omg... if shiet's gonna do down again, then... things are not gonna look good at all!! :O